What’s REALLY happening in MIAMI - CrossFit Chaos Everywhere

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 84

  • @Leadbyunderstanding
    @Leadbyunderstanding Год назад +103

    Hey i am an adaptive athlete from New York City I started my clothes fit Journey at 670lbs with a spinal cord injury 7 years ago i then started watching u i am so proud of you and jazz i watch you both grow so much .. i am now 220lbs i started at 45 stone now i am 16 stone ..i am grateful to u for all the help and knowledge

  • @CesarGonzalez-xl7fc
    @CesarGonzalez-xl7fc Год назад +8

    Can I just say how happy it makes me feel to see Kevin 😊.
    We will all be soo fortunate to have a Kevin in our lives, cheers!

  • @padengrant3023
    @padengrant3023 Год назад +5

    Who else feels like Jack has gotten swoll in the last three months. Bro has been putting in the work.

  • @raymondxadrian
    @raymondxadrian Год назад +1

    Great meeting you guys at the booth!

  • @gracious2gf
    @gracious2gf Год назад +2

    WZA has been amazing thus far. Hopefully I'll run into your booth tomorrow! Keep pumping out legendary content!

  • @LancerX916
    @LancerX916 Год назад +2

    I worked for a studio, and we purchased a traveling booth for conventions and trade shows. Ours cost about $1 million to make. It was huge and even had a rotating sign in the middle. So I know how expensive doing trade shows can be.

  • @evobe
    @evobe Год назад +2

    really interesting to see Miami through tourist eyes. Living there is actually really difficult and I'm not a big fan but there are some cool places there, see you guys Sunday!

  • @jonschiebner4960
    @jonschiebner4960 Год назад +2

    You guys just make me smile. Keep up the good work!

  • @bjpretorius1624
    @bjpretorius1624 Год назад +1

    you guys are blessed. enjoy every moment and thank you for sharing this with us. would like meet you one day. good luck with the stand and editing. PS nice shoes

  • @mistameanor1
    @mistameanor1 Год назад +4

    I wish I could be there just to buy some HSTL Made gear to support you. Seeing how nervous Jas always gets is so endearing.

  • @WayneGlass1
    @WayneGlass1 Год назад +7

    Thank you for posting these for us :). Honestly, better coverage than WZA staff... ALSO, as a person who lives in a place that does not see the sun very often, I am here for the pasty-ness.

  • @Loyal2Tdot
    @Loyal2Tdot Год назад +2

    Thanks for taking the time to shake hands and talk at your booth. The boys are thicccccc in person if anyone was wondering💪🏼

  • @MrRkaperak
    @MrRkaperak Год назад

    Not Craig asking the waiter about the dress XD

  • @leemacgarry1
    @leemacgarry1 Год назад +1

    I am 100% here for the trainer content. The pikachu rsx and so nice 😍

  • @dianalundvandvrk1959
    @dianalundvandvrk1959 Год назад +2

    Old vibes vlog - impressive to see how far you have come. Missing some “throwbacks” from when you had your turn on the “best stage to perform crossfit”
    Those where the days 😂

  • @KarinaRain
    @KarinaRain Год назад +1

    Bought a men’s cut off/tank and I felt so bad when the guys told me the app for charging wasn’t working. That was yest. (Thurs), so I hope it’s up and running now and everything is running smoothly.

  • @briancouture1697
    @briancouture1697 Год назад +1

    I could watch you guys just hangout all day. Congrats on the pokemon shoes 🔥.

  • @MrRkaperak
    @MrRkaperak Год назад +4

    You guys should cover the lower standing adaptive. Derek Weida is a great guy who went through a lot and is going through a lot and competing there. He does everything he can to be transparent and motivate people in realistic ways

  • @paulburke221
    @paulburke221 Год назад

    The tune reminiscent of "Miami", well done sir.

