These keycards cost 3 million... Is it worth it?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 60

  • @Hudszgaming
    @Hudszgaming  День назад +5

    What's your favourite map? And do you think they should rotate normal mode between different maps?

    • @CenReaper.
      @CenReaper. День назад

      Yeah, I think they should both rotate normal mode and the one where you need 100k + loadout to enter, especially on Layali Groove considering it's a better designed for gunfights (there is more of them).
      And not to forget, they should add Space City in the rotation of those 100k+ loadout maps every weekend (or one weekend Layali Groove and other Space City).

    • @_Brando_69
      @_Brando_69 День назад

      I think they need to add a limit to what you can bring into the easy mode also when its the map where you have a choice. go in tryin to do tasks and run into guys with purple and gold stuff.

    • @GamingPlaceboEffect
      @GamingPlaceboEffect День назад

      I like the dam honestly. Im old so my eyes dont like long range fights lol. I do think normal mode should rotate between maps. I like the current system where the new map only unlocks on the weekends, but from mon-friday I think they should cycle the normal map daily, to keep it fresh.

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад

      This is very true 👍

  • @lennertvertongen7765
    @lennertvertongen7765 День назад +12

    Glossing over the deagle and the 75k on the first 2 bodies was giving me a little anxiety

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад

      😅😅 sorry. My looting eyes are bad

  • @CenReaper.
    @CenReaper. День назад +11

    Useful to tip: when you are going for a specific loot location and want to play the game the specific way and spawn or whatever doesn't let you, play it the way you are supposed to play it in that situation and then play the way you want when you get a good spawn or at least a chance in the match where you can't do what you want. Saying this because you complained about the spawn being too far from the loot location like game cares about your keycard. When that happens, play it like it's just a normal match and either do it when you get a chance or don't do it in that match to begin with.

  • @Tech9Edits
    @Tech9Edits День назад +5

    26:11 remember to pick up their mission rewards u left 75k coin per kill

    • @Tech9Edits
      @Tech9Edits День назад +1

      as i sent this ur friend reminded u so nvm :D

  • @horus777
    @horus777 18 часов назад +1

    Its the Dam for me, as I mostly play solo. The avg loot in easy difficulty is 500-700k, sometimes hitting 800-900k.

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  13 часов назад

      Dam is great for quick money

  • @elomaquiabelo
    @elomaquiabelo День назад

    Hey quick question! How do you get the attachments from the weapon with shortcut? Doesn't work for me, I have to drag manually the attachments and it's SO MUCH TIME. Would love the tip (and the mates who wait for me too)

    • @mnt_sans9285
      @mnt_sans9285 День назад

      try double clicking them

    • @elomaquiabelo
      @elomaquiabelo День назад

      @mnt_sans9285 yeah man after seeing this video I tried everything and THATS the solution. Idk why would you have to doble click instead of just use the normal interaction buttun

  • @Maxime-ho9iv
    @Maxime-ho9iv 11 часов назад

    Great play!

  • @PressHereDude
    @PressHereDude 5 часов назад

    You saw him get his mate @ 5:03 you sadly didn't get him for it.

  • @Cashprt
    @Cashprt День назад +3

    I was on the other map and I heard you guys.

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад +1

      @@Cashprt ?

    • @gelwanted
      @gelwanted День назад

      @@Hudszgaming im just as confused as you are brother

    • @efkrdnz
      @efkrdnz День назад


  • @snakelegs6778
    @snakelegs6778 2 часа назад

    do you lose the keycards after using them?

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  2 часа назад

      @@snakelegs6778 no depending on the card they have a set amount of uses

  • @mozan33r71
    @mozan33r71 День назад

    Do you lose the cards after dying?

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад

      No keycards have a special slot in your loadout which keeps them safe. You can hold 4 for each map

  • @pralayhait7276
    @pralayhait7276 15 часов назад

    can anyone please tell me , how to equip knife skin in operation, I mean I want to bring it with me in extraction mode.

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  13 часов назад

      If you go into the items menu at the bottom you'll see a sub menu called melee and you'll be able to equip skins through that.

