Не исключаю, что она архитектор, девочка не из этой жизни, я имею ввиду хибару и лес, у нее хорошая стрижка каре, маникюр, брови в порядке, мы знаем, что это игра, но здесь явно бросается в глаза ухоженная девочка, хорошо играет.
Das ist KEIN Bambus was sie als Hausgerüst aufgestellt hat. Das ist normales Holz. Die dicken Bambusrohre und überhaupt Bambus ist ein Grasgewächs. Ich muß mir dieses video noch fertig anschauen.
This young lady is absolutely awesome with her building skills! I used to work in construction and I don’t think that I could come close to building what she does! And it appears that she doesn’t even use any power tools!!
Srs,Sras,espectador esta dama es una profesional en lo que hace,todo seleccionado bién programado es una belleza de casa y no es solo de bamboo tiene bases de madera lo que la hace mas duradera,como dije en otro video el bamboo no es perdurable,y ests dsma lo sabe la hizo mixta.Felicitaciones Arquitecto,o,ingeniero en construcción,digna de elogios su casa.
Много пересмотрела видео о строительстве домов, и в каждом по-разному строят, сдесь так интересно выложила пол, крыша, 👍👏, буде смотреть дальше, уже заинтересовали😊
Muchas felicidades porque eres una mujer muy inteligente, valiente y responsable de tu propia vida, te mando muchos, abrazos, besos y que Dios te acompañe, te bendiga y te proteja siempre!!! Eres un gran ejemplo para Miles de mujeres niñas, jóvenes y adultas!!!❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
Es increible que esta niña s i se arquitecto sea tan inteligente para hacer lo que hace ella deberia trabajar en una gran empresa y que le pagara mucha plsta Felicitaciones te admiro y que Dios te siga mandando bendiciones
Very inspiring to see this wonderful woman (or rather a young girl) building a beautiful and livable house/villa with all the available natural resources taken from its surrounding in the forest. Very creative.
I really hope that these women will get the recognition they deserve for these three women share their skills and we can't give them the proper recognition they so rightly deserve. Please give them their honor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
As you can see and witness here.....Vietnamese people, especially women, are very talented and innovative people. No wonder they can defeat even the superpower like the USA during the Vietnam war in the seventies.
Incroyable jeune fille , construit avec patience des bâtisses formidables, bonne architecte courageuse bon courage et bonne continuation et réussite, bravo .
Que maravilla de casa, que inteligencia la tuya , me gusta , y que trabajadora eres guapa , muchas bendiciones Dios te siga bendiciendo , un abrazo 😊🥰🥰🥰🥰🙋
Hats off to her tenacity, hard work n still a very gentle female touch to the decor. She has the exact image of the DIY home before hand.. again hats off.. 👍👏👏🙏
Just checked my subscriptions and was so excited to see another video from this channel. I am always astonished by her talent and creativity. This is seriously one of my favorite channels.
First time I saw a house built completely without any metal, concrete or bricks - leaving me speechless. I guess you have to live there to use all the natural resources and how to use. Great work, girl!
С такими девушками страна не пропадет! Сколько же она умеет! Наверное, учиться надо много, с детства. А ведь она еще и красавица! Это настоящая, сильная и умелая красота, а девушка - настоящая народная красавица!!!
Çok güzel yetenekli becerikli bir çok akıllı pratik her meyaryeli ustalıkla kullanan .bir kız bizim gsnimlsr her şey hazır tembelliklerind3 yemek yapmıyorlar..bizfe yuvayi dışı kuş yapar derler . Bu ata sözü musun hakkını bu hanım kız hak ediyor tam manasıyla tebrik ederim .
I have seen a lot of bamboo houses built, but this is by far the most amazing one I have seen. Everything from the layout and design, the detail of the window to the execution. I loved that she paid attention to every little detail. I was so impressed with the entire process beginning to end! She did an amazing job!
Bạn rất giỏi, là một nhà nghệ thuật rừng núi. Một vùng thiên nhiên yên bình, rất vui được xem video của bạn. Việt Nam chúc bạn nhiều sức khỏe và bình an
by the way how many days were you able to finished this beautiful villa? amazing !! your mind and adrinalin continues and you're very energetic take care love it!!
Fiquei com vontade de construir uma casinha desta pra mim também. É muito muito linda! Adoro bambu. Mas infelizmente nao tenho a força, a energia e a xoragem desta jovem tao talentosa Esse trabalho deveria ser divulgado mundialmente.
it seem's to me that a woman is more artistic and patience in building a house and w/ details and system congrats!! well appreciated very cozy and peaceful place take care
I’ve watched several women who built a house, but yours is the most sturdy and the most pleasing to the eyes🥰
Hărnicie,pricepere, tenacitate, seriozitate, inteligenta,modestie.Tot respectul!Sa învățăm și de la alții!
