OP Caught Her Racist Elementary School Bully Giving a Speech on Racial Pride in High School, So S...

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 144

  • @kevinj1855
    @kevinj1855 3 месяца назад +206

    Got to love the hypocrisy "racism is bad!" Confronted with racist black girl "oh, they're just words".

    • @virtualatheist
      @virtualatheist 3 месяца назад

      "Okay Principal, seeing as its just words, can I call Aia a n****r?"
      Wonder how *that* conversation would have gone.

    • @edgarallanalejandro641
      @edgarallanalejandro641 3 месяца назад +2

      Its actually f up that a lot of black people think they cant be racist because ther black it like black people are the only people that had sht happen to them.

    • @develyntwocentshenderson5739
      @develyntwocentshenderson5739 3 месяца назад

      human nature is the same all over. the play remains the same, the actors change. and screw y'all administration is as useful as tits on a boar hog

    • @develyntwocentshenderson5739
      @develyntwocentshenderson5739 3 месяца назад +7

      but that is the question, where did that girl develop that brats attitude?

    • @aaronwishard7093
      @aaronwishard7093 3 месяца назад +15

      ​@@develyntwocentshenderson5739If you've never encountered this type of person in the wild. The culture they're raised in breeds it. So mother, grandmother, father, grandfather, cousins, etc, probably all did it.

  • @jmcg9822
    @jmcg9822 3 месяца назад +64

    Same thing happened to my mom in the 70s. Another girl at her school kept calling her racial slurs for Mexicans until my mom yelled at her and told her she wasn’t Mexican, she was native. The girl and her friends just started calling her slursfor natives and bullied her more. The school refused to do anything because the bullies were black and threatened my mom with expulsion just because she complained to the teacher about it. There’s no point in teaching about racism if you just allow another group to do it, you’re just allowing more racism.

    • @eastm479
      @eastm479 3 месяца назад +4

      The school sided with black students because they were black? In the 70s?

    • @jmcg9822
      @jmcg9822 3 месяца назад +9

      @@eastm479 California, near SF.

    • @silmarpinheiro3455
      @silmarpinheiro3455 3 месяца назад +3

      @@eastm479 That is natural. If a school is trying to be recognized as "non racist" some people might use this to their own interests. Children are very good at that. And as facing racism is actually hard they just pretend to address the situation.

  • @princessmarlena1359
    @princessmarlena1359 3 месяца назад +103

    Story 1: School faculty and administrators are so stupid. A bully does whatever they want, yet enjoys protection from them. A victim fights back against the bully, and the victim is punished. OP should have sued Aia, her family, and sued the school.

    • @REYCER0
      @REYCER0 3 месяца назад +4

      she didn´t said it but you don´t just spend your life savings trying to defende your daughter without, you know, trying, her mother surely tried the legal route and also faced the wall of a black girl can´t be racist

    • @darkgloomie
      @darkgloomie 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@REYCER0 i assume the mother did not sue the school, because 'Aia' parents apparently knew nothing of the bullying and if it had become a legal matter no way they would not have been involved

  • @kalajel
    @kalajel 3 месяца назад +29

    "Why are you doing nothing about all the slurs?"
    "Those are just words, sticks and stones... Now apologize to her for yelling at her."
    "But principle, those were only words, sticks and stones..."

    • @aleksandarvil5718
      @aleksandarvil5718 2 месяца назад +1


    • @kalajel
      @kalajel 2 месяца назад +2

      @@aleksandarvil5718 Urgh, I was so concentrated on not writing "princible" that I missed the obvious!

    • @aleksandarvil5718
      @aleksandarvil5718 2 месяца назад

      The World's Smallest Violins for Aia, MANY YEARS LATER !!!

  • @ianmoritzplatapino3684
    @ianmoritzplatapino3684 3 месяца назад +112

    Story 1 glad she got revenge after all those years of the continued and nasty bullying she got for being Mexican . At least aia got the consequences of her actions after op exposed her true self

    • @Shuichisaihara5499
      @Shuichisaihara5499 3 месяца назад +10

      Yep. A massive hypocrite

    • @beeniecat9411
      @beeniecat9411 3 месяца назад +9

      Fr discrimination against Mexicans gets really downplayed a lot. Especially in recent years.

  • @heatherquinn777
    @heatherquinn777 3 месяца назад +68

    "They're no words they're Slurs" would be my mantra ngl

  • @RandomTrinidadian
    @RandomTrinidadian 3 месяца назад +43

    Story 1: like always, the schools does nothing to protect the victim.
    Remember, you ever take a chance to take revenge against a bully, take it.

