Td Ada cuplikan Jimmy Fallon, kamu suka nonton talk show nya? Btw nonton itu salah satu usaha aku belajar bhs Inggris. & Yg pastinya nonton channel ini 😎
It means that we are Indonesian and "Ojo baperan rek" if you have a native friend and say "you're gorgeous/amazing/super super charming or else" biasa waelah... Ngunu mbak nay..😁😄
pas pertama liat tumbnail udah langsung relate bangettt sih dan langsung klik, dulu agak heran belajar lewat video" berasa bgt agak tetap nyoba untuk belajar lebay pas ternyata pas udh terjun dibidang pariwisata bule kebanyakan emang lebay dan percakapan jd seru aja gitu pas kitanya ikut lebay😂
Ini baru kurikulum bahasa yang harus ada. Bahasa akan mudah dipelajari apabila kita tau dari segi budaya atau kebiasaan. Andaikan ada buku bahsa Inggris yg menjelaskan detail sprti ini yang beredar di sekolah
I'm dying of hunger! I haven't seen you in forever. I've looked everywhere, but I cannot find it. This is the worst food I've ever eaten! Using hyperbole and exaggerated expressions is pretty awesome! Each and every day I hear awesome ideas. Each and every = tiap-tiap Thank you for sharing this video! I've never seen a cooler video. LOL - In reality, I really appreciate all of your content. Stay safe!
I didn't know this, when i learnt cross culture understanding in campus, the teachers of english said that native speakers are to the point. Thanks for this knowledge
Nahh, I don't fully agree. Mungkin tergantung native speaker apa. Menurutku native speaker yang dari Amrik ga terlalu to the point, banyak basa basi hehe
Mantap banget kak video video nya.. cara penyampaian nya pun berbeda dr yg lain dan mengambil kutipan video ( cara bicara ) dr orang lain .. i enjoyed your video and i learn from what you shared
justru saya suka orang yang seperti itu karena bisa membuat orang merasa senang seperti ia sudah melakukan yang terbaik, cuman jarangnya di indonesia yang seperti itu
Very cool and interesting video! Aku tinggal di U.S selama kurang lebih 6 tahun. Aku orangnya memang expressive dan I found myself using all of the words you mentioned (haha), but I never realized Americans are actually lebay until I watched your video! LOL. One thing I want to mentioned and it is completely based on my personal experience with some of the people I met--when they said something, they usually mean it. So, for example when they said "She is my bestfriend" that person is actually their best friend or when I said, "I miss you!" (let's say to my coworkers who just got back from a vacation) and if our relationship is just casual, they usually said "I miss you guys too!" or not directly to me. So, it really depends on the person (some people are more expressive than others) and I think what you mentioned is really great! This will help us appear to be more reachable, more friendly, and to be more interesting, basically. But overall, I loved your content, very cool! every time I watched your video I always learned something new! Good luck with everything!
Someone please explain how important english is.. Gw muak banget sama orang-orang yang suka ngecap orang yang lagi belajar inggris dengan kalimat "SOK INGGRIS LO".. :')
Buatku itu ekspresif dan jenis gaya bahasa kalau di bahasa Indonesia seperti majas, karena aku sendiri orangnya gitu jadi aku suka,. kesannya cantik dan bahagia gitu kalau kita ekspresif (kalau ga mau dibilang lewah/lebay😂)
I didnt realize i use this "lebay" all the time when i speak, write or everything, it's bcoz of american tv series lol. That helps me a lot . But anyway it's such a good video i've ever seen !!!!
I'm trying to apply the digital minimalism. I had already tried uninstalling RUclips before. But I keep reinstalling it. Like I can get rid of anything but RUclips.
Kak mau tanya dong.. Plisss dijawab ya kak☺️☺️ Jadi kita harus jawab apa dong kak kalau orang amerika itu bilang 'i love you'? Soalnya kak saya punya kenalan orang amerika dimana kami hanya kenal dr media sosial dan blm pernah ketemu sama sekali tp baru 3 hari chatingan dia nya selalu bilang i love you kk. Bahkan dia nanya 'mau gk jadi pacar ku'. Kan lucu aja sih kak baru kenal udh bilang i love you trus nembak. Mohon dijawab ya kak. Thank you🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Kalau "so badly" itu termasuknya masih ringan kyk awesome yg masih di range "good" atau udah agak serius ya? Misalnya "I have to buy the book because I need it so badly"
Kak boleh minta bahasa inggrisnya kaya conversation di rs :) buat relawan covid kadang agak nggk ngeh hahahah mau blg ambil darah ajabaku sukansalah i wana take your blood 😂😂😂😂
Oh gitu yah,Mungkin itu budaya mereka ya,kalo kita merespon dg biasa aja seperti normalnya orang indonesia,kira2 apa tanggapan mereka? Apakah menyinggung mereka?
