Paramore - Pressure - Live On Fearless Music HD

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 355

  • @MsRiot182
    @MsRiot182 13 лет назад +78

    I miss the times when Josh had fun on stage...before he left Paramore,on the stage he was just standing there...he seemed like he was bored...

  • @andrewpaine3397
    @andrewpaine3397 11 лет назад +67

    The Sims 2 PSP for me. I tell ya. Best song on the game!

    • @frizulh
      @frizulh 28 дней назад

      same bro, same

  • @mattiegustafson4326
    @mattiegustafson4326 6 лет назад +42

    This is the best paramore song to the day

  • @nicholaseatdappl
    @nicholaseatdappl 13 лет назад +34

    I rly like jason bynum's attitude, he's just feeling the music, all musicians must be like that, lovin' their jobs...

    • @shockedbatman2377
      @shockedbatman2377 3 года назад +1

      He looks and dances like your generic rock band PSP game character but in a good way lol

  • @makeithap
    @makeithap 9 лет назад +44

    I never get tired of this song....

  • @cuteuntold
    @cuteuntold 3 года назад +8

    i'm still here. geez she's so young and still freaking talented up until now.

  • @Jimmy18thn
    @Jimmy18thn 7 лет назад +32

    Paramore EMO Era ~

  • @icecraz3
    @icecraz3 8 лет назад +139

    The Band:
    Singer: Hayley Williams
    Lead Guitar: Josh Farro
    Rhythm Guitar: Jason Bynum
    Bass Guitar: John Hembree
    Drums: Zac Farro
    They all had excellent stage presence at the time. However, since then you mostly see Hayley doing all the stage presence.

    • @mhrdtyam
      @mhrdtyam 5 лет назад

      What happen to the other member right now?

    • @matthewbellamy7858
      @matthewbellamy7858 5 лет назад +3

      @@mhrdtyam paramore changes to pop music

    • @matthewbellamy7858
      @matthewbellamy7858 5 лет назад

      @@mhrdtyam so the other member left the band

    • @vo779
      @vo779 5 лет назад +6

      Matthew Bellamy jason and john were gone by their second album...

    • @doiehan
      @doiehan 4 года назад +1

      Matthew Bellamy they all left YEARS ago. Paramores music didn’t change until Zac came back, in which Jeremy was already long gone. it was just Taylor and Hayley for a while.

  • @rodriguezquickie3597
    @rodriguezquickie3597 7 лет назад +21

    This is awesome! they're young and have much energy and passion even autotune is part of this and make it memorable for this Paramore era and Josh looks happy and head-banding a lot!

  • @LigayaEsq88
    @LigayaEsq88 10 лет назад +46


  • @MariaJoseSuarezC
    @MariaJoseSuarezC 9 лет назад +37

    extraño este "viejo" paramore....
    Se que el tiempo cambia y todo esa cosa,pero no hay nada como esta época que tuvieron para mí,fue la mejor (8

  • @ravendragonsblood3362
    @ravendragonsblood3362 10 лет назад +207

    She doesn't need autotune....hayley sings like finn the human here lol she doesn't need autotune

    • @RunningSD
      @RunningSD 6 лет назад +15

      i think thats the time when auto tune was going mainstream because of T-pain lol

    • @yanzze5464
      @yanzze5464 3 года назад +13

      autotune needs her

    • @michaelb3581
      @michaelb3581 3 года назад +9

      It doesn’t sound like it’s selected to a specific key.. which means she’s actually hitting notes pretty spot on lol but yeah she’s also like 16 here; probably not a ton of live experience

    • @diegorios4316
      @diegorios4316 2 года назад

      Yeah bro this sucks

    • @didybopintitys
      @didybopintitys 2 года назад

      Considering most of the videos on here have it as well I don’t think it was the artists choice

  • @LilMissJess24
    @LilMissJess24 11 лет назад +5

    Yes! Now THIS was the Paramore I love!

