Freyja: Protector of the Beautiful

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Patreon: / thewisdomofodin
    Wisdom of Odin Merch:
    Instagram: @thewisdomofodin
    My name is Jacob and I am a Norse Pagan. I started my journey with the Old Gods in 2016, in 2019 I was giving an offering to Odin outside of my home and I felt his presence before me. In a few short words I knew my task ahead of me, I needed to gather the folk. With backgrounds in running my own photography business, and my time managing restaurants, I had the skills to make a difference.
    I started with an Instagram account in June 2019 to start reaching out to others for the first time, and in August 2019 I began my journey into youtube. While it was a slow journey at first, I continued to make videos in hopes that they could help others who started out lost like me. By February of 2020 I made the first huge step into what the Wisdom of Odin was created to do, I put out a call to gather the folk. Within a week I had 9 people ready to meet in Kentucky for an Ostara festival, and it was one of the most beautiful days of our lives.
    We started something on that hill, we set in motion something I think will change the world. We started to plan the next gathering a day after returning home. Midsummer would become a life changing experience all over again. We gathered 27 people to worship the old gods in Kentucky.
    In between those two gatherings the Wisdom of Odin sky rocketed in viewership and community support. While I am so honored to be watched by so many, my ability to respond to meesages is coming to an end. All I can do is to continue to promote these gatherings, and make videos to help others.
    There is a dream that exist, a dream that grows closer by the day. A dream to build a hall in North America! Keep watching for updates on its development. This hall will not be easy and it will have cost, I am working with some amazing people to make this happen and I hope when the time comes youll be willing to take up hammers to assist us in its construction.
    Patreon has become an amazing community, and through the patronage of over 100 people it has become one of the fastest growing Patreon's in the world. The greatest benifit I can give is a Discord community that may be one of the best out there. With over 20 admins it is a well oiled machine of constant conversations on the Gods and the old ways. If you wish to join this Discord community please consider donating at the first level of my Patreon ($5). With your support I can soon become a full time youtuber while also keeping this channel ad free!
    This is the most amazing journey I could of ever hoped to be on, we are doing amazing things my friends, my folk. We have much work to do.

Комментарии • 163

  • @tormor2229
    @tormor2229 4 года назад +63

    I've been working with Froja for a very long time, and I have to say, She is my Mother, my Beloved. A number of years ago when I was in a very dark place in my life, I was self-harming. I have been a pagan all of my life but I never really knew much about Mother. One particular night I had made a very bad mistake, and I had cut too deep on my leg. I was bleeding profusely and I was extremely scared. I was lying there on my bathroom floor and Her name just came to me. I started chanting Her name and was calling out to Her for help. I've always been attracted to Divines that are women. As I was calling Her name, I felt this feeling of a warm hand cover my wound. As this happened I started to cry, and my entire being was just filled with love from this wonderful Goddess. The wound instantly stopped bleeding, and it healed within a few days. Ever since then I have completely given my heart to Her, and I know She is always with me. I'm glad you had an experience with Her, you are most definitely blessed! Until the Hall.

  • @WorgenGrrl
    @WorgenGrrl 4 года назад +46

    Freyja is also a Goddess of Value. She can help you find your sense of "Self-worth" and "Inner-Beauty". And I believe I had a quick glimpse of Freyja once...I was daydreaming...kinda half-asleep...and I saw a beautiful woman with long red hair pass before my dream vision give me a smile then vanish.

  • @katscountrylife734
    @katscountrylife734 3 года назад +9

    When I first met Freyja, it was during a really tough time...
    We had a cat who was really connected to my daughter. This cat was the first one to inform me about my daughter’s medical issues, and anytime she was feeling unwell, this cat was there.
    And then the cat got sick. She was in the vets office for two weeks and they didn’t expect her to survive. I’d gotten a call from the vet that she probably wasn’t going to make it. That night my daughter (who was 4 at the time) woke up in the middle of the night, shaking, and she relayed to me this incredible dream she’d had. She described Freyja in incredible details, and told me how Freyja was going to take care of our cat. The next morning I made an offering to Freyja, and later in the day we got a call that somehow, our cat was improving. Within three days we got to bring her home. And now, three years later, she’s still with us.
    To this day I wear a Freyja pendant to honor her and thank her for what she did for our family.

    • @melissagatewood4921
      @melissagatewood4921 2 года назад

      Wow, I was so moved by this story. Thanks for sharing it!

  • @LDelight77
    @LDelight77 Год назад +1

    that is beautiful! I have been doing offerings to her on Fridays... I'm female and she recently told me in meditation to follow the instincts I've been having to create beautiful altars, to allow myself to spend the money on the most beautiful flowers and basically to create beauty. She was so clear in her message that this was important and a valid thing to do: create and honor beauty!!

  • @Mama_Maphia
    @Mama_Maphia 3 года назад +1

    I’ve been slowing learning more about the Norse religion/faith/life since I was a little girl. I never felt comfortable with Catholicism and always questioned the ways of it and why if he (god) was so powerful, why did bad things still happen to powerless people (learned about abuse and death of children...I was 8y)
    Today, it was supposed to rain. Then the forecast changed and the rain moved on. I researched the god of rain (Freyr) and his likes for offerings and as I’m going head first, my husband called for me to come out and it’s raining. I stand under the open rain and just close my eyes, and I KNEW he saw my dedication and intent, and gave me back some rain (my FAVORITE weather). I felt him, I knew he was at a distance, but there. Today is a great day!

