It is the same bro but React is for front end single page application which make web more like app and better for user to use compare to laravel blade . but laravel can also use as API for react too. and why people use laravel coZ it is come out first and rich echo system or old project can not migrate
Good, please continue
Thank you
Thank you
សួរស្ដីបង បងអាចប្រាប់ពីឈ្មោះសាលាកាលដែលបងនៅរៀនបានទេ ព្រោះប្រឡងចប់ទី12 ចង់រៀន Web ដូចបងដែល🥰
I am graduated
Brother អាចប្រើ command + shift +5 សម្រាប់ថតវីដេអូនៅ Mac
Yes Thank bro
Hello bro, ខ្ញុំមានសំនួរក្រៅcontentមួយ, phpជាserver language សម្រាប់back-end តែយើងអាចbuild webបានដោយLaravel តើមានខុសអីពីbuild web ដោយប្រើReactJs ដោយFront-end?
It is the same bro but React is for front end single page application which make web more like app and better for user to use compare to laravel blade . but laravel can also use as API for react too. and why people use laravel coZ it is come out first and rich echo system or old project can not migrate