My thoughts this afternoon. Sadly we have been stuck in this mechanical materialistic view of ourselves and our world for so long that we have forgotten that we came from nature and we are a part of nature. When we again find the truth and the natural beauty of nature is when we will fine true peace and harmony with our questions, ourselves, and nature itself. When we find nature again we will find the true meaning of life and why we are here. Have a good day and clear skies everyone and go safely.
This needs to be heard by more people. The science Dr. Sheldrake is establishing shows that we are not what we think we are....scientifically. This new knowledge should help the human race to become more self-aware of our fundamental unity, and our need to reform civilization on a world basis.
yep... great... tell u wot... send me ur tel no. by telepathy and i'll call you but i won't say a word but you will 'hear' me perfectly anyway inside ur head and then when i hang up u won't be able to hear me any more and that will prove everything about everything forever and ever you see?
🐟 04. SCIENCE Vs RELIGION: The English word “SCIENCE” originates from the Latin noun “scientia”, meaning “knowledge”, from the stem “scire”, meaning “know”. The English word “RELIGION” originates from the Latin verb “religare”, meaning “to join or unite”. It is the equivalent of the Sanskrit noun “yoga”, meaning “union (of the individual self with the Supreme Self)”. Therefore, “yoga” and “religion” are used synonymously in this chapter. The PHYSICAL sciences are an empirical approach to knowledge. They rely on experimentation, based on observation of the natural world. Observation is dependent on the senses, the senses are dependent on mind, and the mind is, in turn, observable by the intellectual faculty. The mind and intellect are phenomena arising in the perceived sense of self, or pseudo-ego (even if one considers that the mind and the intellect are functions of the brain), and therefore, all empirical evidence is gathered and recorded in consciousness. See Chapter 06 for a complete description of consciousness/Consciousness, and to understand the hierarchy of episteme mentioned above. It is patently impossible to establish the existence of anything outside of consciousness. How will one observe particles and their mechanics without the existence of consciousness? Clearly, consciousness is axiomatic for any statement of knowledge. All that can be said or known about the world is a phenomenal appearance in consciousness. Anything else is speculation that can NEVER be definitively proven or demonstrated. However, this apparent subject/object duality is illusory, since Ultimate Reality is essentially monistic. So, for example, when a person looks at a tree, he or she is not actually seeing the tree in any direct sense, but interpreting an inverse image projected onto the retina of the eyes. Therefore, there is no real evidence (or at least, no conclusive proof) for the external world, APART from consciousness. Likewise, there are no sounds in the external world but solely within the mind, since vibrations do not produce an audible sound until they strike one’s eardrums, and the signal is conveyed to the brain. If the corresponding parts of the brain were to be artificially stimulated in the same manner, the experience of sight/sound would seem identical. That explains the Zen koan: “If a tree falls in a forest, and there’s nobody present, does the falling tree produce a sound?” Refer, also, to the thought experiment known as “Schrödinger's cat”. Apart from the fact that we are unable to DIRECTLY perceive external phenomena, our sensory and cognitive facilities are far from perfect. Even if every human on earth experienced sounds and colours in precisely the same manner, that does not prove that those perceptions accurately represent the world as it is, since other animals perceive the world quite differently than humans do. Some cognitive psychologists have demonstrated that all animals, including humans, have evolved not to perceive the external world completely objectively, but rather, have evolved to see the world in a way which promotes survival of the species. This is one explanation for the widespread belief in a Personal Creator God, since religious organizations (ideally) promote social cohesion (at least those which are not ultra-fundamentalist in nature). As alluded to above, it is imperative to mention that there are TWO main definitions of, or forms of, consciousness: the discrete consciousness associated with the brain of many species of animals (see Chapter 05), and Universal Consciousness (explained in Chapter 06). Perhaps a good analogy for the interplay between Universal Consciousness and the discrete consciousness found within the mammalian brain is that of a radio receiver (being the tangible hardware, akin to the physical brain) and radio waves (being intangible, akin to consciousness/Consciousness). So long as the radio receiver is in good working-order, it tunes-into the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. However, if the radio set breaks down, the radio waves themselves continue to modulate in space. So too, when the human brain dies, Universal Consciousness (“brahman”, in Sanskrit) continues indefinitely. Note, however, that this analogy is imperfect, since in reality, both the brain and the radio waves are contained within Infinite Awareness (“brahman”). This confusion of terminology is due to the fact that the English language does not include a single word for the concept of Universal Consciousness, due to monism/idealism being a rather esoteric philosophy in the Western World. As Lord Śri Krishna so rightly states in “Bhagavad-gītā”, the King of All Knowledge (“rāja vidyā”, in Sanskrit) is the Science of the Self. At the time of writing, material scientists are beginning to explore the “hard problem” of consciousness. Assuming homo sapien society will survive for at least a few more centuries, there will come a time when the majority of professional scientists will acknowledge the primacy of CONSCIOUSNESS. Indeed, if humanity is to continue indefinitely, it is necessary for not only this concept to be imprinted on the human race but for it to be acted upon; that is to say, we humans must imbibe the principal tenets presented in teachings such as this Holy Scripture, “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, and actively follow them to a very large extent. The alternative is the extinction of not only humanity, but of most (if not all) biological life forms on Earth, due to environmental degradation, and immorality as a consequence of nihilism. So, just as the physical scientific method is based on hypothesis, observation, and repeatable experimentation, so too is METAPHYSICAL science. The hypothesis for supernatural science is as follows: that there is an eternal ground of all being, and that “it” is conscious, of a steady state (i.e. imperturbable peace), and that everything tangible and intangible is inherently of its nature. In the case of mysticism, the repeatable experiment is known as “religion” (“yoga”, in Sanskrit). Read Chapter 16 for a description of the four systems of religion/yoga. When a sincere and suitably-qualified aspirant CORRECTLY practices the scientific process of “yoga”, under the guidance of an authoritative pedagogue, he is assured of realizing the fact of the unity of the totality of existence, and achieving union with that Divine Principle, just as every enlightened sage has done for millennia. The symptoms of a person who has achieved union with the Supreme can very easily be confirmed by an accomplished yogi, in the same way that physical phenomena can be verified by a trained physicist (cf. Chapters 16 and 20). To put it succinctly, religion simply means to understand and realize that the fundamental nature of Reality is One Eternal-Conscious-Peace. In other words, when one knows for CERTAIN that there is really no subject-object duality, and lives one's life in harmony with that realization (by living a life of non-violence), one is said to “achieve yoga”. Chapter 17 summarizes the symptoms of a fully enlightened religious practitioner. That realization usually (but not always) comes about via the practice of the SCIENTIFIC process of religion described in Chapter 16 of this work. Of course, that doesn't imply that a each and every yogi is a perfected saint. Just as each physicist can be ranked according to his particular knowledge of physics, so too, each religionist falls somewhere in a spectrum of realization and understanding. Unfortunately, an authentic yogi is extremely rare, so one should be careful to not compare one's local (so-called) monk/preacher/priest/holy man to a true yogi. Some of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, including Neils Henrik David Bohr and John Stewart Bell, have hypothesized that quantum particles, such as photons, have no precise location in space (quantum nonlocality) until they are PERSONALLY observed. This phenomenon was later demonstrated to be a scientific fact. Whether this should be regarded as proving that the physical world itself is “nonlocal” is a topic of debate, but the terminology of “quantum nonlocality” is nowadays commonplace. Cont...
