It would have been great to have a ''real'' Beetle, from the same era as the Tatra, parked next to it instead of the modern water-cooled unit shown here. I think it would have made the point even more obvious.
Bylo by skvělé mít vedle sebe zaparkovaného „opravdového“ brouka ze stejné doby jako Tatra, místo moderního vodou chlazeného celku, který je zde znázorněn. Myslím, že by to bylo ještě jasnější.
Me as a Mexican who had the opportunity to have seen both the air cooled Beetle and the new "Beetle" being sold brand new at VW dealerships, I will not EVER see the new "beetle" (yes in quote marks) as the successor of the air cooled one. I will always see it as a Jetta with a wannabe body of a Beetle. It's got nothing to do with the air cooled one except for the body shape. Thank God I still own my trusty air cooled REAL Beetle.
True. They should be ashamed that they recreated such a legendary car so poorly. They should have teamed up with porsche to design a new beetle with porsche's water cooled boxer 4 cylinder in the back instead of creating a new monocoque chassis and bolt on vw golf parts...
@@RikardoKermat Can't stand all those bubble-tops. And then a Beetle with a Porsche engine? How would this attest to Beetle fitting in the people's car category? Beetle should be all about economy, not performance, otherwise it's no longer a Beetle.
Tatra is officially the third oldest car manufacturer after Benz and Peugeot, firs pioneered the aerodynamic design in wind tunnel back in 30's when Ford was still making model T .WV / Porsche has lost the court case with Tatra and was ordered to pay decades of compensation.That is one of the reasons Beetle was manufactured so long as there was no money for innovation .Ferdinand Porsche's mots influential mentor was Hans Ledvinka , chief designer of Tatra
+Philip Cooper It's a myth, Ferdinand Porsche designed a car for Mercedes Benz that had a air cooled engine in the back that was shown in the 30's as a concept car but was not manufactured due to the depression. In fact the Tata was so similar looking to the Benz that it was accused of plagiarism when they first started showing it. In other words Porsche had prior art and the Beetle is just a continuation of the Benz and has no connection with the Tata.
Martin Rychtera He originally designed the car for the Soviet Union in 1931 but that design was never shown and possibly never built, Benz version 1932-3 shown around the world as "the car for the future" and is what the Tatra copies, Volkswagen Beetle design 1934-5, Tatra introduced in 1936 I know what the Czech schoolbooks say, have been there, but the timeline does not add up. And is Ferdinand Porsche not Czech enough for you lot?
What made the beetle success was the 'semi' tubular backbone chassis and light-weight Magnesium engine block, but: 1, Mr Porsche designed only one car with such backbone chassis, that was the Type-1 VW-Beetle. The other related vehicle with similar design was the Type 2 VW transporter. Notice that even Porsche 356 shares many commons with the original beetle, but the 356 was a uni-body design. 2, VW Beetle was the only 'successful' pre-WW2 rear engine car. Another unsuccessful pre-WW2 attempt of rear engine design were the Mercedes-Benz 130 and 170H, they also had the tubular backbone chassis, but they did not seem to have the Magnesium engine block. Now take a look the pre-WW2 Tatra (T77 T87 & T97), they were all Magnesium air-cooled engine and backbone chassis design, and actually Tatra was famous for these 2 applications all the time. Another concept that Porsche dead trying but never truly success was putting DOHC onto an air-cooled engine. In history only few racing engines (917 & 908) were ture air-cooled DOHC. 2 other 'mass produced' DOHC Porsche air-cooled engines was 1) 547 '4 cam' engine but it was gear-driven cam and only had 2 valves per cylinder; 2) Porsche 959 engine with 2 cams and 4 valves per cylinder, it was cheating because it has a water-cooled head. Meanwhile most of the Tatra air-cooled V8 engines built after WW2 were DOHC!
There is no doubt that the Type 1 bore a striking resemblance to the earlier Tatra. Tatra launched a lawsuit, but this was stopped when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia. At the same time, Tatra was forced to stop producing the T97. The matter was re-opened after World War II and in 1965 Volkswagen paid Ringhoffer-Tatra 1,000,000 Deutsche Marks in an out of court settlement. The tragedy of Tatra was that it was a great automaker in a then-weak country. And that country would soon be betrayed by France and Great Britain.
don't kid yourselves. Han Ludwinka schooled Porsche in Czechlosovokia in the 1920's...Porsche, a good student was a patent thief and the international courts agreed with that awarding a (then) huge settlement to Motokov the parent co. of Tatra. There are plans to build a brand new Tatraplan in the future being considered. The company still makes world class trucks.
While I'd love to see a new Tatra sedan, I'd be very surprised if an economic case can be made for it. Tatra would face the same development costs (often a billion Euros or more for a new engine design) as any other manufacturer, but the brand cachet that lets e.g. Porsche charge premium prices for its vehicles is largely not there (any longer). Plus, at this point, most manufacturers' cars are contributing little to their profitability, which comes largely from SUVs. If it were relying only on its cars rather than the Cayenne and Macan, Porsche would have gone under years ago. Perhaps Tatra could leverage its truck expertise into selling a credible Land Rover or G-Wagen competitor, but I doubt we'll ever see a genuine Tatra passenger car again.
I am czechoslovakien living in USA now , the Czech used to build everything from needles to locomotives ,it could be better than Swiss, but now it is just Euro union warehouse. From rain -under gutter.
*jeff hammers:* _"Porsche, a good student was a patent thief…"_ - You can't be stolen of what you don't own. Patents aren't property but State-granted monopolies. If Tatra failed to make a dent in the car industry it was because they were a useless piece of shit incapable of building affordable and reliable cars at a large scale. In contrast, Volkswagen knew how to mass produce cheap and dependable cars and make a profit out of it. The market rewards those who bring good ideas to fruition, the only thing that matters. Even Thomas Alva Edison, one of the people with largest number of granted patents, admitted it: the only invention that matters is the one that will make a profit.
Similarities: 4 wheels, 2 front lights, one steering wheel. For the rest there are more cars looking like the original 30s beetle or the Tatra, even from the 1930s. Even despite the fact a german court awarded Skoda money after the war...
IMO, it’s not just the VW Beetle. I see a lot of the Tatra rear design copied in the 1963 Corvette Stingray, from the split rear window, the center spine, to the quad round tail lamps.
For another serious example of industrial espionage read "Stealing for Speed". This book tells the tale of how the Suzuki company stole the secrets of advanced two stroke technology from Walter Kaaden's East German MZ company.
The ‘new beetle’ failed miserably. Just take a look and you understand why! This Tatra gives the same vibes to me like the very first Saab its just VERY SPECIAL
I can't be the only one to notice when he says It's a type 2 beetle. Type 2 is the vw bus, the bug he's talking about is the type 11. It even says it on the paper he shows the Tatra-guy "VW Type 11"...
The Type 1's all had a number STARTING with 1. There were several variations: The very first Beetle (or Kafer in German..) was the type 11. The type-1 based Ghia Coupes were type 14, the super beetles were type 1302 initially, and 1303 when they got the curved windshield. "The Thing" was also a type 1 moel. Type 2 was always the VW Bus/Transporte/Kombi. Type 3 was the squareback, Hatchback, and the larger Ghia coupes (sold only in Europe). Type 4's were the 411, 412, and the Porsche 914.
