Allowing d5 in Najdorf is not good | Karjakin - Firouzja | World Rapid

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Along with Berlin defense, Najdorf is considered most credible opening choice for 3 results. It is very hard for white to find a line where they calm positional advantage. Black in many instances will have better ending, so White is forced to play an attacking game.
    Sergey chose very rare line with Bd3 and putting knights to light squares preparing occupying of d5. Alireza plays fast and makes all development moves, so when Sergey starts exchanges in appears that Alireza has d5 breakthrough and Black is better.
    Karjakin, Sergey (2754)
    Firouzja, Alireza (2723)
    Event: World Rapid 2019
    Site: Moscow RUS Date: 12/26/2019
    Round: 4.11 Score: 0-1
    ECO: B90 Sicilian, Najdorf
    1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bd3 e5 7.Nde2 Be7 8.O-O O-O 9.Ng3 Re8 10.Bc4 Be6 11.Nd5 Nbd7 12.Be3 Rc8 13.Bb3 Bf8 14.c3 Qa5 15.Nxf6+ Nxf6 16.Bg5 Nd7 17.Qe2 Nc5 18.Bxe6 Nxe6 19.Be3 d5 20.exd5 Qxd5 21.Rfd1 Qc6 22.Qg4 g6 23.f3 Bc5 24.Bxc5 Qxc5+ 25.Kh1 Rcd8 26.Qe4 b5 27.Qc2 f5 28.Qb3 Kf7 29.a4 Qc4 30.Qxc4 bxc4 31.Nf1 Rd3 32.Re1 Nc5 33.Kg1 f4 34.Re2 e4 35.fxe4 Rxe4 36.Rxe4 Nxe4 37.Re1 Nc5 38.a5 Rd5 39.h4 Kf6 40.Nh2 Kf5 41.Nf3 Nd3 42.Re7 Rxa5 43.Rxh7 Nxb2 44.Rf7+ Ke4 45.Kh2 Nd1 46.Rd7 Ne3 47.Rd6 Ng4+ 48.Kh3 Nf2+ 49.Kh2 Ra1 50.Ng1 Ng4+ 51.Kh1 Ne5 52.Kh2 Ra2 53.Kh1 a5 54.Nf3 Ra1+ 0-1
    Blitz chess and rapid chess video. Live blitz and rapid chess.
    Rapid chess and blitz chess tournaments
    Blitz chess (also known as speed or fast chess) is a type of chess in which each player is given less time to consider their moves than normal tournament time controls allow. Openings, tactics and strategy are same.

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