Active Hope Show 1 - The Shambhala Warrior Prophecy

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Joanna Macy tells the Shambhala Warrior Prophecy, twelve centuries old and from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Introduced by Chris Johnstone, this is the first episode of The Active Hope Show, which explores insights and practices that help bring out our best responses to the planetary emergency we face. More details at

Комментарии • 71

  • @avidinhadacris
    @avidinhadacris 7 лет назад +13

    I found out about this woman today. Can't get enough of her. Very nurturing soul.

  • @melifever
    @melifever 5 лет назад +9

    This video made me burst into tears.

    • @ianiker7692
      @ianiker7692 3 года назад

      you probably dont give a shit but does anybody know a tool to get back into an instagram account..?
      I stupidly lost my login password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me.

    • @donaldjett8037
      @donaldjett8037 3 года назад

      @Ian Iker instablaster ;)

  • @serocast
    @serocast 9 лет назад +10

    Have you remembered it yet? You ARE a Shambhala warrior...

  • @Tigerpaws9097826
    @Tigerpaws9097826 9 лет назад +12

    With 7 billion people in the world, we could be dismayed that after three years this has received a bit over 17,000 views and elicited 20 comments.
    On the other hand ... perhaps it is a promising beginning. All that's needed for a lush forest to grow is a single seed and some time. :-)

    • @TheMacCharly
      @TheMacCharly 4 года назад +1

      Planting Seeds for Trees , just by doing even makes big results, Tip: Guerilla Gardening, ... have fun ( invide some Friends going for it ) serve Life. Lots of Love, Francy

    • @bartwisse8197
      @bartwisse8197 3 года назад

      Hope and ones own practice of sitting is all one can do. The worlds karma does the rest

  • @gabehernandez7288
    @gabehernandez7288 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you Bodhisattva

  • @yazstar9342
    @yazstar9342 8 лет назад +8

    Loved listening -thank you...I had a glorious vision/dream that I arrived in Shambala a land of vivid colour and rainbow appearance..the people were so happy that I had found my way there and the joy in my heart was immeasurable...we must be strong enough to believe in our own experience and not be led astray by the confusion of Samsara.

    • @thereallycool
      @thereallycool 5 лет назад +2

      I just had the same experience and witnessed amazing AMAZING things and from what I can gather watched an important event ...I had to be witness???? I don't know but I think it was Jesus? Buddha? ... KALKI. ...but it was very WAR like not peaceful... he has warriors and a BIG horse-thing.... it was like being high on DMT .... it resides in the 5th Dimension I guess...I really am not sure wtf ...I have been studying the Kaballion and Magick for 15 years to the day and wanted to see the truth and who would save us and BAM!!! Super trip.... I was NOT on drugs, but felt like it... I have worked very hard at purifying my heart and soul after decades of being a violent punk... I am going through some weird stuff, but now I feel ...odd . I see hear and feel everything seeing INTO everything... I was told I would be needed I'm trying to figure out wtf I'm supposed to do and who exactly Kalki is... it felt like it was EVERY diety at once and had so much trippy visual artifacts lasers shooting everywhere.... should zi go get a MRI or cat scan or something???
      All the Magick I've done NOTHING was like this ...not even close.

    • @IMLI8
      @IMLI8 5 лет назад +2

      @@thereallycool kalki is the bearer of golden age to the planet earth:) I had a dream last year that I am giving birth to a son named "kalki ", I told the spirit , i have no partner and i am not in any realtionship,how would i be pregnant? it said loudly , "in spiritual world". I didnt know who he is was either :) thanks to the age of information , in google it's written that he is the one who brought the golden age to the planet earth. Interesting :)

  • @kimberlyrogers1109
    @kimberlyrogers1109 10 лет назад +4

    Please share this as a TED talk. Thank you...amazing and inspiring! You are a wonderful storyteller.

  • @Lizziegreenheart
    @Lizziegreenheart 10 лет назад +2

    The call of Compassion and Wisdom- the knowing that all is connected in the great web of life. This is a deeply moving and inspiring story and call to our own personal actions.