Biasa ajah sih mereka'nya. Gak koq gak akan menyinggung mereka. Gw slalu datar aja kalo mengekspresikan sesuatu dan mereka jg biasa ajah. Tp kadang ada saatnya kita jd terbawa spt mrk jg, mulai lebay (utk ukuran org indo lebay bgt). Kek i miss you so much. Padahal br bbrp hr kmrn trkhr ktemu. Kira2 bgitu lah.
Nah, siapkah kalian buat ngomong lebay kayak orang Amerika?
Yup..we're ready
Btw what is this english of suka melawan kak Naila? Jgn jadi anak yg suka melawan org tua. Is it rebellious? I am not sure
Td Ada cuplikan Jimmy Fallon, kamu suka nonton talk show nya?
Btw nonton itu salah satu usaha aku belajar bhs Inggris.
& Yg pastinya nonton channel ini 😎
Thanks mba Naila
It means that we are Indonesian and "Ojo baperan rek" if you have a native friend and say "you're gorgeous/amazing/super super charming or else" biasa waelah...
Ngunu mbak nay..😁😄
pas pertama liat tumbnail udah langsung relate bangettt sih dan langsung klik, dulu agak heran belajar lewat video" berasa bgt agak tetap nyoba untuk belajar lebay pas ternyata pas udh terjun dibidang pariwisata bule kebanyakan emang lebay dan percakapan jd seru aja gitu pas kitanya ikut lebay😂
your channel is like, the best youtube channel i've ever seen
Hahaha good one :p totally love your comment
@@nailafarhana_ I agree! But I'm missing your vlogs and polyglot videos. I don't speak Indonesian 😄
Orang Indo juga gitu bilangnya I love you besoknya punya gebetan Baru , that's was awesome
It's truee bruh 😹
kalo udh ada 's gaperlu ada was lg hehe😊 bisa gunain slh 1nya aja either the 's or the 'was' one
That’s totally savage😅
*You're the most beautiful english teacher i've ever seen*
Ini baru kurikulum bahasa yang harus ada. Bahasa akan mudah dipelajari apabila kita tau dari segi budaya atau kebiasaan. Andaikan ada buku bahsa Inggris yg menjelaskan detail sprti ini yang beredar di sekolah
I'm dying of hunger!
I haven't seen you in forever.
I've looked everywhere, but I cannot find it.
This is the worst food I've ever eaten!
Using hyperbole and exaggerated expressions is pretty awesome!
Each and every day I hear awesome ideas.
Each and every = tiap-tiap
Thank you for sharing this video! I've never seen a cooler video. LOL - In reality, I really appreciate all of your content. Stay safe!
Hey you
Thanks alot
Kualitas ilmu sama video ka naila bisa dilihat dari sedikitnya yg dislike 👏 ini pengetahuan nya mudah bgt di mengerti ♥️
I didn't know this, when i learnt cross culture understanding in campus, the teachers of english said that native speakers are to the point. Thanks for this knowledge
Nahh, I don't fully agree. Mungkin tergantung native speaker apa. Menurutku native speaker yang dari Amrik ga terlalu to the point, banyak basa basi hehe
@@nailafarhana_ ok, i'll start to speak like u said a little bit hyperbole then, this change my previous thought. Thanks
@@nailafarhana_ kl org europe lebih to the point kali ya kak?
buat yg pernah tinggal di luar atau at least pernah komunikasi sama bule pasti bakal tau kok kalo isi video ini bener :)
Akhirnya nongooool 😁thats the greatest lesson i've ever meet...
Mantap banget kak video video nya.. cara penyampaian nya pun berbeda dr yg lain dan mengambil kutipan video ( cara bicara ) dr orang lain .. i enjoyed your video and i learn from what you shared
Tks 4 information sist ... 👍👍👍👍
Di malang mgkin orang bilang ke mbk naila:
Ayu =uwayu
Pirang =puirang
Pinter =puinter
Lebay jg yakk wkwk
wkwk tinggal insert 'u' on every word ya😂
Wkwkwkw bener jg
Thanks mba Naila for sharing this video... that's really awsome
Thanks you so much for sharing this, I will waiting for the next video. We love you Naila🤩😍✌️
Orang indonesia juga suka lebay.. ngomong aku ga bisa hidup tanpamu.. pas udah putus masih tetep hidup...
