@@abg2487 pentester Jr course on academy hack the box, just finishing up with foot printing. Life gets in the way :) but pushing through it, I heard password attacks is very long too.
Good to see it wont cost an arm and a leg. Plus having hands on labs definitely makes this cert interesting. Only time will tell if this cert is worth it but I think it has its place in the industry. Great video Mr. Hammond!
I had heard about CPTS when HTB released it, but It wasn't until now that I realized that it's possible to earn this cert in as little as 41 days! I know, I know, we're all on our own individual paths in life, but if they're confident in their numbers then I'll be damned if I don't do my best to be there at the end of march with my first ever cert. Thank you John, you're an awesome contributor to the community!
Crazy that this costs like 1/3rd of the price of OSCP and looks like it might be a better exam and contain superior materials. I might have to take this exam for funsies to see how it compares to the OSCP/eCPPT. It really does looks like the best value since INE took over eLearn and blasted their prices through the roof.
I have started the course! So far it is really good, and unlike OSCP it won’t completely bankrupt me. I am on the student plan which is $8 USD. I am doing the CPTS for purple team training. I just completed the Blue Team Level 1 exam, and now I am working on CPTS and Elearn Security certified threat hunter
@@bilalahmad9638 I like to take my time, you get 6 months access and I took 5 months of non-stop learning, and took the cert on the 6th month. If you decide to take it, make sure you know Splunk and how to run searches. IMO everything else like using autopsy, wireshark, and other investigative tools is easy, but Splunk was the hardest because it is like picking up a new programming language.
I am definitely interesting. Just to get money 1th.I've already started with the basics, I'm heroically conquering new points :).I'm really glad that there are people like you, to encourage, interest, and to teach people, to be masters together, and to be each other's great rivals, but never enemies :)
I would like you to take this CPTS Exam so that proper honest review can come up. Like literally, modules are really well organized and up-to-date, which meets the standards. looking forward to take this one. Just wrote it down on my list and aimed at it.
I have a pretty good background in pentesting. I've done some professionally. I've worked on and off on the OSCP but time constrains were always an issue. While this cert doesn't currently have the prestige of the OSCP I'm wondering if it would be a good training ground for doing the OSCP. Thoughts?
Educational institutions should map their curriculum to HTB Academy and CPTS. The curriculum is phenomenal and the skills learners gain are job-ready for sure. Ill be working on mapping to it from the college Im at.
i won the hackthebox 25 years celebration giveaway and won a silver anual voucher which makes that i get the rest of the modules i havent done and a free exam voucher so im super excited and nervous
Excellent review of the exam, thank you very much!! You can answer one question by the exam, it may include a host that will require knowledge and skills of "buffer overflow", I know that OSCP excluded this from its exam, but HTB may have this.
Hello John, If you take the CPTS exam i would request you to post the video about converting that report template to .md format.. You already showed it for OSCP using the pando but we need to find a way here as well.
I am coming from Software development position as a Java developer and all I can tell is how interesting and worth the money that CPTS path is. Im through some modules and I am so happy to have tried it already.
As a mom and homemaker reentering the workplace, this cert sounds more realistic than the 24 hour, adult diaper wearing, wannabe military sniper, pentest certs.
@@old2235 Yep! My hubby told me stories of how Marine snipers can lay in the grass for days waiting for their targets. That they pretty much wear diapers or go on themselves- this is what I think 24+ hour exams seem to expect from first rate pentesters and IMO it's juvenile to judge how well a person can hack by how willing they are to endure a nasty infection. That's machismo, not talent.
Hi when you mentioned the pricing, you said "if you're a student - if you're not a student" Student as in any student or is there any specific studies you need to be doing which give you access to the "student" pricing scheme? Thanks
I hope this gets big on HR, I want to take this, and I probably will after OSCP, but it sucks that there are so many newer and better certs that just never count for anything with HR. It feels like a tradeoff of gaining skill vs gaining HR points. Not that OSCP is bad, but it's not what I'd choose these days to become a qualified entry-mid level pentester.
If I have access to the eJPT training through my workplace, and could do the student version of the HTB CPTS which one would you recommend to do for knowledge, training, and job readieness after completion of the cert?
I like this. I wish they didn't have a Discord as the main forum though. Discord mines a lot of customer data, including a history of all the chats, IP ADDR, etc.
