Hey you!!! Hope you had a lovely few weeks and didn't miss us too much last week 😘...This has been SUCH an exciting project, we can’t WAIT to hear what you think about the roof we went with!!! Over the next few weeks we’re going to be fully finishing the exterior from the rest of the roofing, the roof top deck, to the siding AND even cladding the tower. You are not going to believe what we decided on for the tower…let’s just say it’s official, Todd needs to order his Rupunzel wig ASAP. Eeeeek, so much exciting things happening!!!
My Favorite Boys, my Dynamic Duo. I couldn't wait to watch the whole video before saying hello. I hope the two of you took some well deserved down time to enjoy life. I am going to watch the video now, but I have no doubt it will be amazing. Sending Love and Hugs to Tyler and Todd and their Lil Family 💙💙🐶🐶🐈⬛
Not to be cringe. But seeing a same sex couple thriving and pushing through everything, using communication and humour and enormous amounts of love, is so heartwarming and needed. Love from Joe - long time fan from the U.K. x
Why did you even say “cringe” to begin with! Couldn’t you simply have said you liked their channel and not had to make a comment making it sound different and not normal??! Comments like that just make relationships sound creepy and different.
Nothing about this beautiful undertaking is Cringe. As a man who seems never to have had a truly loving and committed relationship, I’m just a tad bit envious seeing something so wonderful as this. J J ❤
The flower is Hesperis matronalis, often called Dame's Rocket. They're biennial, so be sure the seeds drop and germinate this summer so you'll get blooms next year.
I love seeing you pick up the river trash... you guys really embody how the world should treat our precious Earth! Big love to all of you, and an extra hug to Charlie! ❤
Haha it's definitely not included but I really do think it adds to the rapport in the group and a more enjoyable experience for everyone to look forward to!
Oh my gosh, the roof was SO worth the wait! It looks fantastic. I totally agree that hiring painters to do the outside is worth the money for the relief from stress. And that new shower. Todd, honey, that shower scene,…mercy! Great video this week and such progress!
After extensive renovations our house exterior was unpainted for a year because we were going to do it ourselves 😂. 13 months later we hired professional painters and it was done in 5 days. Totally worth it!!
Just a suggestion.. while doing all the roof work..figure out your Christmas light plan and place your permanent hangers in now..when the holidays roll around things will be much easier!
@@crinkle2649 Sorry to hear that. Atlantic Canadians have had centuries of hardship and have learned to depend on one another in hard times and tend to be pretty rooted in their family ancestry. That attitude has carried over through the generations. We take it for granted here. Less individualism and more cooperation to get things done. And we have traditiinaly had a pretty skilled labour force. Mind you, many of our skilled laborers have moved to central and western Canada for the years for more and better paid work.
Seriously great cinematography! The aerial shots, the slow-motion shots and the super clear closeups shows how profession you guys truly are. Great job!
Tyler, I'm with you on the acrophobia. I get vertigo just looking at your drone shots. Your stewardship of our planet is so admirable, whether it's recycled steel or policing the river as you're enjoying it, you both make such a mindful effort to be kind to this home we all share. Thank you.
Watching you two I'm reminded to, "Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's a day you've had everything to do and you've done it."
Ok, I just watched every single video you guys have made since I discovered you guys about 3 weeks ago! You are so inspiring, not just in what you are building but the love and care you have for one another. You are living my dream and I am living vicariously through you. Thank you!
I love watching the build videos and the gardening videos, but I have to admit, the main reason I never miss a single one is to experience the deep, genuine love you have for each other and your babies.
The minute you mention Charlie I almost had a heart attack I can't stand when there's anything wrong with our furbabies praying everything will be okay
The flower find looks like phlox to me guys! The further along you get on your home, I think the more you feel for it. Glad to know Charlie is only getting to be an older doggy and there's nothing else wrong. You guys are inspiring!