  • @geekyelfgypsy
    @geekyelfgypsy 4 года назад +22

    I believe I experienced her years before I became a heathen. Looking back at it now I feel it was definitely her. I was driving in the country and there's always this stretch of road that goes through a forest and I always feel a sense of awe everytime I pass through. I was driving and a hawk was flying above my car right in front of my windshield and stayed with me for a few minutes. I was in utter disbelief at the majesty and honor of getting to witness such a beautiful and powerful creature practically race with my car. It was an experience I will never forget and I wish I'd realized it was her sooner. She's a true force of nature majestic and full of beauty but carries herself with such bad bitch energy you can never ignore her.

  • @nightangel486
    @nightangel486 4 года назад +12

    I recently connected with Freyja too, and it's inspired me to start my own study and practice of Norse paganism. In learning more about her I realized just how much she has always been present in my life. Ive always been a cat person, but the other animal that's always held significance to me for some reason is hawks. Any time I see one on a trip I see it as a good omen. Now I'm know why.

  • @primalmightkindred
    @primalmightkindred 3 года назад +6

    Freyja has been my patron deity for nearly 20 years. The bees are symbolic as the names of her cats are Brygul (Bee Gold or honey) and Trygul (Tree Gold or sap or better yet amber). She is such a multi-faceted goddess. She is an Asynjur. She is FreyjaDis, the Lady Disir. She is ValFreyja, the valkyrie. She is the Vanaqueen, Queen of the Vanir. She taught SeithR to Othin. She is the bearer of Brisingamenn, the Intellectual Fires of mankind.

  • @alice-faye5708
    @alice-faye5708 3 года назад +1

    Freyja is the only god I've ever dreamed about. I take care of stray cats in my village and one of them is called Freyja, she had 3 kittens who I look after and in my dream I went down to feed them and all 5 of my strays were circling round this woman rubbing on her legs and in the dream I knew it was Freyja and I was told that I'd said her name so many times talking about my strays that she had to come and see them and that taking care of these particular cats was an offering to her. It was just a dream but I've been pulled to her ever since.

  • @razz5473
    @razz5473 4 года назад +7

    The first time I gave an offering to Freyja, I had placed two small cat figures onto my altar, I suppose to appeal to her more. As I was speaking to her and sharing a cup of tea with her, my eyes kept wondering to the eyes of the cat figurines. I felt her presence there, as you said, in my heart and my chest. It was truly quite amazing :D

  • @sapphiccharlotte1818
    @sapphiccharlotte1818 4 года назад +4

    A less common sign of freyja that i encounter the most is ladybugs. They used to be Freyja’s hens, before the christians took the symbol and made them “Mary’s hens.”

  • @dutchpagans
    @dutchpagans 4 года назад +15

    Oh my
    That hawk and that squirl is a big sign.
    A squirl, in my expereince stands for being carefull and preparing.
    A hawk killing a squirl could be interpreted as freya telling you to loose your inhibititions.
    And come to her, make the video.

    • @tonya9614
      @tonya9614 4 года назад +2

      Great insights and interpretations

  • @psychoticbreakdown6983
    @psychoticbreakdown6983 4 года назад +9

    i really appreciate your videos brother! Journey on!

  • @oleg123987
    @oleg123987 3 года назад

    Yesterday (Friday, Freyja day) I felt a call. I needed to create something, to offer something to somenone, I didn't know who though, but I felt it was to help me with self-love and care, a thing i've been struglging a lot lately.
    And I had a intuition telling me to go to the woods close of my home and pick up 2 hibiscus. On the process I saw a beautyfull eagle / bird, I have no clue what species was that but it felt like Freya looking at me, aproving that I listened to her call.
    When I went back home I made a spell jar and consagrated it to her. Today I woke up and saw through the window 2 of that same bird. Like she was saying "I'm still here with you".
    So I went here, to this video, to study her best, then I started crying when you described her, her energy and her meaning. Cause now i'm sure it was her, and now i'm sure she was sending me sign for such a long time and I never listened. Thank you so much for this video.

  • @abrazor
    @abrazor 3 года назад

    It's also fascinating that in my last Journey I encountered a Hawk spirit. Great sign!

  • @UnchartedAtlas
    @UnchartedAtlas 3 года назад +3

    Hearing your experiences with the gods is really inspiring to keep looking for my own experiences and really appreciating them more than I perhaps normally would. Skal!

  • @lyn9291
    @lyn9291 4 года назад +23

    I had your video playing while having dinner. My granddaughter (1 y.o.) kept grabbing bread from my plate. At one point in the video, she takes some bread from my plate and tries to feed it to you through the screen. She has never done this before! I feel that Freya embodies a sweetness and generosity that can only be experienced by those who have made their souls gentle. If not, she is experienced as the fierce protector. Perhapa Freya has a gift in store for you, now that you have welcomed her sweet side into your realm.

  • @jackietripp1716
    @jackietripp1716 Год назад

    Go ladies!

  • @DoeDeer1
    @DoeDeer1 3 года назад

    That moment right before I woke up, I was given a rune. I had no idea what it was at the time and scoured every symbol I could until kenaz smacked me in the face several times.
    A few weeks after that and right before I awoke, I saw Freya pull up to my back door with the cats, her gorgeous coat, amazing hair and a presence no one could deny. I had zero idea who she was. Now I know and I’m just starting on expanding my knowledge on this new path, fully aware that hawks have been present my whole life.

