Our first Christmas being PARENTS! What to do when you EAT TOO MUCH!?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 748

  • @Ashesstoashess
    @Ashesstoashess 5 лет назад +521

    when kurt came out with the costume on and fox was like....i could swear that's my dad

  • @sydneypeff6886
    @sydneypeff6886 5 лет назад +579

    Don’t wanna get my hopes up butttt is Sarah going back to every three days...? Because if so, 2020 is off to a FABULOUS start

  • @nevaeh.morales
    @nevaeh.morales 5 лет назад +199

    Awhh my heart melted at kurts face when you called him your fiancé .. your guys relationship is so pure 🥺

  • @chloebenson4509
    @chloebenson4509 5 лет назад +365

    You to are honestly the cutest couple and I’m guessing that I’m not the only one who says this but I love your positive energy and the way you to get along so well. Xx

  • @halsii7056
    @halsii7056 5 лет назад +384

    your sisters boyfriend is literally the cutest singing for foxy naww🥰

    • @CR1888-YT
      @CR1888-YT 5 лет назад +22

      I was looking for this comment! How beautiful was that, that was the thing they brought a tear to my eye... Such togerthness, its the small things that make life xxx

    • @kitch9045
      @kitch9045 5 лет назад +3

      Agreed!!! So sweet

    • @krissywelten8834
      @krissywelten8834 5 лет назад +3

      YES!! He has such good vibes, idk what it is 😍😍

    • @jasminbobs4692
      @jasminbobs4692 4 года назад +3

      Fiancé actually. ☺️

    • @QueenJules888
      @QueenJules888 4 года назад +1

      Super sweet 😭 love his voice 💯

  • @charlotteparker639
    @charlotteparker639 5 лет назад +867

    my can’t more kurt’s exist in the world 😢

    • @aussie_fun
      @aussie_fun 5 лет назад +2

      Couldn't agree more!!

    • @VCRider
      @VCRider 5 лет назад +2

      Couldn’t there be more Sarahs ;)

    • @aussie_fun
      @aussie_fun 5 лет назад +1

      @@VCRider both are amazing ❤️💙

    • @carolwood9270
      @carolwood9270 Год назад

      Kurt would not be the man he is without Sarah…….remember that girls…..

  • @aimeelee-ann314
    @aimeelee-ann314 5 лет назад +319


    • @maggieoconnor9054
      @maggieoconnor9054 5 лет назад +9

      Aimee Lee-ann haha I was laughing at that too , she was seriously eyeballing them 😂😂

  • @lucycrawford2559
    @lucycrawford2559 5 лет назад +123

    Am I the only one who is realising how stunning Sarah will look in a wedding dress

    • @ashtonlowder3324
      @ashtonlowder3324 5 лет назад +3

      Really excited to see if she does a mini series for the wedding!! Would love to see her shop for and try on dresses.

    • @lucycrawford2559
      @lucycrawford2559 5 лет назад

      Ashton Lowder yeah same

    • @djhawke6464
      @djhawke6464 4 года назад

      That vlog is going to make me CRY

  • @moiramoturi8149
    @moiramoturi8149 5 лет назад +368

    "Merry Christmas to my fiance"
    Starts sobbing

  • @miabeaumont4813
    @miabeaumont4813 5 лет назад +553

    You guys can really adopt me I wouldn’t say no at all 💖

  • @brittanyjoelle2032
    @brittanyjoelle2032 5 лет назад +281

    Fox mesmerised by the guitar and singing is everything 🥰🥰🥰 😭😭😭

  • @emilypitt6870
    @emilypitt6870 5 лет назад +164

    that was the best 15 minutes of my whole day

  • @ParisHedger
    @ParisHedger 5 лет назад +106

    seriosuly the cutest family on youtube! I'm always smiling (or crying from the proposal or other announcements hahah) in your videos, thanks for keeping it so real & being such a good role model xx

  • @samparker9490
    @samparker9490 5 лет назад +135

    Can totally imagine your sisters boyfriend singing at your wedding because his voice is so beautiful 😍😍

    • @jasminbobs4692
      @jasminbobs4692 4 года назад +4

      It’s her fiancé actually. ☺️

  • @shannonfraser8725
    @shannonfraser8725 5 лет назад +71

    the last like minute of this vlog was so genuine and cute and wholesome and relatable and the rest of the vlog was of course amazing but that last minute or so left me with the biggest grin on my face - just the cutest family