I was a Junior in High School in 1968 when I got my first car, a 1966 Beetle. I loved it..!! I ordered floor mats and a bigger shifter handle and other things from the popular J.C. Whitney catalogue and had it looking real nice. Fond memories, indeed..!!
The 1948 Tatra definitely influenced some design features on later Citroens. There is also some cross-influence with the iconic Tucker, especially the triple headlight arrangement and the fastback. Which influenced which though or it went vice-versa?
You failed to mention that none of the German people got their cars (or lives they were promised) as the factory and economy was ruined after the war. The British saw value in saving the factory, but they handed it back over to the Germans later.
check out the Saab 92 and the early Saab models....they stayed with the same teardrop design as the Tatra - and even had a two seater sports car (sonnet) damn near identical to the Porsche
Saab Sonnett looks nothing like contemporaneous Porsches. Saab 95 and 96 were front-engine, water-cooled designs, not like Tatra. Superficial body shape similarity alone does not make them alike in other respects. The Saabs were front-heavy, with moderately freakish handling. I owned one. Tatras tended to be tail-heavy, some faster models with oversteer so severe they gained the reputation for killing German officers who drove them too fast.
In 1999 I Talked to an old Czechoslovakia Tatra Employee who was there at the factory when Ferdinand Porcha stole Tatra plans and took them to Germany.
Except that the current Beetle is not derived in any way from the old Beetle. It is, in fact, traces its lineage back to the Auto Union/DKW/Audi K70, as do all VWs and Audis. The old Beetle was a dead end. VW purchased Auto Union (and the four circles) in order to import their modern, water cooled I4 engines and modern chassis.
@ 2:52 "This is a drawing of the Type 2 Volkswagen Beetle". Wrong on both counts. For starters it was the first VW and thus a Type 1; and secondly VW never referred to it as a "Beetle" - it was simply the "Volkswagen"., and you can call Dane Doyle Bernbach if you don't believe me.
I recently discovered that the Tucker was a rear engine V8. This rear engine family includes the Tatra Sdkf-234 Puma, the Chevrolet Corvair Monza (and its van cousin, the greenbriar) and then of course the 1982 VW vanagon - the last air cooled, rear engine van (I have one but it’s been converted to water-cooled Subaru)
I read that many of the safety innovations that mercedes benz first released in the automotive industry, over the years, were in fact the work of their Switzerland-based consultant Paul Jaray.
... because an air cooled rear engine was SO UNCOMMON in that time. Also, I don't see any too obvious similarities. I mean, look at the back. Looks more like a full size messerschmidt than a beatle.
+Moritz “もりつ” Vogt VW paid Tatra a huge sum of money for patent infringement of the design of the y-shaped backbone chassis, this is on public record. That's quite an expensive similarity.
I think there needs to be a reassessment of the history. What is now know as Tartra was previously Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau-Fabriks-Gesellschaft A.G (1897) and before that Ignaz Schustala & Company (1850) which dated back to the Austro-Hungarian empire. At Neseldorfer they had a young progressive design team headed up by Hans Ledwinka and his son Eric, also two others by the name of Uberlacker and Jaray. This team produce the Tatra V570 prototype about 2-3 years before Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche started the Beetle folks wagen concept. The reason the Nazi's invaded Czechoslovakia in the early days was to take over Skoda Heavy Works, then the largest engineering company in Europe, and Tatra Works, it is well documented that Deutz took the air cooled engine designs and that VW took the car designs.
In 1933, at the Chicago World Fair, Lincoln showed a streamlined, rear V8 engine, Zephyr prototype. Lincoln moved the engine to the front, added 6 more cylinders and built the most successful streamline design. Tatra made the prototype. Same man designed them.
Could you post more info on that? As far as I could find out, Lincoln Zephyr were built from 1936 until 1940, with a V12 in the front. No mention of rear engines or V14. What do you mean with "same man designed them"? A connection between Tatra and Lincoln?
Quite possibly we would drive cheaper clones of Skoda models made by its German subsidiary called Volksvagen, and Audis and Porsches would eternally try to catch up with Tatras:)
Hard to say. A non-Communist government might have just done what many smaller countries do nowadays and bought foreign-made luxury cars for its government officials -- most probably German.
So there is lot of discussion here whether Hanz Ledwinka or Ferdinand Porsche stole ideas for V570 or Käfer respectively from each other. One true is that Tatra did conceived, designed, and deliver three aircooled models before war to its consumers. It was team of engineers led by Erich Überlacker who first proposed idea of simple, air-cooled "people's car" Two forms, one more conventional, front engined and the other, engine in the back, heavily influenced by Hungarian-born Zeppelin designer Paul Jaray. Ledwinka as chief technical director green-lighted conventional car for production. That car became national bestseller as model T 57 and its more aerodynamic revision T 57a. (guess what "a" stands for) These are still among most common veteran cars of that era in Czechia. The 570 car was meanwhile further developed. Hanz, Erich and Ferdinad knew each other and their work respectively and well. Hanz left Tatra once for Styer in his home country of Austria (and it is true that there was a friction between the two nations since colapse of A.H. empire) but returned later to se his people's car trough. However in the end they decide to introduce luxury car and then scale down up to model 97. Unfortunately those are rare, and are not shown in video. But if you look up early prototypes of 570 and Käfer and production version of Käfer and 97 you can't say they don't look lot alike. In the end Ferdi himself admitted that: "Sometimes I look over his shoulder and sometime he looked over mine" I am Czech and therefore I am biased. However, there is also true that we imprisoned Ledwinka after the war as collaborator (later communist gave him a pardon and offered him to again lead tatra, he opted to leave for his home country of austria) Erich's son got job in Steyer where he was involved in Pinzgauer development. We all know Porsche's story, so I wont write that again, but leave you with two other hopefully interesting facts: 1) When Tatra-Volkswagen/Porsche case was settled, it almost bankrupted the company. To stay afloat they have to perfect this quickly aging design and push it to as many less developed countries as they could. This layed foundation for todays Volkswagen. Second, chief constructor of T613, latest air-cooled V8 tatra engine put in serial production, fled country after soviet invasion in 1968 for Germany and there joined, yes you guessed it - Ferdinad Porsche AG.
Bit of trivia for you: the 1963 beetle had a thermostat and used antifreeze. This will win you a beer in a bar. The intake gills on the fan housing had movable gills in front of the vertical oil cooler ... and they were opened and shut by a paraffin pellet type thermostat with a linkage arm ... and the windshield washer reservoir specified a 50/50 mix of water and Volkswagen Antifreeze. That reservoir, by the way, was pressurized by air from the spare tire with a short hose ... which guaranteed you would always have a flat spare if you ever needed it. True facts!
The washer bottle in 62-67 beetles was pressurised on its own, not by the sparewheel. But the Germans thought of that on the later VWs....there is an inline valve which stops the spare from going flat.
6:37 I don't think Czechoslovakia was communist at the time. And what do you mean by engineering sources were scarce under communism? Highly disagree. Sure most communist countries were quite rural at that time, but the image that they were technologically inferior was just an image created by western and nazi propaganda.
