The REAL Meaning of the 3rd Commandment - Jim Staley

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Have you been taught that you are breaking the 3rd Commandment if you swear or curse using the Lord’s Name? Well, think again! Join Pastor Jim as he digs deeper into the ancient Hebrew context explaining what this commandment really means.
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Комментарии • 151

  • @garryreedy1991
    @garryreedy1991 5 дней назад +1

    This teaching blew my mind! I never looked at this commandment in that way

  • @berean65
    @berean65 Год назад +10

    Nasha/NASA pronounced, naw- shaw, Hebrew Strongs 5378- to beguile, deceive. Notice the forked tongue of the serpent going through the logo?

  • @Eric-fq5wx
    @Eric-fq5wx Год назад +8

    Beautiful teaching. I would only add that the word for name is shem and means reputation or character. As Christians we are to take his character upon ourselves and make it our own. That should never be done lightly or with emptiness or vanity. It is only Christians who can take his name in vain. The non Christian has not taken his name at all.

  • @camilla6110
    @camilla6110 2 года назад +13

    Shalom, Jim-
    The Father put it on my heart to write a little bit more about the importance of esteeming the Name of YHWH (not bringing it to nothing/naught is a MUCH better translation that ‘in vain’). Exodus 20:7 should be: “You shall not bring the Name of YHWH your Elohim to naught/nothing.” How do we bring His Name to nothing? Here are a few things the Father’s Word tells us:
    1. Not publishing His Name (replacing it in His Own Word with descriptive titles such as Lord and God) (Deuteronomy 32:3).
    2. Not giving esteem due to His Name (1 Chronicles 16:29).
    3. Not singing praises to His Name (Psalm 7:17).
    4. Not REMEMBERING His Name (this one is SO important!). Psalm 20:7, Exodus 3:15).
    5. Not exalting His Name (Psalm 34:3).
    6. Not knowing His Name (Psalm 91:14).
    7. Not walking in His Name (Micah 4:5).
    8. Not esteeming and revering His Name (Malachi 2:2).
    The Book of Malachi (which means ‘My Messenger’) even talks about the Father’s Book of Remembrance (Malachi 3:16) for those who think upon His Name! His Word makes it abundantly clear that His actual Qodesh Name, YHWH, is EXTREMELY important to HIm! This is the reason He tells us not to forget His Name for Ba’al, (Jeremiah 23:27), or profane His Name (Leviticus 22 and Ezekiel 36 and 39) or even make mention of the names of other false elohim (Exodus 23:13, Joshua 23:7, Psalm 16:4 and Hosea 2:17, among others). Yahshua HIMSELF TAUGHT His Father’s Name, YHWH to His brothers! (Psalm 22:22 and Hebrews 2:12). Why? Because it was illegal-punishable by DEATH to speak or publish the Name of YHWH, and so by this point, the Father’s Name had all but been removed, eradicated, replaced, forgotten! This is why the Father’s Word talks of the importance of esteeming the Name of YHWH over and over and over again! Ha’shatan HATES the Name of YHWH and would rather we keep on forgetting. But just as our Father promised, He IS making His Great Name known again in these final moments of history because it is the Name of YHWH that we call upon, through Yahshua, for salvation! This is essential for us to know and understand in these last days. Our Father’s Name is being made known by HIM! This is HIS Restoration-just as it should be-and for us to speak, publish and boldly proclaim His Name is something that should actually UNITE believers-NOT divide us. This is a GOOD THING! It’s a massive, massive blessing, and it is all the Father’s doing. HalleluYah! Many blessings and much shalom to you and your family. 🙏🏻. May the Father pour out His blessings upon you and your ministry!!

    • @user-cu2ov8rm1v
      @user-cu2ov8rm1v Год назад +1

      I agree with everything you say exept for the satan hates the name of GOD the satan is an angel that does what god tell him to do he's trying to fail us because this is his orders we should worship god like all angels do and even satan

    • @ashleechetty1197
      @ashleechetty1197 Год назад +2


    • @songsinspiredbyyahweh4410
      @songsinspiredbyyahweh4410 Год назад +2

      Thank you for this wonderful explanation. May YHWH richly bless you and make you a blessing in Yahshua's name. HalleluYah!

    • @stankomalceski9677
      @stankomalceski9677 Год назад

      I enjoyed reading the comments more then the presentation,and the presentation was awesome.🙏🏼❤️😇

  • @mgatipsnilola8824
    @mgatipsnilola8824 Год назад +3

    Watching from Philippines..Shalom

  • @camilla6110
    @camilla6110 2 года назад +22

    When we replace the Father’s Name in His Own Word thousands of times-THAT is bringing His Name to nothing. His Word tells us over and over to exalt and revere, proclaim and declare, speak, publish, sing to, praise, and most of all REMEMBER His Name is YHWH! When we don’t proclaim and publish and speak His Qodesh Name, we are bringing His Name to nothing. Sadly, every version of His Word that has replaced His Name with descriptive titles (Lord and God now appear in most versions, where YHWH would have originally appeared)-brings His Name to nothing. Proclaiming His Name, YHWH, as our Messiah did, brings Him great Esteem and Honor! Oh, for believers to unite in proclaiming the Name of the One and Only True El, YHWH our Elohim! HalleluYah! ☺️ 🙌🏻

    • @PassionForTruthVideo
      @PassionForTruthVideo  2 года назад +8

      We're sure the meaning, the purpose and the intention of this commandment is so that people wouldn't abuse His name and make false promises using it.
      The real pronunciation is something that is actually hidden to us all, but that's not where the commandment goes.
      Blessings, Gerdfran.