  • @benruddle4740
    @benruddle4740 4 года назад +26

    I had an experience with Freyja that actually lead me to paganism

    • @lrbroccoli
      @lrbroccoli 3 года назад +1

      My experience with Odin in the form of a large white wolf is what lead me to paganism as well. It was honestly something I couldn't even explain.

    • @ambertheangel31
      @ambertheangel31 3 года назад

      @@lrbroccoli I had a dream of a big white wolf with blue eyes when I was a teenager and after that I started questioning religion because my family is Christian and this year I decided to be a norse pagan just recently

    • @whilliamnilsson6788
      @whilliamnilsson6788 2 года назад

      @@lrbroccoli A large white wolf, interesting, that sounds like you're describing one of Odins wolves, Geri. Was this a dream or IRL, if you dont mind sharing i would love to hear more?

  • @spudnick5844
    @spudnick5844 4 года назад +2

    My favorite historic topic to study is norse history and I find your channel so interesting. Now I'm an atheist but seeing this community really peaks my interest. I would love to see like a discord started to just talk to you guys. I think that would be cool. Awesome stuff tho.

  • @vorthora
    @vorthora 3 года назад

    I'm so happy for you!

  • @rosemaryfox9212
    @rosemaryfox9212 4 года назад +3

    I've worked with Freyja for a few years now, I first met her when Aphrodite started feeling more distant and there was an interesting and hard to describe moment of feeling like I was being handed off from Aphrodite to Freyja, they definitely have similar vibes and seem like good friends. I've mostly met with her in contexts of self-confidence and self-love, and there have been low moments of mine where Freyja has come to reassure me that I can still follow this path and her even when I feel weak. I still hold that interaction close to my heart.
    That picture definitely looks like her, though I usually see her with braids.
    She's truly wonderful, and I'm so excited that you've gotten to meet her!

  • @bamahuey1
    @bamahuey1 Год назад

    I have felt the presence of Freyja and have what seems to be an interesting connection to hawks. It’s very evident & powerful when a god/goddess shows themselves. I once thought a goddess wouldn’t work with or show themselves to a male but I was wrong. This path is extremely fascinating.

  • @hekaterose7307
    @hekaterose7307 3 года назад

    Oh my deities!
    I've been drawn to all the hawks that come up in my card readings.
    I swear to you now... I literally reached in bag and a few seconds later I felt a slight buzzing on my my finger (I adore bees) I flipped it off in panic and shock but managged to get it going with sugar water.
    I also have been working on with aphrodite so also could be a sign

  • @susysnakegirl
    @susysnakegirl 4 года назад +2

    Your videos are amazing! This is how my experiences with the Deities are, too.

  • @calvinstaricha8935
    @calvinstaricha8935 4 года назад +1

    Last night i had two huge owls that were outside my home, i went out and visited with them. And when i had my fill they flew off, i feel like that was kinda a check in to see my willingness. It was 1 am and i was warm in bed. Heard the call and got up and in my night cloths, walked out into the freezing night to listen.

  • @serenaleahy-higgins3
    @serenaleahy-higgins3 7 месяцев назад

    I've been going back and forth about Norse paganism because there was a spring a couple years ago. I had been in severe hardship for the past year I was heavily traumatized and I was far from home and once I got back I started listening to a bunch of music by Skàld there's one song Jolanótt that always makes me feel safe and I remember feeling so safe. In the bedroom I was staying at my parents it was open and the light would stream in through the windows and it was so beautiful and bright and I can remember so clearly I saw this woman once in my minds eye almost exactly as you described I'd been looking outside seeing the light stream through the treats and onto the grass I remember feeling a safety and serenity and just feeling this presence. I miss that feeling every day because I felt that same safety light and joy for months afterwards until it faded. I was healing from the trauma that I'd suffered and everything and I feel like once I did that feeling sorta faded and Ive felt like I need to get back into it.

  • @Jo-kk7yv
    @Jo-kk7yv 3 года назад

    Yep! That’s what She looks like! She appreciates you just speaking of Her and thanks you for this! 💓💓💓

  • @MarianneSelvigOlsen
    @MarianneSelvigOlsen 2 года назад

    Yes, Freja talks to your heart.

  • @frejboisen
    @frejboisen 4 года назад +3

    the way you told this story was super great-
    sadly i have never met freyja :(

  • @MissRosieBeau
    @MissRosieBeau 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing. That was wonderful to hear.

  • @michellelatoszewski5377
    @michellelatoszewski5377 3 года назад

    Congrats, man! She was my first contact with a Norse god(dess) and I completely agree with your assessment of her. I just found your channel today because I'm doing research for Kingdom Hearts theories, and every video I've seen of yours has been amazing and completely accurate to my own experiences. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us!

  • @kerriwarasila786
    @kerriwarasila786 3 года назад

    I feel like I've also seen that grove in meditations where freya usually spends her time. Least each time I've reached her she is in the grove showing me the fine details of the grass, the trees, I can see the dew in the grass. It's quite a thing to see and it's great to know others have seen it as well.