Kalo misalkan pake hijab mungkin tambah cantik kakanya, btw terimaksih karena banyak ngajarin inggris, wawasan inggris saya meningkat bangett💕💕💕
Thank you and i enjoy see you video
justru saya suka orang yang seperti itu karena bisa membuat orang merasa senang seperti ia sudah melakukan yang terbaik, cuman jarangnya di indonesia yang seperti itu
If you wanna like this you have to go America bruh👽
@@DjHustlequeen45 sadly i couldn't even go there because certain issues
@@HalmyAfrialKhozaldy that's u problem
@@DjHustlequeen45 Why ? feeling insinuated?
setujuu soalnya sy jg suka lebay kek gini even if im in indo😭
thanks for uploading kak, stay safe & healthy!❤
I like your accent...
Totally awesome your videos
Very cool and interesting video! Aku tinggal di U.S selama kurang lebih 6 tahun. Aku orangnya memang expressive dan I found myself using all of the words you mentioned (haha), but I never realized Americans are actually lebay until I watched your video! LOL. One thing I want to mentioned and it is completely based on my personal experience with some of the people I met--when they said something, they usually mean it. So, for example when they said "She is my bestfriend" that person is actually their best friend or when I said, "I miss you!" (let's say to my coworkers who just got back from a vacation) and if our relationship is just casual, they usually said "I miss you guys too!" or not directly to me. So, it really depends on the person (some people are more expressive than others) and I think what you mentioned is really great! This will help us appear to be more reachable, more friendly, and to be more interesting, basically. But overall, I loved your content, very cool! every time I watched your video I always learned something new! Good luck with everything!
Thankyou so much for sharing this!!❤
Ga ngerti Mon maap😂
keren penjelasannya, so simple
Now this is a very different English topic.
Being different.
Like it!
Kok ya belajarnya asyik yaaa.. keren 👍👍👍👍👍
Jujur lebih suka eksen orang amerika dibanding inggris asli haha..eksen orang amerika lebih enak didenger dan ga kaku..
Kaka coba kaka ngmng bahasa Inggris
Someone please explain how important english is.. Gw muak banget sama orang-orang yang suka ngecap orang yang lagi belajar inggris dengan kalimat "SOK INGGRIS LO"..
Buatku itu ekspresif dan jenis gaya bahasa kalau di bahasa Indonesia seperti majas, karena aku sendiri orangnya gitu jadi aku suka,. kesannya cantik dan bahagia gitu kalau kita ekspresif (kalau ga mau dibilang lewah/lebay😂)
Mereka logatnya enak banget kedengarannya, menyanjung, logatnya enak, pnya khas msing2 krna mngkin tdak mau sma dngn Inggris aslinya.
Sangat bermanfaat...sukses yaa
I didnt realize i use this "lebay" all the time when i speak, write or everything, it's bcoz of american tv series lol. That helps me a lot . But anyway it's such a good video i've ever seen !!!!
Berbicaranya tuh kaya serius tapi becanda ,gimana sih pokoknya harus sering2 liat mereka ngomong deh baru paham
thank you buat ilmunya kakk
Betul sekali setuju banget cara ini akan mudah di ingat
I like it this vidio 👍
Thank you so much for sharing
lanjutkan kak
It's totally awesome 😊 Thank u for sharing
setelah naila farhana menjelaskan ini aku baru sadar ternyata orang amerika se-lebay itu :')
Thanks kak
😆 baru sadar... thank you, you are fantastic!
Oh my God, It is the most amazing video I'v ever seen in my entire life.. You're so awesome.. I love you Naila.. You're perfect..
I love you Naila! Thank you for spreading knowledge.. 😘
discuss linking and reduction, please sis🙏🏻
Kk bikin video tentang tanda tanda cara baca kamus dong
I miss you, you're awesome
I got it, Thx for make it clearly!
Hey Nayla nice see your beauty face😊
I knew it!! Your channel's totally awesome!! Anyway it's true tho
Your comment is the best thing ever dude
@@nailafarhana_ that's great😂
Fataly awesome
Take the knowledge... Don't take the culture...
Awesome material!