  • @vickyvalle2983
    @vickyvalle2983 Год назад

    this is so so enpowering and beautiful...than u!!!

  • @Thea6070
    @Thea6070 12 лет назад +1

    Such ancient wisdom told so beautifully, to bring light, compassion, and wisdom into this day; into our hearts and hands. Thank you, thank you.

  • @MargueriteMontes
    @MargueriteMontes 11 лет назад +2

    I am so happy to have found you . I have felt such despair at our collective plight that it had me paralyzed . Through your writing I have found renewed strength in my own active hope. Thank you, thank you and thank you.

  • @davo19spillo
    @davo19spillo Год назад

    Thank you both very very much …. Perfect timing to hear this 🙏🙏🙏

  • @CeltsClaire
    @CeltsClaire 10 лет назад +5

    Amazing, thank you SO much for this message and video ... I'm so grateful I was led here :)

  • @PeterBrodie
    @PeterBrodie 11 лет назад

    Share, share and share again! Watch, watch and watch again! I found such strength in this: strength in its telling and strength in myself in receiving it.
    Thanks for leading me to it, Chris, and thanks for your wisdom in passing it on, Joanna.

  • @hopespringseternal7038
    @hopespringseternal7038 10 лет назад +2

    thank you, a thousand times. this is something the whole world needs to hear. peace on earth .

  • @michaelajayi444
    @michaelajayi444 Год назад

    It’s a mindset. By accepting reality as it is. You create the movement by caring for all and seeing good and evil as one. Having no alliance. No fears and confidence is key. War is coming. Praying for all.

  • @songoftherainbow
    @songoftherainbow 3 года назад

    thank you

  • @nicolacarley419
    @nicolacarley419 12 лет назад +1

    Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for this gift.

  • @nicolascroll2785
    @nicolascroll2785 10 лет назад

    Thank you for this - I worked at buddhafield for many years and we spent a lot of time on retreat exploring this myth. Its nice to hear it again, useful..I love her books and her message.

  • @ic7804
    @ic7804 5 лет назад

    Beautifully described, the importance of both 'compassion and insight' and how to use them. Thank you so much x.

  • @IMLI8
    @IMLI8 5 лет назад

    i am going crazy with this energy over me , i feel like bursting out of all the limitation we put to our consciouness . Sometimes this energy is so over powering , my heart cant take this any more :) i say the same things " its my time to undo what i have created for centuires or birth after birth " We neeeded that limitation , our power was very egoic , not from unconditional love . now i am coming from unconditional love and i am accessing my god power :) i am a shambabla love and i am ready to bring the gods within us :)

  • @teekalsang
    @teekalsang 3 года назад

    Thank u ..thank u ..thank u ...
    Om Ah Hung

  • @trinitytwo14992
    @trinitytwo14992 8 лет назад +2

    Wonderful, thank you!