  • @oldmedic3216
    @oldmedic3216 4 года назад

    Well you got me with this one. Just recently, had an invite by Odin during morning meditation. Then layer that night a feminine voice says hello when I'm in near sleep and alone. I know its Freyja. We introduce ourselves. Feel this is the Path I have been looking for, for so long
    Hawks have been calling to me as of recent too. Time for an offering to both the Gods and Goddesses. Skol.

  • @jeffreythefilmbuff7617
    @jeffreythefilmbuff7617 4 года назад +2

    I just had an excellent idea; even for me! You should write a book about the description and history of all the Norse gods/goddesses, how to make offerings, the spirits, important gatherings/holidays, and what's it like being a Norse Pagan. I think it should be called "The Wisdom of Odin: a Guide to be a Norse Pagan by Jacob*"! I would definitely buy the first copy!
    *whatever your last name is

    • @TheWisdomOfOdin
      @TheWisdomOfOdin  4 года назад +2

      The thought has crossed my mind! I am sure it'll happen eventually lol

    • @beardlesswizard9197
      @beardlesswizard9197 4 года назад +2

      Have you read The Way of Fire and Ice? Pretty good accounts in the author’s ‘radical norse paganism’ views.

    • @MrCaboose83
      @MrCaboose83 4 года назад +1

      Lucas Skjaret reading that one right now :-)

    • @kev1734
      @kev1734 3 года назад

      I would definitely buy this book! I am pretty new and I'm trying to come up with my own offerings. But Jacob does explain that he 'feels' them out. I fully trust my instincts. This book would be extremely helpful as a starting point and as people grow and learn they'll start finding their own way :)

  • @drschonify
    @drschonify 3 года назад

    I am new to the faith still but I had an experience with her, only my second experience so far, and it was so different from what other describe with her. It was wonderful and unexpected. I had not had such a good cry in a very long time. It was about a week ago and it still makes me feel emotional. I am glad I took some advice and started a journal. I was behind but when this happened I spent a couple hours getting caught up so I could record it before my memory fades.

  • @dagamersidgaming1054
    @dagamersidgaming1054 4 года назад +1

    I have given her a few offerings as I have a big heart and I wanted a relationship and someone to love and be loved by and I gave multiple offerings for confidence and help with finding the right person. the first offering I gave to her a small hawk not too big flew round the grove I was praying in. this is something Freyja has always done is let me know that she was there and that she heard me. I asked for things to happen in the relationship and the did always which felt great and really helped me solidify my faith as I've only been truly pagan since this February. recently I broke off that relationship because of some serious problems that developed with my trust in my partner and some one-sidedness. the day we talked about stuff and the day I solidified my plan to break up with her Freyja appeared about ten feet away in the form of a beautiful red-tailed hawk that simply watched me walk in the countryside after coming to the decision. she may b fierce but she's also compassionate. I find her like the wind it can be warm and comforting and harsh and fierce when needs be. I may be a male but she's one of the gods I relate and give offerings to most frequently.

  • @blodrekkr4910
    @blodrekkr4910 3 года назад +2

    I too have had an experience with Freyja. It was in the beginning of my journey with paganism. My sister had been struggling for many years to get pregnant and it just wasn’t happening. So I called to Freyja and I asked for her help. And I did a rune pull to see what I should do for her in return. And what I got out of it was that she wanted me to continue on this path, which to me at the time was fairly new to me, she was content with that. So I was like “ok”. And then my sister got pregnant, and time passed and doctors said the pregnancy is a success, the baby is here to stay. So my sister felt comfortable picking out names. Now my sister is a Christian and knows nothing of the Norse lore, and she said if it ends up being a boy it will be Noah but if it’s a girl she will be Freyja... I heard this and my heart raced and I was immediately cemented into this path and blown away. The baby ended up a beautiful boy in any case but he was brought to us by the gods and I am grateful.

  • @daemondutch96
    @daemondutch96 3 года назад

    Looks like I'm going for a walk about. Thanks for the inspiration brother. Skal!

  • @rawleysewell2596
    @rawleysewell2596 3 года назад

    I'm new to norse paganism, I deliver for Amazon, and in the past week for some reason I get the urge to look up in the sky anytime during the 9 o clock hour in the morning, it could be 9:04, 9:25, 9:40, doesn't matter. I see a Falcon.

  • @mageeclectic3585
    @mageeclectic3585 3 года назад

    2 nights ago I made an offering to Freyja. My first offering where I actually took the time to prepare (I offeried her honey with the honey comb, chocolate, strawberries and whipped cream) and I lit a candle in her honor. I told her I was going through a lot right now (I've had a few deaths in my family over the last 3 months) and was seeking her wisdom and her guidance. I thanked her for her time and her presence and told her I hoped she would accept my offering. About an hour later I was watching TV and over the tv I kept hearing this mewing noise. So eventually I paused the TV and looked out my window (it was night time so I couldn't really see anything.) So I decided to open the door and poke my head outside and when I did a black and white cat (who I have literally never seen before) was standing on my door mat staring at me (mind you I live upstairs so she literally had to climb 2 flights of stairs to even get to my front door) and then she tried to run in my house. I went outside and was like "who are you? Where did you come from?" And she was acting super affectionate so I sat outside on my bench with her for a while and gave her some of my leftover salmon that I had (I dont have a cat so I didnt really have any cat food to offer her) and some water. She ended up falling asleep next to me for a little bit and when she woke up she went in her way. It wasn't until I went inside and sat back down that it hit me and I was like "No way.." I truely feels like this sweet kitty came to me to let me know that Freyja heard me and acknowledged me. It was an incredible experience I will cherished forever.
    Hail Freyja! 💛

  • @valiant2099
    @valiant2099 3 года назад

    My first contact with Freyja, was the first time i opened my heart to the gods and accepted my calling from them. Theres alot to it and its quite personal so dont want to have it publicly on here but ill happily talk about it over DMs on Discord. but for the bare basics, i was lying down middle of the day and put into a trance where she showed me visions of what was to pass, they were surreal and intimate and the end of it was my first encounter with Odin, who simply said that all i had seen would come to pass.

