H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche Teaching Dzogchen Meditation

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024
  • H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche Teaching Dzogchen Meditation

Комментарии • 56

  • @je_sinn1190
    @je_sinn1190 3 года назад +33

    One day this video will search by everyone because this treasure will needed at that time in future.
    And who ever get to this video,may holy dharma blessed you🙏

  • @Kadag
    @Kadag  5 лет назад +62

    Here is a rough transcript.
    Please pardon any inaccuracies.
    H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche:
    On the one hand what we call Dharma is very difficult but on the other hand, it's very easy because it all just depends on our own mind.
    So you should search for your own mind
    and look after it
    Don't let your mind get carried along by rising thoughts.
    Cut through your elaborations and conceptualizations of mind
    and allow your mind to relax into its natural state
    Let your mind simply be in your body and allow relaxation to enter into your mind
    What does the state of relaxation feel like?
    It's like the experience of a person who has just finished some exhausting work.
    After laboring long and hard to accomplish their task
    once it is finally over, they experience a blissful satisfaction and are content to simply rest.
    Quite naturally their mind will arrive at a state of calm.
    they are relaxed
    and they will remain relaxed for a while without being caught up in their usual patterns of wild, unimaginable thoughts.
    So following this example you should try to guard and protect your mind even in the midst of all kinds of turbulent thoughts.
    leave your mind in its own natural state
    and relax
    Keep your body still
    and your speech silent.
    Don't think about whether you should do this or that.
    Just settle your mind into a state of relaxation and calm in which there is no chasing after objects
    and no wild and crazy thoughts.
    Instead, you should find yourself in a state that is vividly open and empty, brilliantly clear and deeply relaxed.
    This state of ease is an indication that in mind has arrived at its inherent clarity.
    And it will simply settle itself in that state of clarity
    ...But it won't remain like that for long, something happens:
    a thought rises
    when that rising takes place that your awareness recognize Just as it occurs
    don't think something's gone wrong but recognize the arising as soon as it arises
    and just leave it at that
    with the recognition
    if the mind is just left in its own natural state it becomes pacified
    And all of the rising thoughts naturally subside
    as you leave them they liberate themselves
    It's like waves in the ocean
    they are left to dissolve back into the ocean
    and this is really the only place for them to go
    It's the same with our minds
    When from out of a state of Stillness a movement occurs
    by simply leaving it to follow its own natural course
    it will be liberated by itself
    It will be naturally pacified
    and become clear by itself
    That is how you should practice this
    but if instead, you think, “oh now this thought has arisen! That can’t be right!”
    and you try to stop the thought
    then that itself is just more thinking
    Practicing like that you only risk furthering your own confusion as the Mind follows after objects
    So don't practice that way
    Resting in the recognition without following after thoughts is known as ‘Peacefully Remaining’ because it diffuses or pacifies the power of thoughts
    and enables you to remain in the blissful nature of your own mind
    This is what we call the ‘Practice of Shamata’ in Sanskrit,
    or ‘Calm Abiding’ in English, or ‘Shinay’ In Tibetan
    When you become somewhat familiar with this practice you may experience a state of physical and mental Bliss or ecstasy
    or if you're meditating at night you may experience a state of clarity
    as if daylight had dawned
    Different experiences like these can occur and these are signs that you are cultivating the peace and calm of Shamata.
    There is no fault in seeing these as positive
    but it would be a mistake to become attached to them
    if you just allow them to occur without feeling any attachment towards them
    they can only assist you in your practice and no harm will come of them
    so whatever experiences of bliss or Clarity occur
    there is no need to grasp at them with attachment
    and no need to suppress them either.
    Simply allow them to dissolve naturally.
    You could also have the experience of what is known as the absence of thought
    this is a dark dull and drowsy state in which there is no awareness whatsoever
    you're not quite asleep but you're in a blank dullness
    this experience of an absence of thought does involve some calm abiding but there are no arising thoughts but no mine's know they're not any of Minds inherent clarity.
    This is because you have drifted into the alya, the all ground consciousness.
    And you will need to alert yourself and awaken from it
    In order to clear it away
    straighten your body
    exhale the foul air
    and focus your awareness in the space in front of you
    otherwise, if you remain in such dullness
    your meditation will be ineffective and will never evolve at all.
    This experience of the absence of thought is a fault in meditation and it must be cleared away whenever it occurs.
    Then it is also important to sharpen your awareness.
    Practicing like this is the way to develop calm abiding.
    When the mind is resting naturally and at ease in its own unaltered state
    that is referred to as the Stillness of Meditation.
    If a thought arises out of this state of Stillness
    that is called Movement.
    That which knows when mind is in a state of Stillness and recognizes any movement is your awareness or Rigpa
    These are known collectively as
    Ngajukrigsum the three states of Stillness Movement and Awareness.
    As a beginner, unless you do this practice formerly in proper meditation sessions you won't be able to remain at peace,
    but once you become more familiar with it
    you will be able to remain undistracted even while you are walking about
    and when you are sitting
    you will be able to remain sitting
    without becoming distracted from awareness
    you should apply the practice to whatever you do and then it will gradually develop and improve
    Was that okay?
    So Shall we practice a little meditation together?
    (Take Five)
    When we rest for a while in the natural state it's called meditative equipoise
    This is what we refer to as a formal session of meditation
    Then when we rise from that state and we resume our normal everyday activities such as
    walking about sitting reciting prayers or mantras and so on
    all activities such as these fall into the period of post-meditation.
    Meditation refers to the period After you have Arisen from a formal meditative equapoise
    If you are able to maintain an awareness of the present moment without losing it throughout the post-meditation period you will quickly gain stability in your formal meditation.
    So you should try to guard this awareness and never lose it.
    In meditative equipoise we allow the mind to settle calmly into its own nature like the ocean unruffled by the wind then when a thought arises as an expression of mind's energy and a change occurs that Rising takes place upon the Mind itself mental distraction is only a movement or a change that takes place within the mind whatever turbulent thoughts arise if you allow the mind to settle into its own nature they will pacify themselves just like waves in the ocean dissolving back into the ocean that is how to practice in your formal meditation
    In the post-meditation includes the activities of eating sleeping walking around resting someone you shouldn't just jump up like a startled rabbit the movie just finished your phone will meditation get up slowly and then if you need to leave your home and go outside with your body relaxed and your mind at ease Focus your gay is lightly a few feet in front of you on the ground what about a plows legs and woke length it is sad in the teachings and walk calmly
    So your mind is not Disturbed
    As for how you should act when encountering other people it is said when I look upon another being made my day is the oldest and filled with love met my gaze be honest and filled with love so when you encounter someone, gaze at them straightforwardly and honestly from a stage of natural calm
    Look at them with a sincere and loving gaze if your mind is loving and you have brought a cheetah then that will lend a particular expression to your gaze convey an atmosphere of peace and calm so are you hooking other beings so when you look at other beings look at them honestly and with love
    When you talk don't just chatter away meaninglessly that whatever comes to your mind speak truthfully and gently in a way that suits your listeners and is agreeable to them
    When you eat don't make all kinds of noises like a cow chewing its cud or a dog gobbling up its dinner Eat & Drink calmly and mindfully in a state of natural relaxation.
    And when you go to the toilet find a suitable location to do it in one that is hidden from other people and away from popular gathering places and sacred sites such as temples
    When you go to sleep, lie down gently and in a relaxed way then pray to the master and the three jewels the Buddha Dharma and Sangha that is how to fall asleep with your mind at ease and in a state of Prayer
    And then when you wake up, bring your three jewels and your master clearly to mind and get up in that state of devotion in this way it is said that devotion should arise in your mind just as you yourself are arising.
    Then throughout out all of your daily activities walking resting eating or sleeping nobody should be relaxed your body should be relaxed you should move calmly and slowly your speech to should be calm with as few words as possible and yet disciplined Pleasant to the ear and agreeable to the mind.
    If you act like this then all of your daily activities will Accord with the teachings then most important of all your mind will be in accord with the Dharma
    Here in this context, the Dharma means taming our minds pacifying all of our disturbing emotions.

