Terraria Death-montage: Every death from the original series, created by gravizt

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @zander8412
    @zander8412 6 лет назад +171

    My favorite series. Rest in peace TotalBiscuit.

  • @MynameisByf
    @MynameisByf 12 лет назад +43

    i love how all jessies deaths are either due to his incompetence or due to falling.
    btw i love jessie so dont freak on me...

    • @venom8771
      @venom8771 3 года назад +2

      Yo is that the destiny lore man!?!?

    • @Reimastered
      @Reimastered 3 года назад +2

      Wtf lol

  • @novau115
    @novau115 6 лет назад +59

    This was the series that got me into Terraria and into TB and Jesse... This is for the man, the brit, the biscuit

  • @mcsza3
    @mcsza3 10 лет назад +209

    Jesse's biggest enemy: Gravity

  • @racer927
    @racer927 6 лет назад +11

    You know, I find it funny that even though Jesse died so much in these early Terraria and Starbound videos, he was one of the players that survived to the end of the Starbound Hardcore series on PBG's channel

  • @saiyoucho
    @saiyoucho 12 лет назад +13

    I still love how Jesse mysteriously died when attempting to kill TB with that dynamite.

    • @storotso
      @storotso Год назад +1

      I'm sure you're aware by now but there's actually nothing mysterious about it. Being on the same team disables friendly fire, but not taking damage from your own bombs. TB survived because Jesse couldn't hurt him outside environmental forces like sand or lava.

  • @Aramillis
    @Aramillis 11 лет назад +37

    "Jesse's Mortal Enemies: ...His own Explosives" There are no words.

  • @ninjassin77
    @ninjassin77 6 лет назад +13

    RIP Tb you will be remembered, in all your dynamite failures

  • @Maca68
    @Maca68 2 года назад +6

    I'm surprised they never got anyone to animate parts of their Terraria series.

  • @Zombiemask4
    @Zombiemask4 11 лет назад

    TB this is the reason why people love your terraria videos. The adventures, the heartbreaks, and you and jesse cox getting mangled in various ways, but mostly Jesse.

  • @oskwie861
    @oskwie861 6 лет назад +3

    TB got me into Terraria because of all of his hilarious adventures with Jesse, may he rest in piece

  • @neurt007
    @neurt007 11 лет назад +12

    Jesse and TB, the best-est of friends. Jesse and 1 law of nature however are not.
    113 lives were "harmed" during the making of this video. Peace to the Almighty Space Butterfly.

  • @Snipergod1024
    @Snipergod1024 5 лет назад +3

    TB averaged a 2-1 death ratio with Jesse throughout the entire series. No matter what, Jesse was always dying at least twice for each of his deaths.

    @NAME.EXPUNGED 10 лет назад +42

    It's a bit of a shame that there weren't tombstones in this version. Probably would have made the death-counting a lot easier.

  • @tribblesfoxfolk
    @tribblesfoxfolk 10 лет назад +19

    My fav death: Jesse's near-infinite fall down their Hellavator.

  • @DiamondTiki
    @DiamondTiki 12 лет назад

    That's awesome! Also, I Like how one of Jesse's mortal enemies is his own explosives, and TB has spent the game getting killed by a variety of different things and almost never the same thing more than twice.

  • @Craixis
    @Craixis 12 лет назад +4

    "Gravity, though art a heartless Bitch"
    Most threatening thing in the series, go figure.

  • @redgamemaster
    @redgamemaster 12 лет назад

    Major props to you Gravizt this video was awesome and thank you TB and Jesse for the great series.

  • @Yamsofdoom
    @Yamsofdoom 10 лет назад +14

    4:06 remains my favorite.

  • @gravizt
    @gravizt 12 лет назад

    Oh wow, that was unexpected. Thank you, good sir. I thank you for that. Still I do not expect to recieve anything for making this video. Again, thank you for being so nice.

  • @CrabQueen
    @CrabQueen 11 лет назад +45

    How much money was lost after all those deaths @_@

    • @alainpbat3903
      @alainpbat3903 10 лет назад +51

      Ghengis Khan in total 3 platinium 4 gold 75silver and 9 copper

    • @alainpbat3903
      @alainpbat3903 10 лет назад +1

      Alain Zhang ggop

  • @gravizt
    @gravizt 12 лет назад

    Thank you. Its nice to have someone go in depth, instead of just saying "Great work". It was 28 hours in total, spread over two days. In case you wanted to know.