Yep Phlox. In Iowa they go down to a clump of leaves that stay green all winter, almost look like a weed in the spring... so remember where you planted them. Flowers put on micro "pea pods" for the seeds. A very mature plant might be able to be divided, but it might be quicker to gather the seeds and start seedlings. Some years the aroma can be stronger than Lilacs.
As an arthritic "older" person (just like Charlie) I just wanted to let you guys know to watch out for Charlie when he gets his shot, he may feel so much better that he gets "too happy" and hurts himself having a good time. (I just think yall can save Charlie from being sore after he gets his shot.) Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventures!
The fact that you both can honestly say you’ve had a hand in building your forever home and not just plan it … not many people can say that!! You boys look so proud and refreshed!!
Totally!!! I just love that one day when we're sitting down on the couch relaxing...(I know, that seems SO far off lol)....It's going to be special to look around and say "wow, we really did that"
I love the roof, I love the new shower! It's so sweet of y'all to fix lunch for the guys, I know they really appreciate it. So glad Charlie is going to be okay and I hope the injections work, he looked pretty happy!
They won't need to replace it in their lifetime. I have a similar type and I blow the leaves out of the downspout collectors once a year and that's it.
Missed you guys last week 😭 Hope you enjoyed every moment of your time off, heaven knows you deserve it! On an unrelated note: I'm starting a campaign to increase the number of shower scenes 🤭
You are always missed when you're gone but I love that you take time for yourselves and family❤. The roof is looking amazing! I sure hope Charlie gets to feeling better😢 ❤️🐾🐱🐾❤️
Wish I could enjoy nature the way you guys do. I like nature during the day. Nature nights make me anxious. 😬 Nature little creatures give me the creeps.😵 Enjoy!
The roof looks really sleek & stylish with the house. Glad Charlie is good. Pets are family. That shower set up is sweet. Have a great rest of your week.
You guys should consider a virtual grand opening. I'm not sure how it will pan out but it seems like it would be the the appropriate outcome. Love the vibe and everything to date is awesome. I look forward to your sharing and the warmth you two bring to the table. 😊
Buy the way my dad was a breeder of English Setters and your dogs have the same DNA one of the issues is they suffer from hip displacing problems be mindful of there body weight it causes them slow down and suffer from old man problems. Watch there intake of KFC . Just kidding I ment to say Ben & Jerry's.
So glad you're back, and you've had a nice mix of productivity and relaxation. P.s. you wished me luck on my driving test, and I passed!!! Thanks for your well wishes!
Hey, I give my, just turned 16 years old cat, the same shot each month you guys are giving Charlie. It’s life changing for them, expensive, yes, but, they’re our babies! He, Forrest, can jump, run around, play, makes me so happy! 😻😻😻
That roof is incredible! This video was amazing, once again! My favorite youtubers, and I love seeing squirrel running around outside with all of you! Cant wait for next week!
Tyler and Todd! Our very dear friends who we married here in the states Billy lost his love of 27 years, he is a wreck and heartbroken. We cant stop crying.
Tell Billy a Jewish mama who doesn't even know anything about him, that I'm so so sorry for his love being cruelly taken too soon. My heart goes out to Billy and anyone else suffering through this major loss.
Yes they are Wild Plox. They spread nicely and have a great smell. The cardboard is great under garden paths to discourage weeds. It biodegrades over time.
Yes the phlox grow wild in my back yard and the smell is awesome! Love the roof - had mine done last year (in black) love it! Just be sure to put guards up for when the low let’s go - you or the dogs would not want to be standing under it!! Scary when it lets go!
I heard that you can install permanent Christmas lights. Not sure how they look but love the idea of only putting them up once and turning them on any time you like 😊
@@tylerandtodd Perhaps there are multi-coloured ones where you can choose what colours you want to suit the season so they'd be good for more than just Christmas.
If you want to identify flower varieties & have an iPhone you can take a picture of the flower and then click the the little i icon next to the trash button - the i button is for looking up & identifying the flower by image search. It’s a fantastic resource!
It's wonderful to see that your house is coming together so well. In 5 years' time you'll look back and tell each other:"we did good". Loved the shower bit! Hooray for great thinking on your parts.
