@@felos9274 Converting very large numbers from their internal binary representation to decimal format is very slow in any language. It may take longer to display the result than to calculate it.
yes, acidrain is correct. printing a lot of information in the output REALLY slows down the application. try running a chronometer on the side with and without the output, you will see the difference
@@CallMeSirEntertainment example one for loop in C, 1 to 10000000 printf: 13 seconds example two without the printf: 26ms the reason for this is because each iteration is doing a call that involves moving buffered data to an output window that has a limit on how fast it can display the data, and the limit is much slower than the raw computation. the loop doesn't iterate until the display output has occured and the display output is slow depending on things like 'baudrate' or other performance limits of the console.
Python isn't exactly "slow", it's just a lot *slower* than other languages.
i think the bottleneck here isn't the language its the fact you're printing the output
wait im confused, what do you mean by that?
@felos9274 I was thinking the same thing
@@felos9274 Converting very large numbers from their internal binary representation to decimal format is very slow in any language. It may take longer to display the result than to calculate it.
yes, acidrain is correct. printing a lot of information in the output REALLY slows down the application. try running a chronometer on the side with and without the output, you will see the difference
@@CallMeSirEntertainment example one for loop in C, 1 to 10000000 printf: 13 seconds
example two without the printf: 26ms
the reason for this is because each iteration is doing a call that involves moving buffered data to an output window that has a limit on how fast it can display the data, and the limit is much slower than the raw computation. the loop doesn't iterate until the display output has occured and the display output is slow depending on things like 'baudrate' or other performance limits of the console.
Less than a minute I’d say is pretty quick!😌✨Not slow at all!!
not slow