Jelusick "Chaos Master" [Official Video]
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Music and Lyrics : Dino Jelusick
Arrangement: Keller/Jelusick/Broderick/Lepoglavec
Mixed and Mastered by Simon Jovanović
Dino Jelusick - Vocals, Keyboards
Keller - Guitars
Broderick - Bass
Mario Lepoglavec - Drums
Released by:
Escape Music Ltd.
Deko Entertainment (USA & Canada)
Aquarius Records (Croatia & ex YU)
Ward (Japan)
DARPRO.TV Video Production
Directed by: Dario Lepoglavec
Filmed and Edited: Dario Lepoglavec
Asistaint: Stjepan Dolenec
Focus puller: Ivan Jajčević
Light: MarMa Light
Studio: Hangar Studio
Thumbnail photo: Matea Marušić
Pulling over at the station of the weak
Godforsaken, turning my other cheek
They tried to write me off the page
to erase and rearrange
But I crossed the line of floor
And I found the secret door
I’m not here anymore
Bury me, this time it won’t be loud
Bury this heart of stone, have no doubt
Bury me and don’t ask about the key
Just look into my eyes and you'll see
Chaos master is me
Don't ask me why
And how I got to this stage
If I could go back in time
I'd change my fucking date and age
Now leave some space, right next to my name
Into new tomorrow, into the grave.
Brothers and sisters of metal we are in the presence of a legend
This band is excellent best vocals I've heard in the past 20 years
yep, Dino is one of the most amazing vocalists I've heard in decades! Plus, he's a musical genius in every way!@@davidperry3429
Pleeeaaase! His climb (not a typo) to fame is because he sounds like other singers. Nothing here is out of the ordinary vocally...Nothing. I like him and support him but he's no legend yet.
Dino is like an amalgamation of Dio, Jorn Lande, David Coverdale & Russel Allen. In other words, one of the best!
You could even add Ray Gillen's name to the list as well.
So true 🔥🔥
You nailed it!
Agree 1000000 %
Selamat untuk dino & jelusick untuk lagu baru nya, kami "chaos masters indonesia" akan selalu mendukung.
Zadnju godinu naletim na Dinove suradnje sa vrhunskim velikanima ove glazbe i mislim si samo da okupi oko sebe dobre muzičare i sa svim njegovim talentom napravit će Kaos 😊
Onda počnem otkrivati jedan po jedan singl...i mozak puca koliko je glazba dobra.
Ono što je najbitnije radi se o vrlooo zrelom bendu, odnosno sa svim svojim punopravnim i zaslužnim članovima...dakle kad slušam i čujem sve insteumente na tako visokom nivou, onda sam razgaljen od zadovoljstva. Znači cijeli band je fantastičan!
Potom čaprkam da otkrijem koga je Dino doveo u svoj bend da zamjeni Portnoy -a i društvo...očekivao sam dečke iz cijeloga svijeta i sl. Ne malo sam se iznenadio da ste svi iz Hrvatske!!!
Znači srce mi je puno da danas imamo jedan od najboljih bandova današnjice...oduševljen sam da mogu ovakav band pratiti u vašem razvoju, kupili ste me na prvu a moram reći da ovakav tip glazbe živim od kraja 80tih i vrlo sam kritičan tip.
Hvala vam i deriiiiii dalje u istom ritmu 👏🤟
Jako dobar osvrt! Dino je rock vokal br.1 u svijetu -uopće nema dvojbe ( ima još nekoliko jako dobrih mladih npr.Lande, ali Dino je iznad svih ) a posebno me oduševljava njegova fantastična produkcija, vrlo inteligentan odabir pjesama, aranžmani su top of the top a i kao instrumentalist je nevjerojatan. Već danas nema baš kvalitetnog super muzičara u svijetu koji nije čuo za njega a s puno njih je već i uradio fenomenalne snimke. S Portnoyem -pogledati "Jane"! A koga Michel Romeo ( jedan od najbooljih gitarista svijeta) angažira da mu odradi vocale na albumu,taj zna da je nešto posebno. Posebno sam iznenađen koliko je Keller dobar gitarist. Fenomenalan "feeling",tehnika, mjera -uživam u zvuku i njegovoj svirci. Ritam sekciju ne poznajem - zvuče jako dobro,sjajno se izgledom ukapaju u band i siguran sam 99% : Jelisick band će biti prvi band iz Hrvatske za koji će znati cijela rock zajednica svijeta i koji će širom svijeta puniti velike dvorane i stadione.! Neka im Bog da zdravlja- sve ostalo imaju!
dino je genie, ima super muzicare oko sebe, ne moze bolje..........extraterrestre!!!!!!!!!@@Vanidar50
Slažem se u potpunosti!