  • @TigerKirby215
    @TigerKirby215 11 лет назад +14

    I didn't realize TB died more than 20 times in the series.

  • @AvatarAdam8596
    @AvatarAdam8596 12 лет назад

    They are all my favorites!!!!! Thank you so much TB and Jesse!

  • @Mathew_01
    @Mathew_01 5 лет назад +3

    Such good memories.

  • @KisaSatoma
    @KisaSatoma 12 лет назад

    This was wonderful thank you TB or TBs crew for putting this all together.

  • @danthalios
    @danthalios 10 лет назад +98

    "If bats developed intelligen--"
    "NO! Why would you do that? _Why would you do that?!_"
    "Why would you do that? Here I was goin -"
    "Oh no! Only one thing to do; drop into the darkness and PRAY!"
    "I lived! I lived by going into the darkness where they can't find me."
    "Oh no! What is this? What's going on?! Oh God, it's so dark down he -"
    (to TB) "You son of a bitch!"

    • @danthalios
      @danthalios 10 лет назад +28

      "You need to stop attacking me and go and attack tha -"
      "It was justice."
      "You son of a beech!"

    • @danthalios
      @danthalios 10 лет назад +28

      "OH GOD! OH GOD! OH GOD! This is going on for a little bit!"
      "OH GOD! OH GOD! OH GOD! This is a really far fall..."
      "Okay, there we go!"

    • @LchanOtakudom
      @LchanOtakudom 5 лет назад

      danthalios You are my hero for typing that all out!

  • @michelrpg
    @michelrpg 11 лет назад

    good memories.. I watched this series entirely and I have enjoyed Terraria immensely afterwards with my own friends. Thanks TB and Jesse for doing this :).

  • @Gormathius
    @Gormathius 6 лет назад +6

    Mojo was turned into a pile of dead everything.

  • @Burdrehnar
    @Burdrehnar 12 лет назад

    i like the math put into the ending, nice job gravizt

  • @RHINO_Mk_II
    @RHINO_Mk_II 12 лет назад +4

    "Let us go on the adventure..."
    "...of a lifetime! We have epic adventures."
    *E.T. Theme*
    "Oh no! No!"

  • @Rakanarshi2
    @Rakanarshi2 5 лет назад +2

    Damn, I loved this series. I also remember, I think one a second playthrough..TB noticed that jessie was falling down the hellivator and placed a block where he would land. I think he did this mroe than once :P

  • @cloongoo
    @cloongoo 11 лет назад +10


  • @dswabey
    @dswabey 3 года назад +2

    I remember when the dynamite one happens... I nearly laughed up a kidney

  • @ShinoBakudan
    @ShinoBakudan 12 лет назад +6

    "inhuman, thieving, conniving pounder!" Best insult ever.

    • @mb2001
      @mb2001 3 года назад

      It wasn't flounder?

  • @XodiumLabs
    @XodiumLabs 12 лет назад +1

    "I will give you one thing. When it comes to failure, you, sir, are second to none."

  • @TheJolteonMaster
    @TheJolteonMaster 10 лет назад +6

    5:32 that was actually a pretty epic battle. xD

  • @TheUbberman
    @TheUbberman 12 лет назад

    The Cynical fleet and The Space butterflies appreaciate your effort, kind soul.

  • @TheDarkgoddess666
    @TheDarkgoddess666 10 лет назад +4

    I like the stats at the end :)

  • @DuRzObLiNtXx666
    @DuRzObLiNtXx666 12 лет назад

    i thank whoever had the time to make this video

  • @TengouX
    @TengouX 10 лет назад +4

    It really was an adventure of a lifetime.
    Hehe, squish.

  • @hudrowportnof4058
    @hudrowportnof4058 11 лет назад +1

    I can still remember their screams when they went through the dungeon. A living hell it was.