  • @buddhaexhumed9922
    @buddhaexhumed9922 3 месяца назад +3

    Perfect. For the last five days I have been meditating near the spot where Buddha's foster mother attained Parinirvana. What better place. Imagine it. All the greats sat around where I sat looking on and helping Prajapati Gautami attaining Parinirvana. The spot is lovely and serene on the banks of the Ganges. Wow. The Buddha watched on, Sariputra and Mogallana watched on, Kassapa, Bhaddaji and the other disciples watched on, Visakha and Amrapali watched on, Theri Uppalavana watched on and helped Prajapati Gautami to have her last bath. The five hundred nuns were sitting around meditating. It took time. I was on that spot imagining that scene through my monkey mind as I tried to meditate. Namo Buddhay. Namaste. I hope to one day take you to Maha Prajapati Gautamies Parinirvana stupa so that you can meditate there where the Buddha sat meditating while his foster mother slowly passed away.

  • @sonamtenzin2690
    @sonamtenzin2690 Год назад +8

    How fortunate to get hold of such teaching. May it benefit all sentient beings.

  • @shaktitribeus
    @shaktitribeus 2 года назад +8

    This is my teacher's teacher, and so precious to our community. Thank you for publishing this!

  • @p.gyaltsen30
    @p.gyaltsen30 Год назад +6

    The perks of having internet ....
    Got to hear our gurus voice .....