I love how you 2 interact. You 2 are amazing...relationship goals for everyone. The house is looking FABULOUS!! The shower looks amazing...like a relaxing nature filed Zen fantasy. Ohh and DAMMMMMMMMM Tyler you lucky dog. The shower clip was SO VERY steamy!!!
You guys are such amazing dads to your dogs and cat. Love the simplicity of the flat roof panels, they really are beautiful. Your outdoor shower setup is incredible. Thoroughly enjoyed watching your video as always. It’s great that you take breaks now and then and enjoy some downtime from filming.
Beautiful standing seam roof! So much more of a finished look than plain corrugated. And for those who've never showered outdoors: it's such a special feeling. If you get a chance to try it, go for it!
THIS!!! It's such a beautiful and special experience...also, it may sound weird but you HAVE to take your shoes off. Feeling the ground beneath your feet is really a magical experience!
Good job guys! And the other guys on the roof too! Glad to see you picking up trash on your canoeing trip, I do the same on my daily walks. Charlie looked a lot more spry after the vet visit! I'm more spry after that shower scene!
Stunning roof!! How fortunate the installers are to have such gracious hosts, e.g. lunch, water, an extra pair of hands when needed. I have to believe at some level they are learning not to fear "the other". I'm not sure there is any need to put words to the music of a healthy relationship the two of you share.
Life is always better with a jig ! It’s easy to think it’s not worth taking the time to create jig first but that bit of time up front always pays off massively by making the rest of the job easier
That roof is awesome! I love it and that new shower is great, what a beautiful place to shower with the birds sing in the back ground so relaxing. Missed you guys last week.
I did nachos yesterday. And now I'm wanting hot dogs! Luckily, I have some in the fridge. As soon as the video is over, I'm going to go make something to eat.
the roof is awsome. The new flowers you planted are going to spread so much, I love the colors of them. So happy Charlie is ok. Stay safe and well. Have a great week the 5 of you
On your tower roof, put copper. Your place is absolutely gorgeous. I’m jealous I’m following every step. The best thing you could do on that top portion is put copper roof.
Copper roofs are swell, but there is one problem with them. The copper will bleed out into the environment and get into the topsoil. There it functions as a poison. Also, copper is a valuable commodity for people to steal. There is a risk that one day they will find that somebody stole the copper and sold it.
I really enjoy watching you guys and seeing your progress. All your hard work is really showing through! You both should be very proud of yourselves! 👌
Everything looks so good! I can't wait to see the completed exterior. I am glad that your puppies are okay, it is difficult not to worry after them. Have a wonderful week and see you next Sunday, yes you were missed but I am glad you got a bit of a break.
You guys are truly building a paradise. After much thought and knowing the high cost we have decided against another pond (WE have a smaller natural one.) so our pool will be filled in by the end of summer. Then I see yours and my heart sinks. We also see flowers in outer areas of the small pond that look like an Iris, of some kind. Similar to the one's you transplanted but more purple. Enjoy!
The progress is so exciting. I love the way the roof looks. Things are cooking up now. The drone shots of The Land are amazing. You have done so much!!!! Also, I want a grilled hotdog! Love you guys! See you Sunday!
They're wild phlox!!! So pretty. Love your two pup buddies. They are just the best. And squirrel is a perfect kitty to be around the big fluff monsters. She may believe she's a dog!!!! Nice roof- it's really coming together.
Welcome back you guys! We DID miss you so much!! 😘 Question for ya. Are you going to be renting the dome out as an Air BnB, once you move into the house? And if so, what kind of screening will you do for short term visitors? I watch you guys every week & I'm dying to meet you!!! If you're open to meeting your fans. 😁 Love ya! ❤️ Thanks for being here & for being YOU! 😃 ❤️🙏❤️ 🙏😘
I hope your Dames Rocket spreads well. The roof looks awesome. Nice kayaking. Glad Charlie is OK. The outdoor shower looks so good. I still enjoy your jokes.😂❤
Hey you!!! Hope you had a lovely few weeks and didn't miss us too much last week 😘...This has been SUCH an exciting project, we can’t WAIT to hear what you think about the roof we went with!!! Over the next few weeks we’re going to be fully finishing the exterior from the rest of the roofing, the roof top deck, to the siding AND even cladding the tower. You are not going to believe what we decided on for the tower…let’s just say it’s official, Todd needs to order his Rupunzel wig ASAP. Eeeeek, so much exciting things happening!!!
