안녕하세요 여러분 ! 이번 영상은 2024년의 마지막 영상이에요. 지금까지 2024년의 저를 사랑해주셔서 감사드립니다 :) 다음 영상은 2025년의 새로운 저로 찾아오겠습니다 ! 이번에는 달달한 겨울 호박고구마를 이용해 3가지를 만들어 봤어요. 고구마 미니 크로와상은 귀여운 비주얼로 연말 선물 디저트로도 제격이에요! 춥지만 포기 할 수 없었던 막걸리 아이스크림도 대량으로 만들어 보고, 너무나도 부드러워서 만족스럽던 목살구이덮밥 레시피도 알아냈어요. 이번 영상도 마음에 드셨다면 좋아요와 구독 부탁 드립니다 :) Hello everyone! This video is the last video of 2024. Thank you for loving me in 2024 so far :) The next video will be about me in 2025! This time, I made 3 things using sweet winter pumpkin sweet potatoes. Sweet potato mini croissants are cute and perfect as a year-end gift dessert! I also made a large quantity of makgeolli ice cream that I couldn't give up even though it was cold, and I also found a recipe for pork neck grilled rice bowl that was so soft and satisfying. If you like this video, please like and subscribe :) みなさん、こんにちは! この動画は2024年最後の動画です。2024年、これまで私を愛してくださってありがとうございます :) 次の動画は2025年の私についてです! 今回は、甘い冬カボチャのサツマイモを使って3つのものを作りました。 サツマイモのミニクロワッサンはかわいくて、年末の贈り物のデザートにぴったりです! 寒くても諦めきれなかったマッコリアイスクリームも大量に作りました。 そして、とても柔らかくて満足できる豚の首肉焼き丼のレシピも見つけました。 この動画が気に入ったら、ぜひ「いいね!」とチャンネル登録をお願いします :) ¡Hola a todos! Este video es el último video de 2024. Gracias por amarme en 2024 hasta ahora :) ¡El próximo video será sobre mí en 2025! Esta vez, hice 3 cosas con batatas dulces de calabaza de invierno. ¡Los mini croissants de batata son lindos y perfectos como postre de regalo de fin de año! También preparé una gran cantidad de helado de makgeolli que no pude dejar de comer a pesar de que hacía frío, y también encontré una receta de tazón de arroz a la parrilla con cuello de cerdo que era muy suave y satisfactorio. Si te gusta este video, dale me gusta y suscríbete :) مرحبًا بالجميع! هل تفاجأتم بالعنوان؟ هذا الفيديو هو آخر فيديو في عام 2024. شكرًا لكم على حبكم لي في عام 2024 حتى الآن :) سيكون الفيديو التالي عني في عام 2025! هذه المرة، صنعت 3 أشياء باستخدام البطاطا الحلوة الشتوية الحلوة. كرواسون البطاطا الحلوة الصغيرة لطيفة ومثالية كهدية نهاية العام! لقد صنعت أيضًا كمية كبيرة من آيس كريم ماكجولي لم أستطع التخلي عنه على الرغم من أنه كان باردًا، كما وجدت أيضًا وصفة لوعاء أرز مشوي برقبة لحم الخنزير كان طريًا ومرضيًا للغاية. إذا أعجبك هذا الفيديو، يرجى الإعجاب به والاشتراك :) Halo semuanya! Video ini adalah video terakhir tahun 2024. Terima kasih telah mencintai saya di tahun 2024 sejauh ini :) Video berikutnya akan membahas tentang saya di tahun 2025! Kali ini, saya membuat 3 hal menggunakan ubi jalar labu musim dingin yang manis. Croissant mini ubi jalar lucu dan sempurna sebagai hidangan penutup hadiah akhir tahun! Saya juga membuat es krim makgeolli dalam jumlah banyak yang tidak bisa saya tinggalkan meskipun cuaca dingin, dan saya juga menemukan resep semangkuk nasi panggang leher babi yang sangat lembut dan memuaskan. Jika Anda menyukai video ini, silakan like dan subscribe :) Olá a todos! Este vídeo é o último de 2024. Obrigada por me amarem em 2024 até agora :) O próximo vídeo será sobre mim em 2025! Desta vez, fiz 3 coisas usando batata-doce doce de abóbora de inverno. Mini croissants de batata-doce são fofos e perfeitos como sobremesa de presente de fim de ano! Também fiz uma grande quantidade de sorvete de makgeolli que não consegui abrir mão, mesmo estando frio, e também encontrei uma receita de tigela de arroz grelhado com pescoço de porco que era tão macia e satisfatória. Se você gosta deste vídeo, curta e inscreva-se :)
Nesse último vídeo, só quero te agradecer por toda dedicação que você teve com o seu canal. Mesmo com a correria do dia a dia, você sempre deu o seu melhor é por isso que eu valorizo os seus vídeos, você é um jovem muito diligente. Para você e sua família desejo muita saúde e felicidade sempre. Feliz ano Novo✨️✨️
I am so happy that I found your channel in 2024 and I look forward to next year with all my energy and enthusiasm. Thanks for today's video and I am waiting for next year's videos. I will try the potato croissant. It looks delicious.