  • @kf4776
    @kf4776 Год назад +4

    Wow! How lucky am I today! May all beings benefit!

  • @kalle9610
    @kalle9610 3 года назад +10

    Blessed Being 🙏❤️ Thank you for sharing this wonderful video. Dzogchen The greatest treasure The gift that keeps on giving ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

  • @ClaudiaReyes-it6ej
    @ClaudiaReyes-it6ej Год назад +2

    El lama dubjom un gran lama y bendito maestro y erudito grande de verdad

  • @nyennestils5339
    @nyennestils5339 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you for the Dudjom Tersar Lama la!

  • @pokemax0104
    @pokemax0104 Год назад +1

    Perfectly explains Dzogchen in a way anyone can understands. No wonder HH Dudjom Rinpoche was the leading exponent of Dzogchen!

  • @thierrypoget5151
    @thierrypoget5151 Год назад +1

    Pratiquant bouddhiste depuis 1983, par un groupe de méditation à Lausanne en Suisse, qui suivait Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoché. A travers l'écrit "Nouvelle voie pour l'éveil", éditions Spinelle, je propose un nouveau protocole de méditation-visualisation jamais usité depuis plus de 3000 ans, permettant l'éveil abrupt, que j'ai obtenu par l'intuition, le 14 octobre 2017. J'ai suivi quelques années Sogyal Rinpoché, dont Dudjum Rinpoché était son principal Maitre. Mon dernier Maitre fut, et est encore, bien je ne l'ai pas revu depuis 2016, Sa Sainteté Sérénissime Ganteng Tulku Rinpoché.

  • @rinzinnorbu5009
    @rinzinnorbu5009 6 месяцев назад

    Thank You For posting this video.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @joanmarietsultrimparkin1821
    @joanmarietsultrimparkin1821 4 года назад +3

    Precious lama rinpoche...each libe is an amazing jin gyi lop... oh thank you dougal lamafor asking...

  • @paulaproenca6168
    @paulaproenca6168 3 года назад +2

    Like a Treasure in the palm of a hand

  • @BenTrem42
    @BenTrem42 2 месяца назад

    Thanks for this, but ... and I do appreciate your interpretation ... not simply a translation?
    stay well

  • @Kobe29261
    @Kobe29261 3 года назад +3

    Priceless - minutes into it and its paying dividends. The path demands application, even exhaustion!
    This is 'obvious' only after one realizes it! You can't live a life of idleness and attain/enter into rigpa!

  • @stud000000079
    @stud000000079 Год назад +1

    A gem of a video

  • @tseringtashi764
    @tseringtashi764 Год назад

    Amazingly imppresive, sadhu,sadhu!.

  • @MladyStarlite
    @MladyStarlite Месяц назад +1


  • @veraruschel630
    @veraruschel630 3 месяца назад

    ❤ obrigada!!!!!!

  • @ommanipadmehum3143
    @ommanipadmehum3143 4 года назад +4

    For the liberation of all sentient beings

  • @dorjeylamo9972
    @dorjeylamo9972 10 месяцев назад

    Profound appreciation

  • @nukustudio6882
    @nukustudio6882 3 года назад

    Thank you Honorable Rinpoche. I have also found it difficult to understand Karma. I did think pacification had to do with pacifying the mind.

  • @irenan6585
    @irenan6585 3 года назад

    Thank you!

  • @josegustavoparreira2811
    @josegustavoparreira2811 3 года назад

    🙏🙏🙏 thank you!!!

  • @thsekylhamo2341
    @thsekylhamo2341 3 месяца назад


  • @ama6103
    @ama6103 9 месяцев назад


  • @ugyendema2775
    @ugyendema2775 2 года назад


  • @delekgyatso8959
    @delekgyatso8959 3 года назад

    Tsaway lama khen skabsucheo

  • @tenzinchophel9235
    @tenzinchophel9235 3 года назад

    Chabje rinpoche khenno

  • @Interspirituality
    @Interspirituality 5 месяцев назад


  • @richcronshey8886
    @richcronshey8886 Год назад


  • @dawachozom5472
    @dawachozom5472 Год назад


  • @ftz9525
    @ftz9525 2 года назад


  • @tianyinjia
    @tianyinjia Год назад +1

    What a pity that awful person Sogyal Lakar is in this video of a great master.

    • @leonrossiter1829
      @leonrossiter1829 27 дней назад

      Without Sogyal Rinpoche, there would be no video....SR made it

  • @tseringtashi764
    @tseringtashi764 Год назад

    Amazingly imppresive, sadhu,sadhu!.

  • @YeshiWangmo-fg5kv
    @YeshiWangmo-fg5kv Год назад


  • @GadenNyonpa
    @GadenNyonpa Год назад


  • @jigmenamgyal7175
    @jigmenamgyal7175 2 года назад
