Sip Speedo install on a lambretta Series 1

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @richierich1805
    @richierich1805 Год назад +1

    Happy days mate, well worth the wait, look forward to seeing it in action 👍👍🤞

  • @guy9742
    @guy9742 Год назад +1

    The headset routing looked a bugger Rob, I understand your frustration. Rebuildng my pk after paint last week I got the forks, cables, headset fitted and forgot the steering lock... That was fun taking it all off and starting again
    I wasnt sure on the red wheels and blue panels when you first said it but it looks amazing altogether on Instagram, your lads got a sweet scoot there.

  • @davidblagden7894
    @davidblagden7894 Год назад +1

    Well done Rob👏🏻👏🏻 done mine very similar. Speedo & hydraulic cable up through the forks just gives a bit more room. They're the worst by far bud. Keep up the great vids 🙏🏻👍🏼

  • @alanterrar8862
    @alanterrar8862 Год назад +1

    You should get the shrek to give you a hand so he understands the build Rob, bit of dad /son bonding and education at the same time. He can also hold Wobbly Cam when you need it.

    • @kickbackgarage
      @kickbackgarage  Год назад +1

      He has actually been a big help. He crops up in the next video and we work until 3 in the morning 😊

  • @kevinhendon
    @kevinhendon Год назад +1

    Great vid Rob, patience of a saint mate 👏👏👏👏

  • @Coolrunnings2
    @Coolrunnings2 Год назад

    I’ve seen those connectors and really liked them. I’ve bought a Dremel Versatip (Butane powered soldering iron/heat gun) and added these to my touring toolkit for electrical repairs.

  • @martinthomson3281
    @martinthomson3281 Год назад +1

    Mines under the hirncast I use this connectors / crimps so much better and tidier!

  • @ScooteristFellini
    @ScooteristFellini Год назад +1

    Well fought mate!

  • @iancarrington1967
    @iancarrington1967 Год назад +1

    You have had bad luck with the low fuel switches, mine has worked perfectly for three years.
    I didn’t like not having a reserve though so when I fitted my Oiltek tank I opted for a proper fuel gauge .

  • @richardshipman8399
    @richardshipman8399 Год назад +1

    have you seen those connector pin ejector kits a bit fiddly but they do work

  • @stephenswanson2883
    @stephenswanson2883 Год назад +1

    Share your views about the fast flow tap with the level float ,mine always shown “FUEL” on the speedo head and no matter how many times I took it off the tank to check it ,it was always free on the brass tube.Secondly these taps have NO reserve on them as I can testify when I ran out of fuel .These two issues prompted me to cHange back to my old tap .

    • @kickbackgarage
      @kickbackgarage  Год назад

      I have shared my views on this subject several times. They are very hit and miss. I had one that worked perfectly and I'm on the third on Mt series 2 and it's stopped working too. The one on the series 1 working fine.

  • @scooterdaddy_gbg
    @scooterdaddy_gbg Год назад +1

    Beautiful, if it works once fitted ;-) But please translate the text on your cap. What´s the meaning of "Aedde muli"??

  • @timcoffey5927
    @timcoffey5927 Месяц назад

    Any idea what wires I need to connect on my series 2 without a battery and 6v still ?