Park ki young vs Yun sung vs Sohyang (F#5-C6) korean titans

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @JH-oj4hw
    @JH-oj4hw Год назад +36

    They're all great!! But SoHyang is special to me!!

  • @acervosohyang
    @acervosohyang Год назад +38

    Sohyang has a far better technique supporting up to C6🔥

  • @shingo336
    @shingo336 Год назад +21

    Sohyang is a living legend!

  • @Min_Kim99
    @Min_Kim99 3 месяца назад +1

    6:26 Upon this Rock 어디서 공연하신걸가요...

  • @Tzuyuuu.
    @Tzuyuuu. Год назад +28

    Queen Sohyang. Is that even a question?

  • @Miracle0_0
    @Miracle0_0 Год назад +15

    Sohyang B5 while walking 😱

  • @kinkin1596
    @kinkin1596 Год назад +29

    They are ALL superb in their own style and everybody hits the note on point. The differences I saw in the video is each singers has different approaches in hitting those really big notes; Park Ki Young and Yun Sung is more on head dominant mix while So Hyang is more on balance mix

    • @tiagosilvasilveira
      @tiagosilvasilveira Год назад

      Os agudos da outra mulher são muito ardidos, não dá pra ouvir com o volume alto 😂

    • @affandiidris1771
      @affandiidris1771 Год назад +1


    • @Yeorri101
      @Yeorri101 4 месяца назад

      Actually, Sohyang "was" balanced because she's changing approach to heady ones nowdays 😢
      I think the turning point was between 2023 - 2024

    • @sandy_carpetsthesecond5013
      @sandy_carpetsthesecond5013 7 дней назад

      Actually, it's the opposite for Yun Sung.
      The reason why she sounds more heady is because Sohyang uses a buttload of twang which makes her sound chestier, even if she's heady. Plus, her mouth is a lot larger, which gives her more tonal freedom overall, so she can really shape the sound into whatever she wants without losing quality, and with more volume. Yun Sung, on the opposite hand, drags more fold contact up and closes the upper areas of her throat to create more back-pressure on the vocal folds to keep them in position. It's also why there's so much lightness uptop for Yun Sung, too. Because she's using back-pressure, the vocal folds don't have as much freedom to stretch or thicken, so you kind of end up with a flip, because the vocal folds have to rely on one dominant muscle to keep the sound together.
      Sohyang keeps her mix pretty even from the top to the bottom. She doesn't really adjust her sound or ratios when belting different, which is one of the reasons why she loses her presence down at C, but sounds so powerful up top. Her mix ratios aren't balanced, just consistent through her range, it just sounds chesty because of the twang.
      And Park Ki Young sings around, or on the voice crack (if she's tryna bring in distortion) and uses her larynx position to change the quality of the sound. She'll sound super bright or super cold at times depending on where her larynx is positioned.

  • @woodywood-cw7wn
    @woodywood-cw7wn Год назад +12

    love sohyang the queen

  • @So.Hyang.
    @So.Hyang. Год назад +10

    3 QUEENS

  • @Yugyobear
    @Yugyobear Год назад +8

    5:47 소향님 걸어다니시면서 B5....

    • @Min_Kim99
      @Min_Kim99 3 месяца назад +1

      ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 착시현상아니죠?? 놀래라

  • @satsukikiryuin4783
    @satsukikiryuin4783 Год назад +5

    All of them are immensely powerful in their own style but my favourite is Sohyang

  • @helloyou2253
    @helloyou2253 Год назад +11

    Sohyang ofc but they still good

  • @Volibear_
    @Volibear_ Год назад +5

    ParkGiYong and Sohyang is best friend each other.😊

  • @Peter-yj8fj
    @Peter-yj8fj Год назад +5

    Sohyang all day long❤

  • @sohyangedits1599
    @sohyangedits1599 Год назад +9

    1:02 I think that's her best G5

  • @shh4874
    @shh4874 Год назад +17

    Sohyang was literally the only one here with fancams videos too💀 well that says a lot lol

    • @crazyr2113
      @crazyr2113 Год назад

      But that's the video editors fault (ngl sohyang's my favourite as well but let's be fair). There are busking videos on the street from Yun Sung where she sounds exactly the same (and great and they're quite recent). Same for Park Kiyoung who has good concert fancams as well.