+ExtremeBogom Well, the USSR made the Mig 25, that was heavily copied by the west, also first in the space. Otto Wichterle (CZE) invented contact eye lenses in the late 50's. I could sure go on, but I won't, google around. EDIT: literary TONS of patents and inventions were sold to the west. Chemistry, weapons, aircraft technology and so on.
***** You can't choose which side was superior because both sides made advancements which equally paved way for many innovations. As to the states concerned, Soviet design bureaus and manufacturing plants were spread throughout different regions, and were not always concentrated only to Russia. Also at the time, there were many engineers and scientists in America, who received their education and engineering experience in communist states. Go and do some research about the advancements and list of achievements the Soviets have made particularly in the aerospace sector. To name just a "few", first satellite in space, First space suits, First man in space, Liquid fuel rocket engine designs which have since been used even in today's advanced engines, Ion thruster designs which the west adopted. Even the race to the moon would've been far more competitive for America if Khrushchev hadn't let his engineers fall back, because for a short time initially he was concentrating more on the agricultural sector. The Americans had major issues with the plumbing and turbopumps in their F1 engine, and were only able to resolve them when they adopted Soviet design elements. Also, as Phillip mentioned above, aircraft such as the Mig 25 and 29 were considered highly advanced when they flew and many Soviet defector aircraft were studied extensively by the West.
Loved that brand as a kid in the 50s, their shapes inspired many manufacturers if not so many with their configuration. The Jewett Javelin shares some of the technical innovation (flat four, in the front though, IFS F IRS, the teardrop profile and aerodynamic efficiency. Their big V8 limos are to die for.
Does the Name Erwin Komenda mean anything to anybody? He is the engineer at Porsche who in 1936-7 actually designed the VW Beetle body, not Hitler, not Porsche. Did he take some cues from Tatra? Who can say. The Beetle has a rear swing-axle, trans-axle system and torsion-bar front suspension. The Beetle incorporates its body pan frame rails for the front heater channels. I think it's fair to say the Tatra was well ahead of its time in many ways. Tatra actually sued not only Porsche, but VW itself for basically copy-cat infringement, and won.
Another great piece about lost (to most of us) automotive history - thanks XCAR. Was great to get an expert on the subject involved too rather than just have the presenters reel out the information.
The fuse box and circuits in the harness for 1930 A.D.and earlier year was that the most experienced electrician using cloth for insulation of the wires and connector splice with slotted where placing the fuse in or out also called switch (optional). These were glass to be build as controller or Circuit board or even wood to make contact of energize the power up the Volkswagen design like the Bosch. That the Bosch were working with winding the wire into new electric field coil and steel horseshoe in place surround the coils called armature. The tool wire spinner does the wire wound that is a connection to be connect as well unconnectable contact the thin post terminals and it wiring to the set of fuses for more compact smaller size. Than so instead of bolts that screw tight the ring terminals and crimp it as an older design of wiring to the oil temp and/or oil pressure and relay, regulator. The Tatra had no experiences in showing photos or proof of writing about how the Tatra was made it into ability to drive; at least 35 MPH with its 30 up to 35 HP in during the 1920's Thank you.
I owned a 1970 standard VW beetle yrs ago that I bought used with very low mileage. I drove it to about 170,000 trouble free miles with minimal maintenance and sold it to a college girl who was in an accident and it was wrecked at about 200,000 miles. They were a reliable quality built and simple to maintain car. About the only real drawback they had was the heater, or rather the lack of one lol. As long as you kept the valves adjusted and did regular oil changes and kept a fan belt on it they were very reliable.
The Volkswagen Beetle, along with the Karmann Ghia and "Thing" (Kubelwagen), are Type 1, not Type 2 vehicles, as stated in this presentation. Type 2 is the designated for the Microbus or Transporter.
The new and new new beetles have been a bit of a flop, and their reliability wasnt that good statistically either. Still a funky desing though. But they should give a shot at doing a rear engined rear wheel drive car again, just like renault did with the smart based twingo.
Nice change of pace, and I love these stories. Unfortunately there was no conclusion to it, in my view there weren't enough facts for either side of the story in the video. The Tatra expert listened more than he spoke and surely a real beetle would be a lot better suited to feature in this story? Nothing against the new one, just that it really does not fit this subject in particular. There's nothing in the new beetle that has anything to do with the original series apart from the name and, vaguely, the shape. Sorry does not work for me this video.
Original concept probably by innovative forward-thinking engineer Paul Jaray (1889 - 1974 ). He did aerodynamic consultancy work for Tatra, Chrysler, Mercedes-Benz, Maybach, Apollo, Dixi, Audi, Adler, Jawa, Ford, Steyr and others. Also designed seaplanes and airships that the Zeppelin was based on. Plus many other projects across many industries. Huge number of unique patents.
Great story, I knew about Tatra but never seen the obvious link between the brands. Not much of a VW fan but been to France camping in T2 Westfalia and T3.
The Tatra has a licensed plate which indicated 11. The car Tatra had to have hand crank up the engine with brace and its rotating knob and they don't have tube with driveshaft inside called backbone hump of its ridgid type pan flooring. They use the roller chain that drive the slave sprocket next to the rear wheel and it would sliding the roller chain to upshift only in pause and stopping the car beforehand in changing gear. Then the it is slow start to a running in higher speed at same time the clutch system will slip more than high gear ratio does. The SU down draft the petrol into the engine of Tatra was also a copy-cat of other car maker named Mercedes-Benz that invented the aspiration of fuel and air mixing atop the intake manifold attached to the boxer engine block. The forced air to the rea engine at back is where the induct of air into the underside of rear hood lid of its engine compartment like the hood was inlet shaped of scoop at back of the roof. The Volkswagen KdF type 2 was oil-cooled engine while Tatra was air-cooled engine for all T97 and V570 or earlier model. Type 1 Volkswagen was not with its engine lid into scoop so it was with louvres at back for the drum fan to circulate the air. It's for engine heater box and oil radiator into being cooling. Type 1 KdF would become super beetle in DAF racing designer for these two scoops on both side of the Beetle or Kubelwagen Krugenwagon for civilian. These air inlets scoops at behind the side windows of Kubel aerodynamic streamlined Bug's humpback car at behind the rear seats of the Type 60 or type 2 car for cooling the KdF DAF's engine flat four. From both side of scoops = forced air toward to the middle of drum fan at the front of motor 1200cc or 890cc 39 HP.
the tatra shown is a nineteensixties model. the kdf/beetle was designed in 1934. if you cannot even pronounce ledwinka, the rest is also likely to be inaccurate
Well, something from New era. Do you know why VW went for Skoda like thirsty dog??? Skoda in 1961 introduced in Paris model 1000MB with engine alloy monoblock. That was shock for motor world that time. VW by Skoda got complete alloy research made by Skoda for 30years!!!..... If you see what hapenned with technology in Audi, VW, Seat after 1990 that is the result secret die- casting aluminium started by Skoda Alloy department. VW knew well before what jewellery Skoda has.