  • @alexaf.8517
    @alexaf.8517 5 лет назад +27

    Okay no joke, Fox is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen

  • @alohasun12
    @alohasun12 5 лет назад

    Thank you Sarah for the message about bloating. I have issues with bloating and been in the process for a long time of healing my gut. I was struggling especially during the holidays with eating so much, eating junk and not feeling good at all. Then I immediately punished myself and that made my whole state feel worse. I feel so much better after hearing your message and it really helps me so much. Your amazing! I would love for you to do a video on bloating and gut healing! I could definitely use more tips!! Also congratulations on your engagement!! I’m so so so happy for you both! Sending you love from America! ❤️

  • @hayleybunce8356
    @hayleybunce8356 5 лет назад +75

    it’s so weird seeing the difference between christmas in england and australia - i couldn’t imagine christmas without roast turkey! 😂😂 your day looked great fun though, love you guys xx

  • @andjahopf
    @andjahopf 5 лет назад +141

    When Fox grabbed his toe, my heart exploded!

  • @Youwouldliketoknow91
    @Youwouldliketoknow91 5 лет назад +170

    I LOL’d so hard when Fox ate the stressball and he got the stressball hair stuck in his mouth. That’s what having a baby looks like to me 🤣

  • @leahowens145
    @leahowens145 5 лет назад +16

    "I'm a parent and still feel like a child. I want to go to bed! I want someone to tuck me in at night! I want someone to dress me!" Same, girl. Same.
    Just know there is a new mom in the US who is right there with you. You can do it, mom! Keep up the awesome work!

  • @meaganrohler3636
    @meaganrohler3636 5 лет назад +38


  • @cochlo184
    @cochlo184 5 лет назад +27

    I can't believe how much fox has grown he's so cute and sweet ❤️

  • @hannahgrace8142
    @hannahgrace8142 5 лет назад +54

    Are you ok in Australia? In New Zealand we have smoke. Praying for you

  • @baraodvarkova
    @baraodvarkova 5 лет назад +5

    I feel like Fox is getting cuter every vlog. He is such a beautiful and happy baby, I love it. And it’s no secret that kids are absorbing their parents energy so it’s clear that he lives in such an happy and healthy and positive environment. Omg, this is everything ❤️ I’m so happy for you guys. I just watched Sarah’s ‘snowboarding alone’ video and I’m so proud how far you’ve come

  • @JaninaMarie-zt8tb
    @JaninaMarie-zt8tb 5 лет назад +39

    I have to say.. little Fox is by far the cutest "influencer“ baby out there 😍

    • @aaliya5996
      @aaliya5996 5 лет назад +4

      fox and alethea (milena ciciotti’s baby) are 100% the cutest yeah 😂

    • @misroilova
      @misroilova 5 лет назад

      And the chatwin triplets

  • @ArtisticAlleyTJ
    @ArtisticAlleyTJ 5 лет назад +13

    I loved watching foxy just being in a trance while being serenaded 😍🥰 actual gorgeous!!!!

  • @tessw5304
    @tessw5304 5 лет назад +83

    i love how fox just immediately puts everything in his mouth 😂

  • @samnicholson7852
    @samnicholson7852 5 лет назад +24

    i love how fox eats everything he’s given, so much like sarah

  • @SimplySavannah
    @SimplySavannah 5 лет назад +36


  • @luanaleghissa
    @luanaleghissa 5 лет назад +46

    Willy has a wonderful voice and Fox is the cutest baby ever.

  • @valeriadelrio-rodriguez4953
    @valeriadelrio-rodriguez4953 5 лет назад +8

    2019 by far her best year. She had fox, bought a home, and ended the year getting engaged with the love of her life ❤❤❤ Kurt and Sezzy are couple goals!! I need to find my kurt 😭❤❤❤❤❤

  • @andersonsapphire575
    @andersonsapphire575 5 лет назад +1

    The part of uncle singing to Fox is so sweet! I'd love to hear you talk more about your relationship to spirituality

  • @shaunalee7826
    @shaunalee7826 5 лет назад +12

    Currently pregnant with my precious rainbow baby, and seeing baby fox makes me extra super excited 🥰❤️❤️

  • @ajstwirler
    @ajstwirler 5 лет назад +66

    “I’m a parent I still feel like a child” 😂 me this whole first year of my sons life lol

    • @madelinelacombe
      @madelinelacombe 5 лет назад

      Alexis Steptoe girl same my son is 11 months and I’m like are you sure I’m the one in charge? 😂

    • @ajstwirler
      @ajstwirler 5 лет назад

      @@madelinelacombe Exactly!! Who said this was okay?!? We're both just winging it!