Hi T,T,C,E,L ❤
@JayMills-08 Hi!!
My Favorite Boys, my Dynamic Duo. I couldn't wait to watch the whole video before saying hello. I hope the two of you took some well deserved down time to enjoy life. I am going to watch the video now, but I have no doubt it will be amazing. Sending Love and Hugs to Tyler and Todd and their Lil Family 💙💙🐶🐶🐈⬛
@@lynettecarner Thanks so much Lynette xo
Missed you so much! Going to love this vlog!
I love that Todd’s luxurious shower scene is such a complete contrast from the “I feel cheap” tub bath scene😂
AHAHAH omg yes how did I not think of it
Loved both equally.😁
@@WalkiTalki 😂Same
Yes, but that "I feel cheap" scene will NEVER get old.😂
Not to be cringe. But seeing a same sex couple thriving and pushing through everything, using communication and humour and enormous amounts of love, is so heartwarming and needed.
Love from Joe - long time fan from the U.K. x
This isn't cringe at all, appreciate you ❤
Not cringe! I was thinking the same things!
Why did you even say “cringe” to begin with! Couldn’t you simply have said you liked their channel and not had to make a comment making it sound different and not normal??! Comments like that just make relationships sound creepy and different.
Nothing about this beautiful undertaking is Cringe. As a man who seems never to have had a truly loving and committed relationship, I’m just a tad bit envious seeing something so wonderful as this.
J J ❤
You guys work so well together. It makes our hearts happy when we watch!
The flower is Hesperis matronalis, often called Dame's Rocket. They're biennial, so be sure the seeds drop and germinate this summer so you'll get blooms next year.
Yep, definitely Dame's Rocket.
Such a pretty bloom! I tried looking it up but was unsuccessful, happy you knew!
I love seeing you pick up the river trash... you guys really embody how the world should treat our precious Earth! Big love to all of you, and an extra hug to Charlie! ❤
Love that you always cook for your crew whether that’s included in the job..doubt it…or not, it’s very nice of you. I’m sure it’s greatly appreciated!
Haha it's definitely not included but I really do think it adds to the rapport in the group and a more enjoyable experience for everyone to look forward to!
@@tylerandtodd some of those soups and hot dishes must be so nice when it’s cold out🦋
Oh my gosh, the roof was SO worth the wait! It looks fantastic. I totally agree that hiring painters to do the outside is worth the money for the relief from stress. And that new shower. Todd, honey, that shower scene,…mercy! Great video this week and such progress!
I know (re: shower scene)!
@@luv2dancesalsa465 oh yeah, whew!!!
After extensive renovations our house exterior was unpainted for a year because we were going to do it ourselves 😂. 13 months later we hired professional painters and it was done in 5 days. Totally worth it!!
@@luv2dancesalsa465 😂
@@sarahdee374 😂
Just a suggestion.. while doing all the roof work..figure out your Christmas light plan and place your permanent hangers in now..when the holidays roll around things will be much easier!
One of my favorite things is that you guys always hire really nice and talented people
Nova Scotians are pretty nice and talented folks!
@@dorisbetts3012 now in the states it's hard to find that combination unfortunately
@@crinkle2649 Sorry to hear that. Atlantic Canadians have had centuries of hardship and have learned to depend on one another in hard times and tend to be pretty rooted in their family ancestry. That attitude has carried over through the generations. We take it for granted here. Less individualism and more cooperation to get things done. And we have traditiinaly had a pretty skilled labour force. Mind you, many of our skilled laborers have moved to central and western Canada for the years for more and better paid work.
