Wait.. Was Gabi the one who was Anna?! I swear that whole time she was doing the makeup I thought it was Niki! Then when it switched to the Elsa look I was like, wait but that's Niki?! Hahah this is the only time I've got them mixed up what the heck 😂😂🙈😳😳
My moms a manager at a hospital and they do a trick or treating thing every year for kids, and she wanted to do a frozen theme. She's going to be anna and I'm going to be elsa. We've been having a heck of a time finding decent costumes for adults. The Elsa costume from this video is literally PERFECT. Kid appropriate, not too expensive, and is the closest thing to an Elsa costume I've found. Thank you SO much!!! The Anna costume is fabulous too! I don't know if she actually wants to wear a costume or just the wig, but thank you so much! made my life so much easier!
Gabi, you look exactly like Niki in the beginning with no makeup, i know you're twins but you usually look very different! Both of these looks are so adorable and spot on!
My sister loves Anna, she was so happy when I showed her this, she wants to be Anna next year and you just made my life easier, if you hadn't made this video I would have had to create her costume!!! Thank you 1000 Niki and Gabi!!
Niki would actually look beautiful with blonde hair, she should try it! :) Great job to both of you, this video was extremely useful. And the effort you guys put into every video is really showing. Proud to call you guys my favorite youtubers. Keep doing what you're doing! ♥ Such an inspiration.
Gabi looks absolutely adorable as Anna!!
this was such a cuuuute idea
this is the best elsa and anna costume ive seen because you guys are actually sisters :)
So creative and beautiful :)
Natalies Outlet I love you
Natalies outlet loveeeeee u
i love this video!!!
& your editing is honestly amazing!!
Ily madison
aww thanks! love you
Omg I love your hair it is so long and pretty and I love your channel
thank you!! (:
Gabi is in my Intro to the Theatre class. She's so nice! :)
hi! :))
Hey, girl! :)
***** hi,Niki,im ur biggest fan and Gabi u look like Ariana Grande
UR pretty too
Your so lucky 😆!
Wait.. Was Gabi the one who was Anna?! I swear that whole time she was doing the makeup I thought it was Niki! Then when it switched to the Elsa look I was like, wait but that's Niki?! Hahah this is the only time I've got them mixed up what the heck 😂😂🙈😳😳
Yes me too I thought Niki was Anna and Gabi was Elsa!
Anna swits Nikki better
I had the exact same problem
Omg I was about to write this
Love this!!!! What about Audrey and Marilyn? Love you girls💞
best elsa and anna tutorial!
Gabi Is so cute lol
I agree :P x
My moms a manager at a hospital and they do a trick or treating thing every year for kids, and she wanted to do a frozen theme. She's going to be anna and I'm going to be elsa. We've been having a heck of a time finding decent costumes for adults. The Elsa costume from this video is literally PERFECT. Kid appropriate, not too expensive, and is the closest thing to an Elsa costume I've found. Thank you SO much!!! The Anna costume is fabulous too! I don't know if she actually wants to wear a costume or just the wig, but thank you so much! made my life so much easier!
Gabi, you look exactly like Niki in the beginning with no makeup, i know you're twins but you usually look very different! Both of these looks are so adorable and spot on!
You guys are literally the cutest
Love the tutorial! You two should do a "Clueless" Halloween Costume Tutorial!
erindelrey YASSS
My sister loves Anna, she was so happy when I showed her this, she wants to be Anna next year and you just made my life easier, if you hadn't made this video I would have had to create her costume!!! Thank you 1000 Niki and Gabi!!
Wow Gabi you look so pretty with freckles xx
is it gabi ? or niki ?
Gabi x
Niki is the one who did Anna so that means that thats Niki😝😝😝
Niki was elsa lol ^^^^ ❄️
Yes but anna has freckles not elsa x
i loved how happy gabi looked in this video! it's so nice to see her be goofy.
This was perfect!!
Niki's eye color is so pretty!
