DR WHO'S ANXIETY SIMULATOR (Inferno ft. DantheManIamIam)

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2023
  • Watcing Inferno in an inferno. This just doesn't quite work, huh.
    Send all hatemail to Dan's twitter, not me: / capstain259
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Комментарии • 53

  • @tenacious3911
    @tenacious3911 8 месяцев назад +6

    The most important question about the parallel Earth has yet to be answered: which Liz Shaw dyes her hair?
    In all seriousness though, even in the expanded universe stuff that suggests the Doctor's counterpart _was_ indeed the chap on the poster; the point of divergence was said to be the assassination of Oswald Mosley by a government conspiracy; British fascism had its martyr and if it hadn't been the naughty Doctor it would have been someone else.

  • @AndrewLuke
    @AndrewLuke 8 месяцев назад +5

    "Nerd culture and its often cavalier relationship to fascism." He went there, he went there, one punch!

    • @Mr_Bunk
      @Mr_Bunk 4 месяца назад +1

      Not quite. He was going somewhere by pointing out the subtext of UNIT’s problematic militarism in this story, but then went right off the rails and character-assassinated UNIT and the Brig because ‘literally anything military always equals fascism’, apparently (the mere existence of the Red Army must blow their minds). Nerd Culture does have an issue with radical ideologies, it’s true, but fascism is tunnel-visioned so much in that discussion that the other side of the nerd-sphere often falls into the trap of its ideological opposite, and all of a sudden the debate is carried by an agenda whose only difference to fascism is its stated opposition to it.

  • @wingshad0w00982
    @wingshad0w00982 8 месяцев назад +3

    “I think of the pirate planet too it’s not an indicator of quality”
    No, I really do think it is an indicator of quality

  • @ivanarnerich
    @ivanarnerich 8 месяцев назад +4

    Weirdly, I think I like Inferno because it's basicly the first text I saw as a child that I activly sought out and saw how bad facism was. Crazy take but I really think 12 year old me benifited from the goofy monsters to break up the very real facism. So I supose, in that incredibly small nieshe, I like this story. I then went on to watch the rest of the Pertwee era and it slipped down my rakings REAL QUICK so there's that!!

  • @DantheManIamIam
    @DantheManIamIam 8 месяцев назад +13

    Since I’ve made my grand debut with perhaps the biggest contrarian take in the Who fanbase, I want to extend an olive branch to the comments: if Inferno is your favorite Pertwee story, why?
    What is it that makes this story not just good, but better than the likes of The Silurians, Curse of Peladon, The Green Death, The Time Warrior, or any of the bona fide masterpieces of the Pertwee era?
    Not trying to be confrontational here I am genuinely curious.

    • @tskmaster3837
      @tskmaster3837 8 месяцев назад +6

      It's my favorite Doctor Who story period, not just Pertwee. I think of it as a cosmic horror story that doesn't have a dark elder God-Alien or brief glimpses of the Abyss. It's just the Earth's inner core and Man's Hubris. "'Oops'", says the Scientist as the World ends."
      Some people think the selling point is the Fascist Parallel world but that is a just a sideshow, a subplot like the Beasts of Unevolution; It's a story telling device to let the audience know what the stakes are by destroying the world and then GO BACK a half hour to NOT DESTROY the world... in a show about Time Travel where that type of action is "frowned upon by the production staff". But if it's a parallel world then that's OK... because.
      The reason why it works is because it IS the Third Doctor. There's no escape, there's no "When I say Run, Run" option. It's pretty ingenious since the only reason the Doctor is there because he's trying to escape Earth by getting the Tardis working again but once that fails and he watches the other world burn, he stops running... until the world is saved and then it's his turn to have his HUBRIS shoved in his face when he goes back to running away.
      Wow, the best Doctor Who story has complex themes and motivations, what a burn.
      Additional: It has the best sound design of television period. I absolutely love it as it is supposed to stress you out, the characters out, the situation out. If you can't stand the Inferno, stay out of the lab.

    • @darynvoss7883
      @darynvoss7883 8 месяцев назад

      I'm not going to say it is my favourite but I suspect I like it better than you. It IS too long and there are probably too many sub-plots but it _is_ a really early televised multiverse story, the tension is high, the stakes are palpable, and there's something cool about bizarro UNIT.

