he wants a certain type of woman. a trophy wife that accepts him for his true self (not his dollars which seems to be the only thing he likes to talk about).
Hannah gives me such stereotypical tv cheerleader vibes: easily peer pressured, always wants to "win", embellishes her stories to make herself look better, tries to make the other person feel sorry for her when confronted. She definitely shows her age (in my opinion).
One thing I don't like about these recent seasons and this one is how they use trauma bonding to reveal their characters. Like I'm sorry about your loss but your people dying doesn't tell me why you are the person I should marry!
Yes; I had a therapist explain trauma bonding as like hot wiring connection and trust very quickly - and that it’s best to take time to unfold to one another. I understand that the show doesn’t give much time for that so I get it.
The guy who stays talking about his sisters gives me the creeeps. It’s like the main thing that bonds them and also is he looking to replace his sister with this woman? Is that cold of me? 😢
A friend of mine said yesterday, this is so sus "whole family died" - it's just a matter of time before the internet sleuths uncover some shit about this guy, he is so shady 😆
@@Keiaradise I agree so much. I thought that I was the only person who felt that. Three years, five family members, one not even related( stepfather). All from the same disease, I’d assume poison of some sort. Fellow true crime girlie, I have so many questions.😞💥🤮
I don't knooow. Garrett's reaction to Taylor not being white was a little too strong for me. Like why go on a show like this if you're not open to dating outside of your race? Also, the comment he made about not hearing an accent... like, sir, what do you mean by that 🤔
feel like everyone in the Hannah-Brittany-Leo love triangle were pretty disengienous from the start. Like Leo just as you said, but also Brittany why are you on this show? You want a man to pick you as a trophy wife without ever seeing you? Is your personality the trophy? And even Hannah always talking about being a cheerleader who dated a quarterback… it’s not saying your Meghan Fox but in small town talk that’s basically saying you’re Megan fox of your hometown. And also quitting a stable job to go on LIB? In this economy? I dunno it seems more likely she really wanted to get on tv because there are so many other ways to optimize your dating opportunities that don’t involve needing to leave your job. Like 10 or so couples still together over 6 seasons times 30 participants per season… the numbers aren’t adding up to a good chance at love, but a decent chance at being an influencer. also the conversation with Garret about Taylors race came off to me as a huge red flag… maybe it was the wine or the editing but saying that comes off as calculated? what? also can't wait for more reviews! love hearing your thoughts Roxiie!
An Hannah leading with the cheerleader trope just to be insecure then ans wondering why nick ask how she would be in a bikini...and saying oh no ur just about looks 😑
@@Kenshaable I’ve been wondering if she is aware of what she did or if she had another intention by doing it. Looks are always gonna be the elephant in the room and now we’ve seen people get around that barrier by talking about what sports they do. Or how much they work out. Even people who live outside the US and maybe watch a couple movies will get a certain picture in their head if a young woman says, I was a cheerleader and dated the QB. Now I wonder if even that’s true.
@24:30 I feel like the people who don't talk about their looks tend to be the best looking and most confident, like Freddy from the first UK LIB season. He never said anything about his ripped body or looks, all he said was that he enjoys working out. And he only said that after she asked and said she works twice a day.
@12:30 I find it highly suspicious and uncomfortable how cold Leo is when explaining that 5 ppl in his family died in a 3-year span. That would be a sign to me that something is off about him. He shed not one tear! Now, I don't think he killed anyone but I do wonder if he has an empathy chip. And he talks too much about himself and how much he has!!!
He’s probably talked about it so much to everyone he meets it now just comes off as plain speech. I agree though, quite cold. maybe a touch of Asperger’s? Time and a place to speak about things and he just doesn’t seem to know. Reminds me of Ian from bb14
I'm not his biggest fan but different people deal with grief differently. Some people prefer to stay numb not to deal with the pain, other become very emotional other become angry etc etc.
I totally agree about Leo constantly talking about his wealth. I do wonder about his emotional development and if his family invested a lot of time on the family business, then family members being sick and dying. I just wonder if it’s delayed his self development and sense of worth beyond being rich.