The following formulae is the so-called “THEORY OF EVERYTHING”, much sought-after by theoretical physicists for the past century: E=∞BCP (Everything is Infinite Being-Consciousness-Peace). Alternatively, and more simply, expressed as: E= A͚ (Everything is Infinite Awareness). For a thorough explanation of the above equation, refer to Chapters 05 and 06. In summary, actual science and actual religion/mysticism are IDENTICAL, because Reality is singular. However, one deals in the realm of observable phenomena, whilst the other deals mainly with the inner-world of man, particularly with the subject (i.e. the ultimate observer of all phenomena, as described and explained in Chapter 06) and with teleological matters. To quote Austrian-American physicist Fritjof Capra, “Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science. But man needs both.” Without authentic religion, scientific endeavour is prone to moral corruption and nihilism. Without objective scientific evidence, spirituality is susceptible to sentimentality and fanaticism. “Consciousnesses is [defined as] that in which all experience appears, is that in which all experience is known, and that in which all experience is made.” ************* “Everything that we know or experience is known by consciousness, appears in consciousness and is a play of consciousness; just like the dream you have at night appears in your mind, is known by your mind and is a play of your mind.” ************* “Consciousness is always already awake. Or, more accurately, awakeness or awareness is one of its ‘qualities’. (Beingness and happiness are two of its other ‘qualities’). This consciousness ‘from time to time’ takes the shape of a thought which imagines itself (consciousness) to be limited to a particular body. It is as if you were to dress up as King Lear and by doing so forget that you are you. With this thought, consciousness seems to forget its own unlimited nature and seems instead to become a separate entity, a person. Once this identification has taken place, most of our thoughts, feelings and activities come from and express this belief and feeling of being separate, localised and limited. Because the happiness which is inherent in the knowing of our own being is lost when we forget our own being, the apparent person that results from this identification is in a perpetual state of unhappiness or seeking. In other words, it is the apparent person that is unhappy, that is seeking, that wishes to awaken to his or her true nature. However, this ‘person’ is itself the apparent veiling of its own true identity (consciousness). The person cannot awaken, because it only exists as the thought that thinks it. How could a thought, an illusion, awaken? King Lear cannot awaken, because King Lear is simply a costume that the actor wears. Can a costume awaken? You are already awake. That is, you, consciousness, that is seeing these words, is already and always awake, only it has lost itself in objects and thereby seemingly forgotten its own self. All that is required is to ‘remember itself’ again. What you call awakening (or remembering) is the clear seeing of your true nature and, as a result, the clear seeing of the non-existence of the separate person. That which is always awake is always awake. That which is not awake can never awaken.” Rupert Spira, English Spiritual Teacher. “Both observer and observed are merging and interpenetrating aspects of one who reality, which is indivisible and unanalysable.” ************* “In this flow, mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of one whole and unbroken movement.” ************* “Relativity and quantum theory agree, in that they both imply the need to look on the world as an undivided whole, in which all parts of the universe, including the observer and his instruments, merge and unite in one totality. In this totality, the atomistic form of insight is a simplification and an abstraction, valid only in some limited context.” ************* “Science itself is demanding a new, non-fragmentary world view.” David Bohm, American Theoretical Physicist, From “Wholeness and the Implicate Order”.
Honest, open science along with the latest information regarding the finding of neurites in the heart, expanding consciousness and experiments by Rupert Sheldrake are bringing us out of the Dark Ages finally. Thank you Dr. Sheldrake!!❤
Thanks for this interview. A chill went up my spine as I got the feeling that Rupert's clarity and conciseness flow directly from our most primitive awareness. Somewhere we went astray--or perhaps we had to get to where we are in order to look back, as in a mirror. Perception as our only actual emotion. Something like that, at any rate.
My cat is always waiting by the door for me to come home. I can telepathically call her to me in images and she will come! Great to hear this interview. Thank yiu! 👍🇬🇧
Just like the unscientific and dangerous high age of consent laws. When most nations are under 18 for a reason, since puberty is puberty and life expectancy has gone up. The brain fully develops at 25, not at 18. And age of consent is just very new and very flawed. And actual p*do, which is attraction to prepubescent beings, is a medical condition, not an excuse to hurt people with barbaric systems. #GoVegan 💚
This is so interesting. As an artist I have always been guided more by intuition than by the brain. We have so much to learn when we stop the self chattering and just tune Ito our environment whether we are in company or alone. I recently read the book “The hidden life of trees” and this is one great example of what Rupert Sheldrake talks about.