    • @camilla6110
      @camilla6110 2 года назад +9

      @@PassionForTruthVideo Not trying to argue. ☺️☺️. I have great respect for Jim and his ministry. But nowhere in the Father’s Word does He tell us not to proclaim His Name if we don’t know the correct pronunciation. This is something He will reveal in His Timing. His Word DOES tell us hundreds of times, probably thousands, to exalt and speak and publish and REMEMBER His Great Name, so that would seem to be literal. It’s a big deal to our Father. His Name is His Character and Nature and His Esteem-THE Name He gave our Messiah, and THE Name our Messiah boldly proclaimed and taught. Yahshua is our Perfect Example!! Shalom and blessings! 🙏🏻🙏🏻😊

    • @Karen-tr7sr
      @Karen-tr7sr 2 года назад +2


    • @DaveDebbieKayli
      @DaveDebbieKayli Год назад +3

      Not taking His Qodesh Name in vain means not to bring His Name to nothing. From beginning to end in The Word, we are instructed to praise and proclaim His Qodesh Name.

    • @songsinspiredbyyahweh4410
      @songsinspiredbyyahweh4410 Год назад +2

      Thank you Camilla for standing up for what is right. YHWH says in the book of Exodus that this is His name forever and this is how He should be remembered from generation to generation.

  • @Teksura
    @Teksura Год назад +2

    I had always been taught and understood a different meaning from my studies. What I understood was, essentially, a commandment to use God's name as an excuse for your own selfish acts. How many greedy holy men were there in the bible who used God as an excuse to enrich themselves? They were not using God's name to praise or glorify God, they were using his name to uplift and glorify themselves. How many people throughout history have done terrible things and used God's name as a justification for doing it? Jesus dined with sinners, he loved people who had strayed from his path. He used that love, kindness, and forgiveness as an invitation for them to come back. This is the example we are taught. And yet there are many groups who will contradict these teaching with their hatred of the very same kinds of sinners Jesus would have invited to dine with him. While Jesus used his love and kindness as an invitation for sinners to come back into God's loving embrace, the groups which take the Lord's name in vain and use God as their excuse for hating sinners have the exact opposite effect and only drive people away from God. At that point, they are essentially breaking the 8th commandment as well, as their acts are stealing or as the Hebrew text goes *kidnapping* people away from God's flock and driving them further away from him.

    • @troymykink6322
      @troymykink6322 7 месяцев назад +1

      I would have worded it a little bit different but 100 percent my friend. I agree with you. I believe that this is exactly what it means. People who have done terrible atrocities or used selfish endeavors in the name of God and thereby taking his name in vain. Let us not forget that the name of Jesus was not even around back in those days. Taking the lord's name in vain is directed to those who call themselves Christians or God-fearing people and have turned away and or hurt Believers and non-believers alike. But especially non-believers !Look at how many people want nothing to do with God because of so-called christians behavior and lack of Christ likeness. Many many Christians are just like the Pharisees and the sadducees. Hypocrites that have not represented God's nature and God's love in any way at all. The murders and destruction and pedophile and or gay priests of the Catholic Church are one of these Arbiters of taking the lord's name in vain. The thieving greedy preachers of today that steal money from their people in order to enrich their lives. And the list can go on and on. Doing all of these things in the name of god! How many people across the world hate God because we as Christians have so let them down buy horrible examples of what Christ likeness is. God fearing loving and Christ like Christians are few and far between even today. They exist and they are around but to find true loving christ-like Christians who are not judgemental and or act as Christ has called us to act in front and behind closed doors is few and far between. This is what taking the lord's name in vain is and on the day of judgement we are all going to be judged for the way we represented or misrepresented who God is.

  • @RilaAudio
    @RilaAudio 4 месяца назад

    I always perceived it as also referring to the use of scripture or God's name to justify or preach that which is contrary to His will.

  • @gilbertlugo234
    @gilbertlugo234 Год назад +2

    In the bible there was a man and his wife that sold his land and home to give it to God but they took from it and God took their life because what they did.

    • @arichutfles9550
      @arichutfles9550 Год назад +1

      Ah! Acts chapter 5! I was struggling with understanding that a few months ago and never did get a satisfactory understanding. Very interesting linking this to that. Gives me more to think about. Thank you.

  • @graceplace5585
    @graceplace5585 Год назад +1

    Galatians 4:4-5 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem (save, justify, vindicate, offset, retrieve, recover, get back, repossess, rescue, buy back, to purchase the freedom of, to ransom, to atone for) them that were under the law.

