The Dangers of Heedlessness: By Hamza Yusuf

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Are you a dumb beast or something greater??

Комментарии • 241

  • @bubblyboobly
    @bubblyboobly 9 лет назад +22

    he is so right about cars and driving. Lost my brother and my son hit and run. I love listening to this man. May Allah reward and bless him.

  • @peacefulvibez8694
    @peacefulvibez8694 9 лет назад +29

    May Allah ﷻ bless Shaykh Hamza abundantly and preserve him, ameen thumma ameen! What an excellent reminder subhanAllah.

  • @writtenwisdom63
    @writtenwisdom63 9 лет назад +20

    I wish more people would watch this.
    Families are being destroyed in the West because of online pornography, drug addictions, ego and lust.

  • @dewinto
    @dewinto 11 лет назад +4

    may Allah Swt bless Sh Hamza Yusuf a long life and healthy. Ameen...

  • @fakhrrazi
    @fakhrrazi 16 лет назад

    May Allah protect Shaykh Hamza. He is one of the only voices of sanity and we need to make du'a for him. Islam is being represented in the best way by him and we as Muslims need to be proud.

  • @BeAwareToAvoid
    @BeAwareToAvoid 14 лет назад

    what a great speech from my favourite speaker, sheik Hamza Yusuf.. This kind of talks that are gonna wake the people up from their heedlessness or sleeping and stand for what really benefits them ultimately.. I was really touched by his words and really appreciate the logic and the sense he's providing.. i hope every body else feels the same!

  • @danielmurray04
    @danielmurray04 9 лет назад +43

    I am an atheist, but I love listening to this man, and men and women like him. There seem not to be many, but that could be a deception.

    • @saidafarah450
      @saidafarah450 9 лет назад +22

      There are many people like him, but this guy is very good at what he does. Its also good to know that you enjoy his talks. May god guide you , me and the rest of humanity.

  • @1ronman786
    @1ronman786 14 лет назад

    humans are the most frail and fragile creations of allah which is why we have the most mercy shown towards us. but do not forget we are behaving so bad at this late of a time, mercy may not even be shown towards us.. may almighty allah forgive us and guide us towards the truth. ameen

  • @benfaysal23
    @benfaysal23 15 лет назад

    Everyone should listen to this and this great man, whether they're christians muslims or whatever they are.

  • @AshleyLowis
    @AshleyLowis 14 лет назад

    What are you talking about? Hamza Yusuf is seriously amazing. The way he explains things is so fascinating and intelligent. To be honest, these days a lot of the scholars can't hold the interest of our young generation, but Hamza Yusuf has a gift of appealing to our generation and making them interested in Islam. I've been to huge Islamic conventions where he spoke several lectures...and I hated when his lectures finished because they were so well explained and remarkable.

  • @HassanAleem
    @HassanAleem 15 лет назад

    people like hamza, estes, khalid yasin, green, are gift from Allah. there is a reson they are born in the west convert to islam. they are the best reformers of our time.

  • @zarish74
    @zarish74 13 лет назад +4

    can any one who says dont listen to this shaykh,explain to me what has he said in this lecture and many of his other lectuers,that are false and taking one away from islam ?

  • @quantumo2099
    @quantumo2099 Год назад

    Alhamdulilah. Treat people with dignity! Love it

  • @Trupak786
    @Trupak786 17 лет назад

    Beautiful video...what knowledge...what Hikma.
    Thankyou for posting this...jazza kilah! Brothers and sisters please digress from showing agression to people who make offensive remarks, it is the shaytan trying to provoke you to become agressive back, let Islam give us all Hijada(guidance) and let humanity prevail. Ameen

  • @teenagemuslim
    @teenagemuslim 15 лет назад

    the Prophet SAW said, say good or be quiet. so please shut up people. stop hating on Imam Hamza Yusuf because you "think" he's sufi. First he isn't and even if he was, hes way more educated than you are and has a higher place in heaven for all we know. May Allah bless him and help him to continue his beautiful works

  • @TheUhud
    @TheUhud 14 лет назад

    An eye opener especially 18minz+ I hope people from other faiths get to view and reflect

  • @seamr05
    @seamr05 17 лет назад

    Thank you Hamza Yusuf...May Allah bless you...

  • @aishahveiled
    @aishahveiled 15 лет назад

    thank you for this may Allah give you good aneem

  • @ali12147
    @ali12147 14 лет назад

    I agree dealing with the self should come first, but as muslims we also have social obligations. In my experience those who talk about social issues, governments, injustices etc do it to make the masses aware of what the reality is around them. yes Allah swt is most important, and it is He who demands us to enjoin good and forbid evil.