A man who is good at cooking like you, especially since you are also handsome 😊😊 an independent man who is very inspiring to make me an independent woman
I tuoi video sono fonte di ispirazione, allegria e spensieratezza. Rimani sempre te stesso cosi come sei. Un augurio x il nuovo anno e tanta felicità.😊
Большое спасибо за видео! Ваш канал считаю одним из лучших про корейскую кухню для не-корейцев. Записываю каждый рецепт и готовлю. Вчера была свинина - очень понравилась.
랩이 녹지는 않았지만, 약간 흐물흐물해지긴 했었어요..하하 2024년에 제 영상 좋아해주셔서 정말로 감사드리고, 응원, 댓글 많이 해주셔서 정말로 너무 감사드렸어요 :) 2025년도 아프지 마시고, 행복한 일만 가득하길 바랄게요! 2024년 마무리 잘 하시고, 미리 해피뉴이어입니다 !
새해 즐겁게 보내세요! 내년에 더 행복해서 좋겠습니다 :) 한국어도 더 공부 해야 해요 ㅎㅎ 항상 편한 영상을 올려주셔서 감사합니다~~^^ thanks for always upload such comforting vlogs. Found your channel this year and I enjoyed all your videos ^^
I always love following your beautiful channel and your wonderful and amazing recipes. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your effort this year. Of course the next will be more beautiful so we can welcome it with happiness. I wish you the best at the beginning of the new year🤍🤍
Merry Christmas Jiif 🎄 hope you had a lovely holiday! Thank You for another brilliant video to end the year, love all your dishes & content ❤ Wishing you a healthy year ahead for 2025 and more subscribers 🙌 see you next year! 😊
Happy New Year to you too! I hope it will be a year full of joy for all of us 💞💞 Looking forward to your next videos in 2025 💞🌷 Would you recommend me to try pasta with sweet potato sauce? I'm confused 😅
Wonder video I love how you made different foods with sweet potatoes 😊my wish is to grow more as soul to shine brighter instead of getting lost in my pain or hurt ❤
I hope the wish you mentioned comes true. I think the wish you shouted is something that everyone wants to be. I hope that 2025 will be a year in which you are healthy in body and mind. ❤
thank you for another healing video andwell wishes, my plans for the new year are to be more present and positive in my daily life- thanks and happy new year ! x
Que lindo volver a verte con otro hermoso vlog, realmente disfruté mucho de tu vídeo hoy también y aprecio mucho todo tu arduo trabajo y esfuerzo a cada vídeo, espero que estés muy bien y espero que hayas tenido una feliz navidad, que tengas una hermosa noche y un hermoso fin de semana cuidate mucho y mantente siempre saludable,no olvides mantenerte siempre hidratado y cuídate mucho del clima frío,ten cuidado de no resfriarte, te deseo lo mejor y que siempre seas muy feliz mucho ánimo ❤️🤗 gracias por siempre trabajar muy duro y alegrarme mis días,me transmiten mucha tranquilidad y relajación tus videos, continuaré apoyándote siempre ❤
Oh WOW Makgeolli ice cream!!! That is a must try since I just bought some for the New Year along with some Sake. Let me know if you have made Sake ice cream or if that would not be a good combination. 🤔 Love that you're featuring ice cream desserts.😃 I agree that cooking for yourself is healing and healthier, but I do cave sometimes when I'm tired and pick up something quick. My hope for 2025 is to just be a better version of me, a better person overall so that I can be an encouragement to others.