The sad part is that it was easy to obtain the information, and the amount of info they track is insane. I decided to delete the account because of that. Obviously RUclips is worse, since it's a huge data-mining operation, I'm also considering deleting all my google related accounts soon.
hey john, could you do a comparison between online courses like INE, TCM, HacktheBox, etc and show ones you recommend, don’t recommend, and why (basically like a ‘Best online cybersecurity courses for beginners’ video? I’m a college student and my college (Texas State) doesn’t offer a cybersecurity degree so im kinda forced to learn through these online academies for the time being. thanks !
This looks amazing, especially for people who can't afford the expensive certifications. However, my big question with this is, how is it viewed by the industry when it comes to looking for a job with this cert?
Yea but putting on a resume that your experience in cyber security is a certification from htb is a guarantee for a quick and good quality job right? Would you be laughed out of the interview or would it be taken seriously?
Hi John, I am a beginner , I am confused about hack the box. Do they teach in video tutorial or they have just labs only. is it for a newbie ? because i registered but no clue what to do.
Thank you for this video John. I'm glad HTB has made a more financially accessible Certification I just wish they didn't do the blocks thing. Using their own currency is sketchy as hell and I think hurts their credibility.
I know HTB markets themselves to beginners wanting to learn… But even their beginner stuff feels like it’s at a fairly intermediate level. It’s like they are trying to brute force the info into you Also… yes. Cubes are confusing and stupid
THM does more hand-holding, which is great if you are a true beginner and have no idea what anything means. HTB def "forces" you to be self-sufficient, which can be a little hard to start but is ultimately likely the most important skill as a hacker - being able to be confronted with something you have no idea about and being able to figure it out by asking the right questions, and piecing the relevant info together. They are both great imo, lately HTB wins out for me just because I can learn from IppSec, which is some kind of gift from the Hacking Gods.
It such a new mindset for me - being both completely bamboozled and fine with being bamboozled. I call it being "led by curiosity", typically if something does not work the way I though it "should've" I would get mad at it and think - why the hell are you not doing what you are supposed to. Now, I've trained myself to think - huh, that's interesting, it didn't do the thing I though it would, let's figure out why... It's almost like it has something to teach one about, y'now life in general eh?
Can a complete noob with 0 cyber knowledge complete this course? I work on IT & got plenty of time to study, but 0 knowledge in programming language or tools for the trade. Like I said, starting from scratch. Is it doable? Or I need other certs prior?
Almost all roles in cybersecurity/IT can benefit from knowing how pentesting/hacking actually works and knowing how to hack at a professional level can be a lot of fun and open doors
what about bug hunter one is it worth, will it teach me all what i need to be ready as a bug hunter to actually start at hacker one or something? thank you
I like the mitre attack/defend a lil better than the kill chain mythology. a lil more in depth imo but I'm not certified or anything just learning on my own time because I love tech. I took my CompTIA security plus and passed and as soon as I have the money I'm going to maybe get the ceh next . Ifanyone can point me towards some free resources id really appreciate it as I said I'm self taught and don't have alot of money so any free resources I can learn from please let me know
Hi John, can you please do a video comparing CPTS to eJPT? From course to exam and its worth in the industry. Like which do you think will be better, which is more advanced, is both necessary or is one or the other enough?
There seems to be a lot of different certifications around. Who actually regulates them to the point that the certifications actually mean anything in the real world?
Don't know about this one. The already community certifications meet the basic level of acceptance. Problem with this one is, it supposed to be entry level but has all the elements (except price) to be intermediate. Also, picking and choosing the 85ish questions that will be in an exam out of, I think you said 24 modules is down right insane if you are taking the test. This brings me around to what mastery looks like and how a basic level certification needs to be that - basic. Businesses alike will see this as unrealistic because of the time (ten days) to achieve and willing participants let alone what job is going to pay top dollar for a basic level certification...
I've been offered several entry level IT jobs just from talking a out HTB and what I learned, and told with what I know I could easily work my way up quick. That's from two separate professionas one from Dartmouth and another from a local bank. I've been practicing every day for a year and a half. I talk with a guy who works under the bank guy that offered me a job. He's been working at the bank for almost 3 years and knows a quarter of what I know. So yes this an amazing resource, with information that easily transfers over to other certs.