  • @HeatSeekingMouse
    @HeatSeekingMouse 15 лет назад

    JazakAllaah changed my life.

  • @yazeedoro
    @yazeedoro 14 лет назад

    ماشالله عليه ماشالله عليه ماشالله عليه
    لا اله الا الله
    I respect this man all the respection .
    I would like to meet him some day by god willing .
    He is a miracle .

  • @swiftsidewinder
    @swiftsidewinder 16 лет назад

    MasyaAllah. Pure wisdom.

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    Wa 'alaykum assalaam.
    Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah. Verily, the words of Rasoolullaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) are true. He said: "Now there are many scholars among you, and few speakers. There will come a time when there will be few scholars and many speakers." And he also said: "They (ignorant people, pseudo-scholars) will speak without knowledge and will be astray and make also others go astray."
    May Allaah protect us.

  • @TheDervishSufi
    @TheDervishSufi 13 лет назад

    ٱقۡتَرَبَ لِلنَّاسِ حِسَابُهُمۡ وَهُمۡ فِى غَفۡلَةٍ۬ مُّعۡرِضُونَ

  • @aliabdulla3
    @aliabdulla3 16 лет назад

    man. i wish my Friday prayers were this interesting :)

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    5) Many people take knowledge of these kind of people. They forget about the Salaf as-Saalih (pious predecessors). They don't follow major scholars of our time or those who passed away long ago.
    You have to stick to the Sunnah. And you need evidence for the sayings of people. If they contradict, then you don't follow them in it. This can be a difference in jurisprudence issues.
    But also in 'Aqeedah. Then it is serious. Many sufis say "Allaah is everywhere". This is clear kufr (unbelief).

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    Wa 'alaykum assalaam wa rahmatullaah akhee.
    You're welcome.

  • @sajiddanish1309
    @sajiddanish1309 10 лет назад +2


  • @No1SHMUK
    @No1SHMUK 15 лет назад

    it means being unaware of gods watchfulness, or in other words being heedless

  • @1ronman786
    @1ronman786 14 лет назад

    how can you comment bad against this man, such a beautiful lecture...

  • @786alps
    @786alps 17 лет назад

    mashallah .. great khutba

  • @sergekube2761
    @sergekube2761 9 лет назад +1

    that waht i wish´d to hear´d and see´d .,
    Thx! :)
    for thinking.

  • @ali12147
    @ali12147 15 лет назад

    Prophet Muhammad(saw) said :"Do you know what backbiting is?" They said, "God and His Messenger know best." He then said, "It is to say something about your brother that he would dislike." Someone asked him, "But what if what I say is true?" The Messenger of God said, "If what you say about him is true, you are backbiting him, but if it is not true then you have slandered him." (Muslim)
    Hows that for a definition from the best of creation. Are you going to refute that.

  • @ahsen74
    @ahsen74 16 лет назад

    If someone declares their shahada, then it is not for any other Muslim to decide how strong they are in their iman. It is for Allah to decide this, not you or me.

  • @hotgirlzzz
    @hotgirlzzz 16 лет назад

    I love Islam!

  • @emilyeld
    @emilyeld 11 лет назад +1


  • @Richard_Straker
    @Richard_Straker 15 лет назад

    I'm an athiest, but this guy talks sense.

  • @jjsause720
    @jjsause720 15 лет назад

    Nationalism did bring alot of cultural race and less care for the deen and more pride in who you are and where you are from and this is a huge problem with our ummah today.

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    To proceed:
    This has nothing to do with the manhaj of AhlusSunnah wal-Jamaa'ah (or Salafiyyah) or "Wahhaabiyyah" as it is called by ignorant people.
    Making takfeer of people just like that, or having bad manners or executing people for nothing is not of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah as understood by the Salaf As-Saalih.

  • @eliksyr
    @eliksyr 15 лет назад

    Naf is the self/ego.

  • @langor66
    @langor66 14 лет назад

    @tolerancia500, may I know which mosque is it?? I live somewhere in southeast asia so i may not know which mosque you are talking about.. :D... peace...

  • @Bism_illaah
    @Bism_illaah 15 лет назад

    Umm, i think that video was uploaded before the 10 minute limit was set... and i think there is a setting also, where if you set it like that then you can post more than 10 mins. Allahu alim..

