  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @tomb8847
    @tomb8847 3 года назад +4

    Finally finally someone who knows what the hell they are talking about thank you Brian

  • @CassieOllie
    @CassieOllie 4 года назад +8

    You have awesome timing. Was planning on doing my rear brakes on Monday and now I have this very informative guide. (I've watched other videos but I find yours to be the best.)

  • @morganbetts
    @morganbetts 2 месяца назад +1

    Awesome tutorial. This channel is my go-to for my Abarth work!🤘

  • @konaboyz1690
    @konaboyz1690 2 года назад +1

    He is second to none....
    Surfing CPA
    Honolulu, Hawaii

  • @doctorgicu
    @doctorgicu 3 года назад +1

    Bryan, you're my teacher! Hands down the best video ever for Abarth on RUclips.

  • @jessejames6967
    @jessejames6967 4 года назад +5

    Another solid video Bryan… Thank you for doing these. Hands-down… You have the best install videos that I have ever seen. You are thorough, show us ahead of time all the tools that we need and whoever is filming is doing a great job! 👍👍

  • @saeedhourani179
    @saeedhourani179 2 месяца назад +1

    no torque setting on any of the caliper bracket bolts??

  • @GregsAirplanesandAutomobiles
    @GregsAirplanesandAutomobiles 4 года назад +3

    Another great video, thanks Bryan.

  • @Owlstare
    @Owlstare Год назад +1

    Thank for making the video- helped me out today doing a refit of the rears 👍😊👊

  • @chrisb3663
    @chrisb3663 4 года назад +1

    Great instructional video Bryan, never get tired of them. CONGRATS ON THE SEXY BRAKE SET TWA!!!!

  • @christopherkimura2233
    @christopherkimura2233 3 года назад +1

    Hey Brian!!! AMAZING JOB ON THIS VIDEO!!!!!!! Clear, clear instructions and Great video quality!!! JUST did my 2014 Fiat 500L Trekking with your help!!!

  • @saileencruileen2163
    @saileencruileen2163 3 года назад +1

    awesome video. Thanks a mil. Me and hubby fixing the Fiat ourselves. thanks for helping :)

  • @stiltongruyere9691
    @stiltongruyere9691 3 года назад +1

    My 2018 apparently has a 4-notch caliper piston. Glad the brake tool I bought included that design. FYI

  • @stevieg7403
    @stevieg7403 3 года назад

    Good video!! I wasn’t totally convinced about the colour of the beak fluid.

  • @dewman396
    @dewman396 Год назад +1

    Do both pistons use the right handed thread tool? I read in couple of places that one is left handed. Two things you should mention. 1. You don't have to remove the caliper bracket if you're not replacing the rotor and 2, when pumping the brake pedal at the end, never push all the way to the floor. That can damage the piston cups in the master cylinder. Because you are putting the cups past where they normally go and there is usually a ring of gunk build up at the place where they normally stop.

  • @MARINE353171
    @MARINE353171 4 года назад

    Excellent video , I did it on my daughter’s Fiat. Thank you Sir

  • @rolandochacon2259
    @rolandochacon2259 Год назад +1

    What a goog explanation my fried, my congratulation

  • @gabrielpangilinan2339
    @gabrielpangilinan2339 2 месяца назад

    Can you install a sport break disc to a normal fiat 500s model?

  • @MurrayEstes
    @MurrayEstes 4 года назад +2

    Another excellent video!

  • @giovanni1973ish
    @giovanni1973ish 3 года назад

    Thank you for the simplicity great video

  • @Nemo27602
    @Nemo27602 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for the info buddy!

  • @buaan
    @buaan 3 года назад +1

    This is great, my UK spec 2009 is a total PITA though, the horrible allen head 8mm bolts holding the carrier on are hidden away behind the knuckle so you have to take that off to get to them! :(. Are the EU and US Abarth 500's different in many way?

    • @NGENCustomsandPerformance
      @NGENCustomsandPerformance  3 года назад

      That bolt is one of the major differences on the EU rear brakes.

    • @buaan
      @buaan 3 года назад

      @@NGENCustomsandPerformance I wish it was the same as the US setup! :D ha. Great content though, thanks for the uploads.

  • @legionluciano
    @legionluciano 4 года назад +1

    Awesome video. I've had my new front and rear rotors and brakes for a month now... need to get it done SOON!

  • @karonmayberry3807
    @karonmayberry3807 Год назад

    Thank you...great detail

  • @davidcrum1619
    @davidcrum1619 2 года назад +1

    Your videos are very helpful and well done, however I wish you would provide the torque specs.