NICK DORKA...I worked with him! He is as GENUINE as men come. He's not being a smooth talker, he really is a great soul. Nick is gonna fall hard. Hannah better not hurt Nick...If she does 🤬. I got your back Nick.
He didn’t come across as a player once he was out of the pods. He seemed actually shy, nervous and nerdy 😊 If Hannah picked him because she thought he was a f boy…. 😬
The random "Yall subscribed yet" was too funny. I subscribed a while ago because I like the voice effects and light heartedness of your reviews. Keep going. You're doing great.
So excited for this season and to hear all your thoughts. I love that you knew immediately Britney is not actually dumb. Too many people let her looks and their misogyny get in the way of seeing her clearly and Netflix is purposely trying to push the narrative. She’s a smart lady who’s play the game and these men the best she knows how.
Leo is crying because he’s so rich and Hannah quit her high-paying job to be on a reality dating show? This is proof the economy is a bubble just waiting to burst!
You're so right about Leo boasting about his money then not wanting a "gold digger" Also I wanna like Ramses but that preview has got me scared... let's hope it's out of context
@8:45 Women are taught to be caregivers and we a shunned if we don't engage in caregiving roles (i.e. motherhood, wife, caring for elderly). I also have heard that when women go off to prison, their men will leave them immediately. Whereas, the opposite is true when men go to prison. In fact, some women will marry a guy already in prison and wait for him.
Roxiie, I was about to put out an APB on you! You are freaking hilarious, and your singing...top tier! Great review as always. Love Tyler and Ashley as well. Hannah, Leo and Brittany are working my nerves. I like Garrett and Taylor too.
Roxxie girl, finally! I've been waiting! Episode 1 was rough, episode 2 was better, I'm still not sure about the season. Don't wanna comment too much because I binged the entire drop so I don't wann risk it with the spoilers. Like always, enjoying your takes and input! ❤
WE have only popped-in here DILIGENTLY immediately after watching Episodes 1 & 2. 👂🏻👀👂🏻 Ready for what you’re bringing, Roxiie!! 😏 P.S. Loathe that they run that whole trailer showing all the ppl in it before the dang show starts. No, thank you. Muring & Fast Forwarding. 🙈🙉WHY would I want to SEE everyone in the show before watching it, so I know who gets together?? Spoilers a go go. BYE ON THAT. 👋🏻
That leo impression so accurate. And yooo, how in the world is this dude gonna wanna gave all that money and not wanna provide. Like why? I get not wanting to attract a gold digger but if youre a millionaire then why not cover everything
😂❤😂❤😂🎉🎉🎉🎉…. Season 7 LIB 🗣️WE BE BACK!🗣️💃🏾🕺🏾💃🏾 let’s gooooo! I started crumping when I saw your video show up in my feed. 🙌🏾 Leo is giving poor genetics! 🫤😳👀
I really liked her and it seemed like the girls did too. I wish I could be that honest with men about how I feel about money and gender roles. I’m independent but if I date or marry, I don’t want to pay for SHIT😂
Girrrrrrrl, my first time here and I luhhhh you!! Your personality and humor reminds me of meeeee and then you kinda hint you’re an Aries! There u GO!!! There u freaking go!!..So am I!! Aries ppl are my fav- selfishly 😭😭😭 imma subbie Neowwww💜
I've seen more Roxiie but I won't spoil it other than to say that in your review so far, you have the measure of all of them. Still lots of fun to come and can't wait for your next video. God, I wish I had a friend like you. Your sense of humour and instinct is so spot on. You're just awesome. Thanks for this great breakdown ❤
When Tamar, said Jesus Christ when Brittany said the last thing she cooked was a smoothie it took me out 🤣. And Garret was done with Brittany real quick too which was funny but I don’t recall his quote 🤣
Leo isn’t even entertaining, he’s just kinda…pathetic (I don’t care how much money he has), Hannah is immature, Britney is probably the most intelligent one in that triangle, she knows exactly what she’s doing and what end game she wants, I just think she is imagining Leo as someone he isn’t based on him being this wealthy “art dealer”. Waiting for this whole thing to crash and burn.
