Now what will happen after asheeka gets preagnant for rajat again is it not time savi finds a new love rajat hasdeceived her with asheeka it is better they now get divorced savi gets free to marry a new man who will realy make her happy why did asheeka have to win from savi how could rajat be so unfaithfull to savi i hate rajat i hope he will become extremely unhappy with asheeka that kiyaan will die and asheeka and rajat child will also die he deseves no happiness he has caused savi enough unhappiness this evil man
Now what will happen after asheeka gets preagnant for rajat again is it not time savi finds a new love rajat hasdeceived her with asheeka it is better they now get divorced savi gets free to marry a new man who will realy make her happy why did asheeka have to win from savi how could rajat be so unfaithfull to savi i hate rajat i hope he will become extremely unhappy with asheeka that kiyaan will die and asheeka and rajat child will also die he deseves no happiness he has caused savi enough unhappiness this evil man