  • @juanortiz9787
    @juanortiz9787 2 года назад

    grat video excellent thans alot for the excellent explanation

  • @christiandarst1525
    @christiandarst1525 4 года назад

    You should do a video on how to change the boost pressure sensor! I am having trouble locating it on my fiat 500 abrath

    • @NGENCustomsandPerformance
      @NGENCustomsandPerformance  4 года назад +1

      Remove the battery and battery tray. It’s on the charge pipe right underneath. 20 minute fix.

    • @christiandarst1525
      @christiandarst1525 4 года назад +1

      @@NGENCustomsandPerformance thank you

  • @Jhursh
    @Jhursh 2 года назад

    when will u get more of these in stock?

  • @OsteriaDaFortunataMiamiBeachFl
    @OsteriaDaFortunataMiamiBeachFl 6 месяцев назад

    Very Good Video

  • @logjam88
    @logjam88 4 года назад +1

    Good stuff, I just found your channel yesterday. You know your Fiat. I recently bought a 2014 500 Sport and I want to know my Fiat better so I have a question for you. Will your excellent Abarth repair instructions translate to my 500 Sport? Can I fix and maintain my car the same way you do yours? Same motor, same chassis, right? Maybe not? Thanx in advance. Love what you do.

    • @NGENCustomsandPerformance
      @NGENCustomsandPerformance  4 года назад

      For the most part, yes (other then the turbo specific components). Thanks for watching!

  • @billynew3572
    @billynew3572 4 года назад +1

    Thanks Bryan!

  • @teddz007
    @teddz007 3 года назад

    Would this be the same for a Fiat Spider 124 with the Brembo calipers? I can't find any videos specifically on my model.

  • @brettb2701
    @brettb2701 3 года назад

    Should we put anti seize on the bolts ?

  • @mauro_mirez
    @mauro_mirez 3 года назад

    I have a silly question that I will appreciate an answer. I trying to get my wife's 500 ready for sale and found front break pads/rotor need to be replaced. This 500 is the lounge version which comes with thicker-doublesided vented front break rotors. The question is if its ok/safe to use rear rotors on the front of this vehicle (are they even compatible? the caliper looks bigger in the front). Im asking this because Im being sold solid rotors, not the OEM version that came with this car and they do look like the ones in the back. Maybe is because these are the ones used in the pop version? Would still work for these bigger front callipers?

    • @NGENCustomsandPerformance
      @NGENCustomsandPerformance  3 года назад

      You need to put the correct size rotors. Do not put rear rotors on the front. They are smaller and the pad will not sit on the entire rotor

    • @mauro_mirez
      @mauro_mirez 3 года назад

      @@NGENCustomsandPerformance makes total sense as the caliper is wider as well. Thanks!

  • @brettb2701
    @brettb2701 3 года назад +1

    Do you have location that does work?
    If not why not?

  • @nemesis0860
    @nemesis0860 2 года назад

    NGEN.. Great video. Question. What do you do if the piston wont go back in? I have the tool, the right bit but it does not twist down. Advice??

  • @scottsvxr
    @scottsvxr 4 года назад +2

    Great video dude.....if you have a UK Abarth 500 the caliper carrier is bolted on with a 6mm allen bolt! I sh#t you not, so the only way to remove the carrier is to remove the whole hub assembly to gain access to the allen bolts 🤣👌.

  • @and_rew9768
    @and_rew9768 Год назад

    A good job 🥇🔝🏆

  • @mikaylagoodman-botts8485
    @mikaylagoodman-botts8485 3 года назад

    Probably a stupid question - does this translate over to the 2017 500X Pop? I had a Wrangler for four years and this is a wildly different ballpark. Lol

    • @NGENCustomsandPerformance
      @NGENCustomsandPerformance  3 года назад

      If you have a manual parking brake it will be similar. If you have an electronic parking brake, it will be different

  • @bullet113001
    @bullet113001 3 года назад

    No thread lock?

  • @dozer877
    @dozer877 3 года назад +1

    What year was this Abarth?

  • @paulcollins1970
    @paulcollins1970 4 года назад +2

    103k and STILL has OE pads and discs.....time for the upgrade Bryan...

  • @pinarellospeedracer
    @pinarellospeedracer 4 года назад +2

    I'm really shocked that you did not clean and re lube the sliders

    • @jimboreaddabible777
      @jimboreaddabible777 3 года назад

      I was thinking the same thing mine were almost seized, but I got to them just in time. Most of the grease was gone.

  • @davidcrocker1878
    @davidcrocker1878 2 года назад

    A 19 in wrench doesn't even fit around that bolt at 2:40. How the heck does a 17 fit? Why the fuck does everyone say brakes are easy? I've run into non stop problems

  • @matthewwilson2579
    @matthewwilson2579 3 года назад

    Fuck proper maintenance I used a c clam to keep pressure while turning with channel locks

  • @ichirotsuchiya8542
    @ichirotsuchiya8542 3 года назад

    the brake hose is tinging