I love this! Beautiful looks and thank you for using my medley!! :D
Yeah right? It's so awesome I just realized it was you😘
I absolutely love yall so much!! Gabi your my role model!!! You and Ariana !!!!
is it bad that I thought Niki was Ana and Gabi was Elsa?🙊
Wait isnt it ?
Ohh ... :/
Ur right Niki is Ana and Gabi is Elsa
gabi is elsa Niki is Anna
I thought Niki was Elsa? Idk at the end she was dancing more than Anna, and usually Niki is a little more animated than Gabi tends to be. Idk
Niki was Elsa and Gabi was Anna
I AM PROBABLY THE BIGGEST FROZEN FAN EVER!! i am literally so obsessed i cant even describe it. Thank u soo much for making this video and ilysm!!
Every RUclipsr is doing a frozen halloween tutorial but yours is my favourite tbh :)
I love it when you can piece together stuff from Amazon! So cute!
Niki would actually look beautiful with blonde hair, she should try it! :) Great job to both of you, this video was extremely useful. And the effort you guys put into every video is really showing. Proud to call you guys my favorite youtubers. Keep doing what you're doing! ♥ Such an inspiration.
I am OBSESSED with this. Especially the editing, but the costumes and makeup as well - A+. Please do more!
Remember peeps you are precious and don't forget that okay? YOU HEAR ME?! I SAID...... LOVE YOURSELF! You Are Bootiful!!!
Every video your editing just gets better and better!xx
love ur channel!!
"Or else you look like a bird" LOL I laughed so hard at that idek why
Everything about this video is so adorable! Amazing job Niki and Gabi!
Omgggg this video was absolutely adorable. stop. I wanna hug you guys. :D
please do a diy little red riding hood costume!!!!!
You guys are literally the best, I love you both so much!!☺️
Gabi looks so cute with freckles!!!
+P!nk Unicorn it was nikki!
+Rosy Malla it's Gabi actually🙈
Carol Dang oh sorry I was so confused
I agree
At first I thought Nikki was Anna and Gabi was elsa😂 and then I realized Nikki was Elsa and Gabi was anna😂
I don't even know how you girls do it anymore the editing is INSANE well done. somebody just needs to get you guys your own tv show right now
I thought that Niki would be Anna and Gabi as Elsa, but it was opposite haha
I think its because Niki is older and Gabi is younger lol
And gabi has the perfect hair color for Anna as well. I'm with you I thought gabi was gonna be Elsa and niki was going to be Anna but I guess not.
Haha yea me too😂😂😂
MB and AM LOVERS13.74
Who's older
bruhhhh, niki looks SOOOO pretty blonde!
Anyone else think Niki looks like lindsay lohan when she was in the parent trap? hahahah
YellowAquaRose 9
Nicole Andre x😣😣😣👖👙🐇🐺🔚⛲🏥
She sounds like Lindsay too lol
I love the little freckles!!! Looks so cute like a little kid haha
i thought gabby was dying her hair blonde? it looks almost red
She decided it would be too much work to keep up with blonde because it's so different from her natural color
Great vid! 😀😀😀 I literally thought Anna was Nikki & Elsa was Gabi in the beginning of the video lol. You two are deff great!
this is the best Elsa and Anna Halloween Tutorial I've yet seen! So realistic and cute!!1
LOVE!! You girls are just amazing. This video was perfection!! - Love, Michelle and Aline from TwoYearsEightMonths xoxo
Niki looks like gabi
Gabi looks like niki
Oh wait they are twins 😂😂
their nose are different Niki has a nose ring
+Aina Safira IKR!! I could not tell ho was who.
I know right i was so confused
+SimplyNevaeha im pretty sure
gabi: anna
niki: elsa
omg you guys seriously have the best diy/makeup videos imo! love them!
Gabi: "Yes you have to spray the hair so they stay or else you'll look like a bird". Lol
That was Niki
No Niki was Elsa
That was Nike
Both of them were niki
Jose Perez hl9z zz
cute and pretty
I actually think Gabi should be Elsa and Niki Anna
Katie K ya me to o
Katie K ya me too
Anna is so adorable I mean im not inlove with frozen but I just think there adorable when people dress as disney charcters
Does anyone else think Niki looks good with blonde hair.