  • @Youbettersaysubhanallah
    @Youbettersaysubhanallah Год назад

    Al Salamu 'alaykom wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
    「 Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi
    「 Subhan Allah Al 'Adim
    「 Astaghfiru-الله
    「 Alhamduliالله
    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
    「 Allahuma ssali 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala ali Muhammad kama salayta 'ala Ibrahim wa 'ala ali Ibrahim inaka hamidun majid, Allahuma barik 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala ali Muhammad kama barakta 'ala Ibrahim wa 'ala ali Ibrahim inaka hamidun majid
    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
    「 La ilaha illa Allah wahdahu la sharika lah lahul mulku wa lahul hamd wa huwa 'ala kuli shayyin qadir

  • @EccentricDeal
    @EccentricDeal 14 лет назад

    he said" nafs" means self .. "shaitan" ,,,"hawaa" and "dunya"

  • @EccentricDeal
    @EccentricDeal 14 лет назад

    @AsianCrackhead91 you r welcome ... hawa means what your self loves the most in a bad way .. as following what your is in love with ,may ruin your heart ..

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    Wa 'alaykum assalaam.
    1) No. I'm not an old man to be called a "shaykh", nor do I possess knowledge to be called a "shaykh". It doesn't really matter though. By the way, Hamza Yusuf isn't a "shaykh" either.
    2) Yes, like the great scholar Imaam Maalik Ibn Anas(rahimahullaah) said: "Everyone after the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) will have his sayings accepted and rejected - not so the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam).

  • @ali12147
    @ali12147 15 лет назад

    As a muslim your free to do whatever you want as long as it is within the quran and sunnah. So get that correct to start off with. Well its also sunnah and in the quran not to backbite or slander a person, are you following that or is that something you leave out because it doesn't suite you. And what are you studying of the sunnah, reading through Bukhari and Muslim. Do you have any idea of the contexts of those hadiths, do you even know arabic to study the quran.

  • @muhacir08
    @muhacir08 14 лет назад

    ingilizce vaaz!!! arapcasi da cok iyi masallah...

  • @eyesonly96
    @eyesonly96 16 лет назад

    Look at his face he his feeling everything he is saying

  • @Anisa767
    @Anisa767 17 лет назад

    masha allah

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    4) It wouldn't be great fault of Hamza Yusuf if he made mistakes because of ignorance. The fact is, he follows Soofee belief. His false manhaj (path) was refuted and the truth was shown to him.
    He is "westernized", you could say. He has deviated on the rulings of covering (for women), jihaad (on the battle), etc.
    And I gave you a link, a lecture about him. And also can give you text as well. Where his claims are shown and the evidence from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah to refute his mistakes.

  • @bahoss
    @bahoss 17 лет назад

    I love you.

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    He has errors. He is a sufi, not an extreme one, but still he has his sufi-thoughts. He also talks about "wahhabism" (this clearly shows that he doesn't know where the name comes from, otherwise he wouldn't call it "wahhabism").
    He also has some errors about Jihaad. And much more. May Allaah guide him. He is not even on a leven of a student of knowledge who is at university in e.g. Madeenah. May Allaah unite the Muslimeen. Aameen.

  • @HassanAleem
    @HassanAleem 15 лет назад

    there is only one major difference between sufis and the mutazali order ... and just like zakir naik and estes he is a muslim. and so are the sufis and the mutzalis. quran has the knowledge of all creation within it therefore, we have the minor differences between the schools of though learn from them all.

  • @dualrecord
    @dualrecord 14 лет назад

    is he ever evaluate sheikh hamza yusuf?? hmm... sorry.. i dont know that.. for me.. these 2 mans speeches are awesome.. :-)

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    "These words were originally those of Ibn 'Abbaas and Mujaahid, from whom Maalik (radi Allaahu 'anhu) took them, and he became famous for them."
    Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (rahimahullaah) also said something similar to this.
    3) Your claim is not correct, my brother. You say that we shouldn't look for faults in other people. What do you say about the best of people (first 3 generations) who critisized and refuted Ahl al-Bid'ah (people of innovation) ?

