My Designer Bags Need More Attention 🫢 Bags I've Been Carrying

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 46

  • @CalebSnell
    @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +10

    Who else is trying to enjoy their collections more? It was fun trying out something new each day! 🎉

  • @ZaneAnderson1
    @ZaneAnderson1 Месяц назад +8

    You better carry these bags more 😂 but good job switching everyday 😊

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      I know, right?! There are so many to choose from!

  • @laurasimmons6599
    @laurasimmons6599 Месяц назад +3

    Caleb, you inspired me! I found a Ricky 33 and an 18 on TRR and I got them in today. I’m in love…thank you!

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      That's fabulous, Laura! You'll love the 33, it's seriously one of my favorite bags. I haven't had a chance to try the 18 out yet, but it's on my wishlist. You'll have to let me know how that one works out for you!

  • @demeraa
    @demeraa Месяц назад

    Since Summer I’ve been using an app to track my bag usage. It helps to see all of them (since mine are all in dust bags) and then arrange from least to most used or by recent use. I switch my bags almost daily to prevent bag guilt. I’ve sold off a lot of them that I never reached for. Happy Birthday!

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      I'm so happy you're finding a system that works for you, I think that's a great idea! And thank you for the Birthday wishes!

  • @luxpetite
    @luxpetite Месяц назад

    I love seeing how you switched things up! Fabulous outfits. We need to take our H bags out soon! 🥰

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      Thank you! And yes, we absolutely need to do that!

  • @jjjlove1000
    @jjjlove1000 Месяц назад

    loved loved your lyndi loved it

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  20 дней назад

      Thank you! It's a great bag!

  • @emilybrumbelow77
    @emilybrumbelow77 Месяц назад +1

    Great choices for your week off! I’m picturing a chic, all black outfit with that Givenchy. That would really let that bag be the star of the show! I, too, struggle with bag guilt. I have more bags than I can even try to count, and literally nowhere to go. It’s overwhelming because I really do want to carry them and style them with outfits, but because I’m an artist and stay at home mom, where do I really go? Hellllooooo, Target, Walmart, and Costco! 😂

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you, Emily! I agree- I'm seeing something all black and chic. Haha and aside from the office, I'm guilty of dressing up for a Target run just to show off a new bag! 🤣

  • @katjabarke1857
    @katjabarke1857 Месяц назад

    Hallo Caleb !
    Danke das du deine tollen Taschen gezeigt hast. Ich freue mich schon auf ein weiteres Video von dir. Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland von Katja ❤😂

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      Hallo Katja! Ich freue mich, dass dir das Video gefallen hat! Es hat mir großen Spaß gemacht, diese Taschen aus dem Schrank zu holen. Ich hoffe, Sie haben eine tolle Woche!

  • @beckylou89
    @beckylou89 Месяц назад

    I absolutely need to try to do this with mine! I think I'm creeping back up to bag overwhelm again (read bought way too many bags this half year) so I need to challenge myself to use them and see what I genuinely love! Great video as always! 😊

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      Haha, I hear you- I've bought way more than I intended too this year, and my closet is officially full again. I'm also working on figuring out what I truly want to keep- it's a process, that's for sure!

  • @danielintheantipodes6741
    @danielintheantipodes6741 Месяц назад

    Lovely bags. Thank you for the video!

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      You're welcome! It was fun to show them off.

  • @car5522
    @car5522 Месяц назад

    I feel like that black bag at the end would go pretty well with any deep jewel tones. I think dark denim/deep greens, blues, maroons/reds, would all go well.

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      I'm with you, that bag would be so good with jewel tones! I'm picturing it with a deep green outfit.

  • @aprilshouseofflair
    @aprilshouseofflair Месяц назад

    I have a few bags on the bubble and all of a sudden I started carrying them again. Some stayed on the bubble but others are now staying in my collection. I like shopping my closet right now. I will always swoon over your green B 💚 sounds like a fun & fab birthday 🎉

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      That's the best way to go, shopping your closet is always a good move! I've been having fun falling back in love with my Fendi pieces this week. And thank you- I still get excited whenever I take B out of the closet.

  • @kaylheecarroll3186
    @kaylheecarroll3186 Месяц назад

    You have beautiful handbags 👜 😊❤

  • @blingybacon
    @blingybacon Месяц назад

    What a great bag week! Wear the Sacca with an all black outfit and a béret. 🖤

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      That's a great outfit combo!

  • @Smilingcats_couture
    @Smilingcats_couture Месяц назад

    Wow Caleb, it’s been fun watching your handbag collection evolve! Definitely bags that would stay in your collection long term. I like that idea of the sweater with leather pants, gotta get edgy once in a while to spice things up 😍

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      I agree, they’re definitely some keepers! I love a little edgy, it’s fun to switch things up.

  • @krisabbott6784
    @krisabbott6784 Месяц назад

    Caleb. I know what you mean. So many bags to little time to carry them. Happy belated birthday.

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      Thank you so much, Kris! As bag collectors, I wish we had more time to enjoy every thing!

  • @karenyates6797
    @karenyates6797 Месяц назад

    Hi Caleb! I love seeing your bags this week but I'm groovin' on that H scarf. Can you verify that it's the 45 cm one, as I'd like to purchase a similar one ($250 price).?? Your whole look is elevated with an Hermes scarf, for sure!!! Glad you had such a great Birthday month as well. Zane's music selections are always spot on!!!😮

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  20 дней назад

      Hi Karen! Thank you!! And yes, it's the 45 cm, and I love how easy this format is to style. Sometimes the 90cm feel too big, but 45 is perfect. And I'll let Zane know you enjoyed the music!

  • @NancyKarnas
    @NancyKarnas Месяц назад

    I totally understand! I’m still trying to understand how I find bags I haven’t carried in my collection each week. I’ve tried to pivot to buying other accessories but the bags still call me those sirens 🧜👜👝😂

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      Those darn, Sirens! They get me each and every time! Just when I say "no more bags..." guess what, I get a new bag. 🤦‍♂️

  • @b.abouttowwn
    @b.abouttowwn Месяц назад

    Caleb!!! Are you a fellow Scorpio, sir? I completely agree. I have recently made an effort to wear bags I haven’t in a minute because I bought them for a reason!

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад +1

      Haha I am!! Scorpios unite! And exactly- we fell in love with the bags for a reason- so we should definitely carry them!

  • @Verihaustel
    @Verihaustel Месяц назад

    The sacca bag belongs to me. Thats the only inspo i can give you. LOL jk i think mixing black and brown would totally be a vibe.

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      Haha, you're right, that's a perfect vibe! And if I ever decide to part with the Sacca, it has your name on it!

  • @gkr7019
    @gkr7019 Месяц назад

    Why you like to say don't judge me?
    By the way great collection of bags❤

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      Oh just being silly! And thank you!

  • @pankunikarn8947
    @pankunikarn8947 Месяц назад

    What about your gaybear bag? 😂

    • @CalebSnell
      @CalebSnell  Месяц назад

      Hahaha! The Guibert? 😆 I had carried that one for a week or so already, but I'll be switching back into it soon!