The Need For Validation: Why I Feel Empty

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @Thingy-s9u
    @Thingy-s9u 2 дня назад +2

    Hey man. Ima be fully honest, the things people say to help may not feel helpful, but know that we all care. This is the first time ive seen your content and ive already subbed and liked. By no means am i saying that ive been in your shoes or that these things will work for you, cus im not you, but i hope i can be of help in one way or another even if its just that im another soul in the big world that checked on you.
    Throughout my life ive always based who i am on what people told me i was, based on the validation and feedback id recieve. This also led to me disregarding any positive comments bc i felt like they were telling me what i wanted to hear. I spiraled really bad in middle school and was pulled for things i dont really wanna put here regarding my mental health, but what i found helped was trying to take the feedback/validation in the most positive way possible. Basically, even if its feedback telling you what you did "wrong", take it as "hey, you did great HOWEVER this is something you could IMPROVE".
    This mindset is by no means an easy thing to achieve, it took me several months to be able to look in a mirror and not trash myself and walk away feeling okay with who i am. None of us are perfect, and we all deserve validation- even the feelings and thoughts you have are valid, no matter how silly they may seem. Whether its crying over a broken pencil or panicking because of 1 social interaction, those feelings ARE valid. Whats important is learning to validate yourself so that you dont feel empty when others arent there to do it for you. Again, its not an easy task, but just like everything, it comes with time and dedication.
    I am truly sorry that you are feeling this way, mental health is no joke and it can really impact all parts of life. I may be a stranger on the internet, but im here for you. Im by no means a licensed therapist and if anything i struggle with social interactions a lot due to anxiety and autism as well as past experiences, but i will do whatever i can to offer support, validation, and hopefully insight/help. I believe in you man, you got this 👍
    Edit: just read through the comments here. You truly have a great community here, and as long as you can find joy in this, I look forward to seeing all of the content and progress you make. Big thanks and applause to all those who commented here, everyone is amazing 🫶

    • @ForwardFacingManny
      @ForwardFacingManny  2 дня назад +1

      Thank you so much it really means a lot I'll try to be open to advice and I'm really glad that this video or "message" I put into the giant space that is youtube reached a kind person like yourself :)

    • @Thingy-s9u
      @Thingy-s9u 2 дня назад

      @ForwardFacingManny im glad I came across your video. Just like some of the others said, I'm here if you wanna talk. Being open is something I struggle with too, and I commend you on taking that initial step by posting your video. I really do hope things get better, and I'm here for you all the way :)

  • @Diamondsigmaspaceb
    @Diamondsigmaspaceb 2 дня назад +1

    I’m just in middle school, but I feel like my future will be like this too. Thank you for this video, it’s cool to see others that have a similar problem. I feel like sometimes I have to put on a different personality depending on who I’m talking to and I have to strategize an interesting topic or funny joke, and when there isn’t one, I avoid talking. I want to stop doing this because it’s starting to become more prevalent, but I don’t know how other than praying to God and trying to find a way through the Word. Thank you for this video, 🙏
    I know that you said that words like these don’t really help and don’t give any worth, but I hope you find a way to get rid of these feelings of confusion and nothingness that you have been going through. I think uploading this and finding other people with the same problem is a perfect way to start.

    • @ForwardFacingManny
      @ForwardFacingManny  2 дня назад

      You're a very wise middle schooler thank you for the comment I'll keep trying and I hope you do the same bro

  • @slot0000
    @slot0000 5 дней назад +4

    Well, I think you laid out all the puzzle pieces. You base your happiness and self worth on external things out of your control like validation of other people or your idea of success that is being rich, special and admired which is an idea of success many of us are given at a young age but it's superficial and unrealistic.
    It separates you from normal people and feeds your ego so it hurts when the realization hits. If you want fulfillment you have to be able to look at yourself and be proud of the person you are, not proud of things like validation or money but your virtues, character, discipline, passion, skills or knowledge.
    As soon as you place your well being on things out of your control life can start to feel hopeless and you will lack motivation. You'll only feel good when things happen your way, but that's not guaranteed at all.

    • @ForwardFacingManny
      @ForwardFacingManny  5 дней назад

      I know that you're right but I'm not sure how I can go from knowing I should feel a certain way to actually feeling that way

    • @slot0000
      @slot0000 5 дней назад +1

      @@ForwardFacingManny Of course, it will take lots of time to reinforce these things, but little by little with enough time you'll notice changes for the better. Instead of focusing on large and abstract ideas of huge success, focus on smaller goals and activities you can do now and set realistic espectations.

  • @Metamine0
    @Metamine0 2 дня назад

    Damn, it's like looking in a mirror, minus certain small details. I definitely get what you mean, especially regarding that feeling of futility regarding talking to people about it. I think we ended up dismissing our own opinions and relying on others to define us so much that we don't even know where to begin to start filling up the emptiness we have. What's helped me a little bit is moving out and living on my own, because it's forced me to confront that hollowness within. Even though I still don't have an answer, I at least feel like now I know where to start looking, and I hope you can find that kinda path too.