Bubanj mi je sjajan također, ali nema potrebe izdvajati nikoga, band su od glave do pete i pršte talentom te zrelošću...kako si opisao od produkcije, aranžmana sve...
Uhh Jane je vrh, takve stvari su praznik za uši! Mislim da sam pregledao više manje sve njegove uratke sa velikanima i to su izvedbe za povjest!
Veselim se albumu i mogu reći da sam takvog stila glazbe bio samo na dva koncerta u životu i to oba Metallice...nije mi bilo "potrebno" išta drugo ići vidjeti iako volim još bandova...jer mi je ovo bio vrh...ali se veselim njihovom nekom budućem koncertu...kako su ponmo krenuli sa karijerom...neće biti čudno da počnu puniti stadione ako tako nastave!
Imao sam sreću da sam kao klinac od 1970-1976 živio u Frankfurtu blizu Festhalle gdje su nastupali svi najbolji svijeta ( ima 10 000 -15 000 kapaciteta) i mislim da nema banda ovakvog i slično žanra da nisam vidio uživo i to neke i nekoliko puta. Na primjer ,vidio sam prvi koncert Deep Purpla uopće u novoj postavi s Coverdaleom i Hughesom negdje ,mislim 1973g i stvarno su to bila vremena gdje su izvođači još virtuozno i znalački vladali svojim instrumentima ....Već kod Michael Jacksona ,oko 1980g.nitko nije bio siguran što ide live a što PC matrica i ostalog. Odavno sam prestao ,osim tu i tamo,više čak i slušati "muziku s kojom sam odrastao i koju i danas volim"a kamoli da bi išao gubiti vrijeme na koncerte i tu nepotrebnu buku i "ajmo ruke gore". Metallica je razvikan band, dobri muzičari (gitarist je solidan) no meni nedovoljno da me zaintegrira. Ako već moram nekog navesti koga bih išao pogledati live osim Jelusick banda to je Dream Theater... Dino je "spas" da na kraju svojeg života ponovno osjetim onu silnu energiju, silinu i meni najvažnije, nevjerojatnu kvalitetu muziciranja. Nagađam, ali sam skoro siguran da Dino svira i klavijature i bas bolje od 90% od onih s kojima svira. A posebno me raduje da evidentno ima i fantastičan dar komponiranja, pisanja aranžmana, produkciju, merchandising itdd. Da ne duljim, : rijetko se ovakav rodi i osim zdravlja, ništa ne može takvu klasu spriječiti da postane prvi Hrvat kojeg će znati i cijeniti cijeli svijet..LP! i sve naj! @@kinanzop
@@Vanidar50 sjajna iskustva imaš!
U pravu si, danas se puno toga proizvodi na pc-u a ne instrumentima ili pravim pjevanjem. Ja sam odrastao u Zagrebu na dobroj glazbi i uvjek sam cjenio kvalitetu koji god žanr bio. Danas u Hr.velika većina mladeži sluša najjadniji oblik cajki, bez glasa, instrumenata i sa tekstom koji te oglupljuje instantno...bitno je da se zabavljaš i da sve promatraš na površnom nivou, to je današnji žalost.
Zato Dino odskače globalno na najače. Školovani je muzičar, vrhunski svira klavijature, pogledaj spot Reign of Voltures. Inače svira i bas i klasičnu gitaru. Aranžmani i produkcija i posanje pjesama također uz njega dosta odrađuje i bubnjar Mario Lepoglavec koji je i neke od ovih dream team suradnji Portoy i ekipa on montirao i sl. Ma dečki su sjajni , nek ostanu prizemljeni i ne mogu ne uspjeti, jer se vidi velika razlika od današnje scene..