  • @csrencz6942
    @csrencz6942 4 года назад +3

    How do you feel about the conflation between the Norse and Greco-Roman gods? Can we learn anything about Odin by studying the stories of Mercury, or of Freyja by Venus? Or are the Old Norse Gods awakening now expressly because they want to be understood on and through their unique terms? Thanks!

  • @pammypaul1215
    @pammypaul1215 4 года назад

    Wow! I still have so many experience s with birds hawks eagles, Crow s 2...much more I call them flyers different types. It is so amazing ❤️ it!

  • @hekaterose7307
    @hekaterose7307 3 года назад

    Hekate patiently awaits for her children to return to her love x .
    Research Hekate x

  • @forestcat761
    @forestcat761 2 года назад


  • @AnukaiWhitetree
    @AnukaiWhitetree Месяц назад

  • @nightingale8191
    @nightingale8191 2 года назад

    Freya came to me one day to tell me to go to sleep as she stood in my doorway with her arms crossed.
    The first time I saw her, I was in a dream. I was on a floating island, crouched down to the ground with a stick in hand with some water and glitter. I was playing with it, making little streams of glitter-water as Odin and Thor crouched down next to me as if to see what I was doing. The dream cut to someone being put on trial or given a sentence of some kind. I wore a simple white dress and sat on a stone plateau where there was a golden throne and a woman sitting on it, glaring at the man with her sharp emerald-green eyes. I was on her right and another girl was standing to her left. I felt like I was performing a duty, that I was supposed to be there and that my absence would indicate that something was wrong.
    I don't know if that's a past-life thing or if it really meant anything, but even after a few years I still remember her face extremely vividly.

  • @lizfraser4543
    @lizfraser4543 3 года назад

    Oh my God I didn't think about honeybees!! This last summer I had noticed a trend of literal HONEY BEES. Not bumblebees, not wasps, not carpenter bees. Honey. Bees. They would fly up to me when I was sitting outside (like anywhere outside). They landed on me and just walked all over me. I fed them some sugar water before I left. But holy.

  • @arcanaluna444
    @arcanaluna444 4 года назад +2

    your drawing of her reminds me of if you search up “darkartbyadrienne freya” there’s a beautiful depiction of her from an artist on etsy!

  • @eraofthegoddess7426
    @eraofthegoddess7426 3 года назад +1

    I have the same experience in terms of the feeling. While connecting I have notice they give off a physical effect. with fenrir and jormungand in my right and left fist and during this time I can hit a lot harder. I have tested this in sparing and on the heavy bag. I assume this is possible with more things. However in the case with freyja that feeling was through my entire body.

  • @mbyrd9223
    @mbyrd9223 3 года назад

    I feel Freyja most when I'm with my partner. I don't believe my partner is Freyja or pray to Feryja through her or anything like that but just the feeling I get by being with her helps me connect more to Freyja. She's blonde, blue eyed and absolutely gorgeous. She's kind and loving but also fierce, courageous and not afraid to fight if she has to. She's fiercely protective of animals, especially cats, and nature in general and has a burning passion in her eyes that light up a room. She helps me understand that Freyja and all women should be treated like all goddess and should be feared for their anger and loved for their passion.

    • @vorthora
      @vorthora 3 года назад

      You describe my feelings of Freya exactly!!!!! She, together with Thor, are my patron gods, and I absolutely love them!

  • @Yours_sincerely_thedreamer
    @Yours_sincerely_thedreamer 3 года назад +2

    I believe that female goddesses, especially Vanir, are much too underrepresented by heathens today. They were not background figures, they were powerful. Freyja especially. Her significance for the old Germanic people was about that of Odin. And there are theories that she and other Vanir gods have existed even before the Æsir. In norse mythology half of the people fallen in battle don’t go to Odins hall Valhalla but to Freyjas hall Folkwang. Today nobody speaks about Folkwang anymore. Maybe we are too used to male gods because of Christianity. For myself Freyja is the main goddess I pray to and I would be honoured to go to Folkwang one day.

  • @kellydailey1633
    @kellydailey1633 2 года назад

    Hello Jacob. That was an amazing story. I have not had experiences with Freya that majestic but I do believe that she is speaking to me. I actually began seeking her first and in my minds eye saw not so much an image, more like a shadow and what I saw was blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a powder blue gown. Just recently, I came across this painting of her on the internet and I downloaded it to my phone. The image wasn't exactly what I had saw in my mind but it was close enough and it sent goosebumps up my arms. Now she is constantly in my thoughts. Could this be a sign that she is calling to me or is it wishful thinking? Any thoughts on this? Thanks .