  • @courseworkdue
    @courseworkdue 16 лет назад

    Actually my brother in humanity the chapter in the Quran entitled kafirun (the non believers) instructs muslims to tell non believers that we will never worship the same God (s) so to you your religion and to me mine.
    Google 'surah kafirun' if you dont believe me, thats exactly what it says.
    Islam allows for freedom of religion. Unfortunately some muslims have interpreted things to their own views, prejudices and bias

  • @kingpino1980
    @kingpino1980 16 лет назад

    Its not any different then living in a country governed by law, if an english man kills someone it is still an englishman who killed that person. So to a certain degree you are correct, you can't say they arent muslim if they do something wrong, but you can say they do not follow the laws of Islam, and therefore they do no represent islam. Does that make a little more sense?
    -part 2

  • @Wassalaam92
    @Wassalaam92 14 лет назад

    @mimoo90 ... he is sunni alhamdulillah

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    1) "wahhabis believe allah is a giant man sitting on his throne."
    I will send you links about this matter. Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah) was asked: "How did Allaah rise (Istiwaa) over His Throne?" He said: Istiwaa is known. "How" is not known. Believing in it is waadjib (obligatory). Asking "how" is bid'ah (innovation). And he told to let that man leave.
    I will give you clear proof of the 'Aqeedah of AhlusSunnah wal-Djamaa'ah about this issue, inshaaAllaah. Just be sincere, my brother.

  • @muslimgiga
    @muslimgiga 15 лет назад

    well he's not a hardcore sufi.. its like sommet in the middle like imam gazali..

  • @abdelbaasit1
    @abdelbaasit1 15 лет назад

    Do you deny your one and only GOD - Allah?
    Saying, "my God Hamza is amazing.." is Kufr. We say: "my God Allah is.." . So please avoid such statements.
    May Allah reward our righteous leader and Imaam, Hamza Yusuf. He is very smart and sincere, in sha Allah. * :) :) :) :)

  • @abdelbaasit1
    @abdelbaasit1 15 лет назад

    Sorry, I misunderstood your unclear ambiguous statement.
    You should've put a comma between "My GOD" & "Hamza". I thought you meant them, together, because there was no comma in between.
    Thank you and have a nice day. :D

  • @courseworkdue
    @courseworkdue 16 лет назад

    lebanon for one.

  • @DCseeker71
    @DCseeker71 16 лет назад

    Assalamu Alaikum, I am sorry, but every time I head about Chechnya I think about all of the torture and be headings carried out by "Muslims." I can only hope this was an exaggeration of the media; but brothers I know tell me it is not, and that Wahhabi doctrine drove jihadists into an almost drunken fury for blood.

  • @retrogawd
    @retrogawd 12 лет назад

    beast! beast! beast! beast! beast! (me)

  • @muhith
    @muhith 14 лет назад

    y hasn't he got a beard according to the sunnah?

  • @SheiRaga
    @SheiRaga 15 лет назад

    you mean Chandler. Is that all you got from this?

  • @Bism_illaah
    @Bism_illaah 15 лет назад

    No idea bro/sis

  • @shadowkill546
    @shadowkill546 14 лет назад

    All I see is the user proudfemale and I'm thinking "Not her again" She was posting some racist stuff on another youtube video and started debating me. Its clear she gets her material from antimuslim websites that twists material. Those sites however only work on people who are ignorant of the religion and are emphasized by the ones who have hatred in their heart. The fact that a person only tries to see the worst in humans is a reflection of the darkness in their heart. Its a pity

  • @ShieldOfIslam
    @ShieldOfIslam 13 лет назад

    @karlsmith00 im listening

  • @arozinsk
    @arozinsk 15 лет назад

    Congratulations, you have accepted the first part of the Shahadah (reversion to Islam)
    At first I didn't like this guy much because he can appear a little rigid, but he has a lot of videos, and very helpful.

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    - ?
    - Wa 'alaykum assalaam.

  • @PhotonUponLight
    @PhotonUponLight 14 лет назад

    Dunya = wordly life, this world which god created to test Us
    Nafs = Desires
    actually Hawaa Nafsu , goes together Lustful Desires

  • @ali12147
    @ali12147 15 лет назад

    followed who, What makes you think i 'follow' Hamza Yusuf. If you could get good from anyone you shold take it and if you disagree then you shouldn't. This lecture has got nothing to do with sufism, he talks about heedlesness. Do you not think what he is saying is good advise for muslims. You say that he causes fitna, do you not think you are doing a much better job. You still havent addressed the fact that your backbiting him, please attempt to justify that.

  • @ShieldOfIslam
    @ShieldOfIslam 13 лет назад

    @karlsmith00 dont avoid my question the pain inside you wont leave if you just ignore its called repression and sooner than later it will come back up and you will be angry @ your friend or your girl or your family member
    you keep displacing these feelings letting them out on Muslims but the truth is you dont hate Muslims you hate yourself am i wrong you have to stop hating yourself and learn to love yourself so you can learn to love others if not you will just be a self destructive wreck

  • @horsepower94
    @horsepower94 15 лет назад

    what is gafilah?