Pengen deh logatnya kaya kak naila😄
Dari awal seneng bngttt , bner2 dpet ilmu dri ka naila , ketemu konten ini jd semangatt belajar karna gampang di mengerti , sehat sllu ka ❤ ilysm
seeing you make my heart get in the eyes
just realize they talk awesome a lot..
I'm trying to apply the digital minimalism. I had already tried uninstalling RUclips before. But I keep reinstalling it. Like I can get rid of anything but RUclips.
love you, Naila... 😁
Thanks kak, love you stay safe and have a nice day. 😀
This video is really helpful..and I love your hair..a likes my daughter's hair..ngombak2 piye ngunu lho...Jan wapik tenan..😆
Coach. Perbedaan kalimat ini apa serta waktu penggunaan.y gmana?
Where is the Camera?
Where the camera at?
Its been ages. Kenyataannya baru a while🤣
Thankyou kak, sangat membantu 😁🙏
Kak,Naila sekarang tinggal dimana
6:57 love you to
Awesome kak,, semngt dan sehat sellu 👍
Baru sampe fase paham orang ngomong bahasa inggris
Related on meee kak, punya temen tinggal di Lousiana. Hobinya muji
Pertanyaannya, bagaimana cara kita merespon semua ungkapan2 tsb? Yg susah kalo orangnya dibilang gitu terus baper, kan repot
Udah cantikk pinter..pengen nikahin dia rasanya
I'm American
Thank for the information kak , but why mostly people say that British people yg "agak lebay" ya
Love u
Absen hadir
Sist org Indonesia juga sering ngomong lebay. Suka melebih-lebihkan sesuatu.
Keinget pelajaran bahasa Indonesia:v Majas hiperbola🤣
I always always waiting for your latest video, I really really like it😁
So how to know when they speak to us honestly?
Naila kalau yg lebay gitu westcoast apa eastcoast? Apa semanya?
Orang america biasanya: "OMG, I like yourr haiiirrrrrr" "OMG, I like the color" LOL :D
totally American accent
Kenapa baru sekarang ini gw dpt channel ini
Ur explanation clear as the blue sky... (I said it serious as hell tho) heheh 🥰😂
Kak, tolong dong kasih subtitle, biar yang tuli bisa belajar juga.
Kak mau tanya dong..
Plisss dijawab ya kak☺️☺️
Jadi kita harus jawab apa dong kak kalau orang amerika itu bilang 'i love you'? Soalnya kak saya punya kenalan orang amerika dimana kami hanya kenal dr media sosial dan blm pernah ketemu sama sekali tp baru 3 hari chatingan dia nya selalu bilang i love you kk. Bahkan dia nanya 'mau gk jadi pacar ku'. Kan lucu aja sih kak baru kenal udh bilang i love you trus nembak. Mohon dijawab ya kak. Thank you🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ahahahah sejujurnya aku juga ngga tau bales apa kalo mereka bilang gitu. Bilang aja 'you're so sweet' 😅
Okay kak. Thank you so much
Kalau "so badly" itu termasuknya masih ringan kyk awesome yg masih di range "good" atau udah agak serius ya? Misalnya "I have to buy the book because I need it so badly"
I always say “awesome” naturally and my American family was like “why everything looks awesome for you?” 😅
i saw the cutest channel i've ever seen
Kak boleh minta bahasa inggrisnya kaya conversation di rs :) buat relawan covid kadang agak nggk ngeh hahahah mau blg ambil darah ajabaku sukansalah i wana take your blood 😂😂😂😂
Kak aku pengen belajar b inggris sma spanish caranya gimna yak? supaya cepet lancar bhsnya
nonton TV show atau video2 lainnya dengan bahasa tersebut sering2
@@nailafarhana_ ok ka misalnya kaya telenovela kan
Oh gitu yah,Mungkin itu budaya mereka ya,kalo kita merespon dg biasa aja seperti normalnya orang indonesia,kira2 apa tanggapan mereka? Apakah menyinggung mereka?
Biasa ajah sih mereka'nya. Gak koq gak akan menyinggung mereka. Gw slalu datar aja kalo mengekspresikan sesuatu dan mereka jg biasa ajah. Tp kadang ada saatnya kita jd terbawa spt mrk jg, mulai lebay (utk ukuran org indo lebay bgt). Kek i miss you so much. Padahal br bbrp hr kmrn trkhr ktemu. Kira2 bgitu lah.
aku menduga kak naila suka baper kalo ada yang bilang i love you wkwk
Vsauce: it's perfectly awesome..
Or is it.
My love for you is as deep as the ocean