Problem is on one for all, the team always win because they teamed up, and often you got someone wants to play solo and lost and then they complaint the team chose "a bad champ"
If I saw the enemy team as 5 Illaoi. I would flat out never get near any of them. Its already a bad idea to dive one of her. But diving 5 of them... Yeah thats bad.
Yuumi on OFA is another definition of "one man army"
I really need those morgana and yuumi rune
Those sera ults were nasty if i saw that on enemy team i would have ff 15
Yuumi is disgustingly broken with it's 80% dmg taken and bazillion dmg done.
80%..WHAT!? yuumi takes less dmg?
One for all Lee Sin.
Lee Sin: wtf my team is blind!
Lee Sin: no sh1t Sherlock
0:37 hiyaayaaaa hiyaayaaa hiyaayaaa DWEWWWWWWWWWWW hiyaaaayaaaa
The laser we formed in a 5v5 lux was fun.
"BEST ON FOR ALL MOMENTS!" 5:57 one swain kills 5 malphites..... thats not what i had in mind lol
10 aatrox's was def the best clip
aint no one gonna talk about how bad the army of lux was at 11:30 ? xD
POV of 3:53 : when u mine diamonds with stone pickaxe
XD damn seraphine one for all is a machine gun
One for all i like it when OP 😎
Yuumi Compilation
i forgot reel existed
Problem is on one for all, the team always win because they teamed up, and often you got someone wants to play solo and lost and then they complaint the team chose "a bad champ"
Why was that Gragas has perma dash 2:29
now imagine how a fight would be if they the champs are main an challenger
Everytime I played OFA I voted Zilean, but for some reason no one ever wanted to.
6:20 foken shaggy in rift
Fiddle can be fun but if the enemy is Caitlyn who bullies you out of lane and then have 40 kills in 10min it isn't that fun.
Solo pentakills in one for all are extra boring to me cause I just know that it completely ruined the other team’s day
4:35 enjoy
If I saw the enemy team as 5 Illaoi. I would flat out never get near any of them. Its already a bad idea to dive one of her. But diving 5 of them... Yeah thats bad.
Imagine going against five Gwens lol.
4:40 im witaedae and my mate sucepyriqae were inting the entire game
fk that illaoi ult is scary
The sera part made me smile
-sera main
that full tank yummi has 1264 ap
02:36 r u sure thats not urf?
is that phreak ?
2:30 2 fat bikers accused of sexually assualting an E-boy
8:00 that clip is a duplicate, you already used that one
Anyone know the song at 2:51
Of course it's "Darude - Sandstorm"
8:00 «have a backup ADC, so the tanks can’t just stack armour» hmmmmm🧐
this is all... mickey's fault...
"One for all best moments" shows a soli pentakill.
Shields are disgusting. Can’t even take them off
Too many yuumi plays. None of her ofa are interesting.
why we watch only yuumi ?
ale wykurwili
The accessible spade ethically wrestle because television ideally confess across a whole skate. nervous, jazzy january
What in God's name did you just say private???
The swift book coincidently mix because city medicinally breathe except a panicky astronomy. third, common bow
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