  • @classicrockkid345
    @classicrockkid345 3 месяца назад +39

    If story 1 is to be believed, this is a wonderful example of the types of people who actually get into anti racism and anti bullying movements

    • @beeniecat9411
      @beeniecat9411 3 месяца назад +7

      I definitely believe it. The discrimination against Mexicans gets downplayed a lot. And let's say the story is fake, we need more stories that showcase that white people aren't the only people who are racist in this world of tunnel vision view.

    • @aaronwishard7093
      @aaronwishard7093 3 месяца назад

      ​@@beeniecat9411Anyone who actually studied the literature would realize that the only reason why people think that is because of the Civil Rights Movement. Aka abolishing Jim Crow in America.
      Like many things. Proportionally speaking. Every race, inside of America, is equal to the population, or worse per capita. So for example, African Americans are 14.5% of the USA population, yet they'd be committing roughly 25% of those specific crimes.

    • @classicrockkid345
      @classicrockkid345 3 месяца назад +3

      @beeniecat9411 oh no i completely agree, but I live by the Monta, always believe half of what you see and even less of what you hear. I don't deny shit like this happens, but this is also the internet when anyone can make up anything.

  • @Afrogirrl
    @Afrogirrl 3 месяца назад +144

    I relate to OP in first story, cause I’m Nigerian but got bullied constanlty by African Americans for being African. And anytime I’d report it wasn’t taken serious cause we were all people of colour.

    • @billcutting2681
      @billcutting2681 3 месяца назад +14

      Crazy to see someone victimized and have it last that long smh

    • @plaguepug2091
      @plaguepug2091 3 месяца назад

      Hell yea I have a friend who’s African-American and a friend who’s African. My African friend’s parents would never let my African-American friend around them because they’d say they didn’t want that “subhuman worthless hoodlum” to influence their son. Crazy beef between African-Americans and actual Africans.

    • @sirblack1619
      @sirblack1619 3 месяца назад +5

      You might want to speak on how Nigerians and other Africans come to the US with a negative attitude towards the black community. If you want to speak on the whole topic.

    • @Afrogirrl
      @Afrogirrl 3 месяца назад +10

      @@sirblack1619 the way y’all group Africans as the same, but if a white person did that too African Americans yall would call them racist… and wdym “black community” are Nigerians not black

    • @jsb1585
      @jsb1585 3 месяца назад +7

      My first experience of racist bullying came from other black people insulting me about how dark my skin was.

  • @donnamason938
    @donnamason938 3 месяца назад +28

    S1, good for you. Justice was finally served.

  • @MrToubrouk
    @MrToubrouk 3 месяца назад +39

    Story 1: Always keep the receipts.

  • @morganleanderblake678
    @morganleanderblake678 3 месяца назад +18

    7:21 This was a lot of people's experience of school around OP's age. There was no intervention on that sort of stuff. I fondly remember teachers giving canned speeches about sticks and stones, too. Or my favorite, the "they're just trying to bother you" I know that, I'm asking you to stop them, be a dang adult.

  • @tandzilebhembe1255
    @tandzilebhembe1255 3 месяца назад +19

    I got excited the first time I met a few Mexican girlies by chance and they were nice people(we all study in Asia), I couldn’t understand why the girl in the first story was so racist and awful as a minority herself she should have known better I literally got second hand embarrassment from that as an African person(since she’s basically kinda from Ghana and black), but every race has its bad bunch ig , I’m just glad OP got her revenge.

    • @caffeinedelusions
      @caffeinedelusions 2 месяца назад

      Yeah, definitely a clear example that no matter the culture of origin, people are people... and that means it's more or less a roll of the dice whether or not they're assholes.

  • @moonrizer-qb5do
    @moonrizer-qb5do 3 месяца назад +9

    story 1 good job op she got revenge on her bully for all the things she did to her also it's a good that op's mum had wrote down all the stuff that was said and kept them and all the other stuff op found.

  • @mistercmartin
    @mistercmartin 3 месяца назад +4

    When listening to the second story, did anyone else wonder why she hadn't password protected the spreadsheet, especially after hearing about the past boyfriend who learned about it and freaked out?

  • @MoistTowelette125
    @MoistTowelette125 3 месяца назад +7

    Parents should show this video to their kids. Show them how doing stupid shit when theyre younger can come back and bite them in the ass later in life.