I don't know because I haven't tried making ice cream with sake... but makgeolli has some sweetness in it, so it tastes really good when made into ice cream. But sake doesn't have any sweetness, so it might be better to add some sugar. And, just like you wished, you will be a better person in 2025! I'm sure :)
Мне очень нравится Ваш канал. Спасибо! Буду ждать видео в новом году😊. С новым 2025 годом! Будьте здоровы, счастливы, успешны! Желаю исполнения Ваших желаний! 🌲⛄❄
Everything looked so delicious. I will say the sweet potato pasta kind of set me aback. Hope you have a fun New Year and a prosperous, healthy, and enjoyable 2025
Привет! Вот осталось считаное время до нового года. В 2024 год я стараюсь смотреть ваш спокойный и расслабляюший канал. Спасибо что поделились своими впечатлениями от выставок и путешествий , очень интересно было смотреть. Лесно было услышать,что в Южной Корее так много частичек Франции.😊🇫🇷 и наша еда французские гренки, круассаны на восточный лад . Очень хорошая идея приготовления из сладкого картофеля. А так как круассан это символ Франции 🥐 то обязательно повторю.😊 Яичный рулет получается превосходно. Якак раз хотела научиться готовить такую вкусняшкуи порадовать своего братишку который живет в Японии 😊🇯🇵. Поздравляю с наступающим новым 2025 годом🐍🎄 желаю здоровья. 🍷Новых открытий для себя в искусстве, путешествий , кулинарии,но надеюсь вы поделитесь информацией с нами которые вас смотрят😊А самое главное мирного неба над головой в этом не спокойном мире. У видимся в следующий году в феврале.уменя отпуск ✈️🏝️с уважением Мила.🇫🇷
Самое главное - голубое небо мира. Это очень хорошая фраза. Я получил большое утешение :) Я надеюсь, что 2025 год будет наполнен счастливыми, здоровыми и приятными днями!
18:20 “For me home-cooked meals are like a gift to myself for working hard today.” That’s exactly the way I feel and delicious, healthy cooking is also calming and inviting to the comfy home feeling. For 2025 I wish for my mom to be healthy.
8:32 يمكنك وضع قطع من الفحم في الثلاجة أو الفريزر لامتصاص الروائح غير المرغوب فيها. فقط تأكد من تغيير الفحم بانتظام للحفاظ على فعاليته. آمل أن تكون هذه المعلومة، مفيدة لك.
Just found your videos thanks for sharing i love to watch you cook you mention a store what kind do you have? I live in California usa you have a beautiful house i look forward to watching many more if your videos. your pork looked so good i dont know if i like curry i have never tried it
hi JIIF tabti belated Merry Christmas wishes I can give you a suggestion I tried and they come out well instead of frying them in the air fryer you bread them like this and spray them with a little oil and cook them for 20 minutes at 200 gr in the fryer you have to check them but they come out good and there are no smells in the house 😊 try then let me know
it's a bit of an alternative Christmas my husband had an operation on his hand they reconstructed his bones and ligaments and did plastic surgery but he was at home with me at Christmas I had to help with everything but he was at home and that's what matters let's say a special but peaceful Christmas I hope you had a nice Christmas 🎄 take care of yourself see you soon
hai mas ganteng, aku merindukan mu, penyembuhan ku akhirnya muncul, tepat disaat aku sedang lelah, aku suka akhirnya kamu diet sedikit, aku harap mas ganteng sehat selalu, dan selamat natal mas ganteng ❤❤❤
안녕하세요 여러분 !
이번 영상은 2024년의 마지막 영상이에요.
지금까지 2024년의 저를 사랑해주셔서 감사드립니다 :)
다음 영상은 2025년의 새로운 저로 찾아오겠습니다 !
이번에는 달달한 겨울 호박고구마를 이용해 3가지를 만들어 봤어요.
고구마 미니 크로와상은 귀여운 비주얼로 연말 선물 디저트로도 제격이에요!
춥지만 포기 할 수 없었던 막걸리 아이스크림도 대량으로 만들어 보고,
너무나도 부드러워서 만족스럽던 목살구이덮밥 레시피도 알아냈어요.
이번 영상도 마음에 드셨다면 좋아요와 구독 부탁 드립니다 :)
Hello everyone!
This video is the last video of 2024. Thank you for loving me in 2024 so far :)
The next video will be about me in 2025!
This time, I made 3 things using sweet winter pumpkin sweet potatoes.
Sweet potato mini croissants are cute and perfect as a year-end gift dessert!
I also made a large quantity of makgeolli ice cream that I couldn't give up even though it was cold,
and I also found a recipe for pork neck grilled rice bowl that was so soft and satisfying.
If you like this video, please like and subscribe :)
この動画は2024年最後の動画です。2024年、これまで私を愛してくださってありがとうございます :)
この動画が気に入ったら、ぜひ「いいね!」とチャンネル登録をお願いします :)
¡Hola a todos!
Este video es el último video de 2024. Gracias por amarme en 2024 hasta ahora :)
¡El próximo video será sobre mí en 2025!
Esta vez, hice 3 cosas con batatas dulces de calabaza de invierno.
¡Los mini croissants de batata son lindos y perfectos como postre de regalo de fin de año!
También preparé una gran cantidad de helado de makgeolli que no pude dejar de comer a pesar de que hacía frío,
y también encontré una receta de tazón de arroz a la parrilla con cuello de cerdo que era muy suave y satisfactorio.
Si te gusta este video, dale me gusta y suscríbete :)
مرحبًا بالجميع!