    • @pralayhait7276
      @pralayhait7276 5 часов назад

      @Hudszgaming in "collection" u mean? I can't find any option named item in the start menu, from collection>melee, it says "obtained", there it says "⚠️equip in loadout" , from warfare I already equiped it in loadout, am I missing some options? I am talking about black hawk ( free dagger skin)

  • @joshimitsu342
    @joshimitsu342 2 часа назад

    pls tell me you took the 75k cash from the dad team @26:30 xd

  • @Seedlessbond
    @Seedlessbond День назад

    Key cards aren't worth it since u need to successfully extract everytime even if u find some high tier loot u would have to survive every raid for it to be worth it

  • @CenReaper.
    @CenReaper. День назад

    What's the name of this map?

  • @unsolved8108
    @unsolved8108 День назад +1

    How would u rate the game ?

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад +1

      @@unsolved8108 a solid 7/10 a lot of great quality of life features. But the maps are pretty average and the gear system currently I don't agree with. But it's very casual and easy to sink time into, progression is very friendly.

    • @unsolved8108
      @unsolved8108 День назад +1

      @Hudszgaming average in terms of what ?

    • @unsolved8108
      @unsolved8108 День назад +1

      @Hudszgaming I give it an 8.5/10 cuz of itense extraction gets, sometimes more intense than pubg.

    • @CenReaper.
      @CenReaper. День назад

      I assume he meant average maps in turns of how they play compared to other games.

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад

      @@unsolved8108 I just think the maps could be much better. They're designed to funnel you in to certain areas which is ok, but then fights end up being just head on, very little opportunity to do flanks or things like that which I prefer.

  • @tanmoyroy1479
    @tanmoyroy1479 21 час назад

    i unwillingly uninstalled delta force.. only n only cuz of the constant stuttering n fps drops im getting. this game is perfect for me.. im an extraction shooter enjoyer. i played tarkov, hunt, abi... all ran flawlessly on my system.. i really want to enjoy this game but performance issues are ruining the fun. hope it will get fixed and i will install it again.. keep up ur content.. i enjoy watching u play..

    • @Play4Everz
      @Play4Everz 17 часов назад

      Not sure what your rig is but its not normal, im getting 240+ stable on ultra settings. Yes i got a beast but you should atleast run 60 if your pc is somewhat decent. There's definitely something other than the game itself triggerijng this issue

    • @ForceOfFortitude
      @ForceOfFortitude 15 часов назад

      i can get 100 fps+ on a RTX2060s with a little bit of tweaking on settings, constant stuttering isn't normal

    • @Roejoegan
      @Roejoegan 6 часов назад

      Still getting 200+ with my 2080ti at 1080p 😂 still smooth af

  • @CenReaper.
    @CenReaper. День назад

    I think it would be better to upgrade your base with money from the cards , especially considering they are free.

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад +1

      @@CenReaper. Unless they unlock normal difficulty with higher tier loot then yeah just worth selling.

  • @rage0exe
    @rage0exe День назад

    Normal vs easy loot difference is insane. Admin red card i opened like 10 times and only got golds (1-1.2mil total) vs first normal open i find a red cd and a red armored vehicle that was like 1.8Mil combined 😂

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад

      Yeah normal has all the good loot. Wish we could normal difficulty on Layali! 😅

  • @lxnaowo
    @lxnaowo День назад

    bro you have such a smooth voice

  • @hunterbattistone6754
    @hunterbattistone6754 День назад

    I honestly believe the hotel on this map has better loot my best runs on layali have all been from the hotel and fighting people there.

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  День назад

      I think it depends on where the boss spawns/safes are. But hotel is great too. The top of the map is huge so opportunity for more good loot as well.

  • @naturepan
    @naturepan 16 часов назад

    Game is infested with ballant cheaters, thats why they are not killable. If im not wrong, there are some cheats that they can buy for 3$. SO, fair gameplay is ruined :(

    • @jukokun3732
      @jukokun3732 4 часа назад

      I have 50 hours now and didnt faced a Single cheater

  • @moralesangel2227
    @moralesangel2227 14 часов назад

    This video Was gringe

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  14 часов назад

      @@moralesangel2227 grunge? Why thank you, I enjoy a bit of grunge

  • @nevywev
    @nevywev 13 часов назад

    fights were good but you two are so bad at looting

    • @Hudszgaming
      @Hudszgaming  13 часов назад

      @@nevywev 🤷‍♂️ would it have made that much difference lol

    • @nevywev
      @nevywev 8 часов назад

      @@Hudszgaming nono, as long as you had fun. sorry if it seemed like a mean comment