I wish I had found your channel before I got caught up on this season. I would of watched your reactions after each episode. I'm still going to watch each one though, better late than never.
"We have not see it yet". The dog appears and disappears. 😂 Cute bow. I don't know why, but I think you like the colour purple tones. 😄Beautiful singing voice.
Thank goodness you're watching these bc i couldn't make it through the first episode. So watching your review is more entertaining and I don't feel like I'm wasting my time
@16:40 Roxiie, I am glad you said this because another reviewer (who you are friends with) said him questioning her race, needing to know and then saying she was being intentionally deceptive, was not racist and agreed with him. This had me concerned. This girl is half Asian, and even if she was completely white, she should have passed on this guy. If you are a non-racist person, you shouldn't want to date, marry or befriend a racist person. His obsession and concern with her race was absolutely about prejudice. And this show is called Love is Blind, not Find me an Aryan Princess!
I thought Tim did too much with speaking about his grief. 😢 I hate to be that person but I think it added undue pressure constantly inserting her into his family and going into such great detail about his sisters. Precious moments, yes. But I think it could make her feel obligated to say yes. He should have saved some of that emotional intimacy for once the commitment is official and sealed.
I love Garrett & Taylor I’m hopeful but know both people would put themselves first in the end which is amazing but hoping their careers can work around eachother!
Finally! Someone who's calling EVERYONE on their crap. Hannah and Nicky D have been getting a pass in most reviews. Their behaviour and decision making is a masterclass in self-victimizing and manipulation. Hannah's personality changed completely once she saw Nicky and just amped up in Mexico.
Sadly that statistic seems true. I got really bad food poisoning and couldn't take care of my toddler because I was basically living in the bathroom for almost 2 weeks. My husband was so annoyed that he had to help me / our toddler and kept reminding me "you're the reason I haven't made any money since I've been helping you." But then when he was sick a month later, guess who took care of him with no complaints or guilt 🙄
I don’t know about other people but I don’t think I’d ever say I’ve only dated white men, just seems that you would say that if race does matter to you
not Leo crying because it's so hard being wealthy lol
he wants a certain type of woman. a trophy wife that accepts him for his true self (not his dollars which seems to be the only thing he likes to talk about).
@@hmm4553 he's weird
Instead of the fact his whole family dead.
So we're still doing the not thing😅
Hannah gives me such stereotypical tv cheerleader vibes: easily peer pressured, always wants to "win", embellishes her stories to make herself look better, tries to make the other person feel sorry for her when confronted. She definitely shows her age (in my opinion).
One thing I don't like about these recent seasons and this one is how they use trauma bonding to reveal their characters. Like I'm sorry about your loss but your people dying doesn't tell me why you are the person I should marry!
Yes; I had a therapist explain trauma bonding as like hot wiring connection and trust very quickly - and that it’s best to take time to unfold to one another. I understand that the show doesn’t give much time for that so I get it.
True. It was creepy
The guy who stays talking about his sisters gives me the creeeps. It’s like the main thing that bonds them and also is he looking to replace his sister with this woman? Is that cold of me? 😢
You singing like a Disney princess is 10/10😂😂😂 Hilariously accurate - at least Britney told the men what it was
How is everyone around Leo getting cancer and dying? As a true crime girlie that is suspish 😂
Maybe it's... the art! duh duh duuuuuuuh
A friend of mine said yesterday, this is so sus "whole family died" - it's just a matter of time before the internet sleuths uncover some shit about this guy, he is so shady 😆
I was thinking the sameee!!!😭
@@Keiaradise I agree so much. I thought that I was the only person who felt that. Three years, five family members, one not even related( stepfather). All from the same disease, I’d assume poison of some sort. Fellow true crime girlie, I have so many questions.😞💥🤮
For someone who doesn't want someone to be with him for his money leo is truly doing his best to hide that 🙄
Number two fear, being loved only for his money.