هل تفاجأتم بالعنوان؟ هذا الفيديو هو آخر فيديو في عام 2024. شكرًا لكم على حبكم لي في عام 2024 حتى الآن :)
سيكون الفيديو التالي عني في عام 2025!
هذه المرة، صنعت 3 أشياء باستخدام البطاطا الحلوة الشتوية الحلوة.
كرواسون البطاطا الحلوة الصغيرة لطيفة ومثالية كهدية نهاية العام!
لقد صنعت أيضًا كمية كبيرة من آيس كريم ماكجولي لم أستطع التخلي عنه على الرغم من أنه كان باردًا،
كما وجدت أيضًا وصفة لوعاء أرز مشوي برقبة لحم الخنزير كان طريًا ومرضيًا للغاية.
إذا أعجبك هذا الفيديو، يرجى الإعجاب به والاشتراك :)
Halo semuanya!
Video ini adalah video terakhir tahun 2024. Terima kasih telah mencintai saya di tahun 2024 sejauh ini :)
Video berikutnya akan membahas tentang saya di tahun 2025!
Kali ini, saya membuat 3 hal menggunakan ubi jalar labu musim dingin yang manis.
Croissant mini ubi jalar lucu dan sempurna sebagai hidangan penutup hadiah akhir tahun!
Saya juga membuat es krim makgeolli dalam jumlah banyak yang tidak bisa saya tinggalkan meskipun cuaca dingin,
dan saya juga menemukan resep semangkuk nasi panggang leher babi yang sangat lembut dan memuaskan.
Jika Anda menyukai video ini, silakan like dan subscribe :)
Olá a todos!
Este vídeo é o último de 2024. Obrigada por me amarem em 2024 até agora :)
O próximo vídeo será sobre mim em 2025!
Desta vez, fiz 3 coisas usando batata-doce doce de abóbora de inverno.
Mini croissants de batata-doce são fofos e perfeitos como sobremesa de presente de fim de ano!
Também fiz uma grande quantidade de sorvete de makgeolli que não consegui abrir mão, mesmo estando frio,
e também encontrei uma receita de tigela de arroz grelhado com pescoço de porco que era tão macia e satisfatória.
Se você gosta deste vídeo, curta e inscreva-se :)
당신을 따라온 2년 동안 나는 한 번도 후회한 적이 없습니다. 😞🫂🫂🫂🇴🇲
제 영상을 좋아해주셔서 너무나 감사 드려요..!
2025년에는 좀 더 부지런해지는게 제 소망이에요 새해 복 많이 받으시고, 늘 건강하세요~^^
저도 2025년에는 작년보다 더욱 부지런한 삶을 살아 보려구요 :)
작년 한해도 행복했었고, 올해도 행복하길 빕니다 !
Nesse último vídeo, só quero te agradecer por toda dedicação que você teve com o seu canal. Mesmo com a correria do dia a dia, você sempre deu o seu melhor é por isso que eu valorizo os seus vídeos, você é um jovem muito diligente. Para você e sua família desejo muita saúde e felicidade sempre. Feliz ano Novo✨️✨️
Muito obrigado por gostar do meu vídeo.
Por favor, fique de olho em mim em 2025 também.
Eu me tornarei uma pessoa melhor. :)
Everything you cook looks so good. And your apartment is so nice.
Thank you for liking my cooking!
@@JI_IF You are very skilled. You have such a nice home, peaceful life and great food choices x
I am so happy that I found your channel in 2024 and I look forward to next year with all my energy and enthusiasm. Thanks for today's video and I am waiting for next year's videos. I will try the potato croissant. It looks delicious.
I'm so happy to know you all in 2024. I hope 2025 will be a happier and healthier year for you all :)
Thank you for inspiring me to make sweet potatoes into different dishes and I really like watching you cook like a pro, it's rare for men here.
A man who is good at cooking like you, especially since you are also handsome 😊😊 an independent man who is very inspiring to make me an independent woman
Thank you so much for liking my videos and me. I appreciate you making me a useful person :)
I tuoi video sono fonte di ispirazione, allegria e spensieratezza. Rimani sempre te stesso cosi come sei. Un augurio x il nuovo anno e tanta felicità.😊
Grazie per esserti trovato bene con il mio video!
Spero che il 2025 sia un anno felice e sano :)
따라해보고싶지만.. 요똥이라 눈으로만.. 도전해봅니다 ㅎㅎ 새해 복 많이 받으세요~~
새해가 되면 기념으로 요리 따라 해 보시는 거 어떤가요!!
새로운 해를 맞이해서, 새로운 도전을... 추천 드립니다 :)
미리 새해 복 많이 받으세요 !
아들 셋인 엄만데요..
정말 너무 대견하고 대단합니다!!
