Indigenous Americans invented the Meter?!

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 14

  • @KIMIRgodSBKimirGod
    @KIMIRgodSBKimirGod 2 месяца назад +1

    Hello Mr. Solis,
    I am curious what advantage you suspect the distance 1,202,160.33 meters could pose? Each finite arc has its corresponding resonant frequencies, regardless of expression in one measurement system or another, and it would be much easier to tune a system to resonance than to measure and calibrate everything before hand AT SUCH A SCALE (if the given wave producing mechanism is practically tunable, that is). All that planning seems unnecessary and wasteful. Do you posit which culture/s was/were coordinating across the entire northern American continent and in what time frames?
    Additionally, what constitutes a city center here? Couldn’t you simply correct to neat numbers in meters and be very near any arbitrarily defined center of any city on earth? After all, city dimensions are quite large compared to a single meter length. Are you pinpointing with some known degree of error archaeologically significant locations in these cities, etc., or eye-balling their centers to match neat metric quantities?
    What does setting the meter to one 500 thousandth of the superficial arc length between the center of lake Bemiji and copper deposits in the Gull Islands?
    Thanks in advance, I hope these aren’t too trivial or obnoxious of questions!

    • @CharlieSolis
      @CharlieSolis  2 месяца назад

      Hey thank you for your thoughtful and detailed questions!
      I really appreciate your dive into the topic and theory!
      So to be clear, this was one of the first videos I made on the topic a while back so in all fairness there’s a lot of missing details that bring together more proof and I should probably put them together in a playlist.
      But I’ve got a couple different videos that go over many individual points of the answers to your this.
      🛜Neil Degrasse Tyson, WRONG about Tesla?!? 🛜 ​⁠@joerogan (30min)видео.html
      As well how all the church bells towers all over the earth, that just so happen to be at perfect key nodes and antinodes of the earths spheric vibrational eigenmode harmonics, are/can be used as a giant Phased Array Directed Seismic/acoustic/sonic Energy Weapon.
      Sound Waves For Ship Navigation at Seaвидео.html
      Milo Says, “We have no Purpose for the Pyramids” - Charlie Debunks @miniminuteman773видео.html
      Borobudur Temple - Earthquake Protections & Seismic Cloaking?!видео.html
      Nikola Tesla’s Wireless Electricity Earth Harmonicsвидео.html
      Earthquake Time Lapse - Is Tesla Tech Involved?!видео.html
      Do They Have Earthquake Warfare Technology?!видео.html
      Let me know if you have any questions on my videos.
      As for a couple more details that I have in some copy pasta 🍝 strings of text. That I’ll also leave here.
      And it my take multiple comments so make sure to reload it when you check for a response because sometimes RUclips will send a notification for the first comment but not the second or third and someone will check before I post the 2nd or 3rd comment response and then think I never replied to other parts of their comments.

    • @CharlieSolis
      @CharlieSolis  2 месяца назад

      check out this copy pasta 🍝 of mine. It’s a bit long but worth the read! Shaking certain things creates physical vibrations in the earth. Shaking things in strategic and organized locations at the same time or in orchestrated timing can cause all the waves to be added together and cause very VERY large effects in localized and targeted locations. Shaking things at specific geological locations turns the physical vibrations into alternating electric voltage potentials within the earth due to the properties of some materials in the ground in those certain locations. All of which, combined with Electromagnetic waves that radiate through the air makes one large “concert” physical, electrical magnetic and electromagnetic wave resonances and harmonics in around and outside the earth, the atmosphere and the upper ionosphere and larger.
      Such is life.
      All is Love. ❤️‍🔥🙏 Life is All.
      It being 43,700,000ft from the great pyramid to the South Pole is damn near exactly 1/3 of the polar circumference of the earth.
      The locations and their distances are key interference points for the waves put into the ground due to everything from our industry, our cars, the explosions during wars, you name it!
      All of it adds to the vibrations put into the earth.
      Gaza for example, from the great pyramid...
      So, 333,000 meters is it’s exactly 120 1/3 the equatorial circumterence of the earth.
      the equatorial circumference being ~40,075,000 meters and polar being about ~40,008,000.
      So basically the 1/120th of the earths circumference is between 333,958 meters 333,400meters.
      It’s the 121st harmonic of the earth.
      (Or is that the 119th harmonic? Basically it’s one of the key harmonics wavelengths of the earth.)
      And even cooler Kyiv is exactly 7,500,000 ft north of the pyramid and the European most northern boarder in Norway is 15,000,000 ft.
      Which makes Kyiv the antinode for the base harmonic of the European plate. Just like on a guitar string, (unless at the 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc harmonics) when any fret is held, strummed to play the note and then the fret let go, the guitar string always goes back down to its base harmonic wavelength.
      This makes the largest amplitude of the wave happen at the 1/2 point in the string, aka Kyiv.
      Coincidentally this is where the most energy and power can be harnessed from the mechanical vibrations and electrical currents that resonate into the ground to be used for real electrical and mechanical power out.
      It’s my belief that this is why Russia is trying to take that entire area, specifically Kyiv.
      But I digress.
      The fact that the distance from the great pyramid is exactly 15,000,000 to the most northern point above it should speak volumes to anyone…. 🤷‍♂️
      Whoever set what the foot length may have actually just defined it as being 1/15,000,000th of the distance to the continents northern point.
      The length of the average person’s foot might define the width of the wave pulse from the “foot step” put into the ground and that way it establishes the simple ground harmonics from the footstep wave pulse trains of all the travelers/soldiers marched (Roman’s) put into the earth of every person’s going north and south (it being 20,000,000 feet to the straight souther point) and those wave pulses never stack up to make sub divisions smaller than that.
      Or the lands of the continent shape themselves according to all the travelers feet step wave pulses stacking up until nice whole patterns form.
      Which is why in my other video about the Borobudur temple video (it being located near a volcanic fault line) I talk about how the temple is a ground vibration damper, basically a set of passive noise canceling Helmholtz resonators that passively dampen out all the ground vibrations from our Society.
      And why there are multiple layers because each epoch had different ways of living and different vibrations that needed to be dampened out such that they wouldn’t trigger an earthquake.
      Also I believe we may even do all our giant concerts and music festivals all over to actively “release” the tension within the earth in periodic smaller quakes, rather than letting it build up over years, decades and the tectonic plates having cataclysmic annihilation.