  • @phil_huiz
    @phil_huiz Год назад

    SOMEONE HELP! What’s the song playing in the background at the donut shop! 6:29

  • @jmaster911
    @jmaster911 Год назад +3

    You asked a couple of videos ago if "CrossFit was dying", well, I don't think the sport is dying or the methodology, however, it is very evident that your passion for the sport is dying if not dead. It's disappointing for fans who have followed you for years that even when attending a CrossFit event, you can't find it in yourself to jump into a couple of CrossFit workouts!!
    Over the past 2-3 years the commentary on the sport has reduced and when attending events like WZA, there was a time when a video would drop daily. Now there will be a rollup video in a couple of days after the event. We all sometimes move on but respectfully, your coverage is a disservice to your fans who have been following you for years. If weightlifting is your thing, then go 100% into that, do some regional competitions and let's see your progression. If CrossFit is no longer your thing, jumping in and out of the sport doesn't provide value.
    You have a huge clothing brand that was in large part successful due to the investment you put into the sport and it's a shame that your interest in the sport is now dying. I can only hope (and I really mean this) that a lack of interest in the sport does not adversely affect the clothing brand you put so much work into!

  • @Dawit.Mehari
    @Dawit.Mehari Год назад

    Hahaha 22:36 “ excuse me .. blue or black “ 😂😂 erm both?

  • @daviddupuis4663
    @daviddupuis4663 Год назад

    To the donut debate... Bacon EVERYWHERE 😅 glad for this sick content again!!

  • @swat486
    @swat486 Год назад +1

    The comparing bacon on a pancake to the donut is a legit argument

  • @sabio_luccheze8474
    @sabio_luccheze8474 Год назад

    The salty's playlist is sweeeet

  • @thomaspatrickjensen
    @thomaspatrickjensen Год назад +2

    Wow literally 10x what I would have guessed for the stand

  • @michaelptm2269
    @michaelptm2269 Год назад +2

    Me just sitting here like wow….. HSTL made has really grown…. I can’t imagine what Craig and Jas feel like

  • @kennyroadshow
    @kennyroadshow Год назад +1

    Top team at wodapalooza and a hard working man behond the lens .gettin all the best angles shots in miami.

  • @mattrockett9443
    @mattrockett9443 Год назад

    Shane Orr really nailed it this year 🤔

  • @kevinlafferty2658
    @kevinlafferty2658 Год назад +1

    😆 Adam at 1:00: "I've seen bigger"

  • @C.D.Percussion
    @C.D.Percussion Год назад +1

    Sorry, I am back now after spending an hour on Sam's IG. Thank you =)

  • @markwright4511
    @markwright4511 Год назад +1

    I love you guys. Best of luck

  • @addekker9346
    @addekker9346 Год назад +1

    Graig got fully hipped on the pokemon trainers so much that hé even changed the brand to his own favorit 😆

  • @philsaundercock4741
    @philsaundercock4741 Год назад +1

    Well done guys - great to see you doing well, if you weren’t a little nervous it wouldn’t be worth doing..

  • @justrione
    @justrione Год назад

    Superbly AWESOME content.

  • @laurakozel2441
    @laurakozel2441 Год назад +1

    Please start using reusable coffee mugs! ❤

  • @hyau23
    @hyau23 Год назад +1

    Long eaton gang gang 🖖🤘🤙🖖 haha

  • @seanmallory1209
    @seanmallory1209 Год назад +1

    I just imagine all of the bros watching the "biggest/most poos" portion and being like "It could be me, I might have the record"

  • @Onemattressatatime
    @Onemattressatatime Год назад

    Stepping out side of your comfort zone. Will determine level of success. Money does grow on trees , you have to tend to the trees very well

  • @burgeropperman2497
    @burgeropperman2497 Год назад +1

    Crraaiiiiiggg, When are we getting distribution of the HSTL merch to Africa. Import taxes on clothing for consumers are insane on this side something like 80% so we cant buy any merch if there is no Africa distribution channels.

  • @jonathanlane7370
    @jonathanlane7370 Год назад +1


  • @Wyochele67
    @Wyochele67 Год назад

    I see white and gold on that dress pic. 😊

  • @DylboBaggins92
    @DylboBaggins92 Год назад

    As an Aussie, it’s hectic to see to many Australians on the Vlog 🤌🏻

  • @brentcolby7670
    @brentcolby7670 Год назад

    Mister 305 should make an appearance on the channel.........