한참 빠져들어서 봤습니다.
칼질이 예술이에요 ㅎㅎㅎ
앞으로 자주 찾아올게요, 화이팅!!!
아들 세 분을 키우시느라 정말 힘드셨겠어요ㅠㅠ!
영상에 보이는 모습이 다는 아니겠지만,
좋은 모습으로 바라봐주셔서 감사드립니다 :)
미리 새해 복 많이 받으세요 !
올해의 마지막 영상
올해 내 음식을 먹으면서 지켜보기 좋은 친구였어요 😂❤❤❤❤
새해 영상이 너무 기대되고 더 멋있어질 거라고 확신해요
행운과 성공을 기원하며 당신의 길을 응원하겠습니다
오만 술탄국에서 당신을 사랑합니다🇴🇲🫂🫂..
올해의 마지막 영상까지 보러 와 주셔서 고마워요 !
2025년도의 영상도 열심히 준비해볼게요 :)
미리 새해 복 많이 받으세요 ❤
Have a happy and blessed new year *J* 🥂 thank you so much for always being with us 🙇🏼♀️
We always pray for your health...happiness and success 🙏🏻
I hope you will be happy in 2025. I hope you are always healthy and have only good things happen to you! 🙏🏻
We all love youuu *J* 💙
오늘 날씨에 딱 어울리는 차분하고 아름다운 영상 감사합니다. ❤
제 영상을 봐주셔서 감사드립니다 ❤
Videos really give me positive energy.❤
Thank you for your positive review of my video!
Вы очень вкусно готовите! И красивая подача. Приятно смотреть. С наступающим Новым годом вас 🎉.
Рано, но с Новым годом! Спасибо, что понравилось мое видео :)
Большое спасибо за видео! Ваш канал считаю одним из лучших про корейскую кухню для не-корейцев. Записываю каждый рецепт и готовлю. Вчера была свинина - очень понравилась.
Действительно? Спасибо, что нашли мое видео таким полезным :)
Спасибо за ваши уютные и тёплые видео! Они делают мои дни лучше☀️с наступающим Новым годом!
Я так рада, что могу начать свой день на хорошей ноте!
Seu vídeo é muito agradável e passa um sentimento aconchegante ❤
Obrigado por gostar do meu vídeo! ❤
Hola JIIF!! Me alegro de 👀 un nuevo video 🥰 te deseo todo lo mejor para el nuevo año ❤🇪🇦
¡Gracias por ver mi vídeo! Nos vemos de nuevo en el nuevo año :) ❤
오늘도 잘보고 갑니댜!!!
올해도 고생하셨습니다!
추운날씨 건강 조심하세요
내년에 또 봐요!!
근대 지이프님 계란말이 뜨거웠을텐데 랩 안녹았으면 다행입니댜 😂
랩이 녹지는 않았지만, 약간 흐물흐물해지긴 했었어요..하하
2024년에 제 영상 좋아해주셔서 정말로 감사드리고,
응원, 댓글 많이 해주셔서 정말로 너무 감사드렸어요 :)
2025년도 아프지 마시고, 행복한 일만 가득하길 바랄게요!
2024년 마무리 잘 하시고, 미리 해피뉴이어입니다 !
새해 즐겁게 보내세요! 내년에 더 행복해서 좋겠습니다 :) 한국어도 더 공부 해야 해요 ㅎㅎ 항상 편한 영상을 올려주셔서 감사합니다~~^^
thanks for always upload such comforting vlogs. Found your channel this year and I enjoyed all your videos ^^
한국말로 댓글을 남겨주셔서 감사드립니다!
2025년에 새해 복 많이 받으시고, 언제나 건강하세요.
Thank you for commenting in Korean!
Happy New Year 2025 and stay healthy always.
@JI_IF 감사합니다! 지이프님도~
I always love following your beautiful channel and your wonderful and amazing recipes. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your effort this year. Of course the next will be more beautiful so we can welcome it with happiness. I wish you the best at the beginning of the new year🤍🤍
I hope that next year will be even happier for you every day! Stay healthy and happy, too! 🤍
I just recently found your account and I really love your filming and editing style! Feels like Im spending time with a friend 😌
Thank you so much for liking my videos! I'll be your friend :)
Happy New Year from Italy
Happy New Year! Thanks for watching my videos :)
Wishing you great health, happiness, and prosperity ✨️ 🙏 ❤️ happy new year's
I hope you always stay healthy in body and mind!
يبدو الطعام لذيذاً وصحياً 😍❤️
شكرا لك على مشاهدة الفيديو الخاص بي ❤️
Merry Christmas Jiif 🎄 hope you had a lovely holiday!