  • @SungJinWu_
    @SungJinWu_ 3 месяца назад +12

    Will the principle say "it's just bad words for other ethnicity" if op said n word

  • @KillahKuin
    @KillahKuin 3 месяца назад +3

    Damn... really some comments where like: "But, but... Black people CaN't bEeh RaCisssT 😭😭"
    I'm glad the girl got some justice.

  • @emily.letsendbslintheuk554
    @emily.letsendbslintheuk554 3 месяца назад +12

    S1 wow sorry but racism isn't just done by white people it's done by everyone, I admit (and yes I know it's extremely petty/mean) if anyone did this to my daughter and noone in her school was helping her I'd get some recordings or her saying things then tell her that clearly the schools anti racism rule is rubbish and that she can call this one girl every single racist slur she can think of, hopefully of she knows how it feels then she might learn from it and stop being a waste of oxygen

    • @sirblack1619
      @sirblack1619 3 месяца назад

      YT people have the power to make others' lives hell. You forget that part.

    • @emily.letsendbslintheuk554
      @emily.letsendbslintheuk554 3 месяца назад +1

      @@sirblack1619 yes they do if the person allows them to have that power, as soon as you stop allowing them to have that much power they become pathetic waste of spaces

  • @HawkTHSS2893
    @HawkTHSS2893 3 месяца назад +11

    honestly i sypathathy how the 1st op feels
    i know how it feels like to be bullied but somehow my school didnt do anything to stop the bullying and pyschial abuse too

  • @NotAnIlluminatiSpy
    @NotAnIlluminatiSpy 3 месяца назад +12

    GF is going to know he opened the file when she sees it in the quick access/recent files.

  • @boneymeroney2674
    @boneymeroney2674 3 месяца назад +14

    Im still loving the countdown music 😂. I try to get here early for it.

  • @Arkryal
    @Arkryal 3 месяца назад +7

    Story #2
    I would advise the girlfriend to include a macro with a "ex-partner coefficient" that knocks 20% off their score. Then if a current partner finds it, they look like a sex God in comparison, lol. And it's not entirely dishonest, anyone who's ever had sex with their ex knows it's just not as good as it was before anyway. If they were a 10/10 originally, after the breakup, they're at best an 8/10 thereafter, so it kinda works out.
    But yeah, I was going to say exactly what the update revealed, that it was her subjective opinion, and a lot of things factor into it, beyond OP's performance. Women have variable levels of enthusiasm from one day to the next. Sometimes they ride you like they're a contender for the Triple-crown, other times they just lay there, belly-up like a dead goldfish, lol. You can bring your A-game both times and still end up with wildly different outcomes. As men, our pride tells us we should be the determining factor in a woman's satisfaction, but the truth is we're just one of many variables. As log as your participation weights the equation in her favor, you're doing pretty good. If orgasms alone were the objective, then I'm sorry to say, she has a little friend charging on her nightstand that moves in ways you just can't. What it can't do is make her feel loved and desired. Focus on that and your rating will improve dramatically, across the board. That's what will spark her enthusiasm, and when you're both making an effort, neither will disappoint.

  • @caffeinedelusions
    @caffeinedelusions 2 месяца назад

    Story 1 is a classic example of "Only justice will bring peace."

  • @syphes21
    @syphes21 3 месяца назад +3

    Story 2: Its clear in here that a lot of dudes dont understand how excel works. Lol.

  • @kgomotsosekonya9435
    @kgomotsosekonya9435 2 месяца назад

    It made me laugh that this woman spent years building herself, her relationships, her good reputation and career to a pinacle only to be kicked back down to earth by the very person she thought she'd successfully beaten down.
    One can only dream of such perfectly executed karmic retribution 😢

  • @h.dungore839
    @h.dungore839 3 месяца назад +2

    It’s funny. Years ago I saw this video on FB where a black lady was arguing with the white lady in front of their kids…and I commented along the line that “we don’t know the full situation so to just play the white lady just cuz she was cussing while black lady was laughing is wrong” and another black lady in the comment started to argue with me that black people cant be racist😂🤷‍♀️ and I was like you are mistaken then cuz I’m brown and I was bullied by black girls🤷‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ not saying all black people are like that but just like every other race, even some black people are racist🤷‍♀️

    • @sirblack1619
      @sirblack1619 3 месяца назад

      When black people speak on racism we are talking about the power element of racism. At no time in the history of the US have black people ever had the power to pass laws, specifically targeting any group.
      You all love to leave that part out. Statics show that black people have the most hate crimes done towards them yet they have no protection STILL under the law. If you're LGBT, Asian and now Jewish you'll get slapped with a hate crime for just calling them out on their BS. But a black person can literally be deleted, and all kinds of excuses will be made as to why the black person deserves to die.