+Norman Teck --Interesting comment as I have just finished reading Ganz's biography by Paul Schilperoord this week! A fascinating story and Ganz should be given much more credit than Tatra for the development of the Beetle. He was editor of "Motor-Kritik" and not only called for a "Volkswagen" car for the masses but set out the parameters: backbone chassis, rear-mounted engine, swing axle suspension. He worked as a consultant for Mercedes-Benz (check out the 130/140/170h cars that are surprisingly VW-like), BMW (AM 1, again with a backbone chassis and swing axles) but his ideas came most closely together in the Standard Superior, another German car (in spite of the name). Tatra managed to get ahold of Ganz's patents through devious means described in the book but Ganz had a good relationship with Hans Ledwinka. Dr. Porsche, an independent engineer, was stuck with designing the Beetle since no German manufacturer wanted to touch it and he clearly borrowed heavily from Ganz's widely-publicized ideas. The other person I would like to know more about is Siegfried Marcus, another Austrian Jew, who ran a handcart with a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine in 1870! Needless to say, the Nazis expunged his memory as thoroughly as they did Ganz's name so we only know about Daimler and Benz.
@@Sprocketboy1956 , thank you for your thoughtful reply. I had never heard of Siegfried Marcus. The Nazis were thorough and had worldwide help (, Edward VIII).
If you base yourself on the "curved shape" ... well all cars had it... from approx. 1935 to 1950s, some models more so, some less but, it was just the fashion. Perhaps the 1935 Chrysler Airflow was the first that introduced it. And you place the engine in the rear if you want to spare differential, same reason is behind choosing air cooled engine. Is easier to make, for less skilled workers and cheaper again. So is not the best innovative company, minding to that using same style engines on all Tatra trucks to nowadays, which all have problems with cooling and hence have more limited usage.
A problem with air cooled engines in autos is heating and defrosting, the heat exchangers are rust prone, expensive, and can kill you if they leak in the wrong place. Other than that the old beetles were good cars. The new ones? You're far better off with a Toyota, Hyundai, Kia, Honda, they are far more reliable and reputable than VW is now.
Tatra is still producing semi-trucks. Well, the passenger cars are a history 😞 Ferdinand Porsche is born in Czech Republic, and the Porsche company started in Austria, so the VW history started east from Germany. 30 years ago VW moved back and saved Skoda, that is nice from Volkswagen
why always forcing others to suffer under your musical-"taste" ? Learn to pronounce Volkswagen ("Folkswage", not Wolkswagen, "Por-Sche", not Porsch, Maybach is "Mybach"..... and so on).....Espionage? Look at the cars of today , no difference between one or the other , espionage ? No, lack of fantasy , lack of courage to try something out middle of the road, lack of taste of the clients !
I cringe every time someone pronounces Maybach as MAY-back, and not how it's supposed to be said, MY-bauk. At least that's what iv'e always been taught.
+OfficialEpic222 The MY part is correct, but the "ch" in the "bach" is the same sound as the "ch" in Scottish "loch" -- not "lauk." P.S. Do you also cringe at Porsch (without the "uh") or Lancia (Lansia instead of "Lanshia)?
+OfficialEpic222 Well, perhaps Lanshia wasn't the best rendering. "ci" in Italian is a "ch"as in "chocolate." But that's for the super purist. I confess I grew up with Lansia as well. Let's not even start on Alfa Romeo (or even Volkswagon). Agree with you on Maybach -- does anyone say Johann Sebastian Back?
Yeah, would have been nice to hear the sound of the engine instead of that crap synthesized poop. Why do people go to the trouble of making a video only to screw it up with crap music?
And what auto manufacturer or any other technological enterprise isn't based on 'looking over the shoulder' of those innovators who came before them? We are all 'standing on the shoulders of giants', where science is involved.
It would have been great to have a ''real'' Beetle, from the same era as the Tatra, parked next to it instead of the modern water-cooled unit shown here. I think it would have made the point even more obvious.
Exactly. How could they find a Tatra but not round up a real Beetle for the photo shoot?
Right on! Up to and including finding a split-window bug, ie pre-'54.
Bylo by skvělé mít vedle sebe zaparkovaného „opravdového“ brouka ze stejné doby jako Tatra, místo moderního vodou chlazeného celku, který je zde znázorněn. Myslím, že by to bylo ještě jasnější.
Me as a Mexican who had the opportunity to have seen both the air cooled Beetle and the new "Beetle" being sold brand new at VW dealerships, I will not EVER see the new "beetle" (yes in quote marks) as the successor of the air cooled one. I will always see it as a Jetta with a wannabe body of a Beetle. It's got nothing to do with the air cooled one except for the body shape.
Thank God I still own my trusty air cooled REAL Beetle.
You forgot to mention how the quality of the newer VW's is a part of history.
True. They should be ashamed that they recreated such a legendary car so poorly. They should have teamed up with porsche to design a new beetle with porsche's water cooled boxer 4 cylinder in the back instead of creating a new monocoque chassis and bolt on vw golf parts...
Actually, the "New Beetle" was a Golf GTI with a Beetle body.
@@zhbvenkhoReload The first new VW watercooled was great. The latest longer bodied is ugly!!!
@@RikardoKermat Can't stand all those bubble-tops. And then a Beetle with a Porsche engine? How would this attest to Beetle fitting in the people's car category? Beetle should be all about economy, not performance, otherwise it's no longer a Beetle.
This is what I have been saying for a while that the VW Beetle wasn't an absolute original design of Prof Porsche
Tatra is officially the third oldest car manufacturer after Benz and Peugeot, firs pioneered the aerodynamic design in wind tunnel back in 30's when Ford was still making model T .WV / Porsche has lost the court case with Tatra and was ordered to pay decades of compensation.That is one of the reasons Beetle was manufactured so long as there was no money for innovation .Ferdinand Porsche's mots influential mentor was Hans Ledvinka , chief designer of Tatra
'Not a fashionable bloke' he says with done up hair and manicured goatee.
+Ahmed Hakeem Thats me. I lost the rubbish facial hair immediately after the shoot!
Ahmed Hakeem so taking care of yourselves is fashionable? He seems like a plain bloke to me
One thing that was not mentioned in this film was, that Tatra is the only company that ever successfully sued Porsche.
+Philip Cooper It's a myth, Ferdinand Porsche designed a car for Mercedes Benz that had a air cooled engine in the back that was shown in the 30's as a concept car but was not manufactured due to the depression. In fact the Tata was so similar looking to the Benz that it was accused of plagiarism when they first started showing it. In other words Porsche had prior art and the Beetle is just a continuation of the Benz and has no connection with the Tata.
Martin Rychtera He originally designed the car for the Soviet Union in 1931 but that design was never shown and possibly never built, Benz version 1932-3 shown around the world as "the car for the future" and is what the Tatra copies, Volkswagen Beetle design 1934-5, Tatra introduced in 1936 I know what the Czech schoolbooks say, have been there, but the timeline does not add up. And is Ferdinand Porsche not Czech enough for you lot?
... Porsche paid milion Mark for stolen patent to Tatra ... ... biggest beau was Mr. Ledwinka ;)
Please do not quote wikipedia on this
:D omg ...why? do you think its full of conspiracy? ... most izareli swear it
Ferdinand Porche was actually born in former Bohemia now Czech republic Also if you look at Tatra cars Bugatti copied that rear design from us.
And Bohemia was within German empire before 1919?