    • @emilylamb7223
      @emilylamb7223 5 лет назад

      I have three kids and I still feel like I'm 16and I'm winging it haha

  • @brooketerry2614
    @brooketerry2614 5 лет назад +65

    *its christmas*
    sarah: “it’s hot”
    i can’t imagine christmas without freezing cold weather 😳

    • @yeeyeeasshaircut3853
      @yeeyeeasshaircut3853 4 года назад

      I live in Australia and I don't even expect it to be cold here at all

  • @JessicaSmith-dr1hv
    @JessicaSmith-dr1hv 5 лет назад +80

    Anyone else think Kurt and Sarah’s dad look alike!!? 😂

  • @Ashesstoashess
    @Ashesstoashess 5 лет назад +37

    this is beautiful and your brother in law has the most beautiful voice i've ever heard

  • @thelonghairedyogi
    @thelonghairedyogi 5 лет назад

    I'm 31 and still get Santa photos with my parentals. It's a lovely way to document a growing family.

  • @maeganschwalm8076
    @maeganschwalm8076 5 лет назад +19

    foxes little fro hes got goin on is the cutest 🥺❤️ and can we talk about how HEALTHY AND LONG sezzys hair is omg. by far the best family on youtube!!

  • @taracowan4662
    @taracowan4662 5 лет назад +49

    “I’m a parent and I feel like a child” this part had me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so hilarious and exactly how I feel lol

  • @sydneysurie1517
    @sydneysurie1517 5 лет назад +5

    i can not get over how cute little fox is!! his eyes are so stunning omg like they are amazing!!! they’re so blue

  • @ninac.5921
    @ninac.5921 5 лет назад +30

    I was ready for Kurt to sing "rise and shine" when he entered Fox's room lol

  • @abbeymartin1600
    @abbeymartin1600 5 лет назад +1

    Oh my gosh, I straight up started crying when Emily's significant other started singing. That was so beautiful.
    Also your baby is just precious.

  • @LP-kn5dw
    @LP-kn5dw 5 лет назад

    Omgosh all your matching pjs 😍 seeing Kurt and fox together in the blue is so sweet

  • @christinah9740
    @christinah9740 4 года назад

    Fox and Willy's friendship is honestly the cutest thing! I rewatched just to see them again

  • @charlottestaggs6206
    @charlottestaggs6206 5 лет назад +2

    Sezzy I LOVE how you preach BALANCE! It’s so refreshing and inspiring.

  • @mollieadams7814
    @mollieadams7814 5 лет назад +1

    why can't their be more Kurt's in this world!! your relationship is amazing, you have such a great bond!

  • @finalbend9011
    @finalbend9011 5 лет назад +59

    I get uncontrollable baby fever looking at Fox

  • @notetoheather8818
    @notetoheather8818 5 лет назад

    It is rare to feel truly happy by something I watch on TV. But the joy you, Kurt, and Fox exude is truly happy-inducing! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  • @crumblingporcelain
    @crumblingporcelain 5 лет назад +2

    don't know why I was tearing up when fox was watching willy sing.. just got me right in the feels

  • @musicstar3496
    @musicstar3496 5 лет назад +1

    sarah’s glowing now that she’s engaged i love it

  • @Thefitty
    @Thefitty 5 лет назад +1

    you guys literally are *Toddlers in adult bodies! :-) in the best, most beautiful and playful way... you have taught me that growing up does not mean growing old.*

  • @cienatipping7641
    @cienatipping7641 5 лет назад +11

    this is so cute i remember watching you when you were pregnant last year and talking about how this time next year you were going to have a baby with you and now you have fox with you!! so cute ahhh

  • @winniefarry
    @winniefarry 5 лет назад +18

    “Why’d you come out from my arm pit ewww” haha you guys crack me up!