    • @CharlieSolis
      @CharlieSolis  2 месяца назад

      The Enigmatic Geometry of Gaza and the Great Pyramid
      Imagine uncovering a pattern that intricately ties the borders of Gaza to the Great Pyramid of Giza.
      My recent discovery shows just that: every curve and corner of the 1949-1950 armistice line aligns with precise whole number distances to the Great pyramid’s center.
      Why would Gaza’s borders resonate with such mathematical precision?
      The answer may lie in the ancient practices post-Nile floods.
      As seasonal waters receded, leaving a fresh canvas of silt, Egyptians needed a way to reclaim their lands.
      Traditional rope measurements were susceptible to inaccuracy over long distances, but what if there was another method?
      I propose a groundbreaking theory: they utilized a system of ground vibrations, with the Great Pyramid as the acoustic epicenter.
      Through controlled resonance, they might have induced patterns of constructive and destructive interference in the silt, revealing a natural grid that dictated land divisions.
      These vibrations would not only redraw boundaries but could also have been pivotal for ancient artillery accuracy.
      Star forts across the globe appear to align with this vibrational matrix, suggesting that positioning cannons at antinodal points minimized displacement from ground motion.
      In an extraordinary twist, this system could have amplified the reach of their defenses, propelling projectiles with the earth’s own pulse.
      The precision in Gaza’s borders begs the question:
      Are we overlooking an ancient, advanced knowledge of land harmonics?
      And if so, could this be the real treasure hidden beneath the strife-torn lands-a network gateway of a primordial ground antenna system?
      I turn to you, my curious followers, to ponder-could this be what lies at the heart of the centuries-old conflict over Gaza?
      What are the chances that such ancient secrets are the true coveted prize in this historic struggle?
      The seismoelectrical method (which is different from the electroseismic physical principle) is based on the generation of electromagnetic fields in soils and rocks by seismic waves.
      This technique is still under development and in the future it may have applications like detecting and characterizing fluids in the underground by their electrical properties, among others, usually related to fluids (porosity, transmissivity, physical properties).
      When a seismic wave encounters an interface, it creates a charge separation at the interface forming an electric dipole. This dipole radiates an electromagnetic wave that can be detected by antennae on the ground surface.
      As the seismic (P or compression) waves stress earth materials, four geophysical phenomena occur:
      1) The resistivity of the earth materials is modulated by the seismic wave;
      2) Electrokinetic effects analogous to streaming potentials are created by the seismic wave;
      3) Piezoelectric effects are created by the seismic wave; and
      4) High-frequency, audio- and high-frequency radio frequency impulsive responses are generated in sulfide minerals (sometimes referred to as RPE).
      The dominant application of the electroseismic method is to measure the electrokinetic effect or streaming potential (item 2, above).
      Electrokinetic effects are initiated by sound waves (typically P-waves) passing through a porous rock inducing relative motion of the rock matrix and fluid.
      Motion of the ionic fluid through the capillaries in the rock occurs with cations (or less commonly, anions) preferentially adhering to the capillary walls, so that applied pressure and resulting fluid flow relative to the rock matrix produces an electric dipole.
      In a non-homogeneous formation, the seismic wave generates an oscillating flow of fluid and a corresponding oscillating electrical and EM field.
      The resulting EM wave can be detected by electrode pairs placed on the ground surface.
      However, P-waves moving through a solid that contains some moisture also generates an electric phenomenon called coseismic waves.
      The coseismic waves travel with P-waves and are not sensitive to electrical properties of the subsurface.

