1963年 香港丽的呼声 - 「最新笑料口技谐剧 - 第3辑 」「谐曲泰斗-邓寄尘」 (粤语) 专辑 (2辑)

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • 邓寄尘天空小说开场曲(闻鳼起舞)作曲吕文成。 歌林唱片。 1947年广洲录音。 吕文成。 何大㣭。 高榕陞。 林浩然。 梁以忠等合奏。
    邓寄尘 (Deng Jichen 1912年-1991年)广东南海人,南海中学毕业之后就入咗羊城音乐社做撰曲,战后喺广州新生电台同时代电台做播音艺员,1949年加盟香港慨丽的呼声广播电台做,渠以一个人扮八把唔同慨声嚟做恢谐广播剧,而获得「谐剧大王」美誉。
    至于邓寄尘的天空小说家身份,却很少人知道了。 而听过他在50年代在丽的呼声讲过谐剧的,更是少之又少。
    当年的《天空小说》,众声喧哗,计可分为三派,即李我的「创造派」、方荣和锺伟明的「消化派」、邓寄尘的「演绎派」。 「创造派」,即事先毫无文本,有个腹稿,临场爆肚。 「消化派」是将旧故事如济公、七侠五义、包公、少林英雄等故事消化入肚,再重新包装出街,鲜有自己创作。 邓寄尘其实也是「创造派」,因为他的谐剧多是自己写的作品,而所谓「演绎」,是指他的口技,他能化九种声音,男女老幼,音音迥异; 在角色的演绎上,实得天独厚。
    邓寄尘的谐剧,据说讲完后,《丽的呼声日报》有连载,惟已不可寻。 他在《小说世界》(五十年代的粤港派杂志)所撰的「谐剧精选」,但只寥寥数篇耳,从中亦可窥见其风格。
    Tang Kei Chen (1921-1991) Actor Tang Kei Chen was a radio broadcaster in the 1940s. He was well loved for his humour and ability to impersonate voices, which won him the moniker “King of Comedy”. Tang came to Hong Kong in 1950 and hosted Tang Kei Chen’s Comedy Hour on Radio Rediffusion. He appeared in comedies such as A Comet of Laughter Lands on Earth (1952) and The Feuds between Fong Tong-geng and Chan Mung-kat (1957). The most famous was the “Two Fools” series in which he played a fool alongside a smart-aleck played by Sun Ma Si Tsang. Their interaction was seamless and featured lots of witty improvisation. In total, Tang acted in more than 150 films, doubling as the scriptwriter in some of the earlier ones such as A Star of Mischief Is Born (1951), Daddy and Sonny (1951) and The Scatterbrain (1951). Tang emigrated to Canada in 1975, but he returned to Hong Kong from time to time for guest appearances in movies such as All the Wrong Clues (1981) and Behind the Yellow Line (1984)
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