Happy, So happy. Good, So good.
Seriously great cinematography! The aerial shots, the slow-motion shots and the super clear closeups shows how profession you guys truly are. Great job!
Wow, thank you!
Tyler, I'm with you on the acrophobia. I get vertigo just looking at your drone shots. Your stewardship of our planet is so admirable, whether it's recycled steel or policing the river as you're enjoying it, you both make such a mindful effort to be kind to this home we all share. Thank you.
My issue with heights is not being up high, it's the climbing to get there! I'm scared of ladders...lol!
@@thirtynine3955 I don't mind the heights or the ladders, its the fall that scares me.
I don't have any fear of heights, but I have had vertigo. A horrible thing. In hospital for five days.
Watching you two I'm reminded to, "Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's a day you've had everything to do and you've done it."
AND on the days where you don't get it all done, as long as you had fun...that's all that really matters ❤
@@tylerandtodd Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. John Lennon. I agree with him!
Cory & Blair (& their leader) -- favorite trades guys so far.
The sounds of the birds during shower time- exquisite
Guys, the roof looks fantastic!
I've always wanted an outdoor shower. I bet Todd doesn't feel "cheap" anymore!!!
Feeling pretty classy out in the woods! 😂
Wow! It’s really starting to come together not just the house but the whole compound you’ve created. Just Beautiful ❤
Ok, I just watched every single video you guys have made since I discovered you guys about 3 weeks ago! You are so inspiring, not just in what you are building but the love and care you have for one another. You are living my dream and I am living vicariously through you. Thank you!
The sound of rain on a metal roof is magical. You’re going to love it
I love watching the build videos and the gardening videos, but I have to admit, the main reason I never miss a single one is to experience the deep, genuine love you have for each other and your babies.
You fellas have a designer house in the woods!!! 😎🎶🥰❤️❤️❤️ That’s got to be relaxing--showering in the woods, in the ❤️ of Nature!!! 😎🎶😎
The minute you mention Charlie I almost had a heart attack I can't stand when there's anything wrong with our furbabies praying everything will be okay
Todd and Tyler, you are so kind to the guys working on your homestead. The roof is stunning. 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
The flower find looks like phlox to me guys! The further along you get on your home, I think the more you feel for it. Glad to know Charlie is only getting to be an older doggy and there's nothing else wrong. You guys are inspiring!
Thanks Diane, appreciate you!
Yes phlox but cut off the flowers before you plant to give the roots time to establish 😘
I say phlox too. its one of my fav flowers!!
Yep Phlox. In Iowa they go down to a clump of leaves that stay green all winter, almost look like a weed in the spring... so remember where you planted them. Flowers put on micro "pea pods" for the seeds. A very mature plant might be able to be divided, but it might be quicker to gather the seeds and start seedlings. Some years the aroma can be stronger than Lilacs.
Not phlox. 4 petals on that plant, phlox has 5. That is dame's rocket.
As an arthritic "older" person (just like Charlie) I just wanted to let you guys know to watch out for Charlie when he gets his shot, he may feel so much better that he gets "too happy" and hurts himself having a good time. (I just think yall can save Charlie from being sore after he gets his shot.) Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventures!
The fact that you both can honestly say you’ve had a hand in building your forever home and not just plan it … not many people can say that!! You boys look so proud and refreshed!!
Totally!!! I just love that one day when we're sitting down on the couch relaxing...(I know, that seems SO far off lol)....It's going to be special to look around and say "wow, we really did that"
My Monday ritual to watch this weeks posting while going to uni. Hope the pooch will be okay ❤
You guys have created a beautiful environment, not just the house, but the whole outdoor space.
I agree! I hope when they move into the new home, they turn the dome into an AirBnB. I would love to come spend a weekend on that beautiful property!
That outdoor shower is everything!!!!!! I’d have multiple rainheads for sharing showers. 🖤💚🖤
I love the roof, I love the new shower! It's so sweet of y'all to fix lunch for the guys, I know they really appreciate it. So glad Charlie is going to be okay and I hope the injections work, he looked pretty happy!