Number one fear, going one day without everyone knowing he has money
I feel like deciding if you’re ok dating outside your ethnic background is something you need to decide before you come on this show🥴
I don't knooow. Garrett's reaction to Taylor not being white was a little too strong for me. Like why go on a show like this if you're not open to dating outside of your race? Also, the comment he made about not hearing an accent... like, sir, what do you mean by that 🤔
It was very suspicious
Leo is a menace.
Get Leo off ALL our screens, please, and thank you! 😂
Your singing is 10/10 😂
Taylor looks like Olivia Munn.
The melanin is on and popping this season 😊😅
If I never heard about Leo's rolex ever again, it would be too soon #gethimoffmyscreen
Leo... Gawd. I hope that art dealer has a good doctor to consult so he doesn't die of cancer!!! 😮
he need to find an oncologist to marry instead
feel like everyone in the Hannah-Brittany-Leo love triangle were pretty disengienous from the start. Like Leo just as you said, but also Brittany why are you on this show? You want a man to pick you as a trophy wife without ever seeing you? Is your personality the trophy? And even Hannah always talking about being a cheerleader who dated a quarterback… it’s not saying your Meghan Fox but in small town talk that’s basically saying you’re Megan fox of your hometown. And also quitting a stable job to go on LIB? In this economy? I dunno it seems more likely she really wanted to get on tv because there are so many other ways to optimize your dating opportunities that don’t involve needing to leave your job. Like 10 or so couples still together over 6 seasons times 30 participants per season… the numbers aren’t adding up to a good chance at love, but a decent chance at being an influencer.
also the conversation with Garret about Taylors race came off to me as a huge red flag… maybe it was the wine or the editing but saying that comes off as calculated? what?
also can't wait for more reviews! love hearing your thoughts Roxiie!
Yeah, I caught that. They think they slick, trying to find ways of getting around the Blind obstacle.
An Hannah leading with the cheerleader trope just to be insecure then ans wondering why nick ask how she would be in a bikini...and saying oh no ur just about looks 😑
@@Kenshaable I’ve been wondering if she is aware of what she did or if she had another intention by doing it. Looks are always gonna be the elephant in the room and now we’ve seen people get around that barrier by talking about what sports they do. Or how much they work out.
Even people who live outside the US and maybe watch a couple movies will get a certain picture in their head if a young woman says, I was a cheerleader and dated the QB. Now I wonder if even that’s true.
@24:30 I feel like the people who don't talk about their looks tend to be the best looking and most confident, like Freddy from the first UK LIB season. He never said anything about his ripped body or looks, all he said was that he enjoys working out. And he only said that after she asked and said she works twice a day.
He was such a good guy!
@12:30 I find it highly suspicious and uncomfortable how cold Leo is when explaining that 5 ppl in his family died in a 3-year span. That would be a sign to me that something is off about him. He shed not one tear! Now, I don't think he killed anyone but I do wonder if he has an empathy chip. And he talks too much about himself and how much he has!!!
I’d run from that guy
He’s probably talked about it so much to everyone he meets it now just comes off as plain speech. I agree though, quite cold. maybe a touch of Asperger’s? Time and a place to speak about things and he just doesn’t seem to know. Reminds me of Ian from bb14
Don’t trust that man. He’s telling the women he has money on purpose probably because that’s the only way he will get someone.
I'm not his biggest fan but different people deal with grief differently. Some people prefer to stay numb not to deal with the pain, other become very emotional other become angry etc etc.
@@talitam.8414 true. My brother was numb when my other brother died but his is alot more of bragging.
I totally agree about Leo constantly talking about his wealth. I do wonder about his emotional development and if his family invested a lot of time on the family business, then family members being sick and dying.
I just wonder if it’s delayed his self development and sense of worth beyond being rich.
Your Disney princess singing voice is ON POINT!!!