Many years ago when I was but a young pup myself I had the Best Dog in the World. I'd let him out the back door to jump the fence and roam wherever he wished in the apartment complex greenspace behind our home. I didn't think anything of it - that's just what you did with dogs in the Appalachian community I grew up in. He had his regular route and I shared his love with many of the apartment dwellers who couldn't have pets but saved treats for my Good Boy. When it came time to call him home I'd yell for him from the yard and he'd show up soon thereafter. But he fell in love with some kids who unendingly threw his tennis ball for him to fetch and my calls went on deaf dog ears. So I tried to telepathically communicate with my dog. Whenever I needed him to come home I'd call him as usual but I'd also hold a picture in my mind of a food he loved. I didn't give him the food when he arrived - just thought it. I kept track of my attempts to get him to come home. I varied the time of day. I found that he tended to come home faster when I tried telepathically to send a picture of food treats to him. I can't remember the data but it was something like he was 30% more likely to come home within 10 minutes if I intentionally thought about the food than if I just called him. Not really scientific, but lots of fun. He was my first child in many ways and even though he's been gone 29 years I still love him and think of him often. And when I too cross that boundary of life and death, if my eyes awaken in another place I hope it's his face I see first, wet dog kisses to follow.
You've felt all sorts of similar 'energies' before, but nothing happened, so you don't remember them. One time something happened, and you only remember this one time.. it's all very very simple confirmation bias.
These experiments are also Science /ˈsʌɪəns/ noun the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
@@sweatshopjesus I agree - wishing there was not such a great divide between materialism and those who agree in non-local consciousness. (Realize that's a simplistic definition, tho.)
The brain can be switched on and off to things like smoking drinking and all types of behaviours. The mind intention can provide the stimulus to press the button. There are no doubt many buttons like telepathy meditation all buttons that get switched on by mind. But when we say mind what is mind? Is it zeros and 1´s ie code. Say the world is environmental code that creates code identification we could say we create norms. If other code enters into use to switch on other functions we don’t know we have then we might have different groups of people living in the basic codified world amongst norms but with other abilities which are not embraced as norm because they are not in the environmental norm program but are actually shared abilities but they are not switched on all at the same time. We get some people with not just telepathy but dreaming of things in real time that happened in the world So this is not intentionality this is observing incidents as they happen local or world wide will being asleep. I think it’s a question of turning abilities on. The code for abilities existing as a program
@@ionagibbons9906 I think I see what you're saying. Would our DNA possibly be the code and manipulated in certain ways, like in the supposed "junk" DNA? We have no idea what it does, any small change can have HUGE consequences
@dražen g Wrong. NDEs have proven that even when the brain is dead, consciousness remains. A patient's heart stops and their brain flatlines, but then they wake up and describe the room and the conversations that went on while the body was "dead".
So true. TVs picking up signals? Of course, says the scientist. Radios? Mobile phones? Absolutely. Why not? Human brain waves going beyond the skull? No, that's woo, apparently.
I really enjoy Rupert Sheldrake’s lectures...Brilliant and fascinating…though I might diverge with him to the extent that, as I understand him, is saying he still believes the brain to be the source and terminus of consciousness. There is much data that suggests that the brain may be more a transceiver and processor of a higher source consciousness rather than the absolute and finite source of consciousness...
This is right. Consciousness incl. mind are not inside our brains , but closely interact with it. Consciousness is an external muscle we can improve and strengthen , a fundamental entity of our being. Wether it will be a time after our physical death I don’t know. I do know that the soul which is connected to the consciousness is inside the body for about three days. Consciousness needs to be connected to a physical body to be active. Many questions remain such as if it is part of a n entity covering and servicing the cosmos or individually private , the latter probably since it determines each’s our character and destiny.
I have recently been following Rupert Sheldrake, including videos on RUclips. Great spiritual understanding, humility, eccentricity, and creative thinking, typical of people with high IQ. Authorship that spans a wide range of groundbreaking thoughts. I look forward to every new video, and book, by Rupert Sheldrake.
@godof79 you realise your comment sounds like an extremely young person, with very little experience of the wider world. And probably not someone with much respect for people who use their life path to deeply investigate the world around them, and to share their insights with others. A closed mind is the prerogative of arrogant youth... or it ought to be only that!
This is absolutely the most cogent explanation and evidence I have heard regarding the integration and placement of the mind and brain. I’ve known these evidences inherently since childhood, when I stood very close behind another child in the drinking fountain line, and sensed the presence and thoughts emanating from that child’s head. Who hasn’t experienced the staring phenomenon, and been aware of when and who was about to call or text? These are absolutely unexplainable when they exceed chance statistically, without a model of mind or consciousness that extends into a shared energetic medium beyond the boundaries of brain. This man is perhaps one of the most intelligent among us! Thank you for this interview and your insights and research!
Yea I would like to play chess w him before the 🔥 fire,while discussing psychic phenomena and near death experiences,the power of thought..while dining on fish n chips w tea and crumpets,luvs!!
Who wants to talk about hypnosis and the psychic phenomena? My experiences started when I was just 3 years old, by a man (I don't see a man I see a lizard dragon thing) and it would crawl up and down my body. Molested me as a preteen. After breaking in my bedroom window. He invited other ppl to my house while my parents were at work n I was home from school I'll. (I saw not ppl, they came in as birds) anyhow. The lizard man. He would refer to himself as the devil. Never has left me alone in my life, no matter where I go. And now he tells me I'm going to die real soon. If anyone knows about this, plz HELP! The lizard man use to be a hypno Dr. Like 30 yrs ago and was taken down for malpractice. I will tell anyone my story at this point.
Thank you all, who made this video-document possible. This is what we need now - a breakthrough to immaterial comprehention of reality. We are stuck in materialism and this is killing us, simply said. Sheldrake expends our minds. Thank you, Rupert.
Our family dogs sense when my daughter, their favorite person, is on her way home several minutes or more before her arrival. They get restless and become more and more excited the nearer she gets. I call it dog radar!
I used to have a dog when I was a kid that would move to the front door 5 minutes before my parents got home from a social club they went to on a Sunday night. The strange thing was they got home at different times every week. We never could work that out.