  • @lob3114
    @lob3114 Год назад +3

    Very clear explanation. Yah bless you brother.🙏🏽

  • @schrauca3094
    @schrauca3094 2 года назад +4

    Jer 23:27 who think to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they tell one another, even as their fathers forgot my name for Baal? (LORD)
    The Hebrew word for Baal is LORD.
    Therefore YAH, said his name would be hidden with LORD.
    Think about that for a moment. If His name is Hidden then his name is meant in vain. Look up the word vain.
    YAH bless you all 🥰

    • @PassionForTruthVideo
      @PassionForTruthVideo  2 года назад +2

      The intention is to read the commandment as a whole and not just one word.
      Don't take my name in vain means don't make false promises on my behalf.
      Blessings. Gerdfran

    • @camilla6110
      @camilla6110 2 года назад +2

      @@PassionForTruthVideo Respectfully, it is much, much more than that! We need to understand this. This is exactly what the enemy wants us to believe-that “Name” doesn’t mean name. Forget means forget! We have forgotten the Father’s Name because it is NO LONGER IN HIS WORD! 🙏🏻

    • @user-cu2ov8rm1v
      @user-cu2ov8rm1v Год назад +2

      @@camilla6110 you're right the rabbis forbbed to say YEHAWE and they told us to say ADONAI instead which means the lord god called the lord too of course but it's not his name

  • @SantaWessels
    @SantaWessels 2 года назад +4

    Thank you Jim ... This was very insightful to me. Be blessed. 🙌🏻

  • @getrighteous0303
    @getrighteous0303 2 года назад +4

    Heard it out and very happy with the last two messages. Continue your time in prayer and seeking YHWH heart. Been praying for you and your ministry. Love the fact that you kept it simple and all about YHWH and bringing people to repentance through the truth. We all need to hear truth today and the world needs to come back to YHWH before things get better. The Sabbath is next so bring it my friend, if I may ask pls don't forget to mention that it pertains to the mark of God. Blessings🙏

  • @whitebuffaloarts1984
    @whitebuffaloarts1984 Год назад +1

    Psalm 29:2  "Give unto YHVH the glory due unto his name; worship YHVH in the beauty of holiness" or as the Spirit has given me understanding from the original Hebrew, "worship YHVH with the adornment of a set-apart life-style." If we claim to follow Yeshua yet our life-style contradicts that claim, then we give the enemies of our God reason to blaspheme (Romans 2:17-24 ...For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.) A scriptural example of this is found in Proverbs 30:7-9 "Two [things] have I required of thee; deny me [them] not before I die: Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny [thee], and say, Who [is] YHVH? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God [in vain]." (or make his NAME meaningless) Although the word "take" (H:8610) here is different from the NASA (H:5375), that Brother Jim spoke of in this teaching, I believe a close examination (in context) will give you the same conclusion.

  • @Azure_Zahab_Truth_Zealot
    @Azure_Zahab_Truth_Zealot 2 года назад +2

    I think of these verses as relating to the "Law of the Husband"... If we take Him as our Husband "call Him Ishi, not Baal"... Then we have taken covenant with him as you stated, but I think of it the same as a wife taking the husband's name, she's to submit to his will and way. Same with us, we're to cut off our name and serve YaHUaH, serve His Will and His Way as Walked by YaHUSHA. If we take His name in Vain we have called Him our Master, yet we master our own affairs, lives. i.e. live for our own desires/wants/needs.

    • @ddmound
      @ddmound Год назад

      no bc part of that law is if the wife as a unbeleiver depart then let her go. You are under no obligation. Here's the true salvation of the Lord is the Heavenly Father drew you, and to you he says I have never lost a one. Indicative of the fact that some (many) are lost but few chosen. Those who are chosen turn from their sinful ways. You must be holy to be declared holy by Abba Patyr'

  • @waterpipesheep4439
    @waterpipesheep4439 Год назад

    Name = character & authority. Thank you. Kind regards

  • @JRJohnson1701
    @JRJohnson1701 9 месяцев назад

    Check out Shem Tov's Hebrew Matthew for chapter 5. The negative of swear is taken to mean 'swear falsely,' so it's not 'don't swear,' but 'don't swear falsely.'

  • @toddyahushua7972
    @toddyahushua7972 2 года назад +2

    Thus says The Lord: For indeed, there are many gifts of the Spirit which I bestow upon all those who love Me, many gifts given to those who are willing to give up everything and follow Me. Thus Timothy is just one among many who hear My voice, one voice in a great chorus growing ever louder, of the number I am sending. Yet to him did I say, “Write that which I speak, and place it in a book”; also commanding him to share that which the Spirit causes him to understand. For the latter is that which My people call inspired of God or inspired in the Spirit; and the former, that which the prophets hear, the voice of The Living God.
    Therefore listen to Timothy, for he speaks for Me, he hears My voice. Behold, he has sat in My presence and strives to obey all I ask of him. Do not say then, nor conceive any notion within your heart, that he may be deceived by the devil. Or have you never read these Scriptures: Every kingdom divided against itself will surely be brought to ruin, and every house divided against itself will collapse. If satan also is divided against himself, how then will his kingdom stand?[1]
    Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?...
    For a good tree brings forth good fruit,
    But a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit;
    Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit...
    And every tree that does not bring forth
    Good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire...
    Thus by their fruits you shall know them.[2]
    And was I speaking only of the false prophets, or of the true also? Is it not also implied that I speak of their message? And what of all these self-appointed scholars, teachers, pastors, preachers, ministers and priests, who have set themselves up as an authority? What fruit do they bear according to the Scriptures?
    Come out from among them! No longer embrace their corrupt doctrines, nor take part in their filthy traditions! Stand apart from those who mix the holy with the profane, depart from that which is covered in purple and scarlet, and no more practice that which is an abomination in the eyes of God![3] For it is the humble, penitent man who hears God, one who is willing to give up his life in this world for My sake.
    Therefore take My words to heart, and understand: Any man who shares My Word with others is My servant. And any man who hears My voice, in whose hand I have placed the Trumpet, is My prophet. Even all those I send are My apostles. And any who heed these words, and also do them, shall be called a friend of God.,_The_Word_of_God