NICK DORKA...I worked with him! He is as GENUINE as men come. He's not being a smooth talker, he really is a great soul. Nick is gonna fall hard. Hannah better not hurt Nick...If she does 🤬. I got your back Nick.
He didn’t come across as a player once he was out of the pods. He seemed actually shy, nervous and nerdy 😊 If Hannah picked him because she thought he was a f boy…. 😬
Every time I see Leo I hear : “ I got money, I got paper, I spend dollar after dollar” . 🎶😂
Makes me wonder if he really has the money. Rich men don’t announce
@@rosaclick1995Rich men talk about money. Wealthy men don't discuss it. They'll talk about philanthropy if asked about money.
@@tacrewgirl didn’t say they don’t talk about money, I am saying they don’t brag about having money.
OMG Roxie when you burst into song,,,,"I am stupid" I laughed so hard
Getting home from a long day and seeing Roxiie uploaded!? *chef’s kiss*😮💨🫶🏾
The random "Yall subscribed yet" was too funny. I subscribed a while ago because I like the voice effects and light heartedness of your reviews. Keep going. You're doing great.
Hannah’s insecurities are getting the best of her. It’s so upsetting to watch.
Beautiful singing voice, R!
So excited for this season and to hear all your thoughts. I love that you knew immediately Britney is not actually dumb. Too many people let her looks and their misogyny get in the way of seeing her clearly and Netflix is purposely trying to push the narrative. She’s a smart lady who’s play the game and these men the best she knows how.
Leo is crying because he’s so rich and Hannah quit her high-paying job to be on a reality dating show? This is proof the economy is a bubble just waiting to burst!
Idk why Taylor was so apprehensive about her race. When it comes to dating, Asian women tend to do very well. At least according to the data
Exactly. She's trying to avoid creeps into Asian women for bad reasons
Ain’t no way💀💀
they get fetishized a lot
Take a shot every time Tyler or Ashley go “ummhmm” like they were MADE for each other lmfao
You're so right about Leo boasting about his money then not wanting a "gold digger"
Also I wanna like Ramses but that preview has got me scared... let's hope it's out of context
The streets say he’s for the streets and out there not married.
@8:45 Women are taught to be caregivers and we a shunned if we don't engage in caregiving roles (i.e. motherhood, wife, caring for elderly). I also have heard that when women go off to prison, their men will leave them immediately. Whereas, the opposite is true when men go to prison. In fact, some women will marry a guy already in prison and wait for him.
I’m now convinced you are the best part of watching LIB. Thank you!!!
40 minutes of Roxie?! I am LOVING this 🎉
Love the commentary, and the voice editing and effects makes me laugh 😂😂😂 (perfect)
leo stuck between not wanting to be used for money but not having any confidence he can pull a female without it
Roxiie, I was about to put out an APB on you! You are freaking hilarious, and your singing...top tier! Great review as always. Love Tyler and Ashley as well. Hannah, Leo and Brittany are working my nerves. I like Garrett and Taylor too.
I agree 💯 Brittany was intentional and calculated. I say she’s a subtle variation of Jess from NC
Roxxie girl, finally! I've been waiting!
Episode 1 was rough, episode 2 was better, I'm still not sure about the season. Don't wanna comment too much because I binged the entire drop so I don't wann risk it with the spoilers.
Like always, enjoying your takes and input! ❤
I'm finding this season hard to watch. I couldn't finish episode 2 but yah let's see
@@Chachalusssame. you have my permission to fast forward and collect the info in the recaps😂😂😂
It’s so boring to me 😢. But the previews for the next half look spicy so I have som hope
I absolutely love Ashley & Tyler so far
Yes, why aren't we talking more about this beautiful none problematic couple? I really hope they make it ❤
So excited to hear this recap! Loving this season so far. “Trophy wife” 🥴
I love your reviews Roxxie, you never disappoint! I am looking forward to your commentary on the rest of the season cause chiiile!
R we not gonna talk about the twin flames comments!!!