Wow! This girl deserves recognition for all that work from start to finish, geez! Applause, you go girl!
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Девушка вы очень быстрая и сильная вы уже несколько дом построли каждый раз у вас красивые проекты
Esta mujer es una auténtica arquitecta, se merece un 10 es la mayor puntuación😘😘👏👏👏👏👏
Você é uma jovem moça batalhadora uma mãe dedicada parabéns sou do Brasil ❤
Не исключаю, что она архитектор, девочка не из этой жизни, я имею ввиду хибару и лес, у нее хорошая стрижка каре, маникюр, брови в порядке, мы знаем, что это игра, но здесь явно бросается в глаза ухоженная девочка, хорошо играет.
She's building this bamboo house with a firm foundation and it's going to last long, she is so talented,God bless you.
Das ist KEIN Bambus was sie als Hausgerüst aufgestellt hat. Das ist normales Holz.
Die dicken Bambusrohre und überhaupt Bambus ist ein Grasgewächs. Ich muß mir dieses video noch fertig anschauen.
This young lady is absolutely awesome with her building skills! I used to work in construction and I don’t think that I could come close to building what she does! And it appears that she doesn’t even use any power tools!!
Bob Vila & Martha Stewart ain't got nothing on this young lady 💯👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
omg this is really crazy talent gifted by god.hi from🇲🇾..
Muy guapa ésta mujer combinado con arte y diseño nunca vi una mujer tan inteligente y guapa a la vez saludos desde Uruguay
Ich ziehe meinen Hut vor dieser Frau ,bin total begeistert was Sie drauf hat und das allein .Super
Srs,Sras,espectador esta dama es una profesional en lo que hace,todo seleccionado bién programado es una belleza de casa y no es solo de bamboo tiene bases de madera lo que la hace mas duradera,como dije en otro video el bamboo no es perdurable,y ests dsma lo sabe la hizo mixta.Felicitaciones Arquitecto,o,ingeniero en construcción,digna de elogios su casa.
This girl is awesome. So wonderful, talented and hard working! A joy to watch her
This girl is strong,smart and has brain to build anything she wanr to.
This is I first show the survival shelter in the forest that is amazing and talented yung girl
Какой замечательный домик получился.В"етнамские женщины сильные, отважные, трудолюбивые и выносливые.Мы вами восхищаемся!
altro che seghe,chiodi,accette.
ecco la vera arte, nel costruire con ciò che trovi, tutto ciò che ti bisogna.
molto brava❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gbu and greetings from Amsterdam and great thanks for all ❤❤
This young girl is very superb not only young , she's pretty & very2 resourceful
Много пересмотрела видео о строительстве домов, и в каждом по-разному строят, сдесь так интересно выложила пол, крыша, 👍👏, буде смотреть дальше, уже заинтересовали😊
❤เธอเก่งจัง ขออย่าให้ชีวิตของเธอลำบากเลยค่ะ
Muchas felicidades porque eres una mujer muy inteligente, valiente y responsable de tu propia vida, te mando muchos, abrazos, besos y que Dios te acompañe, te bendiga y te proteja siempre!!! Eres un gran ejemplo para Miles de mujeres niñas, jóvenes y adultas!!!❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😅😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
Seu jardim ficou muito bonitinho❤❤
Ну и молодец!!! Умничка!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻здоровья тебе !!! Береги себя 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘
I’m completely astonished by these beautiful incredibly resourceful young women . Amazing!
I love this girl 🥰
Two "modern" tools, no nails or iron wire, 100% natural materials!!
My kind of b long term bush crafting!!
Your idea in building alone your shelter is so appreciated
عمل رائع سيدتي الجميلة استمتعت كثيرا بالمشاهدة ❤❤❤❤
Q.casinha linda queria morar numa casinha dessas ...amei ❤, parabéns pra você muito inteligente..que Deus te abençoe você e muito criativa.
Wow this young lady is so crafted with her hand.❤😊 Scha bessing
Es increible que esta niña s i se arquitecto sea tan inteligente para hacer lo que hace ella deberia trabajar en una gran empresa y que le pagara mucha plsta
Felicitaciones te admiro y que Dios te siga mandando bendiciones
She is very clever bless her hard working
Sungguh hebat.. Seorang perempuan bisa membuat rumah yg 👍
Mestinya daun2 kering Anda bakar supaya tanah menjadi subur buat menanam apapun sebagai penggantinya pupuk,teruskan perjuanganmu Tuhan memberkati
Ей это работа не первой видно по пальцам как она быстро плетёт солому для, крыши она профи по строительству таких домов
Very inspiring to see this wonderful woman (or rather a young girl) building a beautiful and livable house/villa with all the available natural resources taken from its surrounding in the forest. Very creative.
