The Elder Scrolls Online - Holiday Fireplace and Yule Log

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 70

  • @EliDekay
    @EliDekay 20 часов назад +29

    It's already playing on my TV by my tree.

  • @simonelafayette-giordano6271
    @simonelafayette-giordano6271 16 часов назад +14

    Awww Fezez looks so adorable!

  • @fyurileblanc7206
    @fyurileblanc7206 18 часов назад +16

    now if only we could have that fireplace with all of those sound effects in the game

    • @Tears0fPhoenix
      @Tears0fPhoenix 16 часов назад +1

      I agree, the fire decorations could use a sound update the rest ist thankfully already ingame and I'm happy to chill in my new mountain hutt every now and then!

  • @a_green_snake6451
    @a_green_snake6451 20 часов назад +24

    How cozy! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 💕🎅🎄

    • @albedesigns
      @albedesigns 13 часов назад

      Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  • @formlessone2807
    @formlessone2807 19 часов назад +10

    Looks cozy. Tamriel seems a bit warmer now.

  • @TeaTheKhajiit
    @TeaTheKhajiit 16 часов назад +7

    Happy New Life, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays! Here is to a wonderful 2025

  • @mimikashadowsbringer1752
    @mimikashadowsbringer1752 12 часов назад +2

    Watching this with "The Streets of Whiterun" in my hears from Skyrim make me sooooo happy ! Thank you ! I have a very good felling for the futur of TESO after the awesome year you brought to us, can't wait to see what's come next ! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone ! ❤

  • @TheZakana
    @TheZakana 19 часов назад +6

    How cozy and unexpected!!
    I didn't think this was one of these kind of videos.

  • @sanguinelynx
    @sanguinelynx 8 часов назад +1

    Happy Saturalia! Nice cozy ambience and Fezez is adorable!

  • @MichaelCordeiro
    @MichaelCordeiro 20 часов назад +10

    Christmas has come early!

  • @acidicentertainment4250
    @acidicentertainment4250 19 часов назад +7

    This makes me so happy!!!! ❤🥰😍✨️🕯Happy yule everyone!

  • @stevenunn3075
    @stevenunn3075 14 часов назад +1

    How warm and cosy! 100% more Fezezs, Clockwork Mice and Kitten Moppets than the ones I usually watch. This will be on repeat for the forseeable future! Happy New Life and seasons greetings to all fellow inhabitants of Tamriel.

  • @AdrianBjørkanPedersen
    @AdrianBjørkanPedersen 16 часов назад +2

    That's something to get you in the right mood. Would be nice to have this as a dynamic theme on Xbox.

  • @Tall_Order
    @Tall_Order 14 часов назад +2

    [sneaks in and yoinks the soulgem on top the hearth and enchants a pair of sneakier boots]

  • @Ravenbow
    @Ravenbow 18 часов назад +2

    Just got home from a business trip and relaxing with a coffee when I saw this. Chilling in the recliner for the next hour doing crafting dailies on the old laptop. Wife's cats are not amused with the sounds but I am heh.

    • @Ravenbow
      @Ravenbow 18 часов назад +1

      Forgot to add while wearing my new ESO Black Friday hoodie which arrived while I was away.

  • @pumpkinpipeater
    @pumpkinpipeater 3 часа назад

    How lovely❤Thank you, makes me smile all day😊

  • @GretchenDawntreader
    @GretchenDawntreader 14 часов назад +10

    the people complaining about this in the comments, it's something NICE and CUTE and SEASONAL that they didn't have to do but did anyway for people to enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, there's the whole rest of the internet.

    • @rundown132
      @rundown132 7 часов назад +1

      people are grumpy lol

    • @DovahHouse
      @DovahHouse 4 часа назад

      Ppl complain about the rocks on the ground

  • @TheDutchGame
    @TheDutchGame 15 часов назад +1

    I wish you all a fantastic Yuletide!

  • @rca50a
    @rca50a 8 часов назад +1

    Hopefully, under that tree is something relating to TES VI.

  • @akinatsukana
    @akinatsukana 15 часов назад +1

    so relaxing!

  • @RisesFromFlames
    @RisesFromFlames 2 часа назад

    This is awesome! Thank you!

  • @EZOnTheEyes
    @EZOnTheEyes 20 часов назад +5

    Regular cozy fire streams? _nahhh_
    Video Game Flavored fire streams? Take my whole wallet.

  • @WordsOfARaven
    @WordsOfARaven 20 часов назад +2

    Happy yule

  • @ladorys4860
    @ladorys4860 14 часов назад +1

    ❤Fezez❤ This is lovely❤

  • @Tall_Order
    @Tall_Order 14 часов назад +1

    We drink and we fight
    And we drink and we fight
    And we drink and we drink
    And we fight and we fight
    All hail, Helga, she brings us more ale
    With a bust that is big and a story to tell
    [gets tossed out of the tavern, and lute smashed]

    • @Tall_Order
      @Tall_Order 14 часов назад

      Passerby: You don't come to Windhelm often do you? Of course not.