  • @New-York-Guy-90.
    @New-York-Guy-90. 2 года назад +3

    Love Love Love Paramore
    Those were literally the days……

  • @unLUCKY95
    @unLUCKY95 11 лет назад +10

    Hayley has such a good live voice, would love to see paramore live

    • @untitled568
      @untitled568 3 года назад +3

      Sorry to break it to you 8 years later, but she was autotuned, you can hear it clearly at 1:27

    • @lavarball528
      @lavarball528 3 года назад +5

      @@untitled568 There are so many live performances that prove otherwise. This is an anomaly

    • @untitled568
      @untitled568 3 года назад +1

      @@lavarball528 Im not saying it is her fault, she is awesome singer

    • @BigManJev
      @BigManJev 2 года назад

      @@untitled568 uhm, no she wasnt lol

  • @czarine26
    @czarine26 13 лет назад +1

    jason is so cooooool!!!!! and josh!!!wish they never left...

  • @cooltoast12
    @cooltoast12 11 лет назад +5

    LOVE their coordinated head banging at around 2:02

  • @RoseiParamore
    @RoseiParamore 13 лет назад +27

    OMG Hayley was only 15. Zac 13 and Josh 17!! They were talented at such a young age

  • @Ja4ckson
    @Ja4ckson Год назад +1

    Casi 2024 y volví acá escuchar eso, pero todavía me gusta mucho

  • @The_Rampant_Lion
    @The_Rampant_Lion 11 лет назад +4

    I love live Paramore!

  • @queenavril
    @queenavril 5 лет назад +3

    Miss this era 😢
    #Indonesia 🇲🇨

  • @adamshaheen2424
    @adamshaheen2424 Год назад +1

    She's such a beast

  • @barvin1016
    @barvin1016 5 лет назад +7

    Crisp and crystal clear tone, i don't know if this is better than the record or the same xD

  • @phothewin6019
    @phothewin6019 2 года назад +2

    Who else is stumbling upon this relic from the past?

  • @FootofaFerret
    @FootofaFerret 11 лет назад +40

    That is also a possibility. It is pretty strange. I mean, maybe its for effect?

  • @violetgirl1996
    @violetgirl1996 11 лет назад +7

    lol this is baby paramore. now they are older paramore, but not even that old. they are still paramore to me. btw, this is one of my all-time favourite paramore songs ever!

  • @TainahBrandao1
    @TainahBrandao1 5 лет назад +5


  • @jennyjoysedigo8971
    @jennyjoysedigo8971 10 лет назад +158

    The autotune was highly unneccessary. Like seriously. I still love it though

    • @xchorro
      @xchorro 4 года назад +11

      i think it’s cuz she’s always had trouble hitting the higher notes. typically they lower the song an octave so she can reach the notes more clean, this doesn’t sound too good tbh and it’s mostly cuz of the auto tune

    • @mikepetruccelli4177
      @mikepetruccelli4177 3 года назад

      U could tell her voice was hurting …

    • @Eric_Aerolis
      @Eric_Aerolis Год назад +1

      This is a tough one, i honestly didnt notice too thicc of an auto tune on hayley but the guitarist doing back up is def using it.
      Could just be corrective. Like they were young, prolly just started to pop off and wasnt used to playing at max volume every night lmao

    • @AbdombnaExtra
      @AbdombnaExtra 6 месяцев назад

      She was barely in her teens during this and they weren’t super famous…

  • @RoseiParamore
    @RoseiParamore 13 лет назад +5

    OMG Josh's hair!!!

  • @joseurbina7560
    @joseurbina7560 8 месяцев назад +1

    2024 activo

  • @SamanthaDuarte
    @SamanthaDuarte Год назад +1

    Haley’s baby voice ❤

  • @paramisticpaige
    @paramisticpaige 13 лет назад +2

    They're so young on this. Wow.

  • @santyespindola1488
    @santyespindola1488 12 лет назад

    this is paramore ! THIS

  • @cazandraaya5818
    @cazandraaya5818 Год назад

    Its 2023 and I'm still listening to this. Iconic.

  • @rondelego2
    @rondelego2 13 лет назад +2

    jason bynum has so much intensity. its awesome

  • @jsandiego
    @jsandiego 13 лет назад

    @Tangibleapparition hunter is the rhythm guitarist who replaced jason after he left. the bassist at the time of this video is john hembree who replaced jeremy temporarily.

  • @marcosguimaraes2026
    @marcosguimaraes2026 Год назад

    The best performance

  • @andreijj6468
    @andreijj6468 11 лет назад

    This girl know who to rock it..

  • @faithmanit4216
    @faithmanit4216 5 лет назад +1

    my queen ♥️

  • @ChelsRaf
    @ChelsRaf 13 лет назад +1

    They're so young in this video. awh.