Humans have this gift, too, but most shrug it away. Intuition doesn't care for the material world and hence the reason most will shrug it away when it doesn't align to material gains.
My mother used to laugh and tell that she knew when was coming home at random times because my very devoted dog would go and sit by the door staring up at the handle as much as 15 mines before I would arrive. She said he was never wrong. In other words, he never stared at the door and I didn't arrive.
@@jamesnguyen7069 Lots of animals have been shown to sense EQs and tsunamis. It *might* be that they have picked up the vibrations, but even so, it was something that 'science' didn't think possible.
My dogs do this, when my wife is on her way home they go to the window and wait and become excitable at every noise on the street. I often wonder if they have a sense that she is on her way back from somewhere or if they can feel my anticipation because I already know through prior communication what time she will be home.
i'm doing an intelligence course by telepathy, all you have to do to enroll is be so stupid as to send me all your money ---- here's my address ... are you receiving..?
I think of the brain as the engine room, and the mind is located several floors above. It's a simple theory, but the more you complicate an Idea the more you contort truth. I see the mind as being connected, or possibly even being, our life energy. Energy that cannot be destroyed at what we consider to be 'death'.
This information is not new at all. I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years, and those books were older than me at that time. Now there is the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, to mention only one. This book was published in 1987. Brennan wrote that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings. We are not lowly, physical humans at all. We are miraculous computers being constantly created by our own souls which are creating those 7 billion billion billion atoms that we all consist of. Since we are being created constantly, then we can't die.
We are spiritual beings making a material experience. We are eternal and the mind therefore can't never die. We are the electricity in a fridge. The fridge will end to the dump but the electricity is continous
I'm glad somebody has explored and studied this because I never had the time. One night a long time ago when I left the house to visit two different places. The instant that I left the house, I felt some kind of presence hovering around me, it was menacing negative energy. Later that night as I was outside my friend's apartment talking near the entrance to their apartment, I noticed a man with a large assault weapon sneaking up on us, I pretended not to see him and carefully convinced my friend to drag his daughter and wife into the apartment immediately without yelling or letting the gunman know. As he neared closer I ran in quickly behind them and as the door was closing the man was pointing the barrel straight at us, the door shut on him on time and we all moved away and onto the floor immediately hoping he wasn't going to shoot through the door. Luckily the guy kept on walking past and never came back. I have always wondered what that energy was warning me all night. Some kind of paranormal essence. I was on alert the whole night and then I knew why. That was crazy.
You've felt all sorts of similar 'energies' before, but nothing happened, so you don't remember them. One time something happened, and you only remember this one time.. it's all very very simple confirmation bias.
@@emobloom Yes! I started to pay attention to myself more and realized that indeed we have all sort of "signals". I don't try to express it anymore because people usually thing it's woo woo. And the thing is that i also see it in the same people that usually say it is 'bs'. Like, feeling when a significant other is in danger (son/daughter/spouse/parent), feeling bad when taking a different direction on a given street, feeling bad about a person. In the end, both me and these people are on the line of confirmation bias, just for the fact that we never talk about it or never discuss it, we treat it like bs just because it makes us feel stupid or magic believers. We deny things based on aesthetic. This is ridiculous, coming from you and from me. Dismissal is also a bias.
here's an interesting aspect of the mind which is mind blowing. I had the pleasure of being sprayed with an Oleo Capsicum spray to the face during a training seminar. I had already prepared myself mentally for the ordeal but after it happened I found that my Body was separate from my mind completely, in that we were both inhabiting the same space in time. My Body was 100% sure that we were burning to death yet I knew that it was not in fact true. For roughly 25 minutes I inhabited a space within myself trying to reassure the Body that we were going to be fine. That reassurance came from a connected source outside the field of consciousness....very similar to an Avatar scenario. Great Video.
I have healed myself in much the same way many times. I pretended that I was whole again, which I am, then the pain went away. Healing is reverting back to the wholeness we always are. Otherwise, how could we heal?
So interesting. I think I know this. Everything I'm sick in body my mind tries to talk the body through it to a time of health either before or some point soon when the body felt better. Thanks for sharing
@@spencada well have you ever had one of these experiences? Have you ever done psychedelics or had an NDE or OBE? If you haven’t had these experiences then how could you say it’s an imagination? Like I’ve never done psychedelics or had an NDE so I can’t attest to the realer than real aspect or anything like existing out of the body except for an OBE I had when I was a kid.
I am a man of science and an atheist but unexplainably I have "heard" my friends and relatives talking in my head and asked them if what I've "heard" were true, it was. They could not understand how... I have seen my death twice in my dreams and was able to supposedly avoid it when awake. Now I can't prove any of this objectively cause I can't repeat whenever I want but I know at least for myself that telepathy and the future do exist. I don't in fact believe in Free Will either but rather that we live in a deterministic universe. In my opinion having experienced these odd events, what we miss is the global curiosity of wanting to understand it empirically, not just scientifically but individually. Many might be having similar experiences but don't take them seriously or don't dig deep enough in order to find answers. Ideally we would need to provide training for people at an early age, about dreams, rem sleep, lucid dreaming as they may be directly connected to Telepathy and Precognition, this may built up a strong sensitivity in regards to these phenomenons which can then greatly improve as the individual matures.
i think we have free will in that we can imagine several reactions to a situation and have the ability to chose to act on any one of them but our conditioning is what chooses in most people. most people are not very _Present_ but act on sort of autopilot based largely on imprinted concepts during our formative years. ✌️
Rupert needs to have a conversation with the Dalai Lama - Tibetan Buddhism is THE definitive source on the mind. Buddhist psychology is absolutely mind blowing and it originated with the great yogis in India but the person who became the Buddha took the practice to it's logical conclusion and then realized there was more and diverged in his own direction to discover there is no innate "self". Incredible knowledge. Source: Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition.
This information is not new at all. I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years, and those books were older than me at that time. Now there is the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, to mention only one. This book was published in 1987. Brennan wrote that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings. We are not lowly, physical humans at all. We are miraculous computers being constantly created by our own souls which are creating those 7 billion billion billion atoms that we all consist of. Since we are being created constantly, then we can't die.