    • @DantheManIamIam
      @DantheManIamIam 8 месяцев назад

      @@darynvoss7883 The fact that it's an early example of the trope, likely even formative for old fans, is definitely an angle.
      I've compared it to the X-Men Days of Future past story; a story that doesn't do a lot for me, but I have to remember that for readers back then had never seen a bad end story like this. But that brings up the issue of a story holding up vs. a story having historical importance. What I struggle with is how much leeway you give a story because it was formative. If it can't affect me the way it did a 1970's audience than what do I do with that? Especially given the number of classic stories that CAN affect me just as they did someone in their time period.
      I don't bring these questions up to be dismissive, I genuinely find that it's a barrier worthy of consideration and I absolutely do not have an answer for it.

    • @DantheManIamIam
      @DantheManIamIam 8 месяцев назад

      @@tskmaster3837 Something I forgot to bring up in the commentary is that the story is based on real events of an attempt to drill through the Earth's crust that was mysteriously scuttled without explanation.
      That part of the story really gives it an edge as existential horror, the speculation of what happened there and the possibility that man actually is capable of unleashing forces it wasn't meant to interfere with. I praised the story for it's more tangible stakes and that is absolutely part of the reason why. The fear is palpable in a way only stories from this period where science was making progress faster than the general populace was comfortable with.

    • @thomasjanssen7387
      @thomasjanssen7387 8 месяцев назад +1

      Great Video from both of you. I loved hearing your thoughts.
      I haven't seen Inferno or any other 3rd doctor stories in a long time (I ought to fix that!), but I do love this story despite it's flaws (I don't know if I'd call it my favorite though). I think it is the only major parallel universe story in the televised classic series, so it really stands out among hundreds of other Doctor Who episodes in my mind. It's also fun to see the similarities and differences between familiar characters and their fascist counterparts.
      It's not often that you see the world literally go to hell in Doctor Who. Usually the Doctor has everything completely under control and saves the day. When it does occasionally happen, the action usually takes place off earth (like Caves of Androzani), or it is undone in the end (like Last of the Timelords). Because Inferno is set in a parallel universe, the story can afford to "break the rules" because in a meta sense the fascist inferno universe and the people in it are expendable - the Doctor technically only needs to save his universe in the end. So you get a somewhat sadistic story where the Doctor completely fails to stop the destruction of a parallel earth and every character he meets dies a horrible death - inside a story where the Doctor saves everyone on his earth like normal. I think this dichotomy is what fascinates me (failing to save a universe, then using that experience to save a universe) - I can't think of another Doctor Who story that does this type of thing.
      I tend to be very forgiving towards Classic Who, but maybe I should try a rewatch now that I'm older. (Especially because I forgot that the Doctor doesn't actually save his universe - as you both pointed out in this video)

  • @cinemagoose
    @cinemagoose 8 месяцев назад +2

    For some reason I started my journey on classic who with season 7 (I went back and am currently on 5), so this was one of my first episodes and therefore one of my favorites.

  • @najawin8348
    @najawin8348 8 месяцев назад +8

    Sam. They're vampires, not werewolves. That's Yssgaroth taint. C'mon.

  • @DantheManIamIam
    @DantheManIamIam 8 месяцев назад +3

    Don’t think I missed that description, Sam.
    Revenge will be a dish best served in the Deep.

  • @Jogproof
    @Jogproof 8 месяцев назад +2

    I am so glad Dan brought up the that it isn't a Mirror Universe because before I watched it I believed it because of fan content but it's very much not and I really hate the idea that it's an evil Doctor because it really takes the agency of humanity acting like we need his intervention to become more fascist when if you took out the Sci-Fi it is a realistic Alternate timeline

  • @thevacuumofcomments2946
    @thevacuumofcomments2946 8 месяцев назад +5

    Between this and Time Monster are all the Pertwee tracks going to have... similar subject matter in the last few seconds?

  • @darynvoss7883
    @darynvoss7883 8 месяцев назад +3

    I'm rewatching S7 rn, for the first time in ages. There are some great concepts but yeah there is no need for these seven-parters. They should have made Silurians, Ambassadors and Inferno all five parts long and come up with another five parter to fill the episode count.
    OTOH I understand the budgetary constraints. It's probably more cost efficient to make fewer but longer stories.

  • @BobTheBob9
    @BobTheBob9 3 месяца назад

    i do like inferno but i really wouldn't mind a shorter cut, definitely doesn't need all of it

  • @brewster_4
    @brewster_4 8 месяцев назад

    I remember getting this one out from the library as a kid, and just being bored through it. I just gave up after part 4, and went to do something else. I still haven't ever watched the rest of it.

  • @bridgetgame
    @bridgetgame 8 месяцев назад +1

    Cool vid your content is always great!

  • @ms.antithesis
    @ms.antithesis 8 месяцев назад +3

    I fucking love inferno but like most classic who iconic stories, realistically did it have to be that many parts?

