I played ahri few times, and i can say shes one of the easiest character to play in lane,you can just dodge and then perfectly farm C's but i prefer champ like kassadin and fizz since you need to play good in lane just to farm
Yeah u need to play good to farm on this champs (only early and btw every melee champs have that problem), but u can kill with this champs so easy, even if u smash ur feet on keyboard, because u outdamage Ahri's whole kit with 1 button and dont even need to land skillshots. Nice try to justify ur love for braindead champs, buddy
LOONA’s impact..
I played ahri few times, and i can say shes one of the easiest character to play in lane,you can just dodge and then perfectly farm C's but i prefer champ like kassadin and fizz since you need to play good in lane just to farm
Yeah u need to play good to farm on this champs (only early and btw every melee champs have that problem), but u can kill with this champs so easy, even if u smash ur feet on keyboard, because u outdamage Ahri's whole kit with 1 button and dont even need to land skillshots. Nice try to justify ur love for braindead champs, buddy
I agree with kass but fizz just plays like any other assassin, farm till 3 coinflip all in and snowball its not that hard...