  • @MK-lr5yb
    @MK-lr5yb 5 лет назад

    Jheez, just pure joy and smiles watching your lil' family. The dynamic between you and your personalities are just infectious in the most positive, uplifting way!

  • @fedepa3
    @fedepa3 5 лет назад

    Honestly hope to have something half as good as what you guys have one day. Relationship goals omg

  • @unicorn7934
    @unicorn7934 5 лет назад

    THIS is pure beauty. Honestly, your relationship, Fox, your family… this whole video was a reminder of how beautiful and magical life can be. All the love to you and everyone reading this

  • @zonikabritz9578
    @zonikabritz9578 5 лет назад +1

    Sezzy ❤️
    You,Kurt ,and baby fox is HANDS DOWN cupple and parent goals
    Happy new year ❤️🐨

  • @StrawberryElli
    @StrawberryElli 5 лет назад

    Foxy is so lucky to have such a loving and fun family and you and Kurt are the best parents he could ask for!!! 💛💛💛

  • @LB-pu8mw
    @LB-pu8mw 5 лет назад

    Yes keep the wreath! Pull all the greenery out of it when it dies and Lee the other stuff, and you can add leaves/feathers/faux flowers/faux succulents to it. I got a wreath similar to yours last year, I have kept it up all year in my lounge room and just decorated it according to season or reason (put little fake pastel Easter eggs on toothpicks and popped them I. The wreath during Easter for eggsample......geddit 😬😉).

  • @abbyraisin4939
    @abbyraisin4939 5 лет назад +2

    So much love in this video and the guy singing and playing his guitar sounds like an angel ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @reagancoshow4542
    @reagancoshow4542 5 лет назад

    smiling like a FOOL at kurt as santa. such a good daddy and future hubby❤️ sweet sweet family wish you the best this year!

  • @Sophiakosmatos
    @Sophiakosmatos 5 лет назад +16

    I can’t believe how Sarah’s sisters look a like.

  • @eryn841
    @eryn841 5 лет назад +2

    Ok but why was I on the verge of tears this ENTIRE video? So wholesome 😭😭😭

  • @glitterandsparkles13
    @glitterandsparkles13 5 лет назад

    this was so pure 🥺 I hope I have a family this close one day

  • @narelleblackwell5044
    @narelleblackwell5044 5 лет назад +1

    Merry Christmas 🎄 I hope you guys had a fantastic day and enjoyed yourself ❤️💕

  • @sophiacamacho4473
    @sophiacamacho4473 5 лет назад

    Your videos are always so heartwarming and make me feel so good after watching your family having such an amazing time together

  • @verano594
    @verano594 5 лет назад

    I don't know why, but watching you guys makes me feel soooo happy!! Thank you so much for this vibe :)

  • @cuoramochi8088
    @cuoramochi8088 5 лет назад

    I’m so excited and filled with happiness for you guys ❤️🎄

  • @kellylau6318
    @kellylau6318 5 лет назад +1

    Hi Sarah. Those pjs are too cute. I'm leaving overseas in few days. Wish I got some earlier cause I have a night time flight and they look so cosy.
    I'll have to get some when I get back.
    You're looking amazing and Fox is just getting cuter and cuter. He did so well with Kurt dressed as Santa. Mine is still scared of Santa. I managed to entertain her through the huge queue this yr and when it got to our turn she got scared and refused.
    By the way that xmas wreath looks pretty good. However can't believe it cost more than an xmas tree. Prob. really good quality.
    Hope all is well xx

  • @yogawithleahmarie
    @yogawithleahmarie 5 лет назад +12

    When Fox bit off some of the hair on the stress ball 😂

  • @asiaswartzentruber9573
    @asiaswartzentruber9573 5 лет назад

    i don’t understand how it’s physically possible for fox to be so cute.
    the cutest tiny human who has ever lived.

  • @aishasmith9619
    @aishasmith9619 5 лет назад

    I love how Kurt like genuinely laughs with you. You guys are awesome!

  • @breannaeblocker
    @breannaeblocker 5 лет назад +1

    These vlogs are always amazing because not only are you guys just having fun but you give us a real run down of everything that is going on. The transparency with the mix of entertainment is AWESOME! 🥰

  • @account10558
    @account10558 5 лет назад +1

    That wreath could be a Summer/spring decoration because it doesn't look Christmassy but it's cool!