I HATE THE NEW VW BEETLES I love the old ones
Nice Tatra clone but like everything German made it isn't designed to last, even ruining hillman by taking the namesake couldn't save vw
@@beemail6983 tHE NEW "BEETLE'S" suck , the old ones are classics
What made the beetle success was the 'semi' tubular backbone chassis and light-weight Magnesium engine block, but:
1, Mr Porsche designed only one car with such backbone chassis, that was the Type-1 VW-Beetle. The other related vehicle with similar design was the Type 2 VW transporter. Notice that even Porsche 356 shares many commons with the original beetle, but the 356 was a uni-body design.
2, VW Beetle was the only 'successful' pre-WW2 rear engine car. Another unsuccessful pre-WW2 attempt of rear engine design were the Mercedes-Benz 130 and 170H, they also had the tubular backbone chassis, but they did not seem to have the Magnesium engine block.
Now take a look the pre-WW2 Tatra (T77 T87 & T97), they were all Magnesium air-cooled engine and backbone chassis design, and actually Tatra was famous for these 2 applications all the time.
Another concept that Porsche dead trying but never truly success was putting DOHC onto an air-cooled engine. In history only few racing engines (917 & 908) were ture air-cooled DOHC. 2 other 'mass produced' DOHC Porsche air-cooled engines was 1) 547 '4 cam' engine but it was gear-driven cam and only had 2 valves per cylinder; 2) Porsche 959 engine with 2 cams and 4 valves per cylinder, it was cheating because it has a water-cooled head. Meanwhile most of the Tatra air-cooled V8 engines built after WW2 were DOHC!
...and don't forget the MB 150 Sport Saloon, which to me looks more like a Beetle than any Tatra ever !
There is no doubt that the Type 1 bore a striking resemblance to the earlier Tatra. Tatra launched a lawsuit, but this was stopped when Germany invaded Czechoslovakia. At the same time, Tatra was forced to stop producing the T97. The matter was re-opened after World War II and in 1965 Volkswagen paid Ringhoffer-Tatra 1,000,000 Deutsche Marks in an out of court settlement.
The tragedy of Tatra was that it was a great automaker in a then-weak country. And that country would soon be betrayed by France and Great Britain.
A sloped rear will reduce drag significantly
don't kid yourselves. Han Ludwinka schooled Porsche in Czechlosovokia in the 1920's...Porsche, a good student was a patent thief and the international courts agreed with that awarding a (then) huge settlement to Motokov the parent co. of Tatra.
There are plans to build a brand new Tatraplan in the future being considered. The company still makes world class trucks.
While I'd love to see a new Tatra sedan, I'd be very surprised if an economic case can be made for it. Tatra would face the same development costs (often a billion Euros or more for a new engine design) as any other manufacturer, but the brand cachet that lets e.g. Porsche charge premium prices for its vehicles is largely not there (any longer). Plus, at this point, most manufacturers' cars are contributing little to their profitability, which comes largely from SUVs. If it were relying only on its cars rather than the Cayenne and Macan, Porsche would have gone under years ago. Perhaps Tatra could leverage its truck expertise into selling a credible Land Rover or G-Wagen competitor, but I doubt we'll ever see a genuine Tatra passenger car again.
@@mebsrea If a new Tatra comes, it will be all electric, I think.
I am czechoslovakien living in USA now , the Czech used to build everything from needles to locomotives ,it could be better than Swiss, but now it is just Euro union warehouse. From rain -under gutter.
*jeff hammers:* _"Porsche, a good student was a patent thief…"_
- You can't be stolen of what you don't own. Patents aren't property but State-granted monopolies. If Tatra failed to make a dent in the car industry it was because they were a useless piece of shit incapable of building affordable and reliable cars at a large scale. In contrast, Volkswagen knew how to mass produce cheap and dependable cars and make a profit out of it. The market rewards those who bring good ideas to fruition, the only thing that matters. Even Thomas Alva Edison, one of the people with largest number of granted patents, admitted it: the only invention that matters is the one that will make a profit.
Lol, the designers of the car were Sudeten Germans and were expelled by the Czechs and communists in the post-war ethnic cleansing.
Similarities: 4 wheels, 2 front lights, one steering wheel. For the rest there are more cars looking like the original 30s beetle or the Tatra, even from the 1930s. Even despite the fact a german court awarded Skoda money after the war...
IMO, it’s not just the VW Beetle. I see a lot of the Tatra rear design copied in the 1963 Corvette Stingray, from the split rear window, the center spine, to the quad round tail lamps.
For another serious example of industrial espionage read "Stealing for Speed". This book tells the tale of how the Suzuki company stole the secrets of advanced two stroke technology from Walter Kaaden's East German MZ company.
The ‘new beetle’ failed miserably.
Just take a look and you understand why!
This Tatra gives the same vibes to me like the very first Saab its just VERY SPECIAL
A beautiful car; wonderful practical design. - Thanks for the show, old mechanic (91) , Fritz
I can't be the only one to notice when he says It's a type 2 beetle. Type 2 is the vw bus, the bug he's talking about is the type 11. It even says it on the paper he shows the Tatra-guy "VW Type 11"...
Same here - "Type 2"? Never. The original was always known (even by VW) as the Type 1, it was never a "Beetle".
Basically the presenter hasn't a clue what he's talking about
Type 2 lol
He read the 11 as the Roman numeral 2...that's why he said 2,duh...
The Type 1's all had a number STARTING with 1. There were several variations: The very first Beetle (or Kafer in German..) was the type 11. The type-1 based Ghia Coupes were type 14, the super beetles were type 1302 initially, and 1303 when they got the curved windshield. "The Thing" was also a type 1 moel.
Type 2 was always the VW Bus/Transporte/Kombi.
Type 3 was the squareback, Hatchback, and the larger Ghia coupes (sold only in Europe).
Type 4's were the 411, 412, and the Porsche 914.
I was a Junior in High School in 1968 when I got my first car, a 1966 Beetle. I loved it..!! I ordered floor mats and a bigger shifter handle and other things from the popular J.C. Whitney catalogue and had it looking real nice. Fond memories, indeed..!!
Thanks for dubbing music over the sound of the engine.
It's a beetle, it's the same engine as the golf your not missing anything.
+Daniel Fox haha
+Daniel Fox you know nothing
Yep, that was stupid.
There was a Tatra four air cooled cilynders,V570 from which Volkswagen was copied. After war, Volkswagen had to pay for plagiarism
The 1948 Tatra definitely influenced some design features on later Citroens. There is also some cross-influence with the iconic Tucker, especially the triple headlight arrangement and the fastback. Which influenced which though or it went vice-versa?
You failed to mention that none of the German people got their cars (or lives they were promised) as the factory and economy was ruined after the war. The British saw value in saving the factory, but they handed it back over to the Germans later.
Not true. Volkswagen honored every payment that was made towards a car during the war.
Ledwinka means "little kidney". Greetings from Czech Republic.
I would prefer Little Caprice ;)
check out the Saab 92 and the early Saab models....they stayed with the same teardrop design as the Tatra - and even had a two seater sports car (sonnet) damn near identical to the Porsche
Saab Sonnett looks nothing like contemporaneous Porsches. Saab 95 and 96 were front-engine, water-cooled designs, not like Tatra. Superficial body shape similarity alone does not make them alike in other respects. The Saabs were front-heavy, with moderately freakish handling. I owned one. Tatras tended to be tail-heavy, some faster models with oversteer so severe they gained the reputation for killing German officers who drove them too fast.