    • @ForwardFacingManny
      @ForwardFacingManny  2 дня назад +1

      I'm glad you have been able to find the beginnings of your path and I hope I'll be able to do the same

  • @reloss
    @reloss 2 дня назад +2

    God bless yall

  • @ace_lz
    @ace_lz 2 дня назад

    imma be clear withu dawg, i was in a similar place mentally not too long ago and i tried to commit, so like im not hinting at anything, but i'd be lying if i said my life improved because i failed

  • @MGamer_GGs
    @MGamer_GGs 2 дня назад

    relatable af

  • @edsonrodrigues8140
    @edsonrodrigues8140 5 дней назад

    😁 Te amo , mano

  • @ToyotaCamry-lz8mp
    @ToyotaCamry-lz8mp 5 дней назад +1

    habibi after 3pm tomorrow I will be free let us game into the night and discuss😘

  • @Iserpesnod
    @Iserpesnod 2 дня назад

    Hey, I'll address the "attention seeking" part of content creation, because for the most part I think you're asking questions that don't have a generalized answer, which is a great way to self reflect btw and kudos to you, it's just that I don't think anyone on the internet is going to give you the answers you seek, but you probably know that already.
    I'd say something like "have you tried therapy?", but I also get how pretentious it can sound from a random person and I also get that I wouldn't be able to convince you that it's even an option even if I tried to when you potentially don't want to do it yourself, and if nobody in your close circle is talking about it with you.
    Sooo onto the whole youtube thing and feeling bad about yourself: it's like a modern disease, and I don't believe you're to blame for looking at statistics and being completely discouraged from low "numbers", I assure you that creators posting their work want their work to be seen and most of them either wouldn't be making anything at all, or they would make something entirely different if they didn't want their projects to be seen - trust me on that one. Editing for hours on end only for the video to do badly is discouraging - hating yourself over that shows deeper issues, because it's nothing to hold against oneself, we all want our work to be acknowledged in some kind of way - when we publicize it then we want it to be welcomed warmly, when we do something for somebody close to us we also want for it to be (to some extent) seen and appreciated, it's human nature. If you don't feel any joy from making and publishing videos then that's where you need to start to think about whether you shouldn't be doing something else instead - but as long as interactions and comments can give you the satisfaction and some amount of joy then that's an absolutely great start man, you have something to hold onto here already. Content can change, so can the amount of happiness we get from doing something: all of this isn't constant, it's dynamic: just like life itself. Personal life is a huge contributor to receiving positive emotions from hobbies (like content creation and gaming), but again, I'm not trying to take away your personal space, that's all reserved for you and your close ones.
    I wish you all of the best and if you need to talk I'm here, just reach out to me anytime (either comments here or links in my description). Just remember that I'm a complete rando and won't give real solutions: nobody on the internet will, and that's fine too, that privelage belongs mostly to you and maybe to people around you, if you decide to open up to them more

    • @ForwardFacingManny
      @ForwardFacingManny  2 дня назад +1

      Comments like yours are what make me happy. I care about views, but it's less about the numbers and more about the interactions that those numbers bring about. I'm happy you took the time to write this out, and I won't forget it. In regards to seeking professional help, I have in the past and even touched on it in the original script for this video but even in that setting I still felt like I was just saying what I needed to say to check boxes and make them like me. I left that part out of the video because, as I said I'm not always confident in sharing personal things but I'm working on opening up more in my own life and on this channel, so, hopefully, things will get better :)

    • @Iserpesnod
      @Iserpesnod 2 дня назад +1

      @@ForwardFacingManny It's so much more healthy to seek the interactions themself instead of simple numbers - that means you view people that see your work as actual living, breathing beings - please never lose that side of yourself, no matter whether you'll go viral or not!
      So you did seek professional help, that makes so much more sense! It'd be an almost inhumanly amount of self reflection if you figured all of that out just by "sitting inside your own mind", haha. that's not how we really work, we're inherently biased when it comes to looking at our own images - as you said in the video yourself (in your case it's a negative type of bias).
      Yeah, just because they're professionals doesn't mean it's much easier to open up to them, right? I fully get it. Personally, years ago, I couldn't even tell doctors about some of the things I've gone through when I had to, so I was forced to "clue them in" in a roundabout way because it was getting pretty bad otherwise - here, it's 1:1 now, you shared something you originally didn't plan to so I did the same, we're even now, k? : D
      As long as you work on yourself you're taking steps to move forward, hopefully one day you'll be able to appreciate that about yourself, but there's no rush - "one step at a time into a better future" (sounds like a banger of a title, might need to copyright that one ngl) - right? I feel like the content itself could also bear more significance to you if it'll become more personal, so that's also something to look forward to for yourself: even if you're not feeling that right now, it is pretty exciting, trust!

  • @friedfish4415
    @friedfish4415 2 дня назад +1

    Man my friend when nobody else will love you the Bible says “for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life.” For those who believe we have a risen savior and the word of god sharper then a two edged sword, dividing both soul and spirit.
    Jesus is our needed companion and faith in him brings ultimate freedom.
    Looking for fulfillment anywhere within yourself, others or in the world around you is never going to fill the void in your life nor gift you life everlasting. It’s our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who bled profusely and died for us. Because we have all sinned.
    The Bible says the penalty for sin is death but the free gift of God is life everlasting.
    He calls everyone to him to look to him as savior. To look to him as king. I’m not asking you to trust Christians, pastors, or missionaries. I would ask you to trust Jesus.
    People’s thoughts about you matter very little in light of the creator and king.
    Have a blessed day.

  • @pewdro
    @pewdro 4 дня назад +1

    no matter what you're going thru, Jesus loves you, he cares about you, he has a plan and a purpose for you, he died for you, and he did it so that you may have life, and have it to the full
    talk to God, and he will come to you, God does not despise a contrite and broken heart
    luv you man, and so does Jesus, take care

    • @ForwardFacingManny
      @ForwardFacingManny  3 дня назад +2

      Im not a super religious guy but I appreciate it bro

    • @friedfish4415
      @friedfish4415 2 дня назад +1

      @@ForwardFacingMannyplease, people won’t help. Worldly knowledge won’t help. I was hopeless once, near suicidal, know people who tried. Eternity isn’t a game. Christ really lived died and claimed to be the loving, sacrificial savior of all humanity.