Čitam i smijem se kako si spomenuo Metallicu i Dream Theatar.
Ja sam odrastao na Metallici dok su bili svoji...stari albumi su savršeni. Black album odličan u komercijalnim vodama.. dalje sve nema smisla kao i zadnji album koji je nedavno izašao i ja ga poslušao i nemam potrebu ga više slušati.
Već godinama mi je Dream Theatar najdraži band i uz njih volim Buckedheada i te koncerte bi rado posjetio uz Jelusicka.
Wowwwwww....what a voice, what a powerful performance...what a metamorphosis from that little boy singing at the European Song Contest for Croatia to one of the best metal singer of the world! What do i the best🤘🤘🤘🤘❤
Keren parah... " suara pantastik.. " semua orang menyukai lagu dan suara ini..."
Im 62 and had lost hope in great music. But now i feel there is hope.
I'm 57....hope dies last.... Dino is the best... ❤️💥
Baladewa,baladewi & baladino...sini kumpul kita ramein album perdana jelusick ✌️✌️
the voice of this young man is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!
Yes, Dino Jelusick certainly is an incredible vocalist & musician! You should check out EVERYTHING he's done if you're into the same stuff as me, it'll blow your mind as it did mine!! Haven't stopped listening since the day I stumbled onto him. Thank god for YT!
Nekad sam bila u stanju kupiti plocu samo zbog jedne pesme. Sad cu kupiti ovaj album najmanje zbog pet!🫶👊💯
They've released 5 songs from the upcoming album and all 5 have been sonic perfection. This album will redefine hard rock/metal excellence.
You are the best, love you guys..
❤❤❤ From Indonesia
Could you see him open the Grammys with this one!! Holy shit! The audience wouldn’t know what hit them!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
Dino si nejlepší Krásna písnička a krásný muž. Jsem tvoje navždy fanynka ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🎤🤟🎸
Absolutely fantastic!
Dino is without a doubt the best new hardrock/metal singer there is right now.
Once in a generation voice. Absolutely stellar (again!)
Top of the top 💯that voice, thats musicians ‼️perfect 💯
Best new vocalist in the last 25 years….. hands down.
Male vocalist, yes. Female vocalist: Asami from LOVEBITES.
What's stopping you from checking out Girish and the Chronicles band from my home country India? You're welcome.
A soberly dark sound, which can be listened to again and again
Dino is the Chaos Master!! Let's hope that supertalented Dino and Keller, Broderick, Lepoglavec keep on going with giving us musical treats like this one. Love it. Thanks for the music and inspiration from the guys at @LifechangerBand🤘🤘🤘🤘
A true star dino jelusick with his beautiful sounds and great vibe I think he should be in hall of fame his music will live on brilliant song
I believe we still don’t realize what are we witnessing since these guys appeared!🔥 I hope they’re going to be around for a very long time making us heavy with their music!
Here here fellow metal lovers! 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Thank to DarPro for a gorgeous video! Thank you Jelusick for joining us for this premiere! Another incredible song. Your music fills my soul with joy. Can't wait for the album!
Cista perfekcija glasa i muzike, svaka cast na takvom talentu 🤘
Gives me hope for real music with passion
Keren bgt !!!
Sekali denger pengen denger terus..
Terima kasih Jelusick
Sudah membuat musik yang
Luar biasa
Semoga banyak yang suka
Dino bagus sekali suaranya, kapan ke Jakarta lagi ?
Love love Dino ❤❤
Dino is the greatest raw rock singer on earth.
Man, that's freakin' chaos masterful. You sure know your music theory. Great blend of heavy, and melodic with that incredible rock voice. Love that shit. You are an amazingly talented young rocker, and I love that you're bring great rock to the next generation, and your keeping my old rocker blood pumping with it. 🤘🫀😎
Baladino hadir... sukses selalu Dino.. salam dari INDONESIA semua mendukungmu.. semoga dapat projekan lagi nersama DEWA 19
Katanya nanti tahun depan..mas..