In 1999 I Talked to an old Czechoslovakia Tatra Employee who was there at the factory when Ferdinand Porcha stole Tatra plans and took them to Germany.
Except that the current Beetle is not derived in any way from the old Beetle. It is, in fact, traces its lineage back to the Auto Union/DKW/Audi K70, as do all VWs and Audis. The old Beetle was a dead end. VW purchased Auto Union (and the four circles) in order to import their modern, water cooled I4 engines and modern chassis.
@ 2:52 "This is a drawing of the Type 2 Volkswagen Beetle".
Wrong on both counts. For starters it was the first VW and thus a Type 1; and secondly VW never referred to it as a "Beetle" - it was simply the "Volkswagen"., and you can call Dane Doyle Bernbach if you don't believe me.
I recently discovered that the Tucker was a rear engine V8. This rear engine family includes the Tatra Sdkf-234 Puma, the Chevrolet Corvair Monza (and its van cousin, the greenbriar) and then of course the 1982 VW vanagon - the last air cooled, rear engine van (I have one but it’s been converted to water-cooled Subaru)
I read that many of the safety innovations that mercedes benz first released in the automotive industry, over the years, were in fact the work of their Switzerland-based consultant Paul Jaray.
... because an air cooled rear engine was SO UNCOMMON in that time.
Also, I don't see any too obvious similarities. I mean, look at the back. Looks more like a full size messerschmidt than a beatle.
+Moritz “もりつ” Vogt VW paid Tatra a huge sum of money for patent infringement of the design of the y-shaped backbone chassis, this is on public record. That's quite an expensive similarity.
@@dickvonduisberg2356 Where is that public record?
I think there needs to be a reassessment of the history. What is now know as Tartra was previously Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau-Fabriks-Gesellschaft A.G (1897) and before that Ignaz Schustala & Company (1850) which dated back to the Austro-Hungarian empire. At Neseldorfer they had a young progressive design team headed up by Hans Ledwinka and his son Eric, also two others by the name of Uberlacker and Jaray. This team produce the Tatra V570 prototype about 2-3 years before Hitler and Ferdinand Porsche started the Beetle folks wagen concept. The reason the Nazi's invaded Czechoslovakia in the early days was to take over Skoda Heavy Works, then the largest engineering company in Europe, and Tatra Works, it is well documented that Deutz took the air cooled engine designs and that VW took the car designs.
In 1933, at the Chicago World Fair, Lincoln showed a streamlined, rear V8 engine, Zephyr prototype. Lincoln moved the engine to the front, added 6 more cylinders and built the most successful streamline design. Tatra made the prototype. Same man designed them.
Could you post more info on that? As far as I could find out, Lincoln Zephyr were built from 1936 until 1940, with a V12 in the front. No mention of rear engines or V14. What do you mean with "same man designed them"? A connection between Tatra and Lincoln?
It's interesting to watch history of Skoda and Tatra and thinking of how it would turned out if Czechoslovakia weren't under communist rule :/
At the end, the VW Group surely buyed both to built some Jetta (Skoda) and others Phaeton (Tatra) with good workers with limited wage.
Quite possibly we would drive cheaper clones of Skoda models made by its German subsidiary called Volksvagen, and Audis and Porsches would eternally try to catch up with Tatras:)
You can think of the rear-engined Porsches as 2 door sports versions of Tatra's 4 door saloon cars.
Hard to say. A non-Communist government might have just done what many smaller countries do nowadays and bought foreign-made luxury cars for its government officials -- most probably German.
Czechoslovakia, as small as it was, was the 6th (!) economy in the world. So it might well be the greatest victim of the Soviet occupation.
So that's where the Saab 99 came from!
Title: Tatra
Video: Origin of the Bettle
So there is lot of discussion here whether Hanz Ledwinka or Ferdinand Porsche stole ideas for V570 or Käfer respectively from each other. One true is that Tatra did conceived, designed, and deliver three aircooled models before war to its consumers. It was team of engineers led by Erich Überlacker who first proposed idea of simple, air-cooled "people's car" Two forms, one more conventional, front engined and the other, engine in the back, heavily influenced by Hungarian-born Zeppelin designer Paul Jaray. Ledwinka as chief technical director green-lighted conventional car for production. That car became national bestseller as model T 57 and its more aerodynamic revision T 57a. (guess what "a" stands for) These are still among most common veteran cars of that era in Czechia. The 570 car was meanwhile further developed. Hanz, Erich and Ferdinad knew each other and their work respectively and well. Hanz left Tatra once for Styer in his home country of Austria (and it is true that there was a friction between the two nations since colapse of A.H. empire) but returned later to se his people's car trough. However in the end they decide to introduce luxury car and then scale down up to model 97. Unfortunately those are rare, and are not shown in video. But if you look up early prototypes of 570 and Käfer and production version of Käfer and 97 you can't say they don't look lot alike. In the end Ferdi himself admitted that: "Sometimes I look over his shoulder and sometime he looked over mine" I am Czech and therefore I am biased. However, there is also true that we imprisoned Ledwinka after the war as collaborator (later communist gave him a pardon and offered him to again lead tatra, he opted to leave for his home country of austria) Erich's son got job in Steyer where he was involved in Pinzgauer development. We all know Porsche's story, so I wont write that again, but leave you with two other hopefully interesting facts: 1) When Tatra-Volkswagen/Porsche case was settled, it almost bankrupted the company. To stay afloat they have to perfect this quickly aging design and push it to as many less developed countries as they could. This layed foundation for todays Volkswagen. Second, chief constructor of T613, latest air-cooled V8 tatra engine put in serial production, fled country after soviet invasion in 1968 for Germany and there joined, yes you guessed it - Ferdinad Porsche AG.
Bit of trivia for you: the 1963 beetle had a thermostat and used antifreeze. This will win you a beer in a bar. The intake gills on the fan housing had movable gills in front of the vertical oil cooler ... and they were opened and shut by a paraffin pellet type thermostat with a linkage arm ... and the windshield washer reservoir specified a 50/50 mix of water and Volkswagen Antifreeze. That reservoir, by the way, was pressurized by air from the spare tire with a short hose ... which guaranteed you would always have a flat spare if you ever needed it. True facts!
The washer bottle in 62-67 beetles was pressurised on its own, not by the sparewheel. But the Germans thought of that on the later VWs....there is an inline valve which stops the spare from going flat.
6:37 I don't think Czechoslovakia was communist at the time. And what do you mean by engineering sources were scarce under communism? Highly disagree.
Sure most communist countries were quite rural at that time, but the image that they were technologically inferior was just an image created by western and nazi propaganda.
+Rasta Fari It was - Czechoslovakia came under Communist rule in 1948, the year the T600 was put into mass production.
+Tedrick Leong I thought he was referring to the T97 which they talked about. Slight misinterpretation on my part.
+Rasta Fari
What "Communist" country had superior technology to the "West" then?
+ExtremeBogom Well, the USSR made the Mig 25, that was heavily copied by the west, also first in the space. Otto Wichterle (CZE) invented contact eye lenses in the late 50's. I could sure go on, but I won't, google around.
EDIT: literary TONS of patents and inventions were sold to the west. Chemistry, weapons, aircraft technology and so on.