How terrifically interesting. I wonder if intuition is in fact this field he describes. Often I have felt like I knew what was coming next regarding peoples reactions, especially when people have been threatening or unpleasant , even via phone calls. That same field of intuition would explain why animals , especially dogs know when people fear them. Looks like the interview was in 2014 when My Sheldrake was 72 years old!
This information is not new at all. I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years, and those books were older than me at that time. Now there is the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, to mention only one. This book was published in 1987. Brennan wrote that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings. We are not lowly, physical humans at all. We are miraculous computers being constantly created by our own souls which are creating those 7 billion billion billion atoms that we all consist of.
Interesting stuff. I do know that some experiments have concluded that dogs know their owners are coming home as they tend to come home at about the same time, and the smell the owner leaves in the house when they leave, starts to lessen through the day, and the dog gets used to the owner turning up when the smell has lessened to a similar level.
@Mondon which experiments were those? Ruperts own experimental team set up small cameras inside the hallways of people who owned dogs/cats. Results over time: that *regardless of the time you leave work*, ie you can change the times and come home early or later than usual, the dog/cat will only ever present at the doorway waiting for the owner *within a few minutes* of the owner arriving. So that contradicts what you are asserting. Sorry.
@@pipfox7834 People like to criticise, but few are informed. The research on animals knowing, in Real time, when their people START for home, was done in the 1990's, and the popular book on this research was published in 1999.
We are The Field. Thoughts, Beliefs, Actions, Results. As a Man Thinks so is He. LOA we draw the people, circumstances and life events consistent with our dominant thought.
That's a good interpretation. Trying to visualize the field seems to be the difficult aspect to wrap the mind around. It's almost as if it's without form, like a gaseous phenomenon
Without a doubt the mind extends beyond the body, as I have stood beside my physical body a number of times in a body of blue light. Fully awake, fully aware. I can tell you exactly what it feels like to walk through a solid wall with the light body.
Ruphert is brilliant. This subject is complex and difficult to verbalize. Easier to experience these concepts than to interlectualise and rationalise it. Wise man. 🌳
The interconnectedness of everything not only makes intuitive sense, but is even abundantly evident in conventional science. The materialistic paradigm is so deadeningly oppressive because we all know on some level that there is so much more to life than a "weary, flat, stale, and purposeless" existence mirroring a selfsame universe. Certainly, little meaning can be found in such a counterintuitivly isolating belief system. But Sheldrake's work bridges the gap between the brain and a more profound - and natural - interconnectivity.
Can anybody tell me, have the experiments mentioned by Dr Sheldrake been replicated by other scientists and peer reviewed? If so, then this is incredible. I guess I just want to know whether there has been proper scientific scrutiny of the data.
Thank you Rupert! I am intrigued by morphic resonance and admire your works. I think you are "ahead of your time" and hopefully we recognize that soon so that you can be seen more "innovative" instead of "heretical".
Thank you, Rupert, for pointing out the association of in-tention and at-tention. I would advise the similarity of the words intention and intension, the latter being more obviously rooted in tension, something held under pressure, suspense, focused upon. Isn't it odd that there is no word tention? I believe tension was split into in and at derivatives and the s changed to a t so that association with tension itself was obscured, for the necessity of not implying an association with stress when using either in everyday situations. Direction of mind is as important as the state of mind, throw any descriptive at it you wish - peace of mind, tranquility of mind, fear, etc, whatever you may be harboring. Direction is similar to timing as all math is the finding of distances and in some forms angles, shapes, volumes, all distances referencing some constant. Aligning the two is the trick. Again, thank you very much, Mr. Sheldrake for your insights.
I have never seen a more honest man, one that observes and reports as this. Mr Sheldrake is a humanist par excellance, the real uber mench for lack of a better word.
Chakras are the interface between mind and body. They are co-located with the body, and are transcieving photons on seven frequencies near the 307 degree Kelvin (~98.6 Fahrenheit) band. These photons have quantum interactions with our internal sensate tissues as well as external entities and objects. Thus we are connected to both the temporal and eternal. Imho.
@@paulm5443 Perhaps you would be kind enough to inform me as to which part of science I got wrong? Perhaps not. Perhaps you are without substance. Or facts. Or opinion. Or a brain. Inquiring minds want to know!
I have realized chakras have been the main source for how to build electricity generating dams and planes. I love how boeing uses numbers like 777 and 707 as winks.
19:10 to 19:30 Q: "Is matter unconscious?" A: No, it is not. All matter everywhere is conscious. Some have been fortunate enough to have been given this understanding. Science should use this knowledge as a premise when exploring the nature of reality.
Sheldrake's comment, around 2.44, "show that in fact our minds are extended beyond our brains." M.D. and ICU director Dr Lauren Bellg, gives evidence of this, in her book, Near Death in the ICU, of a patient, intubated and unable to move from his bed, "sees" his grandson playing with a train, well away from his location, in the waiting room and hears a conversation by his family members about a tree outside the building. Anita Moorjani, similarly, in her book, Dying to be Me, relates her similar happenings, beyond our normal brain-centered consensus of what is possible.
Thoughts are made of energy and so is everything else, that in a nutshell is how we can feel a stare from afar, and why we can feel a persons intent and stare. Remember all is energy as what was found inside the ATOM... we disturb the matrix of energy that surrounds us, and give ourselves away. We both send and receive this energy all day long. Just like a cell phone sends an invisible wave, we do just the same.
This man is the OG of our time.we better pay attention because not many intelligent men are left.he is very precise to the point. We have to Think into the abstract reality because that is where the truth lies
In Norway we call this phenomenon “ vardøger”. Because off the long distance between neighbors- they needed to get a notice before they arrived. Usually about 20 to 30 minutes before. In practice this meant that you heard someone coming about half an hour before they turn up.