  • @mindfulnessinitiativeusa1109
    @mindfulnessinitiativeusa1109 6 лет назад +2

    This was so incredibly beautiful. Thank you

  • @divingpassport
    @divingpassport 4 года назад +4

    Choegyal Rinpoché:
    -Llegará una época en la que toda la vida sobre la Tierra estará en peligro. En esa época habrán aparecido grandes potencias; potencias bárbaras. Aunque dilapidan su riqueza en preparativos para aniquilarse entre sí, tienen mucho en común: armas de muerte y destrucción inconcebibles, y tecnologías que arrasarán el mundo. Y es precisamente entonces, cuando todo el futuro de todos los seres penderá del más frágil de los hilos, cuando surgirá el reino de Shambhala.
    »No podemos ir allí, no es un lugar. Existe en el corazón y la mente de los guerreros de Shambhala. En realidad, no podemos saber a simple vista quién es un guerrero o una guerrera de Shambhala porque no llevan uniformes ni insignias ni ondean banderas. No tienen barricadas a las que subir para amenazar al enemigo o tras las cuales descansar y reagruparse. Ni siquiera tienen tierra natal, pues deben moverse por siempre jamás por el terreno de las potencias bárbaras.
    »Este es el momento en el que los guerreros de Shambhala necesitarán una gran valentía; valentía moral y valentía física, porque van a ir al mismísimo corazón del poder bárbaro para desmantelar sus armas. Armas en todos los sentidos de la palabra: las bombas y armamentos, fabricadas y desplegadas, y los pasillos del poder donde se toman las decisiones, para desmantelar las armas.
    »Los guerreros de Shambhala saben que estas armas pueden desmantelarse porque son manomaya, están hechas con la mente. Están hechas por la mente humana y la mente humana puede desmantelarlas. Porque los desastres que nos amenazan y se despliegan no son causados por una fuerza extraterrestre o alguna deidad satánica o ni siquiera por un destino inamovible. Surgen de nuestras relaciones y nuestras prioridades y nuestros hábitos. Están hechos por la mente humana y la mente humana puede deshacerlos. Así pues, ha llegado el momento -dijo- de que los guerreros de Shambhala se entrenen.»
    -¿Cómo se entrenan? -dije yo.
    -Se entrenan en el uso de dos armas.
    -¿Cuáles son? -pregunté. Y entonces sostuvo las manos como los lamas sostienen los objetos rituales en las grandes danzas de los lamas y dijo:
    -Una es la compasión y la otra, el conocimiento profundo de la interdependencia radical de todos los fenómenos. Y necesitamos ambas, una sola no basta. Necesitamos la compasión porque nos proporciona el combustible, la fuerza motriz que nos hace salir e ir a donde tenemos que estar para hacer lo que tenemos que hacer. Cuando no tenemos miedo del sufrimiento de nuestro mundo nada puede detenernos. Pero eso por sí solo es demasiado caliente, puede quemarnos. Así que necesitamos la otra, necesitamos esa sabiduría, ese conocimiento profundo de la pertenencia mutua de todo lo que está entretejido en el entramado de la vida. Y cuando tenemos eso, vemos, sabemos que no se trata de una guerra entre buenos y malos, pues la línea que separa el bien y el mal recorre el paisaje de todos los corazones humanos. Y estamos tan entretejidos en el entramado de la vida que hasta el más pequeño de los actos realizados con una intención clara tiene repercusiones en todo ese entramado en formas que apenas vemos.
    »Pero eso -dijo- es un poco frío por sí solo, y por eso necesitamos el calor de la compasión. Y si miras a los monjes tibetanos recitando, verás muchas veces que en sus puyas [rituales] mueven las manos haciendo mudras; están representando la danza de la interacción entre karuna y prajna, entre la compasión y la sabiduría.»

  • @gaga-fp9hn
    @gaga-fp9hn 4 года назад +1

    I must say wow 🤩

  • @Callie321
    @Callie321 10 лет назад +1

    just now beginning your book. appreciate the breakdown of the 3 stories cultures tell/speak their view of reality.

  • @raquel_hakeu
    @raquel_hakeu 3 года назад

    Beautifull ! Thank you very much.

  • @tairarestar2317
    @tairarestar2317 12 лет назад

    Aaaah. Thank you for the reminder, dear Joanna.

  • @kathadax
    @kathadax 12 лет назад

    Thank you, Joanna and Chris. The balance. And it's so beautiful.

  • @tarakarmeshvari9912
    @tarakarmeshvari9912 10 лет назад +1

    Beautiful, inspirational, and its for real.

  • @DaveHampton
    @DaveHampton 11 лет назад

    "... then you know that this is not a battle between good guys and bad guys."
    "You know that the line between good and evil, runs through the landscape of every human heart. And you know that we are so interwoven in the web of life, that even the smallest act with clear intention has repercussions through the whole web. Beyond your capacity to see."
    "But that's kinda cool."
    He said. (She says)

  • @lindabuzzell5821
    @lindabuzzell5821 10 лет назад +1

    So powerful. Thank you.