  • @soxrok09
    @soxrok09 Год назад

    Such babies 😭😭

  • @Dayanesofy
    @Dayanesofy 14 лет назад +2

    OMG! só de pensar que todos os integrantes nao estam mais ali! spo a Hayleyzinha que sobrou (saudades dos velhos tempos)

    • @ilnust
      @ilnust 3 года назад

      depois de dez anos posso dizer que temos nosso trio zac taylor e a hayley juntinhos

  • @marceloneves785
    @marceloneves785 Год назад +1

    Que nostalgia cara... Amo de o Paramore

  • @Floromancy_
    @Floromancy_ 12 лет назад

    i miss this...

  • @ekisugiyanti6163
    @ekisugiyanti6163 4 года назад +1

    Young Hayley 😍

  • @Kiikaa77
    @Kiikaa77 14 лет назад +2

    I like this video, This is Music ;D I love paramore

  • @adrianavenancio1740
    @adrianavenancio1740 Год назад +1


  • @joseesquivel95
    @joseesquivel95 14 лет назад

    @minidude111 yea exactly. now that they tour tour so much her voice gets stressed and cracks a lot. but, it depends. i saw them on the honda civic tour in north carolina and she did amazing.

  • @KochelzShizzle
    @KochelzShizzle 14 лет назад +6

    haha it's so funny to hear and see how Hayley is singing now, compared to back when this was shot :D

  • @DeViLsFaNo6
    @DeViLsFaNo6 4 года назад +6

    It doesn’t get more early 2000s then an apple iPod classic sticker on your guitar

  • @grecia.mazzotti
    @grecia.mazzotti 14 лет назад +1


  • @reginaah11
    @reginaah11 11 лет назад +3


  • @ChiefExecutorCreek
    @ChiefExecutorCreek 5 лет назад +1

    epic reverb at the end

  • @MusicIsAlive01
    @MusicIsAlive01 11 лет назад +1

    awesome VOICE!

  • @yasminc7924
    @yasminc7924 11 лет назад +114

    Stupid autotune! Hayley's too good for autotune!

    • @didtoknan8128
      @didtoknan8128 5 лет назад +1

      If we can hear it, it's because she's not !

    • @mickeyisscared5708
      @mickeyisscared5708 5 лет назад +9

      @@didtoknan8128 its actually because the key of the song slightly changes. so the auto tune cant keep up. theyd be better off without it

    • @brennencanfield4856
      @brennencanfield4856 4 года назад +2

      It's very obvious XD

    • @lemonade115
      @lemonade115 3 года назад +1

      @@didtoknan8128 are you dumb?! Shes literally such a good singer! Just because you dont like her doesnt mean shes a bad singer 🤦‍♀️

  • @xPanda617x
    @xPanda617x 14 лет назад +1

    I remember when riot first came out that she would sing JUST like the album, now she always has a "sore throat" or something along those lines. Still love them though.

  • @dem466
    @dem466 12 лет назад +9

    They've remixed versions of some of the songs without autotune. They sound fine. They never would have agreed to that.

  • @wowplur
    @wowplur 13 лет назад

    @sirhcdylan I've always found humor in people saying that someone doesn't need autotune, yet they notice it. Autotune rectifies mistakes that people make. Note that Autotuning and vocoding (t-pain) are totally different things. If she didn't need it, you wouldn't hear it, because it wouldn't have to correct her mistakes. So now that you're sitting in your computer chair all mad, enjoy your mad.

  • @onionbag_
    @onionbag_ 5 лет назад +7

    I remember this was my cleaning song in sims 2 :’)

  • @Wacko955
    @Wacko955 13 лет назад

    love you hayley willams

  • @larizavieira8880
    @larizavieira8880 3 года назад +1

    Meu Deus que relíquia hahahahaha 2021

  • @danuarramadhanto8711
    @danuarramadhanto8711 Год назад

    Gorgeous ❤️

  • @kuyaheavy3212
    @kuyaheavy3212 6 лет назад +3

    This is the best live performance I've heard xD

  • @danielasantiago4599
    @danielasantiago4599 11 лет назад +2

    I miss old paramore :'(((

  • @randomboys1000
    @randomboys1000 5 лет назад

    Gosh she looks so young!

  • @Pyromistic
    @Pyromistic 6 лет назад

    Paramore 2018!!