Thank You for another brilliant video to end the year, love all your dishes & content ❤
Wishing you a healthy year ahead for 2025 and more subscribers 🙌 see you next year! 😊
Thank you so much for continuing to watch my videos in 2024. I will work even harder in 2025, so please look forward to it :) 😊
Te encontré y me gustó tu contenido ahora a disfrutar con tu compañía cada comida feliz año nuevo 🎉
Me alegra que te guste mi vídeo :)
¡Esperen con ansias el próximo vídeo!
Happy New Year to you too! I hope it will be a year full of joy for all of us 💞💞
Looking forward to your next videos in 2025 💞🌷
Would you recommend me to try pasta with sweet potato sauce? I'm confused 😅
Happy New Year 2025!
I personally don't recommend sweet potato cream pasta! However, if you really like sweet potatoes, it's a dish worth trying :)
@JI_IF So I don't think I'll try it 😭
Let's try other recipes I've made 🥰
우연히 알고리즘으로 들어왔는데 플랜디님 브이로그 남자버전 인줄 알았어요,,,,느좋브이로그 하나더 추가💛
좋게 봐주셔서 너무 감사드립니다 !!
2025년에 새로운 브이로그로 돌아오겠습니다....ㅎㅎ
Happy new year 🥳
Happy new year too 🥳
Wonder video I love how you made different foods with sweet potatoes 😊my wish is to grow more as soul to shine brighter instead of getting lost in my pain or hurt ❤
I hope the wish you mentioned comes true. I think the wish you shouted is something that everyone wants to be. I hope that 2025 will be a year in which you are healthy in body and mind. ❤
@ thank you so much 😊 I hope you get your wishes too and more 😊💜
Happy New Year 2025 may it bring you lots of joy, health and love and everything you desire😊
I wish you happiness in 2025. I hope it will always be a year filled with health and happiness! It's still early, but Happy New Year. 😊
thank you for another healing video andwell wishes, my plans for the new year are to be more present and positive in my daily life- thanks and happy new year ! x
I also tend to value the present rather than the future. So my goal is also to live well in the present too~!
Happy New Year wishes
Happy new year too
형 새해 복 많이 받아요!!!나이 한 살 추가 갑니다..!!!~~~~~~🎉🎉
그것만은 절대 안돼~~~~ 추가취소......
2024년 올해 저 응원 많이 해주셔서 고마워요!
내년에는 한 살 먹고 만나기로...! 미리 해피뉴이어 🎉
@@JI_IF 🙇🏻♂️
Que lindo volver a verte con otro hermoso vlog, realmente disfruté mucho de tu vídeo hoy también y aprecio mucho todo tu arduo trabajo y esfuerzo a cada vídeo, espero que estés muy bien y espero que hayas tenido una feliz navidad, que tengas una hermosa noche y un hermoso fin de semana cuidate mucho y mantente siempre saludable,no olvides mantenerte siempre hidratado y cuídate mucho del clima frío,ten cuidado de no resfriarte, te deseo lo mejor y que siempre seas muy feliz mucho ánimo ❤️🤗 gracias por siempre trabajar muy duro y alegrarme mis días,me transmiten mucha tranquilidad y relajación tus videos, continuaré apoyándote siempre ❤
¡Muchas gracias por siempre dar me gusta a mis videos! Sé feliz y saludable en 2025 :)
@JI_IF muchísimas gracias igualmente para ti también ❤
Oh WOW Makgeolli ice cream!!! That is a must try since I just bought some for the New Year along with some Sake. Let me know if you have made Sake ice cream or if that would not be a good combination. 🤔 Love that you're featuring ice cream desserts.😃 I agree that cooking for yourself is healing and healthier, but I do cave sometimes when I'm tired and pick up something quick. My hope for 2025 is to just be a better version of me, a better person overall so that I can be an encouragement to others.
I don't know because I haven't tried making ice cream with sake... but makgeolli has some sweetness in it, so it tastes really good when made into ice cream. But sake doesn't have any sweetness, so it might be better to add some sugar.
And, just like you wished, you will be a better person in 2025! I'm sure :)
@JI_IF Thank you for the suggestion and kind words. Hope your wishes for 2025 come true as well!☺️
Last vlog of the year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025. Wish you joy, happiness, peace, and health.
Thank you for coming to see my last vlog of the year. I hope 2025 will be a happy year for you too!
@JI_IF My pleasure and thank you
고구마 크로아상 아이디어가 마음에 들었어요🥐
간단하게 만들고, 먹기 좋은 간식이에요! 꼭 시도 해 보세요 :)
@@JI_IF 그럼 성공하길 바라💛
Hi have a nice day and merry Christmas 🎁❤ good luck for you
Did you have a nice Christmas? I hope you were happy!
my happiness time when I see your vlog ☕
Thank you so much for liking my vlog!