***** You can't choose which side was superior because both sides made advancements which equally paved way for many innovations. As to the states concerned, Soviet design bureaus and manufacturing plants were spread throughout different regions, and were not always concentrated only to Russia. Also at the time, there were many engineers and scientists in America, who received their education and engineering experience in communist states.
Go and do some research about the advancements and list of achievements the Soviets have made particularly in the aerospace sector. To name just a "few", first satellite in space, First space suits, First man in space, Liquid fuel rocket engine designs which have since been used even in today's advanced engines, Ion thruster designs which the west adopted. Even the race to the moon would've been far more competitive for America if Khrushchev hadn't let his engineers fall back, because for a short time initially he was concentrating more on the agricultural sector. The Americans had major issues with the plumbing and turbopumps in their F1 engine, and were only able to resolve them when they adopted Soviet design elements. Also, as Phillip mentioned above, aircraft such as the Mig 25 and 29 were considered highly advanced when they flew and many Soviet defector aircraft were studied extensively by the West.
Loved that brand as a kid in the 50s, their shapes inspired many manufacturers if not so many with their configuration. The Jewett Javelin shares some of the technical innovation (flat four, in the front though, IFS F IRS, the teardrop profile and aerodynamic efficiency. Their big V8 limos are to die for.
Great vid. Love this type of motoring history
Its shape also predated the Citroen DS from 1955
Really nothing to do with the current Beetle so would be better to not include it.
Does the Name Erwin Komenda mean anything to anybody? He is the engineer at Porsche who in 1936-7 actually designed the VW Beetle body, not Hitler, not Porsche. Did he take some cues from Tatra? Who can say. The Beetle has a rear swing-axle, trans-axle system and torsion-bar front suspension. The Beetle incorporates its body pan frame rails for the front heater channels. I think it's fair to say the Tatra was well ahead of its time in many ways. Tatra actually sued not only Porsche, but VW itself for basically copy-cat infringement, and won.
What a beautiful thing that car is, my heart is pounding.
Thanks! I loved this mini history lesson and introduction to a very rare car.
Another great piece about lost (to most of us) automotive history - thanks XCAR. Was great to get an expert on the subject involved too rather than just have the presenters reel out the information.
I think Andre Citroen was influenced by the Tatra when designing the ID/DS Citroens.
I prefer Tatra.
The TATRA Looks Something Like A Citroen DS..
Or Citroen looks like Tatra
The fuse box and circuits in the harness for 1930 A.D.and earlier year was that the most experienced electrician using cloth for insulation of the wires and connector splice with slotted where placing the fuse in or out also called switch (optional). These were glass to be build as controller or Circuit board or even wood to make contact of energize the power up the Volkswagen design like the Bosch. That the Bosch were working with winding the wire into new electric field coil and steel horseshoe in place surround the coils called armature.
The tool wire spinner does the wire wound that is a connection to be connect as well unconnectable contact the thin post terminals and it wiring to the set of fuses for more compact smaller size. Than so instead of bolts that screw tight the ring terminals and crimp it as an older design of wiring to the oil temp and/or oil pressure and relay, regulator.
The Tatra had no experiences in showing photos or proof of writing about how the Tatra was made it into ability to drive; at least 35 MPH with its 30 up to 35 HP in during the 1920's Thank you.
Tatra is one of the oldest car pioneers in the world!
Yet Studebaker traced its lineage to the 1850s when it built wagons and carriages. It was America's oldest vehicle manufacturer.
I learned something today! Very interesting video!
What was the point of parking a modern beetle (re-skinned golf) alongside the Tatra?
yes,Hans Ledwinka was teacher of Ferdinand Porsche
I owned a 1970 standard VW beetle yrs ago that I bought used with very low mileage. I drove it to about 170,000 trouble free miles with minimal maintenance and sold it to a college girl who was in an accident and it was wrecked at about 200,000 miles. They were a reliable quality built and simple to maintain car. About the only real drawback they had was the heater, or rather the lack of one lol. As long as you kept the valves adjusted and did regular oil changes and kept a fan belt on it they were very reliable.
The Volkswagen Beetle, along with the Karmann Ghia and "Thing" (Kubelwagen), are Type 1, not Type 2 vehicles, as stated in this presentation. Type 2 is the designated for the Microbus or Transporter.
My niece had one of those NEW Beetles , that POS was in the garage every other week.
in 1965 VW gave Tatra a out of court a million DM
The new and new new beetles have been a bit of a flop, and their reliability wasnt that good statistically either. Still a funky desing though. But they should give a shot at doing a rear engined rear wheel drive car again, just like renault did with the smart based twingo.
Nice change of pace, and I love these stories. Unfortunately there was no conclusion to it, in my view there weren't enough facts for either side of the story in the video. The Tatra expert listened more than he spoke and surely a real beetle would be a lot better suited to feature in this story? Nothing against the new one, just that it really does not fit this subject in particular. There's nothing in the new beetle that has anything to do with the original series apart from the name and, vaguely, the shape. Sorry does not work for me this video.
VW paid Tatra in 1965 for using their V570 prototype to design the Type 1 (Beetle).
Agree that the video is poorly researched and badly executed.
Pedro Venda And.
And now Bugatti is stealing Czech design !!
What we got here - a fucking comedian? :)
@@PrimoStracciatella No, fucking thuth!!
It does look like one from the exterior...
Lol, the designers of the car were Sudeten Germans and were expelled by the Czechs and communists in the post-war ethnic cleansing.
Hahaha. 7:29 the cop didn't even trying to turn
Not a clue why this has any dislikes; this was a great little piece. Thanks XCAR!
+Godly Object , O please reveal the "great little piece".
Original concept probably by innovative forward-thinking engineer Paul Jaray (1889 - 1974 ). He did aerodynamic consultancy work for Tatra, Chrysler, Mercedes-Benz, Maybach, Apollo, Dixi, Audi, Adler, Jawa, Ford, Steyr and others. Also designed seaplanes and airships that the Zeppelin was based on. Plus many other projects across many industries. Huge number of unique patents.
Didn't Rudolph want to be a reindeer anymore (3:16)?
Great story,
I knew about Tatra but never seen the obvious link between the brands.
Not much of a VW fan but been to France camping in T2 Westfalia and T3.
The Tatra has a licensed plate which indicated 11. The car Tatra had to have hand crank up the engine with brace and its rotating knob and they don't have tube with driveshaft inside called backbone hump of its ridgid type pan flooring. They use the roller chain that drive the slave sprocket next to the rear wheel and it would sliding the roller chain to upshift only in pause and stopping the car beforehand in changing gear. Then the it is slow start to a running in higher speed at same time the clutch system will slip more than high gear ratio does.
The SU down draft the petrol into the engine of Tatra was also a copy-cat of other car maker named Mercedes-Benz that invented the aspiration of fuel and air mixing atop the intake manifold attached to the boxer engine block.
The forced air to the rea engine at back is where the induct of air into the underside of rear hood lid of its engine compartment like the hood was inlet shaped of scoop at back of the roof.
