Great footage of this iconic machine, and subtle but not over powering music doesn't drownout the sweet note of the six cylinder Chrysler engine. Todays denser crops are obviously a bit of a challenge for this machine, hence its slow progress up and down the field. Wider headers could be specified for MH 21s bound for the Canadian and US markets, due to their less dense cropping.
The MH 21 was not the first rubber tired combine harvester - it's predecessor, the MH 20 could have rubber tires as an option on French & Hecht spoked wheels. Chap driving the restored MH 21 has that reel set way too low, relative to the crop - it should be set at a height such that the bat contacts the crop just below the head, ensuring that the crop falls head first onto the canvasses, and arrives at the threshing drum in the same orientation. Crop is much better threshed as a result.
Great footage of this iconic machine, and subtle but not over powering music doesn't drownout the sweet note of the six cylinder Chrysler engine. Todays denser crops are obviously a bit of a challenge for this machine, hence its slow progress up and down the field. Wider headers could be specified for MH 21s bound for the Canadian and US markets, due to their less dense cropping.
The MH 21 was not the first rubber tired combine harvester - it's predecessor, the MH 20 could have rubber tires as an option on French & Hecht spoked wheels.
Chap driving the restored MH 21 has that reel set way too low, relative to the crop - it should be set at a height such that the bat contacts the crop just below the head, ensuring that the crop falls head first onto the canvasses, and arrives at the threshing drum in the same orientation. Crop is much better threshed as a result.