I'm currently studying this path on HTB, but ... I'm curious regarding the certification, do you think is same, lower, greater when it comes to world renowned and curriculum weight, compared with OSCP ? Thanks
Comparing a brand new cert to a well established one is not a fair comparison. OSCP is king (by recognition, I personally think PNPT will be its rival real soon as it continues to grow) but I do think that this path and cert will have a place in the industry. The material and hands on will most definitely help prepare you for all current pentesting certs and HTB is offering it at a reasonable price! TCM Security has been leading this "affordable education" and it is good to see HTB follow suite and offer something solid for an affordable price. Most pentest roles pay well, so investing a few hundred dollars to eventually land that role is worth IMO. I will be taking this cert just to gain more knowledge after PNPT and then I will go after OSCP. In regards to quality? We may have to just take the course and see how good the platform can convey those topics . Just my 2 cents
This course and certification looks incredible, but it has almost zero industry recognition right now. Don't do it to get a job, do it to learn a lot. Maybe one day employers will respect HTB as they should.
A lot of cybersecurity professionals do respect HTB but it's not yet recognised as a significant certification platform. That will change because hundreds of organisations and universities already use HTB in their training/learning environments.
I have done most all the learning tracks on Try Hack Me. When I looked at Hack The Box the confusing payment method was one of my big complaints. THM is so much easier if you want VIP access you pay something like 100 euros per year and you can access everything there. But this does sound interesting to me so maybe once I finish a few things at THM I will give HTB another try.
I agree with you 100%. I sometimes study a lot, I also started with Trihakmi. Hack The Box is very expensive for a subscription, I usually go through everything quickly, I have to wait for the “cubes” to open other training material or buy them separately. They will get tired of looking for another platform for learning. Why can't they make a regular subscription like on THM?
This "Exam" is horseshit. Can't even get one flag I've gone through all of my notes in from the role path and I can't find shit. Probably losing my job over it too. Love it
...yes, 'copy/paste' is a good strategy ...but, learn how to TYPE FIRST! next, you can configure your shell cursor to use vi commands. that with a large command history buffer will serve you well:)
41 days is not mandatory, it's just an estimate, and it's realistic for the kind or training this is. You can do it over whatever length of time is realistic for you. It's estimated that if you work at it full time, it would take about 8 weeks but most people will take a while longer. You can take all year if you like, though frequent learning will pay off better
The BIG problem with this "cert" is you need to pay and make all the modules before being able to apply for the exam... and that's a big problem when you already know 90% or more... i will lost soooo much time and finally i will not take it and they will not have all the customers like me
There must be something wrong with this offer, because now my login to the academy doesn't work now and the system is so messed up I can't reset my password, or create a new account because the email is already taken. This might be good training, but the account management sucks worse than anything I have ever seen.
will someone help me, my college website is using old version of php (php5) So what should I do, See also Exploits of the Exploits Database but they are many, There are many vulnerabilities from PHC 5 to the latest version
I have to be honest. This is clearly a paid infomercial. I'm rather disappointed, and it hurt your reputation with me. Makes me hesitant to take your suggestions seriously. Had you started with "This is a paid ad" I would have a different perspective.
I would like to have a certificate from Hack the Box/big/fan.... but read so much.... Unfortunately I read and speak English slowly.... I am monkey sees monkey learns ......2 jehrs i nid translet the text and anderstend wath this is
Dive into the CPTS material on HackTheBox Academy! j-h.io/htb-cpts || Massive THANK YOU to HackTheBox for sponsoring this video.
hi John.. for intermediate which one would you suggest htb or tryhackme? thanks for your great video!
yo super vid, nice to see you think about us low iq people who have no money
First off, you got into try hack me, so thank you. The Jr. pen tester module, is the try hack me equivalent?
hi thanks again for making great content, this gave me good insight and I successfully passed the CPTS exam end of 2023. \o/
I started IT 9 months ago and I completed like 30 modules, some took me so much time but I love this course !
Which course ? Give link
I’ve been 12 months still going
@@jorge1232551 which course??
@@abg2487 pentester Jr course on academy hack the box, just finishing up with foot printing. Life gets in the way :) but pushing through it, I heard password attacks is very long too.
@@jorge1232551 is it free??
Good to see it wont cost an arm and a leg. Plus having hands on labs definitely makes this cert interesting. Only time will tell if this cert is worth it but I think it has its place in the industry. Great video Mr. Hammond!
I had heard about CPTS when HTB released it, but It wasn't until now that I realized that it's possible to earn this cert in as little as 41 days! I know, I know, we're all on our own individual paths in life, but if they're confident in their numbers then I'll be damned if I don't do my best to be there at the end of march with my first ever cert. Thank you John, you're an awesome contributor to the community!