    • @CharlieSolis
      @CharlieSolis  2 месяца назад

      Taylor Swift fans cause an earthquake of 2.3 magnitude at Seattle concert July 29, 2023
      “According to seismologists, a recent Taylor Swift concert held in downtown Seattle had an astonishing impact, shaking the ground with such force that nearby seismometers detected signals equivalent to a magnitude 2.3 earthquake.
      The event, the “Swift Quake,” drew a massive crowd of approximately 70,000 people, accompanied by the vibrant music and lively atmosphere that’s typical of Taylor Swift’s concerts.
      Experts from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, responsible for monitoring earthquake activity in the region, were shocked by the concert’s seismic effects.
      According to NY Times, seismologist Mouse Reusch remarked that it was one of the largest concerts he had witnessed in quite some time, considering both the enormous audience and the concert’s elaborate set-up.
      Seismologist Jackie Caplan-Auerbach, from Western Washington University, explained that they gauge ground vibrations using acceleration, which is then translated into the more familiar Richter scale-a common measurement for earthquakes.
      The “Swift Quake” recorded a maximum ground acceleration of approximately 0.011 meters per second squared.”
      But let’s just say it’s a Taylor swift Era’s tour 3 hour concert of 72,5000 attendees. 3-4 nights performed in every city, “Each show spans over 3.5 hours, with a set list of 44 songs grouped into 10 distinct acts that portray Swift’s studio albums conceptually.”
      At an “average of 72,500 tickets per show”
      So if 72,500 people go onto a single location (a giant Gooble Box arena) and shake their bodies at even the mediocre rate of 75 watts per person for 3.5 hours.
      That’s an average power output of ~5,437,500 watts of continuous power.
      Or ~5.4375 Megawatts
      for 3.5 hours gives 19,025kWhrs of mechanical energy put into the earth available per night of the eras tour.
      And that’s just 1 artist’s performance...
      that doesn’t account for the shows all the other shows going on in every single major city around the world too.
      I’ll tell you, it’s not a coincidence that all the stadiums and sports arenas are in extremely key locations that have to do with wavelength harmonics and resonances of the spherical earth.
      This is from the earthquake warfare paper I shared….
      “But, in fact, scientists do know how to trigger earthquakes.
      According to several seismologists contacted by Counterspy, it is possible to start an earthquake by the injection of fluids, under high pressure, into the earth’s crust.
      Several experiments have been done causing such manmade earth. quakes, most notably in Rangely, Colorado. And ARPA itself, through its Waste Disposal Research Program-started as part of PRIME ARGUS and now under the auspices of the U.S. Geological Survey-has funded research in this area. One seismologist at the Lamont Geological Observatory explained that earthquakes induced by fluid injection are far more potent than those brought about by underground nuclear explosions….” 🫣😅
      Aka…. “Fracking”
      This is from the Forbes article about that time the CIA tried to weaponize lightning but because the ridiculous way they proposed couldn’t work it means it can’t be done at all… right 🤭
      “Among the advantages are ‘a relatively cheap barrage may be laid down’ and ‘there should be little or no evidence left of what caused the lightning storm.’
      The technique would allow the CIA to call down what looked like the wrath of heaven on a target without giving away that they were behind it.
      It would certainly be a useful capability - if it could be done.
      The plan may not have seemed very far-fetched in 1967.
      The U.S. Air Force was already involved in weather modification with Operation Popeye, seeding clouds in Vietnam in an unsuccessful attempt to increase rainfall and disrupt the Ho Chi Minh trail used to supply the Viet Cong.
      And the CIA was keen on psychological operations invoking the supernatural, such as a scheme to persuade Cubans that the Second Coming was imminent by having a submarine surface covertly and launch flares over Havana - ‘Illumination by Submarine.”

    • @CharlieSolis
      @CharlieSolis  2 месяца назад

      don’t take my word for it, take a look at this ground dipole antenna that the U.S. navy uses…
      that just so happens to be the EXACT same antennas for controlling the ground voltage potentials of large areas and how to actually control the lightning system and are literally the only way the U.S. navy can communicate with our nuclear submarines underwater…
      wow… what a coincidence…

  • @pless.
    @pless. Месяц назад

    The rose war was definitely in the us

  • @yukonxl5723
    @yukonxl5723 2 месяца назад

    Well isnt that just great