  • @edmundanchi
    @edmundanchi 5 лет назад +4

    I missed Sarah’s one-on-one talks 💛

  • @CherryLipsBangnHips1
    @CherryLipsBangnHips1 5 лет назад +6

    The way Kurt sounds like a slightly South African Santa 😂

  • @daradychristensen
    @daradychristensen 5 лет назад

    I’m quite jealous and quite in love with your relationship together! You guys are so witty and cute and have fun together!

  • @abby6792
    @abby6792 5 лет назад +9

    Fox seems so mature for what not even a one year old yet right? He's so adorable!

  • @BB-mx9wt
    @BB-mx9wt 5 лет назад

    My gosh...I just ADORE your little family...💖💖💖

  • @hayleeflick7154
    @hayleeflick7154 5 лет назад +23

    Your future brother in law is bomb I wish I had a musical bone in my body! So jealous!!

  • @fallonelle
    @fallonelle 5 лет назад

    OMG your brother in law singing to Fox was so beautiful I adored that! It really melted my heart. What a beautiful family oh have. Also you and Kurt are so clearly meant to be and madly in love... I hope one day I can find even a quarter of what you two have because it’s so beautiful. Merry Christmas to all of you 💕

  • @CharlotteShingler
    @CharlotteShingler 5 лет назад

    😭 guys melt my heart as a family! Fox is so CUTE I CAN'T COPE

  • @katialemos474
    @katialemos474 5 лет назад

    Fox as little Santa claus with his little cousin as a elf girl was precious.💙He really is not only handsome little guy but he also has a sweet personality .🤗 I 'm very happy for both of you ,I can feel the love between you too . Happy New Year for you and all your families.✨🎆🎉🥂🍾

  • @nohafathi8810
    @nohafathi8810 5 лет назад +1

    I love the look on kurt face when you told him "marry Christmas my fiancé

  • @Privateusername1
    @Privateusername1 5 лет назад

    YOUUU GUYSSSS are glowingggg omggg, you both look so happyyyy and that makes me really happy, sarah picked a good one no doubt

  • @cecemae7058
    @cecemae7058 5 лет назад

    I love that you guys have do much fun all the time and aren't afraid to be your selves anywhere! I aspire to be this way one day

  • @Krysb107
    @Krysb107 5 лет назад

    I love it when you share your sweet family💕

  • @mayahcrouch6515
    @mayahcrouch6515 5 лет назад +5

    Awwww you guy are such a cute family❤️ #familygoals.

  • @KarleeandJimmy
    @KarleeandJimmy 5 лет назад +2

    I've been subscribed to Sarahs Day for almost 4 years and this just makes me so happy to see the growth and happiness, and the life she created for herself! Truly amazing! So happy to have been able to watch this journey from a far!!

  • @britjamison5944
    @britjamison5944 4 года назад

    I never punish myself for how much I ate, I just feel comfort in knowing that my family put a lot of love into that food and I was very blessed!!!

  • @kayrey929
    @kayrey929 5 лет назад

    Fox listening to his uncle was so precious 😍🥰😭

  • @KylaKay14
    @KylaKay14 5 лет назад

    Your family is so beautiful! There’s so much love there 💕

  • @mykastauffer
    @mykastauffer 5 лет назад +4

    I love your family! Sezzy you make my day everyday 💕

  • @karinwtfont
    @karinwtfont 5 лет назад +1

    Oh my, I got chills when Willie (I think that’s his name) was singing. Such a beautiful voice! Can he do a praise & worship album, please?! Also, Fox is the absolute cutest!

  • @tasharunning6019
    @tasharunning6019 5 лет назад +1

    Aw their family is literally the cutest and their such a gorgeous family

  • @andreag6458
    @andreag6458 5 лет назад

    Love how positive your vlogs are. It's 15 min of pure positivity and love. And Fox is the cutest baby in the world!! 😍😍

  • @paulaporter5078
    @paulaporter5078 5 лет назад +1

    You guys are the most adorable family ever! Congratulations on your engagement

  • @nellismal586
    @nellismal586 5 лет назад

    You guys are the sweetest family! Happy holidays❤️