How’d it go?!
Crazy that this costs like 1/3rd of the price of OSCP and looks like it might be a better exam and contain superior materials. I might have to take this exam for funsies to see how it compares to the OSCP/eCPPT. It really does looks like the best value since INE took over eLearn and blasted their prices through the roof.
I have started the course! So far it is really good, and unlike OSCP it won’t completely bankrupt me. I am on the student plan which is $8 USD. I am doing the CPTS for purple team training. I just completed the Blue Team Level 1 exam, and now I am working on CPTS and Elearn Security certified threat hunter
I have been working my way through it as well. It’s pretty tough!
How much time it took to complete blue team L1 ?
@@bilalahmad9638 I like to take my time, you get 6 months access and I took 5 months of non-stop learning, and took the cert on the 6th month. If you decide to take it, make sure you know Splunk and how to run searches. IMO everything else like using autopsy, wireshark, and other investigative tools is easy, but Splunk was the hardest because it is like picking up a new programming language.
Thanks for the review, I am going to go thru the course material and work on this exam first, then get OSCP, this is a 1 stone to birds path.
I am definitely interesting. Just to get money 1th.I've already started with the basics, I'm heroically conquering new points :).I'm really glad that there are people like you, to encourage, interest, and to teach people, to be masters together, and to be each other's great rivals, but never enemies :)
Rivals not enemies- I like that 👏 I can be competitive especially that it sounds like excellent fun where everyone learns.
I would like you to take this CPTS Exam so that proper honest review can come up. Like literally, modules are really well organized and up-to-date, which meets the standards. looking forward to take this one.
Just wrote it down on my list and aimed at it.
I have a pretty good background in pentesting. I've done some professionally. I've worked on and off on the OSCP but time constrains were always an issue. While this cert doesn't currently have the prestige of the OSCP I'm wondering if it would be a good training ground for doing the OSCP. Thoughts?
Educational institutions should map their curriculum to HTB Academy and CPTS. The curriculum is phenomenal and the skills learners gain are job-ready for sure. Ill be working on mapping to it from the college Im at.
i won the hackthebox 25 years celebration giveaway and won a silver anual voucher which makes that i get the rest of the modules i havent done and a free exam voucher so im super excited and nervous
Excellent review of the exam, thank you very much!!
You can answer one question by the exam, it may include a host that will require knowledge and skills of "buffer overflow", I know that OSCP excluded this from its exam, but HTB may have this.
Thanks for the overview man. Looking at starting this course this year.
Hello John, If you take the CPTS exam i would request you to post the video about converting that report template to .md format.. You already showed it for OSCP using the pando but we need to find a way here as well.
Thank you for all the information you shared
Hi John, great video as usual.
Which would you recommend: HTB CPTS or eJPTv2? Thanks
I laughed so hard at 7:58 lmaooo ! i dont even know why GOLD !
I am coming from Software development position as a Java developer and all I can tell is how interesting and worth the money that CPTS path is. Im through some modules and I am so happy to have tried it already.
How good can it be for a software engineer ? I have similar background as you.
As a mom and homemaker reentering the workplace, this cert sounds more realistic than the 24 hour, adult diaper wearing, wannabe military sniper, pentest certs.
Diaper wearing wanna military sniper 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@old2235 Yep! My hubby told me stories of how Marine snipers can lay in the grass for days waiting for their targets. That they pretty much wear diapers or go on themselves- this is what I think 24+ hour exams seem to expect from first rate pentesters and IMO it's juvenile to judge how well a person can hack by how willing they are to endure a nasty infection. That's machismo, not talent.
Not to mention the price of the oscp, ec council etc are way higher than this one
Yea but the problem is no company is going to care unless you have the OSCP. So yea it sucks, but it's necessary
What prerequisite do I need for this. I’m currently finishing the Google cybersecurity program right now
0:18 - Hello, please help! Can I have the name of the song at the beginning of the video after the intro? Shazam didn't catch it. LOL 😊
this is the most undirect sponsor I have ever seen good job but I got you John 😂
You gained yourself a subscriber that you guy
Hi when you mentioned the pricing, you said "if you're a student - if you're not a student"
Student as in any student or is there any specific studies you need to be doing which give you access to the "student" pricing scheme? Thanks
We accept any educational institution in Academy…. 😊
may i ask is it free access right were you dont have to pay for this if you want to try it out because if so that will be good to do
I hope this gets big on HR, I want to take this, and I probably will after OSCP, but it sucks that there are so many newer and better certs that just never count for anything with HR. It feels like a tradeoff of gaining skill vs gaining HR points. Not that OSCP is bad, but it's not what I'd choose these days to become a qualified entry-mid level pentester.