  • @jersonbueno9026
    @jersonbueno9026 Год назад

    jul 26 12 10 am

  • @povph5591
    @povph5591 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @teatob
    @teatob 11 лет назад

    gosh they were so young

  • @douglasvenancio3028
    @douglasvenancio3028 6 лет назад +2

    Live pressure Hayley Williams sem palavras muito boa essa música

  • @RamadhanP-v2d
    @RamadhanP-v2d 11 месяцев назад


  • @ighiighi
    @ighiighi 13 лет назад

    jason was awesome in this video

  • @_acedam
    @_acedam 9 лет назад +58

    After years of watching Paramore, why did I only notice now that Hayley was autotuned in this video?

  • @ketutingatneraka6248
    @ketutingatneraka6248 3 года назад

    Luar biasa, salam dr Bali Indonesia

  • @jocienetavaresdasilva5135
    @jocienetavaresdasilva5135 2 года назад

    Real Paramore

  • @mpselarc
    @mpselarc 11 лет назад

    I miss them ):

  • @NoeSantana
    @NoeSantana 14 лет назад

    @punkmonkey0913 yeah.. you're right :O

  • @Benmon.33
    @Benmon.33 14 лет назад

    @RTRbama13 love your comment

  • @ralphuwreckit4268
    @ralphuwreckit4268 5 лет назад +1

    0:51 omg stoooooop

  • @uinav7726
    @uinav7726 11 лет назад +5

    I don't know why but I kept my eyes at Jason Bynum the whole time

  • @joshuamoore1091
    @joshuamoore1091 3 года назад +5

    The mix was quite terrible but the energy was all there.
    My highschool years were simply magical. Mid two thousands had the best pop punk emo scene. #changemymind

  • @lifeatpaddyspub
    @lifeatpaddyspub 13 лет назад +1

    oh my god this is from like forever ago....i love it and i will always love it

  • @peaaanuuutz
    @peaaanuuutz 4 года назад +3

    my god how old are they here? Ah this is very nostalgic, they look so young!

  • @futureshock7425
    @futureshock7425 10 месяцев назад

    That riff fucking kills

  • @TantricConvulsions
    @TantricConvulsions 13 лет назад

    @wowplur From what I understand, the only reason she needed it was because she was sick at the time of this recording. I've listened to her live, and I haven't ever heard her use autotune outside of this. But yeah, almost every band uses a degree of autotune to correct bad notes in their recordings nowadays.

  • @gracemanalo157
    @gracemanalo157 4 месяца назад


  • @xsoolii
    @xsoolii 13 лет назад


  • @forgemindbodysoul
    @forgemindbodysoul 9 лет назад +29

    I miss Hayley's beautiful, long, red hair.
    Peace, Billy

  • @xeroblade012
    @xeroblade012 11 лет назад +2

    I accept the fact that they've grown. But what's really interesting is that they have the best GROWTH in Riot and Brand New Eyes - not sure with the latest album though. :D

  • @dano247365
    @dano247365 14 лет назад

    @tmanfender That was Paramore circa 2006

  • @Kostas1601
    @Kostas1601 13 лет назад

    @RTRbama13 so because bands change members they aren't bands?...yeah that makes perfect sense...

  • @itsmeares3971
    @itsmeares3971 2 года назад +1

    Best performance live for Pressure

  • @angelstacruz2372
    @angelstacruz2372 4 года назад

    I need the flip HAHAHAHAH!!

  • @SachaIvesofficial
    @SachaIvesofficial 13 лет назад

    @lucasdu54 he left as well
    only 3 left are hayley, jeremy an taylor

  • @cloud0571
    @cloud0571 5 лет назад

    She will always be my Viagera

  • @glenpiolofficial5825
    @glenpiolofficial5825 4 года назад

    2020 😍

  • @javier9609
    @javier9609 11 лет назад +3

    this was paramore

  • @TheNumber1dotter
    @TheNumber1dotter 14 лет назад +1

    Did they microphones mess up because when they sung, it kept sounding all audiolized. I still love them though

  • @myke_369
    @myke_369 13 лет назад

    haha josh then was 17 years old.Now i'm 19 and i can't play so good as he did then :D

  • @RaRaAv1s
    @RaRaAv1s 14 лет назад +3

    Why on earth do they auto-tune someones vocals, when to be honest they sound as good live as they do with studio music?