Fränklowie&Pinkusowie. Wielkość i dziedzictwo

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
  • Film dokumentalny Macieja Dobrzańskiego opowiada o historii żydowskich fabrykantów z rodzin Fränkel i Pinkus, którzy w XIX wieku założyli w dawnym Neustadt fabrykę tekstylną. Na przełomie wieków stała się ona największym tego typu zakładem na Śląsku i jednym z największych w Europie. Fabrykanci zmienili charakter urbanistyczny Prudnika, a ich działalność filantropijna i społeczna przyczyniła się do powstania w mieście parku, łaźni, czy szpitala, z którego korzystają do dziś współcześni prudniczanie. Utrzymywali też kontakty ze śląskimi noblistami, a sami zasłynęli jako kolekcjonerzy dzieł sztuki i literatury.
    ‪@tvpopole‬ #film #dokument

Комментарии • 13

  • @OurFatherInHeaven37
    @OurFatherInHeaven37 Месяц назад

    wspaniały film! w kontekście niezwykle cenny! kto dziś pamięta te czasy i te nazwiska, to wspaniałe przypomnienie dawnych lat

  • @wojciechmatusinski2789
    @wojciechmatusinski2789 8 месяцев назад +3

    Rewelacja, piękny film i wspaniałe wzorce życiowe! Gratuluję filmu!!!

  • @mrpatsow
    @mrpatsow 9 месяцев назад +5

    Ten film powinien znaleźć się w programie nauczania Prudnickich szkół.

  • @thenbenagcz3931
    @thenbenagcz3931 5 месяцев назад

    Super materiał !!

  • @Harfista
    @Harfista 9 месяцев назад +3

    Doskonały film, pięknie zrealizowany, światowy poziom

  • @marekk4400
    @marekk4400 9 месяцев назад +1

    piękny film,ogląda sie wspaniale,niesamowita historia,

  • @marianoitaliano6863
    @marianoitaliano6863 9 месяцев назад

    Piękny film. Teraz czas na film o całym Prudniku. Np obowie klasztorek stary nowy itp.

  • @bckisielp
    @bckisielp 9 месяцев назад

    Czy jest już wersja w języku angielskim czy francuskim? Chciałem zarekomendować znajomym.

  • @robertomanz6399
    @robertomanz6399 6 месяцев назад

    Part 2: However despite the flaws in the film , and there appear to be many, the invaluable photos and film stills are quite well done and I enjoyed them immensely.
    Mr. B. Pinkus is NOT A recognized Fraenkel /Pinkus blood member that we, the legal representatives of the Pinkus legacy, acknowledge. He has contacted me however NOT ever been confirmed to actually be a Neustadt Pinkus. He does not follow up with us to give us the proof that he is an actual Neustadt Pinkus as we feel he does NOT have the evidence. We do not approve of the amateur socalled historians in Prudnik giving him a platform for publicity when he is NOT a blood line Neustadt Pinkus that he can prove. He may have the Pinkus name but there are many Pinkuses worldwide. They use him in the film however he is NOT recognized by us. Walt Pinkus in Arizona USA , a blood real family member expert in the Pinkus geneology , has confirmed to me that he feels that this Mr. B. Pinkus is bogus and he CANNOT find him as a real blood Neustadt Pinkus. The Polish side just accepts him as such , again, without doing their due diligence. The actual PL Pinkus and Fraenkel so called historians or "experts" make many errors as they are not sanctioned by the copyright holder, me , assisted by real blood family member W. Pinkus in the USA. If their material were in German or English we could judge , possibly much harsher , their lapses in Pinkus accuracy.
    It is better than no publicity that the actual Pinkus story gets out as they were incredibly philanthropic to the majority Christian population of the pre 1945 Neustadt. .Their buildings subsume current day Prudnik however the bulk of the new PL population does NOT accredit sufficiently that these were family gifts and patronage.
    Despite the many flaws to this film it is better than nothing. We would hope that if the TV station Opola makes more Pinkus films they will strive for better due diligence by at least checking with us as to better accuracy. We were not approached by them before they made this film. Mr. W. Pinkus of the USA appealed to me to intervene about copyright and accuracy, as he was approached by someone from Prudnik, however giving the matter over to me as the current copyright holder and enforcer. The constant copyright infringement and inaccuracies also bothered John Peters until his death, as confirmed by W. Pinkus to me. I did dispatch at least one missive to present day Prudnik about copyright infringement however received no response from the PL side. Funny how they demand that we protect them in the current Russian war however they can not give the slightest thought to copyright infringement when the copyright owner and collection are equally in the USA. !
    Lets aim for better accuracy and less copyright infringement without permission as the Polish side demands we protect them from Russian occupation yet again !
    Dr. R. Horning-Wistuba, CH
    Director and Copyright Holder
    The Fraenkel and Pinkus Collections@
    The Leo Baeck Institute
    The Center for Jewish History
    New York City, USA
    Baeckerei Kinzer-Wolska
    Neustaedter Strasse
    Zuelz, Kreis Neustadt, Oberschlesien
    Mailing Address:
    Die Pinkus und Fraenkel Sammlungen
    733 Grand Street, #99
    Brooklyn, New York 11211 USA.

  • @robertomanz6399
    @robertomanz6399 6 месяцев назад

    As usual with the materials produced solely in today's Poland there are errors herein as they are not at the source of the Pinkus and Fraenkel Collections which is in the Leo Baeck Institute in NYC, USA. In the Nazi allowed evacuations done by the Pinkus and Fraenkel Families in 1939 the Pinkus and Fraenkel Archive was hidden in a piano shipped out with their personal effects to the UK in 1939. However a smaller part of the factory archive did not make it out of Schlesien as it was impounded by the Gestapo after the war outbreak in September 1, 1939. The so-called historians in the film are amateurs not recognized as authorities in the Pinkus and Fraenkel field. They did not have the approval or copyright input by the Pinkus and Fraekel Collections as I am the current copyright holder as per contract with the late John Peters. These people purport themselves to be "Pinkus authorities" within Poland but however do NOT have family or Collection approval. I cannot fully judge what they say as only Polish is offered with no subtitles in German or English.
    Here are the mistakes I could fathom. John Peters who I knew well and went to his house often in Switzerland as well as greeted in Germany and in NYC did not "escape" or change his name in 1936. 1936 may have been when he was consigned to Bruenn, (current CZ) where he was schooled in German in textile school. in Bruenn he was living with and mentored by his stepmother's mother who had a posh residence there, There was no foreign currency to send John Peters to Switzerland as his stepbrothers were sent. MR PINKUS/PETERS HOWEVER LEFT BRUENN FOR THE UK FIRST IN FEB. 1939 AND NOT IN 1936 AS ERRONEOUSLY USED IN THE FILM. These self appointed socalled historians on the Pinkus topic did not do their due diligence otherwise they would have had their dates accurate. John Peters arrived then in the UK by plane from Prague
    just missing the whole German occupation of the Czech lands by weeks. The film is not accurate on this point. Once the later John Peters was in the UK he much later changed his name to John Peters when he joined the UK forces going back to Europe and Axis occupied lands.

  • @AleksanderLubon
    @AleksanderLubon 9 месяцев назад


  • @kubahaliczyn6149
    @kubahaliczyn6149 8 месяцев назад


  • @opos16
    @opos16 7 месяцев назад

    28:34 tablicy już nie ma, jakaś qurwa ją ukradła/rozjebała