What would you recommend instead?
Im adding these to the list. They are relatively affordable.
ngl HTB has some damn good courses.
If I have access to the eJPT training through my workplace, and could do the student version of the HTB CPTS which one would you recommend to do for knowledge, training, and job readieness after completion of the cert?
I like this. I wish they didn't have a Discord as the main forum though. Discord mines a lot of customer data, including a history of all the chats, IP ADDR, etc.
im curious as to where you can find proof of these claims
The sad part is that it was easy to obtain the information, and the amount of info they track is insane.
I decided to delete the account because of that.
Obviously RUclips is worse, since it's a huge data-mining operation, I'm also considering deleting all my google related accounts soon.
@@defnlife1683 do you have a link you can point me to?
@@gatariqwq I linked it above, but maybe it doesn't show up for you.
Search on yt - Discord fined 800k
and your discord data package is dangerous.
@@gatariqwq hope that helps!
hey john, could you do a comparison between online courses like INE, TCM, HacktheBox, etc and show ones you recommend, don’t recommend, and why (basically like a ‘Best online cybersecurity courses for beginners’ video? I’m a college student and my college (Texas State) doesn’t offer a cybersecurity degree so im kinda forced to learn through these online academies for the time being. thanks !
Next Year This cert will be mine
Because this year I'm focusing on OSCP
This looks amazing, especially for people who can't afford the expensive certifications. However, my big question with this is, how is it viewed by the industry when it comes to looking for a job with this cert?
Yea but putting on a resume that your experience in cyber security is a certification from htb is a guarantee for a quick and good quality job right? Would you be laughed out of the interview or would it be taken seriously?
Hi John, I am a beginner , I am confused about hack the box. Do they teach in video tutorial or they have just labs only. is it for a newbie ? because i registered but no clue what to do.
Thank you for this video John. I'm glad HTB has made a more financially accessible Certification I just wish they didn't do the blocks thing. Using their own currency is sketchy as hell and I think hurts their credibility.
CPTS or OSCP, what would you recommend?
cpts by far without a doubt
@John Hammond, as a software engineer who is looking at broadening his horizons, what tips would you give for this?
Thank you 😊
some people say CPTS is harder than OSCP, so if i prepare for CPTS and do the pentration tester job role path on HTB does oscp exam becomes easier?
I completed quarter of this cpts training but due to HR requirements i had to choose CEH. Nd now i am running around CEH😪
Could you please let me know the requirements for this course.?
I've been doing hack the box for a few months. But I stop. I'll back into if it's true.
Hai John I didn't complete my computer science degree, how can this certificate help me to acquire a job if I complete
I like your videos , greetings from Iraq 🇮🇶
I know HTB markets themselves to beginners wanting to learn… But even their beginner stuff feels like it’s at a fairly intermediate level.
It’s like they are trying to brute force the info into you
Also… yes. Cubes are confusing and stupid
It is, you're right. When I did most of TryHackMe then went back to HTB it felt like a perfect transition.
THM does more hand-holding, which is great if you are a true beginner and have no idea what anything means. HTB def "forces" you to be self-sufficient, which can be a little hard to start but is ultimately likely the most important skill as a hacker - being able to be confronted with something you have no idea about and being able to figure it out by asking the right questions, and piecing the relevant info together. They are both great imo, lately HTB wins out for me just because I can learn from IppSec, which is some kind of gift from the Hacking Gods.
It such a new mindset for me - being both completely bamboozled and fine with being bamboozled. I call it being "led by curiosity", typically if something does not work the way I though it "should've" I would get mad at it and think - why the hell are you not doing what you are supposed to. Now, I've trained myself to think - huh, that's interesting, it didn't do the thing I though it would, let's figure out why... It's almost like it has something to teach one about, y'now life in general eh?
@@smartsalmon1 Same here !