  • @aoaoaoaoaoaoaoa5701
    @aoaoaoaoaoaoaoa5701 10 лет назад +3

    3:15 that laugh

  • @kalibaby22
    @kalibaby22 12 лет назад

    hands down. best. video. ever. from you guys. EVER!!!!!

  • @TheBronf
    @TheBronf 11 лет назад +6

    such a terrible series. but its fuken funny as well so its worth watching XD

  • @deaddu
    @deaddu 12 лет назад

    Could have done without the sudden music at the end.. but overall this was a very well put together video and the statistics at the end were a very nice touch! nice work gravizt!

  • @r4n9e991c
    @r4n9e991c 11 лет назад

    these were the days.. watching the adventures and rages of tb and jesse.

  • @NauyaIsOnline
    @NauyaIsOnline 12 лет назад

    The little ding makes it so much more awesome.

  • @BloodyBobJr
    @BloodyBobJr 11 лет назад

    Jesse's Inhuman Scream of utter Outrage and angst at 8:38 is a thing of beauty.. lol.

  • @ZackCosplayer
    @ZackCosplayer 12 лет назад +1

    This was amazing :D

  • @Alder26
    @Alder26 12 лет назад +1

    "You thieving, conniving bounder!" is my favourite insult of all time.

  • @JayDragon7
    @JayDragon7 12 лет назад +1

    I must say, despite TotalBiscuit's amazing laugh, Jesse's reactions towards some of his deaths are my favorite parts of this series and they leave me coughing from laughter.
    "Someday.... One day, I will get you again. I SWEAR IT, JESSE!" - Gravity

  • @ZeroDrawn
    @ZeroDrawn 12 лет назад

    Definitely my favorite Lets Play-type series of all time. So many laughs, just awesome.

  • @FoZSamurai
    @FoZSamurai 12 лет назад

    It's alright, it was informative to myself none-the-less and I have to thank you for that. Nothing to get mad about if your wrong about something. .)

    @GUARDIANKAYSA 12 лет назад

    What I like is that Jesse actually died more than twice the times TB died.

  • @PointsofData
    @PointsofData 12 лет назад

    I like how, for just a little bit, it looked like TB -might- catch up to Jesse.

  • @GoldenKaos
    @GoldenKaos 12 лет назад

    The stats at the end were a really nice touch.

  • @Stranger9cv98
    @Stranger9cv98 12 лет назад

    You made an awesome video! Good work, good work indeed!

  • @CJICantLie
    @CJICantLie 12 лет назад

    Awesome video. Brought back memories and was incredibly funny.

  • @Adamantdreamer
    @Adamantdreamer 12 лет назад +1

    "You win again, gravity!" - Zapp Brannigan

  • @Varyaggaming
    @Varyaggaming 12 лет назад

    Jesse dies more then TB? Who knew! Awesome montage, props to the guy :P

  • @deathtoad88
    @deathtoad88 12 лет назад

    It's nice to see TB having fun.

  • @YangBalanceYin
    @YangBalanceYin 12 лет назад

    I love how TB sighs with disappointment at jesse's fails.

  • @cvrc11
    @cvrc11 12 лет назад

    I just had an AMAZING idea... an episode where Jesse and TB enable PVP and just go through the whole world (including hell, the dungeon and the underground jungle) trying to kill eachother as much as possible with a 20 or 30-minute time limit! It would be the best thing ever! Like a deathmatch!

  • @Fuzzleberry
    @Fuzzleberry 12 лет назад

    Good work Gravizt must have taken you ages

  • @Bribe_Guntails
    @Bribe_Guntails 12 лет назад

    Everything in this video is hilarious and awesome, and let no one say otherwise!

  • @Vr0sen
    @Vr0sen 12 лет назад +1

    4:05 is the best part of this entire series!

  • @shadowgt09
    @shadowgt09 12 лет назад

    I was watching Jesse's counter hoping he could keep up that amazing, 2 to 1, death to episode ratio.

  • @YukoValis
    @YukoValis 11 лет назад

    I love the silver surfer for NES reference at the start. Very nice touch.

  • @redelton
    @redelton 12 лет назад

    I'd try to explain it like this: Jesse's laughter is like a cure for cancer.