  • @sdiri980
    @sdiri980 Год назад


  • @JC23333
    @JC23333 16 лет назад

    type in ahmed deedat

  • @bogusbacha99
    @bogusbacha99 17 лет назад

    thanks for the vid. Muslims need to wake up

  • @erwinsmith5381
    @erwinsmith5381 2 года назад


  • @kingpino1980
    @kingpino1980 16 лет назад

    Your example doesnt quite make sense. Let me explain. Can a black person wake up one morning and say he's not black anymore? Or a black person wake and say he wants to be white today? Yet a muslim can leave islam and become a part of any other religion he chooses. I think what some of the people are trying to say is that either your a good muslim who follows the laws of islam or your a bad muslim who violates the laws of islam.
    - part 1

  • @emaamur
    @emaamur 17 лет назад

    You are talking about a man who has been taught by some of the best islamic scholars in the muslim world today. This really annoys me that someone who is doing alot of good for brothers and sisters in the english speaking muslim communities and teach them their religion, someone like you , comes and puts him down. if he is doing something that is bidia then i pray that Allah forgives him as he is doing alot more for his religion in very hostile western communities. lets appreciate him.

  • @hadeeelj
    @hadeeelj 15 лет назад

    nafs not arabic نفس

  • @islamyoon
    @islamyoon 16 лет назад

    why he looks as a woman....i mean he has no it because he didnt read the hadeeth s about the beard

  • @JC23333
    @JC23333 16 лет назад

    you cannt unless your the guy who put the video up

  • @ShieldOfIslam
    @ShieldOfIslam 13 лет назад

    @karlsmith00 no im used to seeing lies and i can differentiate between the truth and lies thats why i dont get pissed off when you say things like that
    but you on the other hand seem to get excited over your own anger at a religion tell me has any muslim hurt u in some way in the past
    or is this just your way of letting off steam a kind of displacement

  • @uaeuaeuae
    @uaeuaeuae 15 лет назад

    most of people here are ignorant, so don't argue with them, can't u guys just listen and leave.

  • @ali12147
    @ali12147 15 лет назад

    lol, You can call me as many names as you want but you still havent responded on how i am being arragont or contradicting by saying that you are clearly backbiting. Why are you avoiding that. And secondly you keep on talking about me claiming to be a scholar, please show me were i have even implied such a thing, you seem realy paranoid brother, i think you need to see someone.

  • @ChechenMaga
    @ChechenMaga 16 лет назад

    Wallaahulmusta'aan. How deluded you are.

  • @Search4Knowledge
    @Search4Knowledge 17 лет назад

    At the moment you look fuller of hate and anger than anny salafie I have ever seen. Maybe you need to find some real salafies and talk to them. May Allah subhanahuwata´ala guide us all!!!

  • @nadiamalik4
    @nadiamalik4 9 лет назад +12

    The more I listen to sheikh Hamza the more I am amazed by his knowledge May Allah preserve him Ameen

  • @courseworkdue
    @courseworkdue 16 лет назад

    Actually my brother in humanity the chapter in the Quran entitled kafirun (the non believers) instructs muslims to tell non believers that we will never worship the same God (s) so to you your religion and to me mine.
    Google 'surah kafirun' if you dont believe me, thats exactly what it says.
    Islam allows for freedom of religion. Unfortunately some muslims have interpreted things to their own views, prejudices and bias

  • @nalepa123
    @nalepa123 14 лет назад +3

    I can't believe that I have never heard of this wonderful Shaykh until recently! What a jewel!! Alhamdullah!

  • @sfdtz76jug
    @sfdtz76jug 10 лет назад +5

    جزاك الله خيرا صلو على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم

  • @dgonzalezgonzalez6091
    @dgonzalezgonzalez6091 10 лет назад +3

    The problems with Muslims ate they think they know the Quran and don't respect what Allah says Ask those who know! The prophet Muhammad said there will be his own ppl of his native tongues that will speak the language and read Arabic and not understand the deen! ! And,converts will revive it!

  • @libanlibanliban
    @libanlibanliban 17 лет назад +2

    beautiful lecture. Thanks for sharing. 100% true.

  • @all2familiar
    @all2familiar 16 лет назад +2

    The lecture is heartfelt and sincere, Mashallah. Keep up the good work. Thank you for the reminder to wake up.

  • @The3PLX
    @The3PLX 11 лет назад +1

    I'm on Hamza Yusuf marathon.

  • @drake10X
    @drake10X 11 лет назад +2

    Whenever I watch these videos I feel like I just get slapped in the face