  • @Tony-uy6ms
    @Tony-uy6ms 4 месяца назад

    Jim, keep up the great work! You've helped God touch
    My heart!.

  • @kellyd4221
    @kellyd4221 Год назад

    Thanks Jim. May Yahua bless you and your family!

  • @pawelgreger
    @pawelgreger 5 месяцев назад

    Great explain..You suppose to be Priest or teacher..Really good job..!😉Thx

  • @AmyPavese
    @AmyPavese Год назад

    Wow... Thank you for sharing this!!!

  • @CaptainMikeT
    @CaptainMikeT 8 месяцев назад

    So enlightening!

  • @alejandrovillar9687
    @alejandrovillar9687 2 года назад +8

    I thought one of Nasa meanings was “to deceive”

    • @serdlc64
      @serdlc64 2 года назад +1

      I understand that also , for years. NASA is lie, full of deceptions. Banasam or banasaiym or however it’s spell means to go up or lift, I believe, but the work NASA means deceive , beguile 🤷‍♀️

    • @serdlc64
      @serdlc64 2 года назад

      Also NASA “does” lift up a shuttle or rocket, but, it is brought down as a worthless thing because they can’t go any higher than the dome.... as Yah says He made the earth, enclosed. So that is how NASA deceives, by taking millions or billions of dollars from us AND from keeping people from coming to the truth of our Messiah ,by believing in galaxies and aliens and that we are just a dot in the “universe.” (created word ,not to long ago)

    • @romandaigle455
      @romandaigle455 Год назад

      It does!

  • @vijayashreeks4301
    @vijayashreeks4301 Год назад

    Thank you. Great message. God Bless.

  • @soapsuds5553
    @soapsuds5553 5 месяцев назад

    What about swearing in a court of law where a bible is used. Does G-d hold perjurers accountable in the same way? Is it similar to breaking the 3rd commandment?
    We couldn't prove that the thieves who called themselves "christian" had commited a crime. All we had was that they went ahead and denied it on oath. We are still waiting for G-ds retribution at this time.

  • @user-cu2ov8rm1v
    @user-cu2ov8rm1v Год назад

    Love your videos jim thanks and shabat shalom

  • @lindersantamaria7655
    @lindersantamaria7655 Год назад

    Soy de Colombia te sigo hace mas de 15 años y soy pastor cristiano como hago para escucharte es español..

  • @cepaw6975
    @cepaw6975 2 года назад +1

    Great message! Shabbat Shalom and blessings to you and your ministry.

    • @PassionForTruthVideo
      @PassionForTruthVideo  2 года назад +1

      Thank you! Many blessings. We will continue to walk through all the commandments

  • @CDB-Now
    @CDB-Now Год назад


  • @sharajacobs8724
    @sharajacobs8724 5 месяцев назад

    Wow, thank you for this teaching. I had no idea, what it meant!! is it bad, when people, keep saying "oh my god" in a bad negative way? just like it is a normal saying to them? Please let me know!!! 😇🙏🇦🇺

  • @yuppiedirtball9025
    @yuppiedirtball9025 2 года назад +3

    Outer space?

  • @dianabrizuela6388
    @dianabrizuela6388 2 года назад +1

    Amen 🔥🔥🔥

  • @tommybird4593
    @tommybird4593 2 года назад

    Great video, message and advise Jim. I've always felt basically the same thing about the 3rd commandment. I appreciate ya.

  • @malakh000yishai
    @malakh000yishai 2 года назад +1

    Hey pastor Jim could you team up with rabbi Asher Meza or debate him or something please.

    • @PassionForTruthVideo
      @PassionForTruthVideo  2 года назад +1

      Shalom. Maybe in the future we will have guests in a live show. Blessings!

  • @hereiswisdom2207
    @hereiswisdom2207 Год назад +1

    Yes! Yes so true!! The 10 Commandments are not only a way to living daily in His covenant but a guideline during the end times.
    The Beast (AC) will have his own oath to submission in accepting the mark that has to do with signing an oath to humanity, (green deal-new Sunday law) that honors Gaia worship.
    Be alert, sober & vigilant, keep your lamps oiled! 🙏🏼✝️🧎🏻‍♀️🪔

  • @matthew28-acts238
    @matthew28-acts238 6 месяцев назад

    I am a curious about the Cepher bible, and if you are, what are your opinions on Cepher Bible?