Great stuff
Can a complete noob with 0 cyber knowledge complete this course? I work on IT & got plenty of time to study, but 0 knowledge in programming language or tools for the trade. Like I said, starting from scratch. Is it doable? Or I need other certs prior?
prior to this CPTS you can go with certs like EJPTV2
Im starting from scratch too, but i will do the google cybersecurity cert first, just to get the foundational knowledge
Would you recommend this for security engineers/architects who aren't full time pentesters?
Almost all roles in cybersecurity/IT can benefit from knowing how pentesting/hacking actually works and knowing how to hack at a professional level can be a lot of fun and open doors
what about bug hunter one is it worth, will it teach me all what i need to be ready as a bug hunter to actually start at hacker one or something? thank you
NO, you don't do Network pentest in BUg Bounty
What logo is on that hoodie besides the Nike logo?
Be diverse in this industry.
From forensics
Traffic Analysy
Purple / Red team are in my tool box
Without background pentester can i start with this one?
I just want to know if it is recognised by recruiters or not ?
it has value of course, but more well known ones are going to be more recognized by recruiters/employers. The OSCP is the top dog as far as that goes.
10 days... ?!?!?
They are merciful !!
Not like OFFSEC Exams.... 😶😑
I like the mitre attack/defend a lil better than the kill chain mythology. a lil more in depth imo but I'm not certified or anything just learning on my own time because I love tech. I took my CompTIA security plus and passed and as soon as I have the money I'm going to maybe get the ceh next . Ifanyone can point me towards some free resources id really appreciate it as I said I'm self taught and don't have alot of money so any free resources I can learn from please let me know
any recommendations for those who cannot learn in such a reading heavy environment, specifically video based hands on type of training sites?
I'm sure there is a way that your computer can read it aloud for you
Of course it can...it needs to be seen
Hi John, can you please do a video comparing CPTS to eJPT? From course to exam and its worth in the industry. Like which do you think will be better, which is more advanced, is both necessary or is one or the other enough?
Seems like CPTS is much more better. I have ejpt,it is simple.Actually i thought cpts can be comparable with ecpptv2
eJPT is junior level, I would say CPTS is one level up.
@@Tv3kar thank you, so would you say it's one level below oscp then?
@@hasanster744 thank you
@@ToanNguyen-br7fn Yes. Not 100% necessary to take it to pass OSCP, but it has some good knowledge if starting out
most I enter the exam after I finish the 41day !! or I can make it whenever I want ?
as soon as you complete your training or course material from HTB
There are any certification for automotive cybersecurity
Already on it...
There seems to be a lot of different certifications around. Who actually regulates them to the point that the certifications actually mean anything in the real world?
The market/employers. Companies and customers decide which people they hire.
Don't know about this one. The already community certifications meet the basic level of acceptance. Problem with this one is, it supposed to be entry level but has all the elements (except price) to be intermediate. Also, picking and choosing the 85ish questions that will be in an exam out of, I think you said 24 modules is down right insane if you are taking the test. This brings me around to what mastery looks like and how a basic level certification needs to be that - basic. Businesses alike will see this as unrealistic because of the time (ten days) to achieve and willing participants let alone what job is going to pay top dollar for a basic level certification...
I've been offered several entry level IT jobs just from talking a out HTB and what I learned, and told with what I know I could easily work my way up quick. That's from two separate professionas one from Dartmouth and another from a local bank. I've been practicing every day for a year and a half. I talk with a guy who works under the bank guy that offered me a job. He's been working at the bank for almost 3 years and knows a quarter of what I know. So yes this an amazing resource, with information that easily transfers over to other certs.
cool, sounds like a good tool
I'm currently studying this path on HTB, but ... I'm curious regarding the certification, do you think is same, lower, greater when it comes to world renowned and curriculum weight, compared with OSCP ? Thanks
Comparing a brand new cert to a well established one is not a fair comparison. OSCP is king (by recognition, I personally think PNPT will be its rival real soon as it continues to grow) but I do think that this path and cert will have a place in the industry. The material and hands on will most definitely help prepare you for all current pentesting certs and HTB is offering it at a reasonable price! TCM Security has been leading this "affordable education" and it is good to see HTB follow suite and offer something solid for an affordable price. Most pentest roles pay well, so investing a few hundred dollars to eventually land that role is worth IMO. I will be taking this cert just to gain more knowledge after PNPT and then I will go after OSCP. In regards to quality? We may have to just take the course and see how good the platform can convey those topics . Just my 2 cents
I was told it s between eJPT and PNPT
CPTS is an OSCP, GPEN and eCPPT equivalent
This course and certification looks incredible, but it has almost zero industry recognition right now. Don't do it to get a job, do it to learn a lot. Maybe one day employers will respect HTB as they should.