They won't need to replace it in their lifetime. I have a similar type and I blow the leaves out of the downspout collectors once a year and that's it.
Our old dog benefited greatly from adiquine. Hope Charlie's all good!
Missed you guys last week 😭 Hope you enjoyed every moment of your time off, heaven knows you deserve it!
On an unrelated note:
I'm starting a campaign to increase the number of shower scenes 🤭
Yes ! Nothing like a bit of bare skin to brighten anyone's day ! ;)
IKR! Hotties
one can never be tooo clean!
Where do I sign?
I think those pretty plants are dames rocket. 😊
You are always missed when you're gone but I love that you take time for yourselves and family❤. The roof is looking amazing! I sure hope Charlie gets to feeling better😢 ❤️🐾🐱🐾❤️
Thanks Julie, downtime is so important! He's feeling a lot better now with the injections which is a big relief for us!
Wish I could enjoy nature the way you guys do. I like nature during the day. Nature nights make me anxious. 😬 Nature little creatures give me the creeps.😵 Enjoy!
The roof looks really sleek & stylish with the house. Glad Charlie is good. Pets are family. That shower set up is sweet. Have a great rest of your week.
You guys should consider a virtual grand opening.
I'm not sure how it will pan out but it seems like it would be the the appropriate outcome. Love the vibe and everything to date is awesome. I look forward to your sharing and the warmth you two bring to the table. 😊
Love that idea, Mark!
Buy the way my dad was a breeder of English Setters and your dogs have the same DNA one of the issues is they suffer from hip displacing problems be mindful of there body weight it causes them slow down and suffer from old man problems. Watch there intake of KFC . Just kidding I ment to say Ben & Jerry's.
So glad you're back, and you've had a nice mix of productivity and relaxation.
P.s. you wished me luck on my driving test, and I passed!!! Thanks for your well wishes!
Congratulations on passing your drivers test🎉🎉
@@janettefowler1825 thank you!!!
So much positivity…..congrats and thanks for sharing!
The pond is looking so full of life! Loving the grasses
Hey, I give my, just turned 16 years old cat, the same shot each month you guys are giving Charlie. It’s life changing for them, expensive, yes, but, they’re our babies! He, Forrest, can jump, run around, play, makes me so happy! 😻😻😻
That roof is incredible! This video was amazing, once again! My favorite youtubers, and I love seeing squirrel running around outside with all of you! Cant wait for next week!
Yay Tyler and Todd are back
I love seeing Fran floating around and enjoying her best life. ❤😂😊
Tyler and Todd! Our very dear friends who we married here in the states Billy lost his love of 27 years, he is a wreck and heartbroken. We cant stop crying.
So sorry to hear about that Kathy, we're sending you and Billy (and everyone affected) all our love xoxo
Tell Billy a Jewish mama who doesn't even know anything about him, that I'm so so sorry for his love being cruelly taken too soon. My heart goes out to Billy and anyone else suffering through this major loss.
@@ArtisticlyAlexis Thank you soooo much! We are all missing Scott so much. 😢
The flowery plant is phlox. There are some white, pink, blue and lilac ones as well. They grow wild just about everywhere!
Thanks for the help with this!
In Arizona mountains, they bloom in the spring and they're tiny, just a few inches tall.
Yes they are Wild Plox. They spread nicely and have a great smell. The cardboard is great under garden paths to discourage weeds. It biodegrades over time.
Yes the phlox grow wild in my back yard and the smell is awesome! Love the roof - had mine done last year (in black) love it! Just be sure to put guards up for when the low let’s go - you or the dogs would not want to be standing under it!! Scary when it lets go!
It's actually Dame's Rocket, which is often confused with and looks similar to Phlox.