  • @benjamincapps1825
    @benjamincapps1825 Год назад

    Truth shall set you free...make a lot of $ if you buy and sell it not...

  • @gilbertlugo234
    @gilbertlugo234 Год назад

    Acts 5:1-10 But a man named Ananias and his wife Sapphira sold some property, and kept back some of the price for himself, with his wife's full knowledge

  • @chadely2497
    @chadely2497 9 месяцев назад +1

    Like the video but hard to take any biblical scholar serious when they reference NASA.
    It tells me that you don’t believe the first book of the Bible and God documented creation story.

  • @rogueskiss3794
    @rogueskiss3794 2 года назад +1

    Sooo, I shouldn't ask politely for people to use Jesus's Name as a curse word or In disgust?

    • @PassionForTruthVideo
      @PassionForTruthVideo  2 года назад +2

      Using in vain means making promises and commitments in His name and not fulfilling them. Of course swearing and cursing using his name is not good either

    • @user-cu2ov8rm1v
      @user-cu2ov8rm1v Год назад +1

      @@PassionForTruthVideo When someone cursing in god name he have death punishment according to torah(Leviticus 24,16)-"And one who blasphemously pronounces the Name of the Lord, shall be put to death; the entire community shall stone him; convert and resident alike if he pronounces the [Divine] Name, he shall be put to death."

  • @Beanie1879
    @Beanie1879 Год назад

    Either it was by accident, or the misinterpretation was by design, and if so, that is the scary part.

  • @jodiebert3038
    @jodiebert3038 Год назад

    Ouch, this was hard to hear. Never heard it like this ever before or thought of it like this. That hurts many Christians I bet in many ways. Is this program an SDA program???😮

  • @ggmooslys
    @ggmooslys 11 месяцев назад

    What do you mean that our name is in His Name?

  • @imcooltheog
    @imcooltheog 4 месяца назад

    can i be forgiven for breaking this commandment?

