GH - Dec 2000: Ned and Alexis after their non-wedding.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @CLarcholey
    @CLarcholey 3 года назад

    Gosh this is still one of my favorites scenes ever.

  • @AppleEarring
    @AppleEarring 16 лет назад +4

    I used to be a Nexis fan, but I was a Ned fan first. But what was worse was when she betrayed Ned by telling Sonny where AJ was.

  • @PhilosopherSocrates
    @PhilosopherSocrates 16 лет назад +4

    I want to see the actual wedding where she hallucinates the entire Q clan at the alter.

  • @ShabadhaOlivlfstyle
    @ShabadhaOlivlfstyle 4 года назад +2

    She did him dirt 😩

  • @smirksy
    @smirksy  15 лет назад +2

    Cold feet? They left it a little open-ended. Alexis had some commitment issues. Why anyone would run down an aisle AWAY from Ned is beyond my comprehension.

    • @stephaniebusbin9585
      @stephaniebusbin9585 4 года назад +1

      Maybe it’s the soul patch and the three failed marriages...

  • @sonyab1974
    @sonyab1974 13 лет назад +1

    @WallyKfan75 Yeah I was heartbroken too. :'( I'm a Nexis fan too. It took me a little while to forgive Alexis! I couldn't believe she she hailed down a semi!!

  • @sandrajohnson4778
    @sandrajohnson4778 Год назад

    Alexis did Ned dirty my ass.....Ned got what he deserved.....I hve never liked him so I was extremely happy that she flagged down semi and left his lousy self at the alter.

  • @smirksy
    @smirksy  17 лет назад

    LOL. I know. I made one of those videos. I know how hard it can be to track down that scene that you haven't seen in years. Anyway, enjoy. Or cry. I usually cry.

  • @Cassadinegirlaz
    @Cassadinegirlaz 15 лет назад +1

    Well he didn't have the greatest track record with marriages did he? Wouldn't Alexis have been his FIFTH wife?

  • @jessianjel
    @jessianjel 16 лет назад

    I always wanted my Nexis to get back together =(