You guys have become part of my weekly routine 😀
Thanks for making time for us, Alex. Means more than you know xo
I heard that you can install permanent Christmas lights. Not sure how they look but love the idea of only putting them up once and turning them on any time you like 😊
Ooooh wow. Really love the idea of that too...I wonder if they'd look like you always have Christmas lights up though?
@@tylerandtodd Perhaps there are multi-coloured ones where you can choose what colours you want to suit the season so they'd be good for more than just Christmas.
If you want to identify flower varieties & have an iPhone you can take a picture of the flower and then click the the little i icon next to the trash button - the i button is for looking up & identifying the flower by image search. It’s a fantastic resource!
It's wonderful to see that your house is coming together so well. In 5 years' time you'll look back and tell each other:"we did good". Loved the shower bit! Hooray for great thinking on your parts.
I love when u go kayaking you're so lucky to have the chance to go almost spontaneous its mesmerizing!!!
And the roof looks amazing 😊
We try and go as often as we can which is not nearly enough...it's incredibly beautiful!
Hey guys gotta say I absolutely
Loved this video 🌿🥰🐾🐾🐾🌟
So much going on and smiling faces
Yah really special video 💕
I love how you 2 interact. You 2 are amazing...relationship goals for everyone. The house is looking FABULOUS!! The shower looks amazing...like a relaxing nature filed Zen fantasy. Ohh and DAMMMMMMMMM Tyler you lucky dog. The shower clip was SO VERY steamy!!!
Yay! It’s Sunday - hey T&T fam! Always amazing to see the progress on the Land. Love to the animal family x
Hey hey!!! Hope you're doing well Cass xoxo
Wow! The house is looking great! And you guys frikkin beam from the excitement! Good to see ya again!
Hope you had a good break. Missed you last week, but your physical and mental health is so important. It’s great seeing the house come together.
We used to call those plants Sweet Williams. They grew along the edges of our pond and had a wonderful scent!
You guys are such amazing dads to your dogs and cat. Love the simplicity of the flat roof panels, they really are beautiful. Your outdoor shower setup is incredible. Thoroughly enjoyed watching your video as always. It’s great that you take breaks now and then and enjoy some downtime from filming.
Hi guys! I think the wild flowers are called Dames Rockets. They are very common here in New York State . Your roof is great!
Beautiful standing seam roof! So much more of a finished look than plain corrugated. And for those who've never showered outdoors: it's such a special feeling. If you get a chance to try it, go for it!
THIS!!! It's such a beautiful and special experience...also, it may sound weird but you HAVE to take your shoes off. Feeling the ground beneath your feet is really a magical experience!
ps OMD! Total shower ENVY!
Good job guys! And the other guys on the roof too! Glad to see you picking up trash on your canoeing trip, I do the same on my daily walks. Charlie looked a lot more spry after the vet visit! I'm more spry after that shower scene!
HAHA I lol'd at this one...yay for everyone being spry LOL
Jigs are a handyman’s godsend!
Stunning roof!! How fortunate the installers are to have such gracious hosts, e.g. lunch, water, an extra pair of hands when needed. I have to believe at some level they are learning not to fear "the other". I'm not sure there is any need to put words to the music of a healthy relationship the two of you share.
Life is always better with a jig ! It’s easy to think it’s not worth taking the time to create jig first but that bit of time up front always pays off massively by making the rest of the job easier
Roof looks great, shower seems very zen in the outdoors. Good work guys!
Showering with the backdrop sound of birds! Your paradise gets better with every passing day.
That's a variety of Phlox that most definately spreads. In my garden I call it a weed 😂
That roof is awesome! I love it and that new shower is great, what a beautiful place to shower with the birds sing in the back ground so relaxing. Missed you guys last week.
i can't take this much joy. I am so happy 4 u both. and Charles and Edward and Miss Lilly.
You know it's Sunday, when Tyler and Todd are on our screens. Having my nachos and going to watch the vlog. Love you guys 😊❤️👍
We're doing BBQ nachos tonight!!! Can't wait lol
@@tylerandtodd nice Tyler and Todd, very delicious. Enjoy your nachos. Nachos are so yummy. 😉😊🇨🇦
I did nachos yesterday. And now I'm wanting hot dogs! Luckily, I have some in the fridge. As soon as the video is over, I'm going to go make something to eat.