Like...did y'all actually know what's twin flames?😂
Yes!! I’m saving this for my work out tonight. Guaranteed I won’t be bored 🙌🏾💪🏾
Also why did they give Ashley and Tyler a years supply of wings and fried rice 🤣🤣
WE have only popped-in here DILIGENTLY immediately after watching Episodes 1 & 2. 👂🏻👀👂🏻 Ready for what you’re bringing, Roxiie!! 😏
P.S. Loathe that they run that whole trailer showing all the ppl in it before the dang show starts. No, thank you. Muring & Fast Forwarding. 🙈🙉WHY would I want to SEE everyone in the show before watching it, so I know who gets together?? Spoilers a go go. BYE ON THAT. 👋🏻
That leo impression so accurate. And yooo, how in the world is this dude gonna wanna gave all that money and not wanna provide. Like why? I get not wanting to attract a gold digger but if youre a millionaire then why not cover everything
Perfect timing!!! I can watch now while eating breakfast 😭😍
Omg I’ve been WAITING for your recap and I haven’t even seen the episodes yet 😅
😂❤😂❤😂🎉🎉🎉🎉…. Season 7 LIB 🗣️WE BE BACK!🗣️💃🏾🕺🏾💃🏾 let’s gooooo! I started crumping when I saw your video show up in my feed. 🙌🏾
Leo is giving poor genetics! 🫤😳👀
I'm glad im not the only one who thought that about Leo 👀
Right on time! your commentary is on point, love love all your reactions ❤
Chyllllleeeee...if I have to listen to Leo talk about his bag one more time...
I feel like Brittany is going to get the most online hate but I agree with you on her. She’s at least honest (in her own way) and Leo is 100% wrong
I really liked her and it seemed like the girls did too. I wish I could be that honest with men about how I feel about money and gender roles. I’m independent but if I date or marry, I don’t want to pay for SHIT😂
Love your reviews, I had to hurry up and watch love is blind just so I could watch your review. Love your singing too, always a fun time with you 🎉
The impression of Leo 💀💀💀 Roxi you are hilarious, never change 😂
You have great intuition! It’s like you know Hannah is going to be drama and cause it!
Thank you for not being political, it was super classy. Love is blind is how I escape the news. thank you for keeping it light and funny.
Girrrrrrrl, my first time here and I luhhhh you!! Your personality and humor reminds me of meeeee and then you kinda hint you’re an Aries! There u GO!!! There u freaking go!!..So am I!! Aries ppl are my fav- selfishly 😭😭😭 imma subbie Neowwww💜
I've seen more Roxiie but I won't spoil it other than to say that in your review so far, you have the measure of all of them. Still lots of fun to come and can't wait for your next video. God, I wish I had a friend like you. Your sense of humour and instinct is so spot on. You're just awesome. Thanks for this great breakdown ❤
When Tamar, said Jesus Christ when Brittany said the last thing she cooked was a smoothie it took me out 🤣. And Garret was done with Brittany real quick too which was funny but I don’t recall his quote 🤣
Hannah is there for a bag. Won’t hold you. Brittany is similar but she owns it.
You kept me waiting TOO LONG for this!!! I kept checking your page in case I missed a notification 😅
Leo isn’t even entertaining, he’s just kinda…pathetic (I don’t care how much money he has), Hannah is immature, Britney is probably the most intelligent one in that triangle, she knows exactly what she’s doing and what end game she wants, I just think she is imagining Leo as someone he isn’t based on him being this wealthy “art dealer”. Waiting for this whole thing to crash and burn.
Roxie ur soo gorg and i love ur recaps on LIB im here from the ultimatum SA🥰 keep up the great work wish u alot of growth for ur channel🫶🏽
my jaw dropped when u sang u have a beautiful voice!!
Roxiie's voice is absolute HEAVEN! Love your reviews sis !
Omg love your singing! ❤
Tyler and Ashley are my fave ❤
5:47 Damnnnnnn Aurora is that you???? Didn’t know you had voice of an angel girl wtfffff 😳😍❤️
Yhooo Leo was making me so annoyed bragging about not wanting to be used for money and then bragging about it😅😅😅make it make sense?!