And she catches and cooks her food by hand. Awesome.
ใช่เค้าจะไม่ใช้เงินที่ซื้ออะไร....วัสดุทุกอย่างมาจากตลาด มาทำบ้านไม่มีเลย เค้าจะใช้ต้นไม้ ทำเสาบ้าน พื้น ฝา และหลังคา ด้วยวัสดุจากพืชไม้ในป่าเท่านั้นมาทำบ้าน ไง เรียกว่าไม่ใช้เงินสักบาทเลย ประหยัดดีที่สุด นี่ เวลามีสงครามพวกเราจะไปหลบซ่อนตัวในป่า เขา รอบลำธาร เราจะสร้างบ้าน อยู่ให้สุขสะบาย และมีแหล่งน้ำเพาะปลูก ข้าว พืชผัก ไม้ผล เลี้ยง ปลา หอย ปู กุ้ง เป็ด ไก่ วัว ควาย ม้า ให้ครบ ก็สร้างหมู่บ้านใหม่ได้ รวดเร็ว มีทหาร ยาม มีปืน ทำเอง ธนู หน้าไม้ และเกาทัณใหญ่หลายเครื่อง เพื่อใช้ยิงลูกระเบิด ทำเองได้ แทน อาร์พีจี และปืนใหญ่ได้ ใช้ป้องกันผู้บุกรุกป้องกันหมู่บ้านให้ปลอดภัย ถ้ามีอะไรเข้ามาโจมตีไง.... ต้องมีครูสอนฟันดาบ สอนมวย ศิลปการต่อสู้ ป้องกันตนเองให้ปลอดภัย ช่วยคนอื่นด้วย เอายังงี้น่ะ....
Oô66 to 665y you 6o poop 77 just hhu8888î it 7 it ugh 7 it i
J poop ú77 just it huh JU jj hijujju hh get h he h huh to poop
With help
This woman is the best. She is Very
100% handmade, 100% organic, 100% beautyful. 100% respect. ❤🌻
hmm, at 34:10 there is an electric drill? 🤔 #fake ?
yes..stop the video ant 34:10 🤣🤣 plus I doubt she done it alone.
@@alessandromarrone5355 Why do you find it hard to believe she did this on her own?
@@Synapsenkitzler my my
@@yongkhaw9706 kllp
Вот тебе квартира из природного материала, мебель. не надо ипотеку брать. Как мало надо человеку: крышу над головой и кровать. Девушка очень сильная.
Ova devojka je neverovatna sposobna i samostalna bravo 😮❤
Нет слов! Умница!!!
Wow very beautiful house😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
🎉 video của bạn thật ý Nghĩa chúc cho gia đình bạn luôn vui vẻ hạnh phúc
I really hope that these women will get the recognition they deserve for these three women share their skills and we can't give them the proper recognition they so rightly deserve. Please give them their honor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
As you can see and witness here.....Vietnamese people, especially women, are very talented and innovative people. No wonder they can defeat even the superpower like the USA during the Vietnam war in the seventies.
Incroyable jeune fille , construit avec patience des bâtisses formidables, bonne architecte courageuse bon courage et bonne continuation et réussite, bravo .
Que maravilla de casa, que inteligencia la tuya , me gusta , y que trabajadora eres guapa , muchas bendiciones Dios te siga bendiciendo , un abrazo 😊🥰🥰🥰🥰🙋
Hats off to her tenacity, hard work n still a very gentle female touch to the decor. She has the exact image of the DIY home before hand.. again hats off.. 👍👏👏🙏
Waw rumahnya bagus sekali nona benar benar hebat seperti nya saya suka melihat anda bekerja sendiri dgn cepat🙏🙏
100 % good, 100 % hand made, 100 % beautiful.....
❤😊🌹🌹🌹WOW again. GOD Bless . From Borger Texas...USA. With whats coming you will survive...TG. GOD IS COMING..👁️👁️
Добрый день, интересная работа, красивый результат, спасибо за видео, привет из России. Здоровья вам.
Beautiful.....all right to this women.....like to have a little house like this.....😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
I'm in love with the design of the house, so simple, yet so beautiful, God bless you my child 🙏
Es mujer
Wonderful woman she is. Very strong for building this villa only super
Es una obra de arte lo que esa esa señora...se pasan como trabajan y en Argentina se mueren de ambre no se dan maña para nada...los felicito ❤❤❤
Какая ловкая девушка, молодец!
Just checked my subscriptions and was so excited to see another video from this channel. I am always astonished by her talent and creativity. This is seriously one of my favorite channels.
First time I saw a house built completely without any metal, concrete or bricks - leaving me speechless. I guess you have to live there to use all the natural resources and how to use. Great work, girl!