🙏💕A calm and relaxing channel. I enjoy watching your videos during my relaxation time. Thank you for this wonderful and unique content
Thank you so much for watching my video :)
25:53 أرز الكيمتشي المقلي أوف الشكل يشهي 😋
Мне очень нравится Ваш канал. Спасибо! Буду ждать видео в новом году😊.
С новым 2025 годом! Будьте здоровы, счастливы, успешны! Желаю исполнения Ваших желаний! 🌲⛄❄
Надеюсь, ваши желания сбудутся в 2025 году!
Будьте счастливы и всегда здоровы :)
Счастливого Нового Года и увидимся в следующем году!)))
с Новым Годом !
Everything looked so delicious. I will say the sweet potato pasta kind of set me aback. Hope you have a fun New Year and a prosperous, healthy, and enjoyable 2025
The sweet potato pasta even embarrassed my mouth. However, it was a filling meal :)
@@JI_IF 😂
I hope you have a great new year and continue to grow your channel!! I'll keep supporting you for years to come :)) I wish you good health!
Thank you so much for supporting me :)
Ev yemekleri kesinlikle en iyisi özellikle seninkiler lezizz görünüyor😋türkiyeden sevgiler🇹🇷❤
Yaptığım yemeği beğendiğiniz için teşekkür ederim! Videomu izlediğiniz için çok teşekkür ederim :) ❤
Happy new year, we will wait for you and your new videos ! Its very interesting!Meet you
Thank you for watching my videos! See you in 2025 with a new vlog :)
Привет! Вот осталось считаное время до нового года. В 2024 год я стараюсь смотреть ваш спокойный и расслабляюший канал. Спасибо что поделились своими впечатлениями от выставок и путешествий , очень интересно было смотреть. Лесно было услышать,что в Южной Корее так много частичек Франции.😊🇫🇷 и наша еда французские гренки, круассаны на восточный лад . Очень хорошая идея приготовления из сладкого картофеля. А так как круассан это символ Франции 🥐 то обязательно повторю.😊 Яичный рулет получается превосходно. Якак раз хотела научиться готовить такую вкусняшкуи порадовать своего братишку который живет в Японии 😊🇯🇵. Поздравляю с наступающим новым 2025 годом🐍🎄 желаю здоровья. 🍷Новых открытий для себя в искусстве, путешествий , кулинарии,но надеюсь вы поделитесь информацией с нами которые вас смотрят😊А самое главное мирного неба над головой в этом не спокойном мире. У видимся в следующий году в феврале.уменя отпуск ✈️🏝️с уважением Мила.🇫🇷
Самое главное - голубое небо мира. Это очень хорошая фраза. Я получил большое утешение :)
Я надеюсь, что 2025 год будет наполнен счастливыми, здоровыми и приятными днями!
18:20 “For me home-cooked meals are like a gift to myself for working hard today.” That’s exactly the way I feel and delicious, healthy cooking is also calming and inviting to the comfy home feeling. For 2025 I wish for my mom to be healthy.
I hope that the wish you mentioned at the end will come true. Thank you for watching my video :)
8:32 يمكنك وضع قطع من الفحم في الثلاجة أو الفريزر لامتصاص الروائح غير المرغوب فيها. فقط تأكد من تغيير الفحم بانتظام للحفاظ على فعاليته.
آمل أن تكون هذه المعلومة، مفيدة لك.
إذا أتيحت لي الفرصة سأشتري الفحم :)
شكرا لتبين لنا الطريقة الجديدة!
@JI_IF العفو
오 아이스크림 직접 만들어먹으시다니 신기하네요.. 고구마 피자 좋아하는편이라 고구마 파스타 맛이 넘 궁금합니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
고구마 피자와 비슷한 맛이 되려면, 일반 크림파스타에 고구마크림을 얹어 드시는 걸 추천드립니다..!! 제가 만든 파스타는 약간 디저트에 가까운 맛이었어요..ㅎㅎ
O meu desejo pra 2025 é conseguir um emprego, ter muita saúde e ver as pessoas que amo felizes e bem! 😊
Espero que todos os seus desejos se tornem realidade em 2025. E além disso, espero que você esteja saudável e feliz também!
어서오세요, 우리 아름다운 셰프님 새로운 영상이 나와서 기대가 컸고, 영상을 볼 때마다 열정이 더해졌습니다 제 개인적 소견으로는 항상 건강하세요 ☺🫂❤🔥🥰(✿❛◡❛)
제 새로운 영상을 기다려주시고, 보러 와주셔서 감사드려요 :)
언제나 건강하시고, 2025년도 행복하세요 !