A lot of cybersecurity professionals do respect HTB but it's not yet recognised as a significant certification platform. That will change because hundreds of organisations and universities already use HTB in their training/learning environments.
Great way of looking at it...do it to gain skills and learn..Like I heard that most get cybersecurity jobs by networking 🤷🏻♂️ so you never know..
I thought Kratos was talking before I looked at video. Lol
Can I get a course content in pdf or videos etc
thanks you
I have done most all the learning tracks on Try Hack Me. When I looked at Hack The Box the confusing payment method was one of my big complaints. THM is so much easier if you want VIP access you pay something like 100 euros per year and you can access everything there. But this does sound interesting to me so maybe once I finish a few things at THM I will give HTB another try.
I agree with you 100%. I sometimes study a lot, I also started with Trihakmi. Hack The Box is very expensive for a subscription, I usually go through everything quickly, I have to wait for the “cubes” to open other training material or buy them separately. They will get tired of looking for another platform for learning. Why can't they make a regular subscription like on THM?
Do i need to renew the cpts?
This "Exam" is horseshit. Can't even get one flag I've gone through all of my notes in from the role path and I can't find shit. Probably losing my job over it too. Love it
...yes, 'copy/paste' is a good strategy ...but, learn how to TYPE FIRST! next, you can configure your shell cursor to use vi commands. that with a large command history buffer will serve you well:)
marketing aside , will anyone hire with this ? Am only imagining what food tastes like these days ?
I just saw the biggest commercial ever
Has anyone with a family and job pass this? I just don’t want to take vacation days off for this
I am in thi situation. I passed the OSCP and it was not easy between HTB TCM and the PEN-200 but I made it.
41 days sounds like a joke :D Maybe if you will studying everyday for 8h I have 120+ h and 40% at this path
41 days is not mandatory, it's just an estimate, and it's realistic for the kind or training this is. You can do it over whatever length of time is realistic for you. It's estimated that if you work at it full time, it would take about 8 weeks but most people will take a while longer. You can take all year if you like, though frequent learning will pay off better
It si imposible in 41 days.. the AD module just brings a way long content for a week.
41 days to finish the pentester jr path? Let me laught.. Ha!
Looking at you OFFSEC... 😶
Hello Boss!
The BIG problem with this "cert" is you need to pay and make all the modules before being able to apply for the exam... and that's a big problem when you already know 90% or more... i will lost soooo much time and finally i will not take it and they will not have all the customers like me
How can I trust an ad
Don't 😉 You can check it out and see for yourself! 😜
I think I will go to it after I finish Advent of cyber 2022 at THM ^_^
i dont see any employers who ask for this ,
forget the eJPTv2...INE ruined that with the new scoring system. PNPT and CPTS are the way! just bought my vouchers and looking forward to it :)
Sms spoofing free tools or web???
There must be something wrong with this offer, because now my login to the academy doesn't work now and the system is so messed up I can't reset my password, or create a new account because the email is already taken. This might be good training, but the account management sucks worse than anything I have ever seen.
Contact them and they will help you fix it. Mine got messed up a couple of weeks ago.
Is it Free and you get Certified for it
will someone help me,
my college website is using old version of php (php5)
So what should I do, See also Exploits of the Exploits Database but they are many,
There are many vulnerabilities from PHC 5 to the latest version
i feel more dumb when you call yourself dumb 😢
I have to be honest. This is clearly a paid infomercial. I'm rather disappointed, and it hurt your reputation with me. Makes me hesitant to take your suggestions seriously. Had you started with "This is a paid ad" I would have a different perspective.
And you are wrong, I have attempted both OSCP and CPTS and man ohh man CPTS is not easy as OSCP :/
"Who?" lolol
I would like to become a purple teamer or intrusion specialist. your videos help me to learn a lot. what is the fastest way to become a _hacker_?
I would like to have a certificate from Hack the Box/big/fan.... but read so much.... Unfortunately I read and speak English slowly.... I am monkey sees monkey learns ......2 jehrs i nid translet the text and anderstend wath this is
What has more value in terms of practical experience as a beginner. This HTB courses or tryhackme path?
I was start in that way hackingthebox
This feels like tryandhackme and OSCP mixed very well.