  • @bob8731
    @bob8731 Год назад +1

    You never said his name

  • @benjiealcontin2551
    @benjiealcontin2551 Год назад

    Don't go away focus on the name itself before anything else!
    The Name YHVH meaning - (" I am who I am") - ("He was " - "He is" - "He will be") - in Ex. 3: 13-15
    --- Yod - Hey - Vav - Hey or Y-H-V-H this name " ITSELF " means
    => LEOLAM
    => FOREVER
    => ( "He was " - "He is" - "He will be")
    => ( " I am who I am ")
    => Outside of TIME
    "He was " - "He is" - "He will be" - it describes Y-H-V-H is FOREVER, did you get that?
    "He was " - "He is" - "He will be" - is equivalent to LEOLAM or FOREVER, did you get that?
    So, Y-H-V-H - is outside of TIME, He is not inside of TIME ----- " HE is INFINITE" --- no beginning no end
    - His Word use to create the TIME there is a beginning and end. ( THE ALPHA and OMEGA) in Hebrew ( Aleph and the Tav )
    - and His name is YeHoSHUaH ( Proverbs 30:4 )
    1.) If there is no ----- > L - e - o - L - a - m or Forever or "The INFINITE"
    2.) If there is no -----> "He was " - "He is" - "He will be" or "I am who I am " or " The INFINITE "
    3.) If there is no ------> Y-H-V-H
    Note those 3 are the same:
    On his name that's completely in VAIN and that's not the real name of the creator. ( Isaiah 42:8 )
    It's the alias of SATAN created by Men. (If you are still serving those names created by Men until you die in flesh, even if you already knew His real name)
    Your charged is: ===> " for YeHoVaH will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" -- Ex. 20:7
    He proved it by saying - " I am who I am " it is like ( " I am who I am THE INFINITE " ) ( " I am FOREVER " )
    - "He was " - "He is" - "He will be" - which means He is FOREVER or Leolam
    Y-H-V-H is the same as -----: "He was " - "He is" - "He will be" - which means LEOLAM or FOREVER
    That is why His name is ===> Y - e - H - o - V - a - H --- THE INFINITE CREATOR
    If you call His name YeHoVaH which has the real meaning and describes of who He really is, ( THE NAME ITSELF )
    Then you did not take His name in Vain, you are now in TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you FREE and His is ( YeHoVaH )
    And if you call the creator's name Y - a - H - W - e - H
    Where is the LEOLAM or FOREVER which describe His True Identity as THE INFINITE FATHER?
    Y-H-W-H plus the VOWEL of adonai which means is LORD
    LORD meaning BAAL was created by Men,
    Combined together with YHWH it becomes Yahweh
    Where is the TRUTH now, and the TRUE meaning or the GENUINE Identity of our FOREVER creator's name?
    Do you still closed your eyes and as if you did not see and pretend that you are still blind?
    Warning you will suffer in the end, and you will certainly die, are you not afraid of that? but your are afraid to die in flesh but you are not afraid to die in the second death?
    Pray to YeHoVaH and let Him search your Heart and Soul, and beg for His Mercy and forgiveness.
    Never mind those BLIND people around you who doesn't care about these serious matters between LIFE and DEATH.
    Don't be like them, because they will also be judge in the end according to their works.
    But you working on your SALVATION as it is the most important and serious matter in your life from the time you see the TRUTH and start walking on the path of Holiness toward everlasting life.
    I would like to let you know that, it is your most wonderful decisions you made with the given time you have from our beloved INFINITE CREATOR ( YeHoVaH ).
    Note: you are in DANGER, since you no longer a BLIND, and you already WARNED and you already heard the TRUTH, and you still not accepting it, you got SIN against the SPIRIT
    Charged: " for YeHoVaH will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" -- Ex. 20:7
    Did you know that you are being charged of this - " for YeHoVaH will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" -- Ex. 20:7
    Can you prove it by calling Yahweh's name and He will listen to you, just to prove that Yahweh is the living Elohim and NOT CREATED by Man?
    To be fair, let's have a contest for you to prove that your Yahweh is the True name of the Living God, just like what Elijah and Moses did?
    or we can also get from the Book of Daniel if you like.
    So do you?
    Enough talking let's put it into actions with live or with living proof and experience the LIVING POWER of the GENUINE CREATOR
    It is easy to claim such a claimed that you call the true name which is Yahweh, but it should be proven and tested not only believing but no living proof of evidence.
    I will suggest, that it would be better if you will invite all your leaders in your congregation to join the contest hoping that your Yahweh will listen you and take the opportunity to prove the He is the REAL Elohim who created the WHOLE UNIVERSE.
    So, do you?
    Let's see.
    If you like bring all those others leaders who has their own creators name and you go together
    And call your own God, using the FALSE NAME.
    And let's see who's name will answer and prove He is the REAL and NOT CREATED by Man and fruit of the FALSE PEN
    Remember if we called the wrong Father automatically that's SATAN, but if you didn't heard yet the real name YeHoVaH you might have an exemptions.
    But whenever you already heard it you still ignore it, mark my words you will be charged of this --- " for YeHoVaH will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" -- Ex. 20:7
    That's is why it is a very very big deal have first the REAL NAME of the REAL CREATOR
    And that is why He specified it on the 3rd commandment and it is Heavy and ignored to those who have a stiff nick --- and ignoring " THE BIG WARNING" -- if you do until you die in flesh whom do you think ask for help to let YeHoVaH forgive you if already die in flesh.
    Your given times of chances had been gone already, all the things you can do is to cry and gnash your teeth, do you like that?
    It is your choice, and your choice brings you to where you spend you next eternity ---- is it everlasting life of everlasting death
    Everlasting Death means everlasting separations with YeHoVaH and His beloved people who overcame their STIFF NeCK.
    Are you?
    " Everything you do are useless or VANITY or in VAIN if you worship the wrong Creator "
    That is why the step ONE is seek The TRUE NAME first before anything else, why?
    because SATAN is also a FATHER(Jn 8:44) and wanted to be worship, and he use best trick by masquerading himself and MIXING the TRUTHS and LIES
    -- 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 and Isiah 14:13-14
    And most of us were victim?
    That's is why YeHoVaH said get of Her my people, if you not you will certainly die.
    -- to all none believers of YeHoVaH's name yet
    -- before anything else, in term of SALVATION or having the a great desire to live everlasting life
    -- focus first all the DIRECT WORDS from YeHoVaH's mouth and make your ear hear it and then JUST DO IT, period.
    It is better to be in safe status rather than ASSUMPTIONS and that's the reasons you afraid to die in flesh
    But you already walking in the NARROW WAY
    Death of flesh is not an ISSUE for you, why? because your next destination is more clearer than crystals
    Good news:
    We still have time, to prove to YeHoVaH that we have a strong desire to live with Him together with His beloved people FOREVER - LEOLAM
    We have the WILLING HEART to REPENT or to STOP doing the things which are NOT belong to His Will --- " THE TORAH "
    We have the WILLING HEART to BEG for His Mercy and FORGIVENESS for our SINS which brings us to EVERLASTING separations from the HOLY presence of the REAL CREATOR.
    He is not a Lair will do what He Said, Mark all the DIRECT WORDS from YeHoVaH's before anything else!
    Why? that's the fulfillment of the SEEK HIM FIRST and all these things shall be added unto you.
    Pray to understands these words, don't be lazy on the EVERLASTING things and get ZEALOUS to the worldly or VANITY things, in the end you will REGRETS.
    Don't be greedy for your time, invest you're time for things to come FOREVER instead.
    Attention to all those who are in transitions and trying to RE-ALIGN themselves to the WAY(Isaiah 35:8) of -- YeHoVaH
    Our efforts are not in VAIN, as it has been written and it shall be done unto us all to those who are willing to OBEY and become one of His beloved people.
    I would like to congratulate us all, but the battle is not yet done.
    Let's keep on moving with the HELP of YeHoVaH presence, "THE RUACH"
    Good thing is, we are now WALKING in the RIGHT path --- " THE NARROW WAY " --- without assumptions it's for real --- Book of Matthew 7
    My duty is to WARN you before you die in flesh, before judgement day -- Ezekiel 33:7-9 -- note the words "you shall certainly die"
    I'm asking you to LISTEN and Do, because if not you shall certainly die.
    I'm not asking you to believe me, who am I --- I'm just a direct Ambassador of chain from YeHoVaH and intrusted His last Words of WARNING for us all before it's too late.
    Ephesians 6:20
    This is for all unbeliever of YeHoVaH.
    Did I judge you if I am only doing what YeHoVaH wants me to do, to bring you the WORDS of WARNINGS and say to you that you will certainly die if you don't on the SIDE of the INFINITE FATHER by Obeying Him?
    And for you to become aware before you die in flesh?
    Are you aware of the 9th commandments "The False Wetness " and you act as "Accusers " are one of SATAN's PEOPLE?
    If you do, enjoy sinning until you die in flesh and I hope you also enjoy in the middle of the LAKE of FIRE the WRATH of YeHoVaH.