  • @jasminebruneau884
    @jasminebruneau884 3 года назад

    Can anyone tell me the name of this beautifully haunting amazing intro-outro song?

  • @scorpiowitch11
    @scorpiowitch11 3 года назад

    Feeling in the sacral Chakra area is familiar

  • @williammunnjr.5521
    @williammunnjr.5521 4 года назад

    Hearing your experiences are really incredible! That just sounds magical dude. And I have to ask...where did you get the awesome chunky oath ring? All the ones I've found are so slim and look so frail.

  • @lukerieke
    @lukerieke 3 года назад

    Ex-Christian passing through out of curiosity. I’m quite atheistic/naturalistic these days, but do enjoy certain aspects of norse myth and culture. Question: Religions of all kinds claim powerful personal experiences, signs and wonders, dreams, coincidences, etc. Do those who believe in literal Norse gods feel a distinction in their experiences compared to the the experience of other religions around the world? Also, what would you say to someone who believes Jesus or Muhammad or Joseph Smith met them in spirit similar to this story told in the video? Thanks! I’m curious as to what the vibe is in this community.

  • @dakotahlavender
    @dakotahlavender 3 года назад

    When I was a child I would always wander in the woods, sun up till sun down. I'd go to my family's land and same thing, out until sun down, but the rule was once the sun started setting I was to be inside. I remember one time I was out taking photos and I took one of a chipmunk with a disposable camera. At that moment a hawk landed in a branch above me, it was then I realized I had lost track of time and started back to my grandma's house. I had been in the house for not more than 3 minutes, a bear my grandparents called Bruno arrived. I wonder if I would have become bear meat had that hawk not landed onto a branch above me. Do you think it was her?

  • @jennsmith3177
    @jennsmith3177 3 года назад

    omg hi from lexington ky oring. from hazard

  • @laurenmcgregor8344
    @laurenmcgregor8344 3 года назад

    That’s cause I’m here help

  • @nordic_heathen7158
    @nordic_heathen7158 4 года назад +1

    Hey man I'm new to being norse pagan and I'm thinking about being a follower of tyr but I can't figure out what to give as offering

  • @LouieC
    @LouieC 3 года назад

    I named my dog Freyja. Cool huh?

  • @Eersian
    @Eersian 2 года назад

    I don't understand why so many other pagans don't like you

    • @TheWisdomOfOdin
      @TheWisdomOfOdin  2 года назад +1

      Oh they like using me to generate views 😂

  • @archiebrown3719
    @archiebrown3719 3 года назад

    Your reference is wrong the girls all know your tricks the gift is true not the filterd version

  • @archiebrown3719
    @archiebrown3719 3 года назад

    Your not a norse pagan man when you learn how to play the game

  • @Robert-gc9gc
    @Robert-gc9gc 4 года назад +45

    Good to know there are other Norse pagans that talk to flowers and bugs, us witchfolk are special. Freyja is definitely a goddessI will be more mindful of now.

    • @hondadragoness
      @hondadragoness 3 года назад


    • @williamburke9947
      @williamburke9947 2 года назад

      I find it fitting he did at a place he felt close to (hearth) that was also about learning, for Freya has much to teach and makes you feel at home when exploring curiosity.

  • @RiverPond17
    @RiverPond17 4 года назад +34

    Freyja was one of the first Norse gods I felt. Before leaving for work my husband accidentally hit one one of our cats. The cat(Foot) ran off. We knew he'd ran over Foot's legs and there was as no way he was unharmed. It took a few hours but I went out and and finally found him. He leg was swelled but he was fine. It didn't make sense. As I held him while sobbing I could feel Freyja. Telling me that Foot was safe and he was going to be okay, she had protected him. Currently Foot is downstairs asleep. It was really what confirmed to me that this was the right path for me.
    Recently we had a cat pass away and we burried him with oranges so he could give them to Freyja
    And yeah, I see the irony in my cat named Foot getting his foot ram over.

  • @Capelett
    @Capelett 4 года назад +50

    I've only recently begun on the path of heathenry, but I definitely find Freyja calls to me the most; which I find weird since I noticed she seems more popular with women.

    • @dagamersidgaming1054
      @dagamersidgaming1054 4 года назад +7

      same with me (male). I have given her a few offerings and she's one of the gods I mostly offer too as shes helped me a lot I've quested from a relationship for a while and she gave me one and fulfilled my requests for things in the relationship. she appeared to me in the form of a hawk after a particular part of our relationship that let me know it was time for me to say goodbye and find something better. it was a beautiful red-tailed hawk that just looked at me from on top a pole not ten feet away just staring at me.

    • @johnmc9073
      @johnmc9073 4 года назад +2

      Same and I'm a guy. I wish i was Freyja's and Thor's son...

    • @Kanikanihia
      @Kanikanihia 3 года назад +4

      I'm a woman and never been the tomboyish type or anything like that, though I do have a martial/warrior streak to me (that few see lol), and have always felt called by Thor and later by Tyr.
      I later found out that I have three war heroes in my family, Two great-grandfathers and a grand-uncle (if that word even exists). Two of which died in battle - one had his plane shot down by Russians and the other, on the battlefield also against the Russians and his name is on a commemoration hero's monument. The third lived the war and was decorated by the king himself. I do believe that is where the connection with these two gods comes from. You too may have a certain association with Freya's aspects that you are not aware of.
      I do agree that Freya calls to women by default. She called to me too in certain key moments.