The Volkswagen KdF type 2 was oil-cooled engine while Tatra was air-cooled engine for all T97 and V570 or earlier model. Type 1 Volkswagen was not with its engine lid into scoop so it was with louvres at back for the drum fan to circulate the air. It's for engine heater box and oil radiator into being cooling. Type 1 KdF would become super beetle in DAF racing designer for these two scoops on both side of the Beetle or Kubelwagen Krugenwagon for civilian. These air inlets scoops at behind the side windows of Kubel aerodynamic streamlined Bug's humpback car at behind the rear seats of the Type 60 or type 2 car for cooling the KdF DAF's engine flat four. From both side of scoops = forced air toward to the middle of drum fan at the front of motor 1200cc or 890cc 39 HP.
the tatra shown is a nineteensixties model. the kdf/beetle was designed in 1934. if you cannot even pronounce ledwinka, the rest is also likely to be inaccurate
Well, something from New era. Do you know why VW went for Skoda like thirsty dog??? Skoda in 1961 introduced in Paris model 1000MB with engine alloy monoblock. That was shock for motor world that time. VW by Skoda got complete alloy research made by Skoda for 30years!!!..... If you see what hapenned with technology in Audi, VW, Seat after 1990 that is the result secret die- casting aluminium started by Skoda Alloy department. VW knew well before what jewellery Skoda has.
잘 보고 갑니다. 흥미로운 내용이군요
The Beetle was simple roomy enough and nippy to drive
I wonder if tucker got some ideals from this car also
also, tatra does still make cars. Well, more workhorses for buildsides than street models.
Interesting, but what of the May Beetle (Maikaefer), the development of Austrian engineer, Josef Ganz?
+Norman Teck He's a fascinating person, too, he's on the radar for a feature in future.
+Norman Teck --Interesting comment as I have just finished reading Ganz's biography by Paul Schilperoord this week! A fascinating story and Ganz should be given much more credit than Tatra for the development of the Beetle. He was editor of "Motor-Kritik" and not only called for a "Volkswagen" car for the masses but set out the parameters: backbone chassis, rear-mounted engine, swing axle suspension. He worked as a consultant for Mercedes-Benz (check out the 130/140/170h cars that are surprisingly VW-like), BMW (AM 1, again with a backbone chassis and swing axles) but his ideas came most closely together in the Standard Superior, another German car (in spite of the name). Tatra managed to get ahold of Ganz's patents through devious means described in the book but Ganz had a good relationship with Hans Ledwinka. Dr. Porsche, an independent engineer, was stuck with designing the Beetle since no German manufacturer wanted to touch it and he clearly borrowed heavily from Ganz's widely-publicized ideas. The other person I would like to know more about is Siegfried Marcus, another Austrian Jew, who ran a handcart with a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine in 1870! Needless to say, the Nazis expunged his memory as thoroughly as they did Ganz's name so we only know about Daimler and Benz.
@@Sprocketboy1956 , thank you for your thoughtful reply. I had never heard of Siegfried Marcus. The Nazis were thorough and had worldwide help (, Edward VIII).
Might b a copy but to get it right is the challenge.
The hardest part about buying a modern VW beetle...
Is telling mom that you are gay.
LMFAO, I didn't see that coming. Good one.
Lnoks like an early saab
one good thing about a beetle, you can say you have the same headlights as a 911 :P
+VLCC the diablo has a Nissan's headlights!
I would personally love to know what the intro music was.
What's the location. Huge hangar
+theguycalledgerald Looks like Cardington airship hangar
Whats with putting background music in the foreground? It'd be nice to not have to squint to listen to the reviewer.
+jimmybell Squinting so you can hear better? Seems legit.
+Viru A Through your ear balls, duh.
+Viru A a technique for getting subscribers attention ?
5:50 The rear half I can see an early Jag Saloon!!!
Love the history. I couldn't help but notice the similarity between some of the early Tetras and the Mercedes 130H (?) from what appear the same era.
At 8:15 it looks like a RC toy. :)
Tatra first produced the 97 in 1936. Mercedes first produced the 150 Sport Saloon in 1933. Tell me which one looks more like a Beetle.
I wish this was longer, with a ride IN THE TATRA, but still… nice to see.
If you base yourself on the "curved shape" ... well all cars had it... from approx. 1935 to 1950s, some models more so, some less but, it was just the fashion. Perhaps the 1935 Chrysler Airflow was the first that introduced it. And you place the engine in the rear if you want to spare differential, same reason is behind choosing air cooled engine. Is easier to make, for less skilled workers and cheaper again. So is not the best innovative company, minding to that using same style engines on all Tatra trucks to nowadays, which all have problems with cooling and hence have more limited usage.
A problem with air cooled engines in autos is heating and defrosting, the heat exchangers are rust prone, expensive, and can kill you if they leak in the wrong place. Other than that the old beetles were good cars. The new ones? You're far better off with a Toyota, Hyundai, Kia, Honda, they are far more reliable and reputable than VW is now.
Now, yes.
Hyundai/Kia going up against VW is a slap in the face. Those jagoffs at VW group ought to be ashamed.
Ha ha, what caught my eye is a water cooled front engine FWD retro styled VW compared to Tatra rear engine air cooled design.
It had to be uniquie experience driving a car before VW took over.
Why do you show a watercooled VW????
Tatra is still producing semi-trucks. Well, the passenger cars are a history 😞
Ferdinand Porsche is born in Czech Republic, and the Porsche company started in Austria, so the VW history started east from Germany.
30 years ago VW moved back and saved Skoda, that is nice from Volkswagen
Though the text imho is too popular and sometimes untrue, I like the theme and it is good Tatra promotion.
why always forcing others to suffer under your musical-"taste" ? Learn to pronounce Volkswagen ("Folkswage", not Wolkswagen, "Por-Sche", not Porsch, Maybach is "Mybach"..... and so on).....Espionage? Look at the cars of today , no difference between one or the other , espionage ? No, lack of fantasy , lack of courage to try something out middle of the road, lack of taste of the clients !
Thanks TomTom. I mean Danke!
I cringe every time someone pronounces Maybach as MAY-back, and not how it's supposed to be said, MY-bauk. At least that's what iv'e always been taught.
+OfficialEpic222 The MY part is correct, but the "ch" in the "bach" is the same sound as the "ch" in Scottish "loch" -- not "lauk."
P.S. Do you also cringe at Porsch (without the "uh") or Lancia (Lansia instead of "Lanshia)?
Ian Findlay The Porsche part, yes i do cringe. But, iv'e always called Lancia "Lansia", never have i heard it be pronounced Lanshia.
+OfficialEpic222 Well, perhaps Lanshia wasn't the best rendering. "ci" in Italian is a "ch"as in "chocolate." But that's for the super purist. I confess I grew up with Lansia as well. Let's not even start on Alfa Romeo (or even Volkswagon).
Agree with you on Maybach -- does anyone say Johann Sebastian Back?
@@ianfindlay865 Most English speakers do say "Back" (like "buck") - because they simply can't pronounce the German "ch" right.
Too much unnecessary music is in video! Almost boring first 20 seconds .Nearly scipped it.
Yeah, would have been nice to hear the sound of the engine instead of that crap synthesized poop. Why do people go to the trouble of making a video only to screw it up with crap music?
You should use a 60’s or 70’s Beetle for comparison, not a 2015 model.
And what auto manufacturer or any other technological enterprise isn't based on 'looking over the shoulder' of those innovators who came before them? We are all 'standing on the shoulders of giants', where science is involved.
The modern beetle has nothing to do with the aircooled type1.