  • @jameskang2648
    @jameskang2648 Год назад

    Shout out @Uzuhan for the sick beats! “Gimme The Word”

  • @jmact1977
    @jmact1977 Год назад +1

    When my girlfriends out I like to poo with the door open. ......................Postman got a shock!!

  • @jakeguthrie8456
    @jakeguthrie8456 Год назад

    Glad to see you at WZA, volunteered for the first time and picked up a couple t shirts

  • @brianjennings6614
    @brianjennings6614 Год назад

    When are y’all gonna pull the trigger and move to the states?

  • @errin1143
    @errin1143 Год назад

    Craig becoming more American by the day. Not sure if I'm for it or not because the vlogs are so different now.

  • @GarethFreshwater
    @GarethFreshwater Год назад

    💪NG4 😎

  • @errin1143
    @errin1143 Год назад

    I've never heard anyone call Chicago Chi-city lol. It's Chi-town!

  • @puravidaot
    @puravidaot Год назад

    If ya'll get a chance check out "patch of heaven sanctuary"

  • @EchoCharlie1361
    @EchoCharlie1361 Год назад

    Life goal; Make: "Biggest poo in 2023?" the most searched question on Google.

  • @CoolInOlympia
    @CoolInOlympia Год назад

    I hope you guys are wearing your sunscreen!!!!

  • @natemillard5780
    @natemillard5780 Год назад

    Wear some lotion, if not y’all will be lobsters!

  • @wendynielsen9991
    @wendynielsen9991 Год назад +1

    I love your episodes and all you do… but please stop with all of the single use plastic! Every Starbucks plastic cup that shows up on your episodes makes me cringe. It’s hard to get away from while traveling but try a small coffee shop, maybe? Not over-roasted, burnt coffee Starbucks 😂

  • @SuperIncredible2
    @SuperIncredible2 Год назад

    Another one!!! 🤣

  • @toddbryan959
    @toddbryan959 Год назад

    Craig, you are in the WRONG about maple bacon doughnuts!!!

  • @matt62809
    @matt62809 Год назад

    you may be done with the past but the past is not done with you.

  • @razvanarsenieioan7705
    @razvanarsenieioan7705 Год назад

    Las Vegas America

  • @puravidaot
    @puravidaot Год назад

    What's a 3 letter word that starts with GAS
    A car (Froning) XD

  • @ChadJoelBourne
    @ChadJoelBourne Год назад

    White and Gold

  • @razvanarsenieioan7705
    @razvanarsenieioan7705 Год назад

    Respect America fetele Frumoase Gym Olympea

  • @CorinaaPace
    @CorinaaPace Год назад

    Gotta say- your shoe choice this year is so much better than your Nike slide, sandal tennis shoes from last year. Or maybe that was at the games… either way, solid choice🤙🏼

  • @justrione
    @justrione Год назад


  • @langdonwolsey-cooper178
    @langdonwolsey-cooper178 Год назад +1


  • @razvanarsenieioan7705
    @razvanarsenieioan7705 Год назад

    Videoclipuri fetele

  • @robyn3570
    @robyn3570 Год назад +1

    Second 👌

  • @mikealls8938
    @mikealls8938 Год назад

    Jay Crouch - Daniel Radcliffe has been hitting the weights!

  • @GRob321
    @GRob321 Год назад

    Sadly my kids will no longer watch you because you have long hair. 😂😂

  • @benjiz28
    @benjiz28 Год назад

    Of all the places to get coffee in Miami and you pick Starbucks 🤦🏼‍♂️

  • @rtcharge
    @rtcharge Год назад +1

    You need to shave that hair off brah

  • @joshuaking3210
    @joshuaking3210 Год назад

    Great VLOG! Please consider making a limited edition upside down EDAM .LTSH T-Shirt. I would buy one!

  • @homeworkoutwarriors7605
    @homeworkoutwarriors7605 Год назад

    Met Craig, Jas, Adam and Jack throughout the day today at WZA😝 What a day👍
    You guys are the best. Wodapalooza was awesome and Shane Orr is Orrsome😂Got a pic with him too👍

  • @ericrutledge1290
    @ericrutledge1290 Год назад

    There’s also a spoon in the e on Fed 🫡