  • @JesseNickelltheFourth
    @JesseNickelltheFourth 3 года назад +1

    I love it!

  • @kskimsalinas
    @kskimsalinas 2 года назад

    very helpful in these times, thank you

  • @Meowchang22
    @Meowchang22 10 лет назад +4

    Totally glad something told me to click this vid :)

  • @rosemoon8072
    @rosemoon8072 7 лет назад +1


  • @patrickleahey4574
    @patrickleahey4574 8 лет назад +1


  • @davidpointon6920
    @davidpointon6920 7 лет назад +1


  • @LaunchPatriarchyToMars
    @LaunchPatriarchyToMars 5 лет назад

    Soooo beautyful... thanks a log and greetings from Germany!

  • @giapponerosso
    @giapponerosso 9 лет назад +2

    oh god she is beautiful.

  • @ObamasTheBeast
    @ObamasTheBeast 5 месяцев назад

    Hi Chris, I wanted to know if you'd be interested. I found Shambhala. Is that something you're interested in? Because if you're interested, just to say: I've found it now, it's beautiful and wonderful.

  • @j.j.jamison4593
    @j.j.jamison4593 8 лет назад +1

    Planetary emergency......I appreciate that someone - acknowledges it is at an emergency level - yet, the emphasis is how it is piling on,and on. Chaos, having its way. Or, is it perspective?

  • @kavmaz
    @kavmaz 11 лет назад

    I really enjoyed the amazing story and the music!Thanks Chris and Joanna!

  • @babbarr77
    @babbarr77 6 лет назад

    I am a student of Chogyam Trungpa, who revealed the Shambhala teachings to the West. The only way to get to Shambhala is through the practice of meditation.

  • @idalawrence5912
    @idalawrence5912 7 лет назад

    this is beautiful

  • @Sakura-ko9gh
    @Sakura-ko9gh Год назад

    ShamBala is a place for all the buddha, so my question is how did those warriors get there at Buddha place without having proper awakening mind training and self realisations ?

  • @regmoore360
    @regmoore360 10 лет назад

    You might find this to be of some interest: Shambhala and the 13th Crystal Skull
    Its the connection between the old and new Shambhala according to the prophecies.

  • @shyam2krish
    @shyam2krish 6 лет назад +3

    Kalki will appear thr

  • @Manu2Banjo
    @Manu2Banjo 10 лет назад

    Very powerful message. Is there an Active Hope Show 2 ?

  • @kushkushai
    @kushkushai 10 лет назад

    chris this story is beautifull ! thank you !
    the subtitles are very wrong though . can you please tell me how i could fix that for you?

  • @MichaelMcCabe-eb2bo
    @MichaelMcCabe-eb2bo Год назад

    Space shuttle

  • @vollassitoni7795
    @vollassitoni7795 9 лет назад +2

    *jod Maja* Shamb*HallA*jod*Hari*Gall*

  • @michalgeorge4468
    @michalgeorge4468 6 лет назад


  • @jammatoonarmy
    @jammatoonarmy 12 лет назад

  • @pedroe3508
    @pedroe3508 2 года назад

    Don't worry everybody, Shamballa is a PLACE for only those that have the VIP pass..i'm not letting hippies and pseudo yogis in...and thanks but i don't need help from any pseudo warrior...Lord Kalki

  • @bharathsai3552
    @bharathsai3552 9 лет назад +2

    Its of hindus how can you say its bhuddistsss

    • @sumandas9487
      @sumandas9487 7 лет назад

      Bharath Sai every body is welcome in sambala the only thing is you have to the eligibility to go there.

    • @melifever
      @melifever 5 лет назад

      Shambhala is both a Hindu and Tibetan Buddhist concept. See in particular Chogyäm Trüngpa of Tibetan Buddhist lineage. In this video, they talk about the Tibetan Buddhist prophecy.