  • @calvinstaricha8935
    @calvinstaricha8935 4 года назад +27

    I had a moment that felt like years, in it i know that i was weighed by thor and odin, they found me worthy of the opportunity to gain a place in Valhalla, its what truly changed the rest of my Christian heart over to paganism. Life changing

  • @MarytheBad
    @MarytheBad 4 года назад +14

    So, the time I do remember encountering her she showed up with quite an aura of intoxication

  • @sternchenkotzii8647
    @sternchenkotzii8647 4 года назад +6

    i connect with freyja the most :) she gave me the best love of my life anf so many happy moments. She makes me see and feel the beauty in the nature and shows me the magic. And she also helps me seeing my own beauty. i struggle with body dismorphia and self hatred so this really helps me to love myself more :) she makes me a badass strong woman :D
    the last time i met her i was in a forest and got a massive energy rush...that was so intense but incredibly beautiful :)
    i think somehow she was always not wondering why im a crazy cat lady :D

  • @daynaverhey9110
    @daynaverhey9110 3 года назад +3

    Freyja has taught me more than any deity I have ever worked with. She has truly become my mentor and muse. She shows herself through so many beautiful and powerful forms (I am a backpacker so I am blessed to have so many opportunities to see her) and in each of them she teaches me how to worship her and how to worship myself. She comes to me in dreams and whispers to my waking mind, guiding patiently and yet always pressing me onward. Freyja is a caretaker, shaping and molding until I am a more powerful version of myself that I might serve her better. Her touch is kind, her words soft, but her eyes burn with a promise of triumph. I hope she blesses you as kindly as she has me. Skål!

  • @calvinstaricha8935
    @calvinstaricha8935 4 года назад +5

    Thankyou for the video brother. It is very nice to hear your experience.

  • @lakemurberger203
    @lakemurberger203 4 года назад +4

    wow! how wonderful...and its perfect timing on an experience i had. i was headed out to give an offering to some land spirits in a beautiful place i frequent. a hawk was sitting over my never moved as i got in...drove away...came back and forgot something in my car. when i went back out it was there again..again never moved. and again a third time...she doesnt seem bothered by my presence at all...she even threw one wing out as if to wave at me...i watched til she flew away in case she was injured or something.

  • @lauramartens30
    @lauramartens30 3 года назад +3

    someone who definitely gives me Freyja-ish vibes is Jonna Jinton, a youtuber. She lives in Sweden, and every time I hear her voice I think about that goddess.

  • @TheShadowMoonWitch
    @TheShadowMoonWitch 4 года назад +4

    As you know, I did a video recently on The Lady as she is my matron. :) I am so thrilled you had an experience with her. You described her perfectly.

  • @michaelcannon2224
    @michaelcannon2224 3 года назад +1

    I connected with Freyja first ealrly on my Norse Pagan Path. She is without a doubt my Matron Goddess, and I had an experience with Her that changed my life. I am an Army Military Police Aphganistan Veteran, and I think its strange that I feel the Goddesses so strongly in my life. I have connected strongly with Freyja and Gefyon. I think the Divine, Our Gods and Goddesses know what we need in life. I struggle with PTSD, and, no joke, probably have had enough rage in me to be a berserker, and Freyja, and the Goddesses have grounded me in so, so much love and peace. Much love to you brother. Hail to the Vanadis. Hail and Joy! : )

  • @MrCorpseslaughter
    @MrCorpseslaughter 4 года назад +4

    I literally had a hawk flying in circles around me yesterday out of nowhere and I thought that must be Freyja trying to get my attention.

  • @sashakatrinahaggerty6949
    @sashakatrinahaggerty6949 4 года назад +3

    I’ve had Freya appear to me many times in dreams. And I can feel a pull to her everyday. I work with her a lot in spell work. And I recently had a psychic reading which was incredible and she said she could see the Norse Gods around me and Freya and it was such a beautiful moment. To have a complete stranger confirm that that was the presence I’ve been feeling. 💜✨

  • @jc-ox1go
    @jc-ox1go 3 года назад +1

    thanks for confirming freyja is my patron goddess. i won’t justify myself. she knows. so do my boys (if u understand u understand).

  • @smarty2985
    @smarty2985 3 года назад +2

    I truly have felt a very special connection to Freyja. She is sort of the ultimate mothering force upon the deities I work within a way. Whenever I have connected to her I always envision her as this tall, golden-haired radiance of a woman. She has always felt incredibly powerful. Her love feels endless. I also work alongside Brigid (Celtic goddess) who although is very different in spirit, feels similar to Freyja in her undeniable loving and warrioresq energy. Freyja is truly beauty itself.

  • @neomaster2771
    @neomaster2771 3 года назад +1

    i met Freyja when i have talked to her in the woods and when i gave her my offering a deer came to me looked at me for a few moments it was my first time

  • @britasaurvanity
    @britasaurvanity 4 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for making a video about freyja. I’ve been practicing Norse paganism for a few months now and I’ve felt her presence, I’ve seen cats more than usual. I’ve noticed the beauty in nature more. But I’d love to know more about her. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of info out there

    • @TheWisdomOfOdin
      @TheWisdomOfOdin  4 года назад +1

      The info we do have is also not the best either
      I am going to be diving into as much research as I can!