Mereka mau collab lg buat di amrik..kita doain aja biar lancar..amiin yra.
Its so good to see us all here together enjoying real metal
Definitely 1n for my collection brilliant 🔊🎶🎵🎶🎤🎸🤘🤘👏👏👏👍👍
Bloody hell, if this ain't the future of rock music I don't know what! Incredibly talented guys 🤘🔥
Keller is a awesome man on the guitar !!!!!
Great song..🔥🔥🔥 Proud of you, Dino!
Dokaz jedne nove ere. Vladavine. Na našu sreću vladavine unikatnog glasa koji je nedostajalo ovakvoj glazbenoj formi. Možda i veliki bendovi nisu svjesni koliko je naš Dino talentiran.
True Hero
Just one fucking time watching this you cant stop listening the whole album is freaking master
Just absolutely 💯 incredible loved it looking forward to the album 😊😊
Great Musik, great Lyrics. Odlično!.. 🤎
Keep rocking 🤘
I have no words,,it's very amazing,amazing voice,amazing music❤
Aarrrrghhhh..the chords...crazyyyyyy.. beautiful
Simply magnificent ✨🎶🔥
Ovo je sjajno!!! Podseca me na mešavinu Alter Bridge-a i Bodoma. Kidanje! Nisam skoro čula nešto bolje na ovim prostorima. Napokon se vraća dobra muzika! Pozdrav iz Srbije
Excellent!!!!! ❤❤❤❤
Дино, дай тебе Бог всего 🙏
I have no words. This song is an absolute masterpiece. You guys keep getting better & better with each new song/video! 💥💥🤘🏼🤘🏼
Na tragu najboljih heavy metal vokala , mjuza definitivno ispunjava dnevnu dozu endorfina 🤘
Strava koliko su dobri
Every single Bandmember is a Firework 💥💥💥
I just love that *ooouuuaaa* !!
Amazing once more 🤘
Thanx 🙏
All band members are awesome and in sync with each other; skillful as powerful as Dino’s voice.
Holy freaking crap! This just rocked me into next week!!! He has GOT to be the best voice in metal!
Oh yeah, guys!
Brother Martin!!! Ur the man!
Dino has diversity and knowlege of music. Love all his styles ❤🎉
Великолепно! Композиция - в лучших традициях "классики" hard'n'heavy
Every song you guys do just builds and builds as the song progresses. Got the new Jelusick album on pre-order. Can't wait!!
Wooohooo, insane! Good job Jelusick, amazing! 🔥
You are the best Dino Jelusick so amazing thank you
Bravo Dino ! Opasno dobra svirka. Dođi nam u goste. Pozdrav od komšija 🤘🤘🤘
It's been an honour to have witnessed this journey unfold right from the start. There is so much to absorb here that it will require multiple viewings to drink in all of the sheer artistry on display here. Great track, great musicianship, great video.
Yes lots of views. Everytime I watch it I find something else fantastic. I want to post about it but then I'd have 100 posts!
Terrific! Can't wait to get my copy of the album!
Znači, cijeli bend stvarno rastura. Od svirke, preko skladanja do naravno neopisivo moćnog vokala 🤘😎
Grizem se što neću biti u HR 12.4. da vas gledam u Tvornici, ali valjda će vas netko pametan iz Norveške pozvati da nastupite ovdje pa ću dobiti priliku
Absolutely 10/10 we will waiting you in Indonesia Dino🤘🤘🤘
Gospodar kaosa 2.0 😁
To mi je bila najdraža stvar na albumu,ali OVO! wooow
OK so we've got some grunge, some metal and some funk and it sounds totally amazing. Love the clean vocals parts in particular...not enough of that these days. This album is gonna be the best thing we've ever heard. Every track so far is blowing my f'n mind. Oh the joy !!!!!!!
Absolutely fantastic. I loved it ❤
Bok momci, pozdrav iz Kosova!
Koliko je ovaj muzičar ispred mnogih evropski izvođača to je nevjerovatno . Dino doslovno spada u neku posebnu višu klasu 🤘🎸
The sky is the limit for you guys!🔥🔥🔥
My fellow metal heads, we are experiencing the greatest vocalist in modern time. Dino is superb and will leave his mark as a legend.