    • @crazyr2113
      @crazyr2113 Год назадвидео.html

    • @shh4874
      @shh4874 Год назад

      ​@@crazyr2113well I am saying this based on this compilation and a lot of other videos where they keep using fancams for Sohyang and televised edited performances for others lol. This is not a shade towards the maker of this video tho. Just my observation. Also it kinda throws me off because the volume on these clips keeps changing so I think it's better to use either all fancams, or all broadcasted versions.

    • @starsohyang5574
      @starsohyang5574  Год назад +2

      @@shh4874 It's very difficult to find fancams of the other two ladies, at first I wanted to do just fancams but there's no material at least I didn't find it mainly from yunsung.

    • @sandy_carpetsthesecond5013
      @sandy_carpetsthesecond5013 7 дней назад

      I mean, when I searched up Yun Sung a few years ago when I was watching a different compilation (Sohyang vs Yun Sung) I didn't actually see many performances. I think most of her available performances are on TV shows, so I don't actually think she's that well known.

  • @MoustafaSElHassan21
    @MoustafaSElHassan21 Год назад +5

    Sohyang with her support up To C6

  • @tiagosilvasilveira
    @tiagosilvasilveira Год назад +10

    As duas cantam bem, mas a Sohyang canta com a ALMA, e o Timbre dela é muito melhor

  • @sonnetfan3302
    @sonnetfan3302 Год назад +7

    2 people are doing well, but the notes are not compressed like Queen Sohyang's.

  • @검빛달
    @검빛달 9 месяцев назад +4

    계속 듣고싶은 고음은 없네요
    소향은 반인반신 이나까 제외

  • @최이슬-b7n
    @최이슬-b7n 4 месяца назад +1

    역시 소향은 안정적이고 귀에 자극을 주지 않아

  • @sushisin377
    @sushisin377 Год назад +3

    All are amazing

  • @Hopefully_Sohyang
    @Hopefully_Sohyang Год назад +5

  • @Nakano42Tonatey
    @Nakano42Tonatey Год назад +1

    Too bad Son Seungyeon doesn't hit notes above F#5 that much or she would have been in these videos.

  • @tiagosilvasilveira
    @tiagosilvasilveira Год назад +7

    Sohyang pode ir mais alto 😂

    • @starsohyang5574
      @starsohyang5574  Год назад +2

      A park é a que vai mais agudo ela vai até G6 em mix porém a diferença que a sohyang tem notas apoiadas é ressonantes em toda sua faixa 5 oitava e no começo da 6. As outras duas são tensas yun sung é consistente até Eb5/E5 é a park até Eb5 tbm
      E tbm elas são mais voz de cabeça já o da sohyang é mais balanceado de peito

    • @tiagosilvasilveira
      @tiagosilvasilveira Год назад +1

      @@starsohyang5574 a voz da outra mulher é muito ardida dói os ouvidos... Tu é brasileiro??? Kkkkk

    • @starsohyang5574
      @starsohyang5574  Год назад +1

      @@tiagosilvasilveira sou sim kkkk aliás acho que te vi no insta um dia no perfil novo da sohyang não lembro kkkkk

    • @tiagosilvasilveira
      @tiagosilvasilveira Год назад

      @@starsohyang5574 haha legal

    • @starsohyang5574
      @starsohyang5574  Год назад +2

      @@tiagosilvasilveira não tem muitos fãs da sohyang brasileiros temos que fazer amizade kkk😹 me chama no insta @http.hiw

  • @routetmarihamadafan7352
    @routetmarihamadafan7352 Год назад +3

    may i ask why did you use 1 clip for every note by park ki-young and yun seong, but 2 clips for sohyang? isn't it unfair?

    • @GuinevereYT
      @GuinevereYT 7 месяцев назад +4

      Since sohyang hit those notes more than both park kiyoung and yun seong

  • @이상호-z3f
    @이상호-z3f Год назад +11

    괴성 vs 노래9단
    괴성쪽은 듣기거북하넹ㅋ

    • @미어캣-n3o
      @미어캣-n3o 11 месяцев назад

      이름은말안하겠지만 악플 역겹네 인성차이가심하네
      악플쪽은 뇌가 거북이넹ㅋ