I’ve seen ghosts and spirits. I saw my great grandmother walking in the basement where she had lived. It was only for a second or 2. I thought of it as a house memory. I never knew her but it didn’t frighten me at all. She looked like a normal person but spirits are more blurry and surreal. Once I saw one I was never afraid of the dark ever again. So, the female spirit or angel did something because I was terrified before. That benefit was immediate. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. I also received a message the night before my mother died. I even called a sister to tell her so that can be verified. It was like a train running through me. I felt a wind run through me and I knew it was about my mother. That was hours before she died in another city.
I have also seen spirits, and like you, they have not frightened me. This ability to sense the presence of those who have passed on is real. I have only sensed others rarely, and not for many years. It's ok if others disparage this sense.
Jennifer Cuddy ... You're clairVOYANT (seeing). I'm clairCOGNIZANT (knowing). There's also clairGUSTANCE (smelling), clairAUDIENT (hearing) and clairSENTIENT (feeling). Often we have a couple of these but are strongest in one of them.
There are bases of truth in what this gentleman proclaims. It has happened quite frequently throughout my life. God is great...His creation is genious. There are many other functions in our body and defin itely in our brain and spirit we still know nothing about...for if man knew, he would use it for evil ways. Thank you for this was most interesting to listen to.
But he has been doing studies on telepathy in order to prove that the mind extends the body when there is actually much more evidence stronger than this theory, such as out of body experiences or remote viewing, even dreaming can prove that the mind is in fact outside of the body. Even those that have passed out/ fainted can have these experiences. I love that he took the study to many other levels than a personal level, meaning all of the above things can be subjective and not as easily proven. Very cool, and I have also studied the mind for many years and I have found that the mind is actually a projection of the brain. This has led me to believe that everything is a projection to a degree, reality itself. I don't think the mind has ever been a physical thing, that is why I think that consciousness exists and it could answer the how of existence. I can see his theory and mine being as both, as in you can project it from your state of being directly or you can direct it outside of your being.
Well, he's talking about the work that he has done. Other scientists have done different experiments that also show that the mind extends beyond the brain.
@O k thats what i believe too, like the brain being a radio which makes use of different frequencies. In this case conciousness and mind might be received by the brain. Just because the radio isnt working doesnt mean the signal is gone. it is still signaling out
The mind isn't even in the body, it just seems that way while we're here. That's why consciousness continues after the death of the body because it was never in the body to begin with. In other words, it existed before birth, as well.
What is called the mind IS the body. This information is not new at all. I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years, and those books were older than me at that time. Now there is the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, to mention only one. This book was published in 1987. Brennan wrote that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings. We are not lowly, physical humans at all. We are miraculous computers being constantly created by our own souls which are creating those 7 billion billion billion atoms that we all consist of. Since we are being created constantly, then we can't die.
@@pureenergy4578 What’s your opinion about celibacy, especially for men. If we’re energy then releasing the most creative power as recommended by the modern society is one of the gravest self mutilation practices a man can do.
>The mind isn't even in the body The problem is that you have exactly zero evidence of that. This means that your hypothesis is indistinguishable from pure fantasy.
@@pureenergy4578 >I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years Congratulations, you've read books written by delusional people. You know that they were delusional because they believed in things for which they had no evidence. Thus they had no warrant or reason to believe these things anyway. There never has been and there still isn't any evidence to support anything you say. This in effect means that your beliefs are in every way indistinguishable from pure fantasy.
My mother was rather in tune with this sorta thing. My father used to work as a chief hydro test engineer throughout the middle east in the early to late 90s and he was only home at max 4 months of the year as we lived in Scotland. My mother one morning was dressed up to the nines, I asked where she was going? She said ur dads on his way. He was trying to surprise us he was comming home early. An hour later he walks in us waiting on him
I've been experiencing telepathy since I was 18 years old. It can never happen to me by will. Always happens itself. So no experiment would work with me I guess. Nothing about concentration or forcing the mind. It comes naturally. Hundreds of times I knew thoughts of others... even when I hated and refused to have this sensitivity.
I believe you can practice your ability, with intention, focus and consistency. Also, if you accept this ability, welcome it as a gift to be used for good, it will take you to wonderful places you never dreamed possible. The path will open up to you, you'll see. I wish you the very best.
@@marymitchell4617 been trying for many years. As he said, it just happens naturally... It can be blocked AFTER it happens, to prevent any more coming through. Best I've been able to do. Helps to learn Psionics
Thanatos thank you for covering topics which fall outside conventions. Sheldrake’s insights and clarity of presentation make one understand very complex ideas and should convince any hard nose materialist scientist that our scientific dogma is also questionable. I am inclined to support his views that the mind extends beyond the brain and our thoughts influence the external environments just as the external environment influences our thoughts and actions. The mystery is to unravel the mechanism. In my book The Zodiac in Our Genes: Is God Dead I discuss the cosmological worldview of our ancient forebears and how these are still persistent in contemporary society. The social contact transmission of such ideas fail to adequately explain the wide spread of such ideas. Jung’s collective consciousness and Sheldrake’s morphic resonance theory do suggest possible ways for such widespread transmission.
Even in African cultures,when death is about to happen or has happened,some people have a way of knowing before the news is broken. This goes back to those times of no technology. Other times as one plans to make a certain decision,an animal like a squirrel crosses by and that decision is considered "cancelled" . etc etc
Spiritually, we are all ONE & working our way back to our source. Dr. Eben Alexander realized, after his NDE, that our consciousness doesn't just reside in our brains, but that we are powerful spiritual beings. In a dream, I saw that my light was too big to fit into my body. I have also had several times when I had telepathy. I am thankful for science, but always question authority. Integrated medicine would be nice.
I entered a radio contest once and I knew I was going to win . I was making breakfast for my two young children and told my husband I needed to go upstairs to my office phone because I knew they would call me . I just sat there quietly and sure enough. My husband thinks it’s rather witchy 🤣
The first time that I fell in love when I was young, I dreamt that the man had lost his job. The next day I found out that that had happened. Then I dreamt that he got his job back and indeed he did.