  • @user-id7be2nj9o
    @user-id7be2nj9o 8 месяцев назад +1

    nah. sorry bro, don't agree. methinks you're pushing too much into this and rewriting/complicating the commandment. the commandment was written one way, then you rewrite it at the end. the command is about respecting the name of god (whatever name that may be - even "god") - simply that, but you rewrite it according to a different command about keeping your oaths/vows. honoring your vows is about keeping your word, not about audible respectful use of god's name. with your reasoning, we could say that anything imperfect we do or say is breaking the 3rd commandment. ANY sin dishonors god. recall how the pharisees had made keeping the sabbath so extremely complicated that even simple tasks were forbidden? after all, EVERYTHING physical is work.
    imho, its enough to keep the commandment as is and simple. this one comes right after the 1st two, which emphasize honoring/respecting/loving god. it's about god, not us.

  • @CatarineausArmory
    @CatarineausArmory 2 года назад +1

    Should not be a problem if a man has integrity. Cars, cash, clothes, and coochie can be taken from you by another man. But Integrity can not be taken from you. They might trash your integrity but that can be tested as easily as "Can you be here tomorrow at 09:00?". Obedience. Get some. Integrity will follow.

  • @lwazimaqolo1595
    @lwazimaqolo1595 10 месяцев назад +1

    We should not make His name meaningless or we should not bring His name to nothing. We should remember His real name and use it. His real name is YHWH or Yahuah and the Son is Yahusha/Yahushua.
    This is the true meaning of the 3rd commandments.
    His name is not God, Lord or Jesus. (Using these titles is to bring His true name to nothing and it's to make it meaningless)

  • @ddmound
    @ddmound Год назад

    Well, you totally missed it bc you have no knowledge of God. However, this commandment is dealing with idolatry more than anything. And according to the knowledge of God the 'cipher' is active which means there is going to be a 'first is last' understanding with this. Therefore what the language is saying has to do with the present and the future bc it says 'take the Name in vain' and then repeats by saying you 'will not be held guiltless' which means along with someone else. So this is like the word of the Lord saying 'those who hear and don't do are worse than those who have not heard at all'.
    I am saying it is talking about idolatry bc he says to not take the Name (what's the Name?) in vain. The "Name" is the "Nature of the Almighty" placed in Christ and before stored in the Angel of the Lord (Jn.1:1.) w not call "EnhaShem. For it is written the angel of the Lord that went before Israel in the desert was the Rock. So here is the past bottom line (since there are two) the fist of is "the Lord (Yhovah) thy God (this word did not exist then and it is) "Elohiym".
    This is a "Job" warning to ppl about vanity, (pride of life) Yhovah & Elohiym. This is saying do not present like you know the hOly One when you know you have sin. Yobe (Job) the son is Issachar sought to start his own line of covenant after leaving Egypt to avoid slavery. But he did not know "Eloah" the Great Hidden One of On (meaning "The One") of the new Priest of On, Joseph. Yet he uses the word over 40 times whereas elsewhere in the bible it is only used less than 5-7. You many not believe this but the word being used now is "God". The word "God" came from the world and the English language. You figure it out.
    The future tense of this is with Christ or NT. Many say Lord I will do but don't do. few say I wont do but do. S this is where the vow or promise comes in when a person says they repent of their sins but never ever do. You are making a vow for salvation therefore your behavior is dependent upon it.

  • @ErikaRodriguez-db5kg
    @ErikaRodriguez-db5kg Год назад

    When someone accuses me, what I say...The Lord God Almighty is my only witness and he saw and heard what I did and you are falsely accusing me. Is this alright to say? Is this bad. I am not asking anyone from this channel but I am asking this preacher alone. I will not respond to anyone who might decide to write me something because I do not want any comments from anyone else but this preacher alone.

  • @hanzschaggi4254
    @hanzschaggi4254 Год назад

    Oh, I forgot. Babies needs shoes huh? Need a new car? House needs to be refinanced? Wife won't be impressed with just a box of cereal and milk? So, hit the I like Staley and can get recognition for an opinion on a book reading. Wonderbar!