I get so happy when you guys post videos! You two are my idols! I love you, Niki&Gabi!💕💕
hey could you do a mad hatter and Alice? me and my friend are doing it and we don't have a clue what to do:( but thanks!:)
Bethany Mota did one a while back (just in case they don't end up doing one) haha
*beth's done a mad hatter video before, I don't think she's done an Alice video before haha (:
They actually did it😂 sweet
Gabi looks beautiful, i think she would look great in Elsa though. love this video!
They both should colab with brooklyn and bailey
You guys are so cute :) loved this video!
Supernatural-group costume! please😭👏👏😶😊😊
the. editing.. amazing. Honestly I applaud you girls, I love seeing you tubers take so much time and effort into their videos.
I was so sure that gabi was going to be Elsa and Nikki was going to be Anna
Your editing is perfect! :) x
You guys are seriously adorable !! I love you guys !!!
I could not tell which one is which ?
Niki was Elsa. Gabi was Anna.
me too 😝😋😛😜
+Nancy Trinh No, I'm sure Niki was Anna, Gabi was Elsa
Oh nvm
no whtch is again Niki was Elsa and Gabi was Anna . you have to watch it again becaues it can be counfusing
Gabi looks so adorable and Niki looks so beautiful :)
Closest eye makeup ive seen so far tbh
love the bangs for Anna! Great idea
Omg when they don't wear makeup they really look alike
yeaaa.. they are twins..
Great job with the make up, I think it was pretty accurate. This is the best frozen tutorial I've seen yet. Love you two!
Y'all should dress up your boyfriends as Olaf and kristoff
Gabi looks so cute with freckles!!
who is older? (before you answer, I know that they're twins. one twin is always born first)
Niki is
You two make the perfect Frozen sisters I 100% approve 🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄🌹❄
you realy look like them 🌈
LOVE!! you two are GORGEOUS. thank you for this video. you two are so creative. love you girls
gabi look like Niki on that video
no shit there twins idiot
+Mia Aguirre look ..if u want ...u can go check their other videos ..and now Gabi doesn't look like Niki anymore...so bye idiot
I adored Gabi in this video! Those freckles look so cute on her xD
Why didn't you bring olaf into your video???
Best Halloween tutorial ever!
Wait... Was this Gabi or Nikki? I can't tell the difference 😂 (I'm new on watching them)
Both ;)
Gabi is the one dressed like Anna and niki is Elsa :)
You can tell Anna is having because when she was doing her makeup, in the back round it said gabi
No Babi is Elsa
Gabi is Elsa
Ahhh this was soo good! Gaby literally made herself look so much younger! Amazing quality video!
how is it niki and gabi when gabi is not their
Gabi is there. Anna is Gabi
lol Anna is Elsa I feel u cuz they are twins 😂😂😂😂
I loved how Gabi's look turned out.
I can't tell the difference.
Gabi you're so cuuttteee ❤️❤️ Nikki you're beautiful ❤️❤️Love it ❤️
I've seen a lot of Anna and Elsa videos, but this one is by far the best. Great job!
I don't think you know what contouring is..
i doubt you own any makeup
Wow what an insult lol smh
Rude. Go fly a kite
She knows more about makeup than you will in your entire life
She was highlighting wich is contouring!!
Honestly the best editors of all the "beauty gurus"
The freckles ruined the makeup
No it didn't Anna has freckles
such great editing!! beautiful
this movie is soooo over rated i cant stand it lol
it's actually a really good movie but it's really overrated just like Starbucks
Starbucks is never going to be over rated
.Pineapples I totally agree!!!
gabi is the perfect anna oh my gosh!
It pains me to watch how hard they push and tug on their eyes and face, so rough!
you guys put so much effort in your video's i love it
I've got to say they both were rubbish!
gabi looks so adorable aww
It looks so messy. Sorry but you should take your time doing it ...
Niki looks really pretty with blonde hair
Finally I found people who actually did Anna's and Elsa's look perfect