    • @DantheManIamIam
      @DantheManIamIam 8 месяцев назад +3

      Sadly it was a command from the network so nothing much that could be done about it. I will give them that that are far worse paced 6-7 parters, particularly in the Troughton era.

  • @ms.antithesis
    @ms.antithesis 8 месяцев назад +4

    You made me want to write a story where the brigadier is a stand in for Winston Churchill and the genocide of the sillurians is a stand in for the many genocides he approved? Because that sounds like a great story that would also piss off like everyone..

    • @najawin8348
      @najawin8348 8 месяцев назад

      Nah, Attlee was PM during the Nakba.

    • @ms.antithesis
      @ms.antithesis 8 месяцев назад

      @najawin8348 what do you mean nah?

    • @najawin8348
      @najawin8348 8 месяцев назад

      @@ms.antithesis Pretty sure the general line is that The Silurians is an allegory for the Israel/Palestine conflict - Hulke being a card carrying communist and all. (Though I maintain it's a horrible one that ends up not being representative of the conflict at all.) Attlee was PM during 1948, when the Nakba happened.

    • @ms.antithesis
      @ms.antithesis 8 месяцев назад

      @najawin8348 yes but Churchill is the more well known genocidal leader and the one either the most historical discussion about him which would be a more interesting point to look at given discourse about his in recent years

    • @najawin8348
      @najawin8348 8 месяцев назад

      @@ms.antithesis Oh, I agree on the bit that Churchill was awful. I just think you're mixing metaphors.

  • @ms.antithesis
    @ms.antithesis 8 месяцев назад +4

    Can't believe I use to hate you your content is v good

  • @TheDanishGuyReviews
    @TheDanishGuyReviews 8 месяцев назад +6

    I've been told Inferno has great dialogue. Too bad there's no way to know that without subtitles.

  • @Jedi_Spartan_38
    @Jedi_Spartan_38 6 месяцев назад +1

    Recently watched (or rewatched, can't remember if I watched it when the Horror Channel was showing Classic Who around the time of the 50th) and I really dislike Inferno... I have no idea why it's so popular.

  • @stephenbutterfield
    @stephenbutterfield 8 месяцев назад

    Always watching and protecting!

  • @jedisalsohere
    @jedisalsohere 8 месяцев назад +1

    Who Killed Kennedy is amazing but the worst part is when they bring back fucking Greg

  • @stephenbutterfield
    @stephenbutterfield 8 месяцев назад +1

    i am solider of davis!!!

  • @mrmarkporter
    @mrmarkporter 8 месяцев назад

    I think I find inferno interesting for its sense of branding. It doesn't go as far as Flux, but it does have more of a distinct visual identity than many doctor who serials

  • @DokkaChapman
    @DokkaChapman 8 месяцев назад

    It's okay guys, I'm not a fan of this story either. I think it's cause people focus on the alternate universe aspect and not the whole "it's just people arguing" for most of it. Plus it made Liz's appearance in the show very short as we mostly see the alt. version of her in the story.

  • @sacrificiallamb4568
    @sacrificiallamb4568 8 месяцев назад +1

    Wait, mutant ooze and a lack of free will? Are we sure you didn't accidentally put an episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on?

  • @brendanokeeffe220
    @brendanokeeffe220 8 месяцев назад

    Honestly Pertwee's best was The Mind of Evil.

    • @DantheManIamIam
      @DantheManIamIam 8 месяцев назад

      Oooh nooo that’s the other beloved Pertwee story that I don’t click with.

  • @najawin8348
    @najawin8348 8 месяцев назад +1

    Pity comment

  • @sacrificiallamb4568
    @sacrificiallamb4568 8 месяцев назад

    I rewinded at around 8:26 to 8:18 by accident. A funny mistake.

  • @tarponpet
    @tarponpet 8 месяцев назад +1

    Here's your little comment, enjoy it, as a treat.

  • @ms.antithesis
    @ms.antithesis 8 месяцев назад

    I do wish more stories that are iconic but have bad sound editing got special editions that tried to modernise them a bit so that people can stand them who can't tolerate the shit dated 70s stuff lol.

    • @DantheManIamIam
      @DantheManIamIam 8 месяцев назад +1

      The Day of the Daleks and Enlightenment DVDs are so great. It would be cool if there were more with that level of effort.
      Also the Planet of Fire DVD’s excitement where it tried to turn a four-part story into a 45 minute modern style episode was…an interesting experiment. A failed one but a neat idea.

  • @thomashaigh6098
    @thomashaigh6098 8 месяцев назад +1

    Probably the most overrated classic story