Dino masters the rock voice as usual!
Amazing once again 🔥🔥🔥
If you as a lead singer think you're on Dino's level, you're wrong, no one is better than him, godlike presence
5th single of the album, another cracking tune! 🔥🔥 Can't wait to hear the rest of the album. The 29th can't come soon enough! Also LOVE the twin solo keys/ guitar! ❤🎹🎸🤘🤘🤘
wow pretty awesome love it can't wait to hear the whole album the countdown for 29th is coming ❤❤❤🤘🔥
It boggles my mind that the monster music labels aren't beating down your door. But TBH, I wouldn't sign with anyone at this point after the debacle with Frontiers. There's nothing better than having full artistic control. So happy & excited for you guys, this song is incredible in every way, I LOVE IT! 🎸💕💕🎵🎵🥁🎸⚡💥👏👏
I love everything about this! Hopefully, they can tour the USA!
I'm from Malaysia...
great and awesome arrangements...
Absolutely amazing 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Just Awesome!
Everything about this track and video is dynamite in a box! 💥🤘
Ponosni smo na tebe Dino💪
Grew up a huge Geoff Tate fan - and he was my reason to become a singer.
Step aside Geoff, there's a new King in town.
Na man, this is more like step aside Jorn lol. This guys tone is incredible. You should jam the Dirty Shirley album he made with George Lynch. That is how I first came to know of him. He also was the keyboardist and "backup" singer for the last Whitesnake tour. I assume that he was doing way way more than just the occasional backup vocals. Guessing he sang a huge part of the show and his mic is boosted in as needed.
@@lorenmorgan1931 HAHA, it's more like step aside EVERY 80's/90's rock/metal singer.
Dino can bring it without breaking a sweat!! 😊😊🤘🏼🤘🏼
@@lorenmorgan1931my entire point was for me, as a vocalist, he's better the Geoff for inspiration. And better than Geoff with his delivery. Different type of singer, but also a superior musician and songwriter - in every regard.
@@AliensWanted I get you, although Im not sure if songwriter though. Im not sure what Geoff actually did write music wise, I know he pinned most the lyrics for everything though. So that would be a hard one to say for me. Now on the other hand, as I stated above, Dino is very much on par and in the same class as Jorn Lande. If you have never heard Jorn go check him out, cause if you like this, you will love his work too. I suggest checking out Walking on Water from Jorn and Trond Holter (WigWam guitarist). \m/
Boooommmmm crazy !!! 😍😍😍😍
The whole album is a masterpiece!. Just listening on repeat
Great to see these bands carrying the torch, with a dark world full of rap and pop bands, we need the light!
Dino, amazing cut. You’re at the top of your game with this release and I can’t wait to consume it. I’ve been following you from the beginning and what a journey you’re taking us all on. So grateful for your music. Rock on forever, brother!
Super si Dino❤❤glas fenomenalan❤❤
ALTER BRIDGE and Myles Kennedy with you thats BEAUTIFULL
Thank you guys for making a song this good, good luck for the future !!
I'm so thankful this band uses clean vocals. :-)
Absolutely perfect song.
At some point over the years metal has turned into this new age recycled garbage. What ever happened to bands that had this sound? Who said it wasn't good anymore? Why did this style and sound ever change? So many questions, but I swear this is best metal band out there!! My god do I wish there were more bands like you all. Keep going forward maybe others will be inspired to be what you guys have become and this old school sound can make a return. Absolutely awesome 👏 ❤
Keller is a awesome guitarist!
I have been around forever, and this is bringing me back to the first time i heard Dio's Holy Diver and thought this is the greatest album ever. Dino is just awesome.
Powerful track! clean production. Chunky guitar tone! Killer vocals, as expected from Dino! 🤘🏼🐺🤘🏼
Another MASTERPIECE🤘🏼💖🤘🏼
Great vocal Dino, Regards BALADINO 🤘🤘🤘
Killer song! I hope I will see you live some day.
The New David Coverdale.. Excelent!!!!!!