    • @nightangel486
      @nightangel486 4 года назад

      Yes sadly the Vanir are harder to find information on since the AESIR are the dominant gods. Freyja especially is hard to get an accurate depiction of, because the eddas were copied down from a Christian perspective that wanted to turn people away from goddess worship. My journey will involve trying to study the goddesses from a more feminist perspective.

  • @EggNog1
    @EggNog1 4 года назад +2

    I felt this with you. You made me feel this. Such a genuine emotional story. HAIL!

  • @D-777i
    @D-777i 4 года назад +2

    The timing of your video is uncanny, in the last few days I have also felt a pull to Freya.

  • @tracyhill7960
    @tracyhill7960 3 года назад +1

    I'm a light warrior and I was guided to her. She is what I see as myself in meditation occasionally

  • @NineTails20
    @NineTails20 3 года назад +1

    I am so happy to have found this video. I'm really new to the faith, but I had an experience with Freya that made me realise that I am meant to follow this path. I woke from a dream where I was surrounded by a raging forest fire, but the grove I was sitting in was completely safe and untouched. When I woke, I was confused; I knew it was a sign, but from who? As soon as I realised it was from Freya, I burst into tears. And like you, I felt drained, but unbelievably happy afterwards.

  • @shelbyduvall3838
    @shelbyduvall3838 3 года назад +1

    I just started down this path, and i feel blessed I got to experience the presence of freyja a couple days ago, I firmly believe she sent my 2 cats to help guide and protect me. we all definitely had an experience that I won't forget. And I will be thanking Freyja every day.

  • @gundog4273
    @gundog4273 3 года назад

    I've always know Frejya. She is my lady. I knew I belonged with the Vanir. I denied Frigg bc I thought she was made up. After watching Crawfords video I understood they were once one in the same but they've been split. Now I recognize all of Friggs attributes as well. She is Frojya to me (sorry if I botched the spelling). It's all about beauty to me. Making things beautiful for her. Even myself. I've starred adorning myself I'm beautiful silk scarfs. I'm making my fixer upper beautiful for her too. Still being a lady, a good mother, a good wife. It's all for her too.

  • @vorthora
    @vorthora 3 года назад

    Lexington? Not that far away from Bloomington, IN, where I'd been given a grant by the Univ. of Seville to work as an Associate Instructor, while getting my American Masters in Applied Linguistics. Then, about 16 years later, living in Cinci, I had to commute to Newport and Covington to work. I so love that area!!!! And in Indy, after being a Wiccan for a very short while, feeling unconvinced, I got Odin calling me..... Such a gorgeous and green area! Here, I live in a very dry, southern California type semi/tropical climate. Unfortunately not much grass, rain, forests, we have more palm trees than anything else (oh, but we do have lots of greenhouse strawberries, Freya-s favorite, nearby), and living in a big city, no falcons. You find that more in the north.
    Freya? The loveliest kickass goddess ever. Together with Thor, they're my patron gods!

  • @srl00001
    @srl00001 4 года назад +1

    I just a gave a offering to freya today for the first time. It was a truly enlightening experience as I’ve never felt so at peace and caring of all things around me. I have to say, Freya is truly magnificent and feel in debt to her such a feeling after from her. Wasn’t expecting this feeling! Thank you to wisdom of Odin for such a beautiful story!

  • @Kams_Tunes
    @Kams_Tunes 9 месяцев назад

    I was driving and a hawk flew down to my window and my window is the only window that gets a lot of ladybugs. I found out I'm scandinavian and I'm drawn to Freya the odd thing is i have a few pet cats. I also see many crows. There's three that always come to our yard. I like Thor and Freya. I feel she can feel I wanna find love.

  • @DavidIreland-um8pg
    @DavidIreland-um8pg Год назад

    Finding your Spirituality is awesome and beautiful thing but with everything there are still a hiccup along the way. We share light which is knowledge which becomes wisdom and like ripples in a pond it cast itself out like a net. Keep on sharing Thank you Love you brother

  • @chonkytemmi4652
    @chonkytemmi4652 2 года назад

    My first experience with Frayja was actually during my first offering as a pagan. I was giving thanks to Thor for lending me strength threw a troublesome time with the people I'm renting my house from. I was giving an offering of beer from my back yard, and as I was offering up the mug, a hawk chased to cardinals into my back yard, the cardinals landed under a tree not 4ft away and the hawk pinned one to the ground, just as it had, a cat jumped over my neighbor's fence and ran the hawk and 2 cardinals off, one of the cardinals almost hit me in the face on its way out. It was so strange like Frayja sending a message on behalf of Thor, or maybe sending a message of her own saying "we see you" I don't know but it was definitely to much of a coincidence, to just be a coincidence.

  • @DouglasTimes
    @DouglasTimes Год назад

    Interestingly enough, I saw two hawks flying through Corpus Christi, Tx as I listened to this.

  • @goodvibestv5380
    @goodvibestv5380 2 года назад

    Bro why am I hearing a rooster crow in the middle of the day it’s literally almost 7pm

  • @jonathanmilroy8417
    @jonathanmilroy8417 3 года назад

    I made an offering to Freya, the next day my wife told me she was pregnant...I will forever be indebted.

  • @B1_1_9_7_5
    @B1_1_9_7_5 Год назад

    Protector of the beautiful? Yeah you would definitely meet her at some point