  • @Mrpear234
    @Mrpear234 16 часов назад

    I seen one Orc player in a dyed Santa suit years ago and nothing matched The Christmas feeling in game since that. I could never replicate it making one..

  • @RobbmanGaming
    @RobbmanGaming 9 часов назад

    Was looking for the Beacon.... Phew!

  • @fyurileblanc7206
    @fyurileblanc7206 18 часов назад +2

    if you download it, you can make it your screen saver. or as your wallpaper because win 11 allows live wallpaper.

  • @MasterJGamez
    @MasterJGamez 11 часов назад +1

    Bring on the doom!!!!

  • @GretchenDawntreader
    @GretchenDawntreader 14 часов назад +2

    I thought it was a loop after the first couple Fezez stretches but clearly there's little stuff happening throughout. I'm only a third of the way in and I have heard a brief bit of storm outside the window, seen a variety of noncombat pets do a cameo, watched one of the music boxes play, and watched a khajiit fail a sneak attempt. I see a soul gem, an Elder Scroll, a half eaten piece of anniversary cake (which was the dark blue one with flowers,) a tray of sweetrolls, a basket of cookies, and a music box that hasn't played yet. Fezez sure is sleepy not to wake up to all the activity and is also apparently fireproof.

  • @SaintsXIV
    @SaintsXIV 19 часов назад +2

    38:11 😊

  • @Teknikah
    @Teknikah 19 часов назад +1

    Aww I love the little critters passing by every so often.
    Only question I have is, where is that indrik snow globe from and where can I get one

  • @sirsaxon7039
    @sirsaxon7039 13 часов назад

    Fires spitting out a lot, might want to get an old fire guard up, to protect the cat of course😀

  • @Aeyvi
    @Aeyvi 12 часов назад


  • @bruta
    @bruta 20 часов назад +3

    thank you Todd

  • @HammerDemonn
    @HammerDemonn 15 часов назад

    Better then Battleground gameplay

  • @albedesigns
    @albedesigns 13 часов назад

    What a silly Khajit!

  • @DivusGeorgius
    @DivusGeorgius 19 часов назад +1

    Вот это вот вибе!

  • @andrastetriformis6241
    @andrastetriformis6241 19 часов назад


  • @latro666
    @latro666 17 часов назад +1

    16 times the embers

    • @GretchenDawntreader
      @GretchenDawntreader 14 часов назад

      yeah one presumes they have an enchantment on the area right in front of the fireplace to keep all those embers that get spat out from setting the place ablaze! I don't know if there's asbestos in Tamriel.

  • @Green_Stream24
    @Green_Stream24 20 часов назад

    Just realized that Bethesda's logo looks similar to Roblox's logo, I can't unsee it now

  • @MoogleMom
    @MoogleMom 17 часов назад +1

    Please reconsider this decision to no longer add chapters to this beloved mmo. ❤

  • @daggerathsn.p.customs
    @daggerathsn.p.customs 14 часов назад

    Do a Fallout one!!

  • @Silky_Mori
    @Silky_Mori 17 часов назад

    Wallpaper engine please

  • @Justanobody8472
    @Justanobody8472 16 часов назад

    Only 10,000 crowns or 500 crown gems

  • @MAK9246
    @MAK9246 19 часов назад +2

    Another year passes without any progress on Elder Scrolls 6!

  • @MaQuGo119
    @MaQuGo119 14 часов назад

    Bring back Jeremy Soule

  • @leon-k1h5e
    @leon-k1h5e 18 часов назад +1

    TES 6

  • @Terrene3000
    @Terrene3000 20 часов назад

    Guys you see Superman teaser :D?

  • @luckyfire878
    @luckyfire878 20 часов назад +2

    es6 please

  • @mirroredarmy
    @mirroredarmy 20 часов назад +2

    where’s tesvi

    • @S.Parrow
      @S.Parrow 20 часов назад

      that's how I felt until Starfield came out, now I say "Don't F$@# this one up too, take as much time as you need"

  • @Denys101
    @Denys101 20 часов назад +1

    Todd Howard please give us Fallout 3, New Vegas and Wolfenstein 2009 remasters/remakes
    Thank you

  • @stuartmiller4363
    @stuartmiller4363 20 часов назад +5

    Elder scrolls 6?

  • @KERMiTtehDOG
    @KERMiTtehDOG 18 часов назад

    but why?

  • @Sarohkaith
    @Sarohkaith 20 часов назад


  • @nightowl760
    @nightowl760 16 часов назад

    Seriously? Put this bs out but you can't fix the holiday scorched? Where's your priorities Bugthesda?

  • @BenNuProductions
    @BenNuProductions 19 часов назад

    Still milking a 10 year old game lol

  • @nanotechnicianhq
    @nanotechnicianhq 6 часов назад

    I was trying to find the "ES6 when" & the "Fix xyz" comments, not today thanks 💝 Also nice surprises along the way too :)