  • @DrDuaneDMiller
    @DrDuaneDMiller 6 месяцев назад

    This was not a very good teaching. You ignore what the second half of Leviticus 19:12 states about profaning the name of God, there are many ways to do this, including neglecting the Mitzvot in the Torah or living like the world, even our actions can profane the name of God, and especially our words, which you admit to when speaking about making a vow. You ignore how this scripture (Exodus 20:7) has been interpreted historically by the Jewish people and even the reasons behind why the Rabbis choose to use a circumlocution for the name of God! To curse (swearing) using the name of God or even the name of the Messiah Yeshua, should not be done. It really seems like you are giving a license to misuse and abuse the name of God, except when making a vow...

  • @stevenvanvuuren8394
    @stevenvanvuuren8394 2 года назад

    Tell me do you believe paul ?

    • @PassionForTruthVideo
      @PassionForTruthVideo  2 года назад

      Could you elaborate on that question? What Paul and what specifically?

    • @stevenvanvuuren8394
      @stevenvanvuuren8394 2 года назад

      @@PassionForTruthVideo i meant have you realised paul is false antichrist yet ?
      Im just asking ...cos you sound smart and your stuff seems good i can learn stuff from you.
      So im asking if you have been blessed with eyes to see luke 10:21

    • @stevenvanvuuren8394
      @stevenvanvuuren8394 2 года назад

      The great falling away is hapoening right now know about it ...the great falling away which reveals the " no law man" of lawlessness
      Just asking where you are on eyes to see before i recommend to friends

    • @camilla6110
      @camilla6110 2 года назад

      @@stevenvanvuuren8394 The hot and trendy anti-Sha’ul doctrine is DEMONIC and straight from the pits of hell. The Father’s Word, ALL of it, is Yahshua-He gave us His Son, He gave us His Word and we are not to make up our own minds that part of it is not true. There is no darkness in Him at all. Satan didn’t “plant” Paul’s writings-the Father’s Ruach BREATHED Paul’s writings. THIS is part of the end-times falling away-because this doctrine of demons is leading many to darkness, into rabbit holes and satan is waiting there for them-and ultimately, there is a good chance they will be led away from the entire New Testament and Yahshua as Messiah. We’ve seen it happen. It’s happening often-because of rejecting Paul, you are rejecting the Father’s Word and it DOES lead to rejecting Messiah-there is no doubt about it.

    • @stevenvanvuuren8394
      @stevenvanvuuren8394 2 года назад

      @@camilla6110 you are wrong !
      And i can prove it to you if you just obey Yahusha( Jesus) who commanded you to test
      So although you are high pride person who thinks they know it all already and is wiser and more Spirit filled than the saints WHO COULD BE DECEIVED ill still try help you with some real truth just by some truth
      Truth 1 ) you are outside of both the new and old testiment advise that truth is not established by 1 single witness .....there you go now we know which of us are deceived ...its you!
      Now if you can humble yourself to Jesus word i can show you more truth
      Never the less i have already proven you have bad discernment and refuse to follow the advise of God and Jesus about single witnesses
      Thats your choise to be that stupid and unbelieving.
      But if you want to.just check some stuff ill be happy to help
      You dont have to believe but Jesus did suggest and command actually that you do check
      Your call happy to help you see even if your intention is only to.try prove me wrong.
      So truth 1 ).was that you have terribly unbiblical discernment by believing 1 witness establishes truth
      Second truth is i will prove biblically using reliable and expert witnesses to show you how blind you really are by showing you something you have seen but cannot see
      ( its very simple only 5 easy bible questions wont even take 10 minutes is you present )
      If you prove me wrong it will only make your faith stronger
      But if you cannot then you have a chance to get eyes to see and save yourself ,kids family and friends from.the deception that came on the world ...whole words except for the few who find the way ..maybe you can be of the few if you can learn.that the many are wrong and deceived to total arrogant blindness and denial of Jesus actual word ...
      Your call ....

  • @jdub7101
    @jdub7101 2 года назад

    Ugh! I wish you would not use the false NT. You have all you need in the Hebrew Scriptures without dragging false doctrine into the topic.

    • @juliacastellano3016
      @juliacastellano3016 2 года назад +6

      Really? How sad is to read this ignorance. May the Rua Hakodesh open your espiritual ear, eye,and heart. Shemma, Shemma brother

    • @PassionForTruthVideo
      @PassionForTruthVideo  2 года назад

      Blessings! We respect your opinion and pray for many blessings for you!

    • @serdlc64
      @serdlc64 2 года назад

      Yah says that whoever adds or takes away from the prophecy of this book, they lose the right to the tree of life and who adds will receive plagues. Why did He say that? Because He knew they would.
      The evil catholic higher ups have messed with it for sure. Since coming to the truth of Torah, I’m hardly ever in the NT.

    • @camilla6110
      @camilla6110 2 года назад +4

      @@serdlc64 That is absolutely heartbreaking. Our Messiah is all over BOTH the First Covenant and the Renewed Covenant books. The enemy is having a heyday causing doubt and confusion in these last moments. I pray you don’t reject Yahshua.

    • @rdaleyj1
      @rdaleyj1 Год назад

      Jason Weidman you are missing the Messiah again just as they missed him almost two thousand years ago.

  • @terencereilly4614
    @terencereilly4614 5 месяцев назад

    We are nolonger under the law. Why do you keep trying to put us back under something that is no longer in effect?