  • @SmashMalla
    @SmashMalla 12 лет назад

    the music at the start and end is amazing

  • @JuliaRoseMaria
    @JuliaRoseMaria 12 лет назад

    the ding was indeed very satisfying, as it was followed by the raging of either tb or jesse. lol

  • @TheUbberman
    @TheUbberman 12 лет назад

    The bell ring at every death is just pure genius.

  • @gravizt
    @gravizt 12 лет назад

    28 hours. There, now you won't have to wonder anymore.

  • @TheCanadian901
    @TheCanadian901 12 лет назад

    love how TB's death count is about par with the episodes
    and jesse's is about double

  • @skyhouse71
    @skyhouse71 12 лет назад

    this was great TB!

  • @s0m30n3el5e
    @s0m30n3el5e 12 лет назад

    I love how gravity and slimes are Jesse's top two mortal enemies

  • @Alivender1
    @Alivender1 12 лет назад +2

    this is what I call "quality entertainment" :D

  • @KODINN1
    @KODINN1 12 лет назад

    You know what I enjoy about their terraria series? How much fun they have doing it. It's obvious they have fun instead of doing it to farm cash. It seems more human and thus more fun :)

  • @UrieHusky
    @UrieHusky 12 лет назад

    That 'ding' is the most satisfying noise in the world for me right now

  • @gunnartrausti
    @gunnartrausti 12 лет назад

    I miss this series, it was great fun to watch.

  • @HomerGunther
    @HomerGunther 10 лет назад

    i love how i got to the end of the First Stage in a handful of hours, these guys... they took months XD
    fucking love both of you guys though and i loved the series :D

  • @NotaHandlePushOnly
    @NotaHandlePushOnly 12 лет назад

    The statistics in the end were a very nice touch :).

  • @TheKeller101
    @TheKeller101 12 лет назад

    I know right?
    I love how it took TB a minute to realize, "Oh, I should probably move now"

  • @mighty_claw
    @mighty_claw 12 лет назад

    yeah i have to rewatch this series now. i didn't realise just how freaking often jesse died XD

  • @Tuth9
    @Tuth9 12 лет назад

    This is neither love, nor war. This is a video pertaining to the amount of deaths accumulated by Jesse Cox and TotalBiscuit in a computer game.

  • @Archermit
    @Archermit 12 лет назад

    That was great, thank you so very much for that :)

  • @GarrodMagic123
    @GarrodMagic123 12 лет назад

    I love the subliminal message at 12:15 , nicely done TB

  • @nick31092
    @nick31092 11 лет назад

    That little "ding" is surprisingly satisfying.

  • @Brutalyte616
    @Brutalyte616 11 лет назад +1

    For some reason I feel compelled to say "FIRST BLOOD!" whenever I see Jesse's first death.

  • @Jackcabbit
    @Jackcabbit 11 лет назад

    This never gets old.

  • @jgmweston
    @jgmweston 12 лет назад

    Jesse Death No. 13 is my favorite.
    "What ... ugh."
    That sums things up very well. :)

  • @philip6557
    @philip6557 11 лет назад

    check the 3rd episode, if memory serves, he attempts to sing that little jingle that you get in mario kart when you get a star, dies to a zombie/demon eye, and then says "I didnt actually mean to do that"

  • @Alovam
    @Alovam 12 лет назад

    I like how Jesse's deaths are consistently double that of TB's

  • @bmnbl
    @bmnbl 12 лет назад

    This could easily be a viral video! :D Best series on RUclips!

  • @PandaRogue
    @PandaRogue 12 лет назад

    Hello, I am the person who watched your video.
    You're amazing.

  • @Ignisgirl
    @Ignisgirl 12 лет назад

    yes, i agree. jessy's death on episode 10 4.05 is the best death ever - thanks guys for you let us experience this one ^^

  • @MadMike32
    @MadMike32 12 лет назад

    Jesse's 16th death is definitely one of the best on the entire series.

  • @dormic123
    @dormic123 12 лет назад

    Dude, he did a shitload of work, cut him some slack even though he might've missed a few. Remember, this was his free time he used to make this.

  • @DarkProtoss123
    @DarkProtoss123 12 лет назад

    I love how the laws of physic are their biggest enemies.