@angelinabrown3142 Enjoy your hot dogs, they are my favorite with potato salad or macaroni salad. 😊👍
Great vlog, y’all! It’s always a pleasure to connect with you two! Er…. You five!
the roof is awsome. The new flowers you planted are going to spread so much, I love the colors of them. So happy Charlie is ok. Stay safe and well. Have a great week the 5 of you
So excited to see them pop up everywhere!!! ❤
On your tower roof, put copper. Your place is absolutely gorgeous. I’m jealous I’m following every step. The best thing you could do on that top portion is put copper roof.
Copper roofs are swell, but there is one problem with them. The copper will bleed out into the environment and get into the topsoil. There it functions as a poison. Also, copper is a valuable commodity for people to steal. There is a risk that one day they will find that somebody stole the copper and sold it.
It's good to see you guys back and in action again with your container home ❤
Give Charlie AG1 DAMIT!!
I really enjoy watching you guys and seeing your progress. All your hard work is really showing through! You both should be very proud of yourselves! 👌
Wow!!! Loved the shower with the birds talking.
Everything looks so good! I can't wait to see the completed exterior. I am glad that your puppies are okay, it is difficult not to worry after them. Have a wonderful week and see you next Sunday, yes you were missed but I am glad you got a bit of a break.
Love the roof.
You guys are absolutely amazing! The roof is looking so good!!! The whole project is just magical. Keep up the excellent work guys.❤
Loved this video - kayaking, flowers, roofing etc. what a gorgeous area you live in! Thanks for sharing ❤️
You guys are inspiring me to change my own life and begin making things better. It's a beautiful home you've created.
That roof will make an amazing sound when it rains while taking a nap by the fireplace.
Love the progress Boys!!! I look forward to every Sunday to see the new update. What inspirations you both are!!
You guys are truly building a paradise. After much thought and knowing the high cost we have decided against another pond (WE have a smaller natural one.) so our pool will be filled in by the end of summer. Then I see yours and my heart sinks. We also see flowers in outer areas of the small pond that look like an Iris, of some kind. Similar to the one's you transplanted but more purple. Enjoy!
The progress is so exciting. I love the way the roof looks. Things are cooking up now. The drone shots of The Land are amazing. You have done so much!!!! Also, I want a grilled hotdog! Love you guys! See you Sunday!
That roof is awesome! Great choice. Great angles too.
I love your Sunday updates! You guys are inspiring! Love and good vibes your way!
I love watching ya'lls teamwork :)
They're wild phlox!!! So pretty. Love your two pup buddies. They are just the best. And squirrel is a perfect kitty to be around the big fluff monsters. She may believe she's a dog!!!! Nice roof- it's really coming together.
Fantastic video production and ❤ the new roof!
Love the new roof! Looking forward to more episodes of your forever home.
Us too Marsha, going to be an exciting next year!!
Love the roof!
The plant is, my guess, Dame's rocket (Hesperis matronalis) also called wild phlox or summer lilac. Enjoy!
So glad Charlie is just ageing... You all deserve the best😊
Now 'that's' how to end a hot summer day!
Dame’s Rocket! Native to Europe and considered easy to care for.
Welcome back you guys! We DID miss you so much!! 😘
Question for ya. Are you going to be renting the dome out as an Air BnB, once you move into the house? And if so, what kind of screening will you do for short term visitors?
I watch you guys every week & I'm dying to meet you!!! If you're open to meeting your fans. 😁 Love ya! ❤️ Thanks for being here & for being YOU! 😃 ❤️🙏❤️ 🙏😘
Wow, a shower in the open with birds singing in the background, how beautiful is that?
I hope your Dames Rocket spreads well. The roof looks awesome. Nice kayaking. Glad Charlie is OK. The outdoor shower looks so good. I still enjoy your jokes.😂❤