  • @erikawithakay4881
    @erikawithakay4881 2 месяца назад

    I loved story #2 and how it worked out. Good on the guy for being honest. It’ll do a lot for them in the long run.

  • @sinbadwilliams7186
    @sinbadwilliams7186 3 месяца назад +2

    Good morning from Washington state SecretVoices. Your videos are a part of my daily playlist as i work so thank you for helping me get through the day

    • @SecretVoices25
      @SecretVoices25  3 месяца назад +1

      Good morning!, thanks for choosing my videos 😊😊

  • @theteleisewilliamsexperience
    @theteleisewilliamsexperience 3 месяца назад +4

    How is her family from Spain but Mexican and Indigenous?

    • @zombiecat7799
      @zombiecat7799 3 месяца назад +3

      Don't be so critical, ChatGPT tried it's best.

    • @PokeMaster03
      @PokeMaster03 3 месяца назад +3

      Fun fact: Mexican people are descendants from Spanish people from Spain. Before Mexico was a country, there was this thing called the Spanish conquest done by the Spanish conquistadores. And the conquistadores mixed with the Aztecs, creating a new type of Ethnicity, Called Mexicans.

  • @claireadams6214
    @claireadams6214 2 месяца назад

    First story, I bet op was stunning! Mexican and native American mix, oh wow! That bully was soooo jealous!

  • @drifter139
    @drifter139 2 месяца назад

    I've always hated these zero tolerance policies. they punish the bully AND the victim and scratch their head when victims eventually snap and deal with the bullies themselves since apparently they can't be bothered to stop it. my dad told me if I'm going to get in trouble, I might as well fight back and get in trouble for standing up for myself

  • @DragonLawyer
    @DragonLawyer 3 месяца назад +1

    Story 1: Would love to know the state OP lived in so that I could check the SOL on suing the school

  • @virtualatheist
    @virtualatheist 3 месяца назад +12

    Story 2:
    Am I the only concerned that girlfriend has such a high body count that she needs *a spreadsheet* to keep track of them?

    • @floralglitch
      @floralglitch 3 месяца назад +5

      Not that it matters, but where does it say that she has a "high body count"? It might as well have been OP and two other guys.
      And she wasn't using the spreadsheet to "count bodies". She was using it to keep track of how SHE feels when having sex. I don't understand what's so worrisome.

    • @laxusdreyar7838
      @laxusdreyar7838 3 месяца назад +6

      ​@@floralglitch 304 behavior is not worrisome to 304s, but to everyone else, it is.

    • @floralglitch
      @floralglitch 3 месяца назад +3

      @@laxusdreyar7838 Cry harder, baby.

    • @laxusdreyar7838
      @laxusdreyar7838 3 месяца назад +6

      @@floralglitch says the one who is crying their 304 tears 🤣🤣🤣

    • @DonGeeald
      @DonGeeald 3 месяца назад

      ​@@floralglitch It matters to MOST self-respecting men. It's a crazy concept for women to understand, but men with good sense do not wife up the town bicycle. This is biologically ingrained in men, the same way women are biologically ingrained to like tall, strong men who are able to provide for them. To call a man insecure because he does not want to risk his future on a potentially broken woman is ridiculous. Just as ridiculous if a man said women should like short, fat, bums who live in their moms basement eating Cheetos.

  • @asherdales
    @asherdales Месяц назад +1

    Story 1: I would have asked the principal if they're just words I can drop that one with the hard r right?

  • @VergilTheLegendaryDarkSlayer
    @VergilTheLegendaryDarkSlayer 2 месяца назад

    Story 1
    OP should've called her N word and thief then tell the teachers "it's just words" when they complain

  • @tdexth
    @tdexth 3 месяца назад +1

    And they keep saying black people can't be racist.

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 2 месяца назад

    The World's Smallest Violins for Aia !!

  • @topazcoyote5482
    @topazcoyote5482 3 месяца назад +1

    "We were in second grade when we were just learning this brand new word we never heard of before RACISM" xDD
    It's like a jumpscare.

  • @boneymeroney2674
    @boneymeroney2674 3 месяца назад +8

    Good morning ❤

  • @jamesplayzreviews
    @jamesplayzreviews 3 месяца назад +4

    Story 1: I remember this story, iirc things got worse for Aia after that, IDK how much worse I just know they got worse

  • @lymay8340
    @lymay8340 2 месяца назад

    I love the “gathering data” comment 28:25

  • @lejardine
    @lejardine 3 месяца назад +5

    Story 1 is a great revenge...if its true.