I wish I had found your channel before I got caught up on this season. I would of watched your reactions after each episode. I'm still going to watch each one though, better late than never.
Ashley and Tyler!! Locked in episode one baby ❤❤❤
"We have not see it yet". The dog appears and disappears. 😂 Cute bow. I don't know why, but I think you like the colour purple tones. 😄Beautiful singing voice.
Every time Leo breathed I rolled my eyes 😂😂😂😂 I literally screamed “DAMN Batman!” When he started talking about all his deceased relatives 😂😂😂😂
The way you start off your videos, is always golden. Rox, I love you 😂😂
Thank goodness you're watching these bc i couldn't make it through the first episode. So watching your review is more entertaining and I don't feel like I'm wasting my time
I completely agree with your take on Leo. He was driving me nuts!
Roxiie 💛💛💛 girl you always show up super cute. Another round of LIB and I am here for the love too. I appreciate you and your channel.
@16:40 Roxiie, I am glad you said this because another reviewer (who you are friends with) said him questioning her race, needing to know and then saying she was being intentionally deceptive, was not racist and agreed with him. This had me concerned. This girl is half Asian, and even if she was completely white, she should have passed on this guy. If you are a non-racist person, you shouldn't want to date, marry or befriend a racist person. His obsession and concern with her race was absolutely about prejudice. And this show is called Love is Blind, not Find me an Aryan Princess!
Girl all this LIB mess aside, I adore your singing omg 😩
When Leo said “you’re both tied to be number 1” 🙃🙃🙃 honestly bye
Hannah is very immature. Thought we were done with the mid twenties ? They not ready.
The singing 😂 dusted!!!
The Opening alone . . . makes you so awesome!!!
I thought Tim did too much with speaking about his grief. 😢 I hate to be that person but I think it added undue pressure constantly inserting her into his family and going into such great detail about his sisters. Precious moments, yes. But I think it could make her feel obligated to say yes. He should have saved some of that emotional intimacy for once the commitment is official and sealed.
lol @ that jump scare of you holding your adorable dog 🤣
I love Garrett & Taylor I’m hopeful but know both people would put themselves first in the end which is amazing but hoping their careers can work around eachother!
5:46-5:55 not your voice sounding soooooo lovely and beautiful while roasting Brittany 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Finally! Someone who's calling EVERYONE on their crap. Hannah and Nicky D have been getting a pass in most reviews. Their behaviour and decision making is a masterclass in self-victimizing and manipulation. Hannah's personality changed completely once she saw Nicky and just amped up in Mexico.
@@rishikamath6718 you guys really need to stop with the spoilers. It's not that hard!
Two seconds in and I’m already cracking up 🤣
Sadly that statistic seems true. I got really bad food poisoning and couldn't take care of my toddler because I was basically living in the bathroom for almost 2 weeks. My husband was so annoyed that he had to help me / our toddler and kept reminding me "you're the reason I haven't made any money since I've been helping you." But then when he was sick a month later, guess who took care of him with no complaints or guilt 🙄
Found you for the first time today, have enjoyed your review! I feel for Leo for all the loss he's had, but otherwise he's so emotionally immature
New subscriber! 💕I need 8,000 more impressions of Leo and the purse 💀 oooh and you’re an Aries like meee ♈️
Hannah got the most major ick after the reveal 😂 bring Leo back 🎉
I love your videos so much!
I don’t know about other people but I don’t think I’d ever say I’ve only dated white men, just seems that you would say that if race does matter to you
One thing about an Aries is we are coming with the facts 😂. Loved you putting in some stats.
Yay!! So excited for your reaction!! 🎉
For those ladies not knowing what to watch out for : LEO 🚩🚩🚩
Typical manipulation
I would love for Brittany to sing your Disney Princess song. "I don't know anything; I just need a man to lead me; I am stupid." 😂