I have had the feeling of being watching and you turn and someone is there watching me. Also many times I've had Deja Vu. I've had knowledge come to me from nowhere which turns out to be true, like predictions. And my wife has had several dreams where she dreams of someone she has never met, and then met that person weeks later. Unrelated, but also cool, I've seen a time traveller appear from flashing bright light on the ground. We are all conscious beings repeating the real world, and return home after we pass. Oh, and if I could share a prediction, I think there will be a very important shocking speech made 25.12.2021 that will change the way we all live.
Thanatos, A good example of what Rup is talking about would be flocks of birds flying in unison.. Moving and swaying in unison. How does each one to know what way to turn or shift or move when flying in unison. What Rup is suggesting must be what the birds are communicating by telepathy at a very fast rate of thought.
I have his book, and I recommend it. Most of us know that modern science is going nowhere. They've been teaching the same old stuff in schools and Universities for decades, yet we don't seem to have progressed very far.
I think that’s their aim...I once read a paper a student handed in for his PhD & it was on Free E! They told him that he could use it for such, but that his paper could never be published! I read it online. I wish I remembered at which university it was being held! I’m surprised it was even allowed online at all! It seems it’s that way by design.
@Star Man The orthodox scientific theory of mind is constructed and controlled by the system of universities that have reduced their theoretical knowledge to fixed forms that enables the continuity of methodology to be taught over and over in its dogmatic manner seemingly indefinitely, thus being restricted deliberately to ensure that it’s boundaries are impenetrable. Sheldrake is obviously questioning these dogmas so the establishment has to enforce its defences else the walls may come tumbling down and the consequences are unconscionable to their prestigious status. Now what to do with the likes of Sheldrake? Oppenheimer provided the perfect solution when the prevailing knowledge of Physics was being challenged by David Bohm - “if we can’t disprove Bohm’s proposal - then we should just ignore it” and so that’s what traditional mainstream scientific institutions do to diffuse troublesome new hypothetical proponents.
I think we have made the most marvelous progress but there is still room for further progress in these other directions. But we must not throw out the valuable stuff that science is already doing for us. It's an astonishingly clever system of thinking.
We have the ability to control our system of communication with our own minds to be able remotely or actively engage with others in images of our tiny part in this world but even it is hugest of us.
Wow, I finally am hearing what I have theorized about for some time. I not only think of the brain as a receiver, but also a ‘limiter’ - its only as we allow ourselves to evolve in our lives do those limits subside somewhat - in some that we may consider enlightened, that limiter is reduced greatly and they have far more access to real knowledge than the rest of us. This is quite validating hearing this - I really thought I may be alone in this avenue of thought concerning the brain and how we function with it.
I first became aware of Rupert through A Glorious Accident. I remember thinking his ideas were a bit kooky. I see almost 30 years later, not much has
Books, lamps, sash windows, and textiles. Lovely natural comfortable room. He is also 78 years old - he looks in his 60s!
Not 78 in this interview.
@@philosopher0076 Well spotted! It was copyrighted 2014 so that could tie in with him being late 60s.
I know! Right? That is the most beautiful interesting, cozy living room ever. I love his work, now I love his taste as well ❤️👍
I’ve had some pretty uncanny experiences of connection with people from a distance…
But he is not correct, the mind is the soul. The brain only takes orders from our soul and never thinks.
His simple examples proves his point because we observe most of these examples in everyday life and just take it for granted. Well done sir!
My thoughts this afternoon.
Sadly we have been stuck in this mechanical materialistic view of ourselves and our world for so long that we have forgotten that we came from nature and we are a part of nature.
When we again find the truth and the natural beauty of nature is when we will fine true peace and harmony with our questions, ourselves, and nature itself. When we find nature again we will find the true meaning of life and why we are here.
Have a good day and clear skies everyone and go safely.
This needs to be heard by more people. The science Dr. Sheldrake is establishing shows that we are not what we think we are....scientifically. This new knowledge should help the human race to become more self-aware of our fundamental unity, and our need to reform civilization on a world basis.
yep... great... tell u wot... send me ur tel no. by telepathy and i'll call you but i won't say a word but you will 'hear' me perfectly anyway inside ur head and then when i hang up u won't be able to hear me any more and that will prove everything about everything forever and ever you see?
The English word “SCIENCE” originates from the Latin noun “scientia”, meaning “knowledge”, from the stem “scire”, meaning “know”.
The English word “RELIGION” originates from the Latin verb “religare”, meaning “to join or unite”. It is the equivalent of the Sanskrit noun “yoga”, meaning “union (of the individual self with the Supreme Self)”. Therefore, “yoga” and “religion” are used synonymously in this chapter.
The PHYSICAL sciences are an empirical approach to knowledge. They rely on experimentation, based on observation of the natural world. Observation is dependent on the senses, the senses are dependent on mind, and the mind is, in turn, observable by the intellectual faculty.
The mind and intellect are phenomena arising in the perceived sense of self, or pseudo-ego (even if one considers that the mind and the intellect are functions of the brain), and therefore, all empirical evidence is gathered and recorded in consciousness.
See Chapter 06 for a complete description of consciousness/Consciousness, and to understand the hierarchy of episteme mentioned above.
It is patently impossible to establish the existence of anything outside of consciousness. How will one observe particles and their mechanics without the existence of consciousness? Clearly, consciousness is axiomatic for any statement of knowledge.
All that can be said or known about the world is a phenomenal appearance in consciousness. Anything else is speculation that can NEVER be definitively proven or demonstrated. However, this apparent subject/object duality is illusory, since Ultimate Reality is essentially monistic.
So, for example, when a person looks at a tree, he or she is not actually seeing the tree in any direct sense, but interpreting an inverse image projected onto the retina of the eyes. Therefore, there is no real evidence (or at least, no conclusive proof) for the external world, APART from consciousness. Likewise, there are no sounds in the external world but solely within the mind, since vibrations do not produce an audible sound until they strike one’s eardrums, and the signal is conveyed to the brain. If the corresponding parts of the brain were to be artificially stimulated in the same manner, the experience of sight/sound would seem identical. That explains the Zen koan: “If a tree falls in a forest, and there’s nobody present, does the falling tree produce a sound?” Refer, also, to the thought experiment known as “Schrödinger's cat”.