Enjoyed your video loved your house my third time looking at you build your house always have loved it God bless you
No c'
@@dorislove1675k no my
eita menina esperta adorei essa casinha. Parabéns
С такими девушками страна не пропадет! Сколько же она умеет! Наверное, учиться надо много, с детства. А ведь она еще и красавица! Это настоящая, сильная и умелая красота, а девушка - настоящая народная красавица!!!
Pero bueno ahí alejada del mundo tu sola en el bosque yo la verdad me cuesta creer
Çok güzel yetenekli becerikli bir çok akıllı pratik her meyaryeli ustalıkla kullanan .bir kız bizim gsnimlsr her şey hazır tembelliklerind3 yemek yapmıyorlar..bizfe yuvayi dışı kuş yapar derler . Bu ata sözü musun hakkını bu hanım kız hak ediyor tam manasıyla tebrik ederim .
muito lindo ó trabalho da moça amei parabéns
I have seen a lot of bamboo houses built, but this is by far the most amazing one I have seen. Everything from the layout and design, the detail of the window to the execution. I loved that she paid attention to every little detail. I was so impressed with the entire process beginning to end! She did an amazing job!
Impresionante trabajo, cuanto talento, habilidad. y paciencia. ¡Bravo!
This brings so many good memories from my time in the African jungle 😌
Very talented young lady not a hammer or nails to be seen incredible. Great video give her my best wishes Thanks
Bạn rất giỏi, là một nhà nghệ thuật rừng núi. Một vùng thiên nhiên yên bình, rất vui được xem video của bạn. Việt Nam chúc bạn nhiều sức khỏe và bình an
Какая же ты умница как красиво и прочно ты строиш
Like the hardworking God's Creations 🙏👍👍♥️🕊️♥️💚🌴🙏
The most beautiful bamboo wooden house i have ever since.
What a beautiful little home! So lovely!
Khéo tay dựng cất lên một ngôi nhà tuyệt vời 👍💐
Личного . Счастья и хорошего . Здоровьичка - просто до безконечности ! ….. .❤
I am blown away by her skill. Absolutely amazing!
Eqee h7ìé
Your very strong.God bless u
Felicitări domnisoara.
Great job! Lovely and simple architecture, strong and neat…..
very impressive! And the chicken was cooked perfectly! Congratulations!
Hard work healthy 💪😗 frash air Good nice👍😻😻
Wow its so beautiful house
Que mulher inteligente e corajosa parabens
Реально без единого гвоздя. Только из подручного материала с помощью мачете и палки. Браво этой женщине.
So beautiful shelter...semoga sukses selalu
I don't believe what I have seen , you can do anything with cameras. If she did half she's a good worker.
Very beautiful house
C'est vraiment une belle villa bravo je vous tirez mon chapeau que notre seigneur Jésus-Christ vous bénis pour votre travail amen
Incroyable le courage...BRAVO a cette petite femme qui fait un travail d éléphant
Wow awesome, am speechless its so great to see such a wonderful house built with natural (bush) materials.
Saya suka liat bentuk bangunan nya.
Nampak unik dn alami..👍👍🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨
смотрю тебя из России девочка не у каждого мужчины голова бы так сработала как ты выдумала красота дай бог чтобы у тебя все было хорошо
Наверно,операторы это разрабатывают,если снимают кино.готовят проект дома,доводят до артистов ите играючи,строят
by the way how many days were you able to finished this beautiful villa? amazing !! your mind and adrinalin continues and you're very energetic take care love it!!
خدایی دمت گرم زنده باشی حال کردم تمام کارهای شما را دنبال میکنم و لذت میبرم خسته نباشی
Я восхищаюсь ее таланту,без чертежей.Умение строить мысленно.Все прекрасно получается! Оригинально ,красиво! Невозможно оторваться!
Я тоже смотрю.Класс
Luar biasa beg it u cepat nya membangunnya.👍👍👍
Красива работа!
Дякую за видповидь!
Wanita hebat.
I like her technique, fast and clean work
keep up the good work, young lady
Fiquei com vontade de construir uma casinha desta pra mim também. É muito muito linda! Adoro bambu.
Mas infelizmente nao tenho a força, a energia e a xoragem desta jovem tao talentosa
Esse trabalho deveria ser divulgado mundialmente.
Amazing great girl. really Wow, very good job. fr d Phils
it seem's to me that a woman is more artistic and patience in building a house and w/ details and system congrats!! well appreciated very cozy and peaceful place take care
An epitome of a strong and inspiring woman. Wow!
Me encantó tu trabajo y para mejor ese delicioso pollo asado que disfrutaste , muy creativo lo tuyo desde Argentina te felicito.
No me canso de mirar este video . Hermosa cabaña felicitaciones a esa gran mujer.
It's simple but beautiful house unique