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 2 месяца назад

    13:02 IRONIC ECHO !!!

  • @gabinathan5499
    @gabinathan5499 3 месяца назад

    I HAVE A
    OP FEELS .

  • @jakevex4198
    @jakevex4198 2 месяца назад

    Story 2 it sounds like his girlfriend has OCD like I had a friend who had OCD and he wrote down everything I mean everything I found one of his notebooks on me and he had what I was wearing my mood what I ate my personality my financial status everything he even had notes on girlfriends who had had and hadn't cheated on me that one kind of shocked me because holy shit that was weird and no I don't talk to him anymore he moved halfway across the country because his parents are controlling fucks

  • @CrazyAnimeGamer3
    @CrazyAnimeGamer3 2 месяца назад

    It's because I'm black isn't it? That's black privilege.

    • @CrazyAnimeGamer3
      @CrazyAnimeGamer3 2 месяца назад

      At least in the scenario Aia used it in.

  • @beeniecat9411
    @beeniecat9411 3 месяца назад

    Story 1 very relatable

  • @cameron765
    @cameron765 3 месяца назад +23

    I'm sorry story 2 don't make no sense why do she still need to write down how other dudes destroyed her guts

    • @Kris-wo4pj
      @Kris-wo4pj 3 месяца назад +8

      Cuz she had other boyfriends in the past. How does that not make senae?

    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 3 месяца назад +4

      Okay but once again why does she feel the need to write down how she got her back blew out by multiple dudes

    • @sweeety969
      @sweeety969 3 месяца назад +6

      Idk boredom or autism. Possibly both.

    • @floralglitch
      @floralglitch 3 месяца назад +3

      Because keeping track of stuff helps with maintaining a healthy sex life. It's the same thing as keeping a food or exercise diary.

    • @laxusdreyar7838
      @laxusdreyar7838 3 месяца назад +6

      ​@@floralglitch healthy sex life with multiple people from the past in a present monogamous relationship? What kind of olympic level mental gymnastics have you been up to.

  • @Rogue_Centurion
    @Rogue_Centurion 3 месяца назад +2

    I don’t get the point of being racist we’re all human and we all came from the same continent

    • @dandymaiden
      @dandymaiden 3 месяца назад

      Tribalism is a big factor and control and the human flaw of wanting to feel like you’re special , cause regardless of how people think certain people shouldn’t belong /exist , there will always be something else that people will find wrong about you even if you’re the exact same, fairly odd parents made a episode were Timmy’s ball landed at some neighbors who’d only give him back his ball if he looked like them , he made a wish making everyone look the same , and despite the fact there was no reason for the neighbor to deny Timmy, he still made the convoluted argument that he and his son were a “different shade of grey” but yeah

  • @Thaddius0
    @Thaddius0 3 месяца назад

    identitarianism is a lot of fun until you interact with anyone deemed higher on the social hierarchy of oppression

  • @develyntwocentshenderson5739
    @develyntwocentshenderson5739 3 месяца назад

    when everyone is a professional victim, where then to these victim groups go ..

  • @AdubsVA
    @AdubsVA 3 месяца назад +4

    Ion know man story 1 ain’t passing the bs test. Kinda reads like a Dhar Mann video

    • @michellemurry2180
      @michellemurry2180 3 месяца назад +3

      Exactly! Thank you! Elementary school reunion? 20 years? Everything is too convenient and cliche.

    • @AdubsVA
      @AdubsVA 3 месяца назад +3

      @@michellemurry2180 that’s what I’m saying! Also the school’s inaction while possible, is just too dismissive to be real. Nobody would consider calling someone slurs a “disagreement”

    • @zackkatian3436
      @zackkatian3436 3 месяца назад

      @@AdubsVA Then my school must of never existed then. Because several black kids were able to get away with even punching other students. When they used racial slurs it was always a 'disagreement' or 'just words' But if anyone else returned fire detentions and suspensions awaited them.

  • @ignacioaguirre8137
    @ignacioaguirre8137 3 месяца назад +3

    Story 1 definitely fake asf. Ain’t nobody having elementary school reunions 😂😂😂

    • @ZariaTudor1
      @ZariaTudor1 3 месяца назад +3

      Have you lived in the suburbs? Smalls towns? Tight knit communities? I definitely went to mine

  • @michellemurry2180
    @michellemurry2180 3 месяца назад +1

    Story 1, very well, written generated story for confirmation bias.