歐元的誕生,貨幣統一與政策失衡 | 羅家聰 | Z.com Forex 外匯交易室

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
  • 歐元面世短短20年已經歷不少危機,金融海嘯更突顯出各成員國財政實力的巨大差距。KC博士指出,歐元制度在2大經濟學派之間本已存在分歧,歐元在未來幾十年將如何發展?又會否再面臨崩潰的危機?
    我們從歐洲匯率機制的背景,談到Optimum Currency Area(最適貨幣區)的論點,一起來加深對歐元的認識。
    ◆ 歐元區制度,貨幣整合的歷史背景
    ◇ 成員國良莠不齊, 如判斷歐元強弱? 對於歐元將來有甚麼展望?
    ◆ 曾經有傳聞指出法國想脫歐, 若然德國等強國都想脫歐, 歐元是否玩完?
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Комментарии • 17

  • @chansam3
    @chansam3 3 года назад +13

    支持KC 博士!!! 好鍾意聽佢講野

    • @hendrixbrysen9433
      @hendrixbrysen9433 3 года назад

      you probably dont care but does any of you know of a trick to log back into an Instagram account??
      I somehow forgot the account password. I love any help you can offer me

  • @sktsec
    @sktsec 3 года назад +7

    節目質素高,感謝 z.com

  • @willson_man
    @willson_man 3 года назад +7


  • @deedee-js7vl
    @deedee-js7vl 3 года назад +3


  • @gogogogo2890
    @gogogogo2890 3 года назад +3

    Like and support KC 博士!

  • @donald9159
    @donald9159 3 года назад +3


  • @ronaldlibinchen6858
    @ronaldlibinchen6858 3 года назад +3


  • @vtec886
    @vtec886 3 года назад +12


  • @ronniechan1550
    @ronniechan1550 3 года назад +7

    呃我唔到嘅, 搵金正恩將軍上嚟就話係KC博士

  • @kanlexkanlex9965
    @kanlexkanlex9965 3 года назад +1

    Good news

  • @William海
    @William海 3 года назад +2


  • @kenwong6777
    @kenwong6777 3 года назад


  • @zsattic3350
    @zsattic3350 3 года назад +1

    頭香~ 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

  • @pwpwpwpw100
    @pwpwpwpw100 3 года назад


  • @archiekleung
    @archiekleung 3 года назад

    There is an advantage for single currency. However their history and politics were in the way.
    Forget Euro. At that time if they were to agree to use DM as a medium of exchange in trade each country would buy DM according to their own economic strength of the day the outcome would be very different.
    >>>Politics was in the way. When Greece (corrupt and lazy) needed help their nationalism suddenly came alive. Images of German troops marching in was unacceptable. If it were the World Bank to dictate the recovery plan they would find it easier to swallow.
    >>>Britain had the same experience years ago. The saw socialism help Germany to bounced back quickly after WW1 the Labour Party thought they could emulate Germany. Do not try this at home. They messed up the country so bad that they thought Wilson was a Russian mole. There were talking of a coup and Union were disrupting the economy. World Bank stepped in and Callahan had to be a good boy. Imagine it was Germany (not strong then) were to reached out to Britain they say no at the beaches, no in the cities and bi in the front garden. Churchill came back from grave louder 100 times than the Greece.
    >>>Political wounds take time to heal. America would not let a strong Europe to happen.
    >>>The rise of Europe is inevitable. The implosion of America is inevitable. After Desert Storm some European leaders have been quietly talking about having their own army (forget Nato). Perhaps this is not going to happen in 10 years but 20 years who knows.