❤❤❤❤Merry Christmas Happy New Year 💖💛💛
It's early, but Happy New Year! I hope you have a great year filled with good things :) 💛
돌아오신 것을 환영합니다 우리 잘생긴 셰프님 영상을 다 봤는데 우울한 상태였는데 영상을 보니 마음이 조금 달라졌어요 진심으로 감사드립니다🫂🥺(っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ🇮🇶🇰🇷🫂💓
우울한 마음을 제 영상으로 달랠 수 있다면, 정말 영광이에요 :)
2024년에 저를 응원해주셔서 정말 감사드립니다 ㅎㅎ!
@@JI_IF 용서하세요, 항상 건강하세요. 우리는 평생 당신을 격려할 것입니다🩵🩷🫂❤🔥
.재미있게 시청했습니다, 감사합니다.
제 영상을 시청해주셔서 감사드립니다 :)
I recently subscribed to your channel, but I really liked your content 🎉
You've recently found me? I'm so glad to meet you! ✨
@JI_IF Yes, thanks. I set aside time every day to watch your videos before I go to sleep, to feel the choice and comfort.
Ola sou nova no seu canal amei o video ,sou do Rio de Janeiro Brasil 🇧🇷💋❤️
É a primeira vez que você assiste meu vídeo? Muito obrigado! Aguardem meus vídeos em 2025 :)
5:16 휴대폰으로 핫스팟 노트북이랑 연결해서 키시면 간단한 인터넷정도는 잘되실거게여!!
노트북은 핫스팟으로 계속 사용하다가, 핸드폰에 와이파이가 필요해져서 집으로 돌아왔어요 🥺 와이파이 잘 생각해서 카페 가야겠어요 ㅠㅠ!
Just found your videos thanks for sharing i love to watch you cook you mention a store what kind do you have? I live in California usa you have a beautiful house i look forward to watching many more if your videos. your pork looked so good i dont know if i like curry i have never tried it
Thank you for liking my videos! I work in the food service industry :)
You deserve more subscribers, all of the food looks delicious 🥲
Thank you for watching my video!
hi JIIF tabti belated Merry Christmas wishes I can give you a suggestion I tried and they come out well instead of frying them in the air fryer you bread them like this and spray them with a little oil and cook them for 20 minutes at 200 gr in the fryer you have to check them but they come out good and there are no smells in the house 😊 try then let me know
Thanks for the great suggestion! I'll try that recipe next time I get a chance!
it's a bit of an alternative Christmas my husband had an operation on his hand they reconstructed his bones and ligaments and did plastic surgery but he was at home with me at Christmas I had to help with everything but he was at home and that's what matters let's say a special but peaceful Christmas I hope you had a nice Christmas 🎄 take care of yourself see you soon
@WinterB-h7f I wish that 2025 brings you everything you desire, a hug, thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤Thank you 😊
Tatlıya hiç hayır diyemiyorum. Türk mutfağı tatlı konusunda çok çeşit var. Türk tatlılarını denemenizi öneririm. Happy Christmas. 🎄🎉🎁
Lütfen Türk tatlılarını tavsiye edin! Hangisini yapmak daha kolay olur?
@@JI_IF Türk restoranların ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Benim en sevdiğim tatlı Muhallebi Sütlaç , Kazandibi ,Aşure, lokum.
En pratik Sütlaç ve Muhallebi.
Muhallebi Recipe
Sütlaç Recipes
Увидимся в Новом году🎉🎉🎉🎉
Пожалуйста, приходите посмотреть мое видео в следующем году! Спасибо :)
Hi Ich komme aus Deutschland und ich finde selbstgemachtes Essen viel besser als sich liefern lassen😊😊😊
Ich stimme Ihnen zu. Aus diesem Grund esse ich nicht so oft geliefertes Essen.
hai mas ganteng, aku merindukan mu, penyembuhan ku akhirnya muncul, tepat disaat aku sedang lelah, aku suka akhirnya kamu diet sedikit, aku harap mas ganteng sehat selalu, dan selamat natal mas ganteng ❤❤❤
Terima kasih telah menyukai video saya! Tetap sehat selalu, dan meski masih dini, saya ucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2025! ❤
أرجوا أن تتحدث اثناء الفيديو اتابعك من فلسطين 🌹
شكرا لك على إعجابك بفيديوهاتي!
إذا أتيحت لي فرصة التحدث كثيرًا، سأبذل قصارى جهدي للتحدث في الفيديو :)
네 나이가 궁금해졌어😂😂🤝
@@JI_IF 😭😭😭😭
في العام الجديد أرغب بالزواج وتكوين عائلة سعيدة❤
أتمنى أن تتحقق أمنياتك في العام الجديد!
안녕하세요 :)
@ Happy New Year
How are you single hero😅😅😅
Hello! Thank you for watching my video :)
형 안녕하세요