Apart from the fact that we are unable to DIRECTLY perceive external phenomena, our sensory and cognitive facilities are far from perfect. Even if every human on earth experienced sounds and colours in precisely the same manner, that does not prove that those perceptions accurately represent the world as it is, since other animals perceive the world quite differently than humans do. Some cognitive psychologists have demonstrated that all animals, including humans, have evolved not to perceive the external world completely objectively, but rather, have evolved to see the world in a way which promotes survival of the species. This is one explanation for the widespread belief in a Personal Creator God, since religious organizations (ideally) promote social cohesion (at least those which are not ultra-fundamentalist in nature).
As alluded to above, it is imperative to mention that there are TWO main definitions of, or forms of, consciousness: the discrete consciousness associated with the brain of many species of animals (see Chapter 05), and Universal Consciousness (explained in Chapter 06). Perhaps a good analogy for the interplay between Universal Consciousness and the discrete consciousness found within the mammalian brain is that of a radio receiver (being the tangible hardware, akin to the physical brain) and radio waves (being intangible, akin to consciousness/Consciousness). So long as the radio receiver is in good working-order, it tunes-into the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. However, if the radio set breaks down, the radio waves themselves continue to modulate in space. So too, when the human brain dies, Universal Consciousness (“brahman”, in Sanskrit) continues indefinitely. Note, however, that this analogy is imperfect, since in reality, both the brain and the radio waves are contained within Infinite Awareness (“brahman”). This confusion of terminology is due to the fact that the English language does not include a single word for the concept of Universal Consciousness, due to monism/idealism being a rather esoteric philosophy in the Western World.
As Lord Śri Krishna so rightly states in “Bhagavad-gītā”, the King of All Knowledge (“rāja vidyā”, in Sanskrit) is the Science of the Self. At the time of writing, material scientists are beginning to explore the “hard problem” of consciousness. Assuming homo sapien society will survive for at least a few more centuries, there will come a time when the majority of professional scientists will acknowledge the primacy of CONSCIOUSNESS. Indeed, if humanity is to continue indefinitely, it is necessary for not only this concept to be imprinted on the human race but for it to be acted upon; that is to say, we humans must imbibe the principal tenets presented in teachings such as this Holy Scripture, “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, and actively follow them to a very large extent. The alternative is the extinction of not only humanity, but of most (if not all) biological life forms on Earth, due to environmental degradation, and immorality as a consequence of nihilism.
So, just as the physical scientific method is based on hypothesis, observation, and repeatable experimentation, so too is METAPHYSICAL science. The hypothesis for supernatural science is as follows: that there is an eternal ground of all being, and that “it” is conscious, of a steady state (i.e. imperturbable peace), and that everything tangible and intangible is inherently of its nature. In the case of mysticism, the repeatable experiment is known as “religion” (“yoga”, in Sanskrit). Read Chapter 16 for a description of the four systems of religion/yoga.
When a sincere and suitably-qualified aspirant CORRECTLY practices the scientific process of “yoga”, under the guidance of an authoritative pedagogue, he is assured of realizing the fact of the unity of the totality of existence, and achieving union with that Divine Principle, just as every enlightened sage has done for millennia. The symptoms of a person who has achieved union with the Supreme can very easily be confirmed by an accomplished yogi, in the same way that physical phenomena can be verified by a trained physicist (cf. Chapters 16 and 20).
To put it succinctly, religion simply means to understand and realize that the fundamental nature of Reality is One Eternal-Conscious-Peace. In other words, when one knows for CERTAIN that there is really no subject-object duality, and lives one's life in harmony with that realization (by living a life of non-violence), one is said to “achieve yoga”. Chapter 17 summarizes the symptoms of a fully enlightened religious practitioner.
That realization usually (but not always) comes about via the practice of the SCIENTIFIC process of religion described in Chapter 16 of this work. Of course, that doesn't imply that a each and every yogi is a perfected saint. Just as each physicist can be ranked according to his particular knowledge of physics, so too, each religionist falls somewhere in a spectrum of realization and understanding. Unfortunately, an authentic yogi is extremely rare, so one should be careful to not compare one's local (so-called) monk/preacher/priest/holy man to a true yogi.
Some of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, including Neils Henrik David Bohr and John Stewart Bell, have hypothesized that quantum particles, such as photons, have no precise location in space (quantum nonlocality) until they are PERSONALLY observed. This phenomenon was later demonstrated to be a scientific fact. Whether this should be regarded as proving that the physical world itself is “nonlocal” is a topic of debate, but the terminology of “quantum nonlocality” is nowadays commonplace.
The following formulae is the so-called “THEORY OF EVERYTHING”, much sought-after by theoretical physicists for the past century:
E=∞BCP (Everything is Infinite Being-Consciousness-Peace).
Alternatively, and more simply, expressed as:
E= A͚ (Everything is Infinite Awareness).
For a thorough explanation of the above equation, refer to Chapters 05 and 06.
In summary, actual science and actual religion/mysticism are IDENTICAL, because Reality is singular. However, one deals in the realm of observable phenomena, whilst the other deals mainly with the inner-world of man, particularly with the subject (i.e. the ultimate observer of all phenomena, as described and explained in Chapter 06) and with teleological matters. To quote Austrian-American physicist Fritjof Capra, “Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science. But man needs both.” Without authentic religion, scientific endeavour is prone to moral corruption and nihilism. Without objective scientific evidence, spirituality is susceptible to sentimentality and fanaticism.
“Consciousnesses is [defined as] that in which all experience appears, is that in which all experience is known, and that in which all experience is made.”
“Everything that we know or experience is known by consciousness, appears in consciousness and is a play of consciousness;
just like the dream you have at night appears in your mind, is known by your mind and is a play of your mind.”
“Consciousness is always already awake. Or, more accurately, awakeness or awareness is one of its ‘qualities’. (Beingness and happiness are two of its other ‘qualities’).
This consciousness ‘from time to time’ takes the shape of a thought which imagines itself (consciousness) to be limited to a particular body. It is as if you were to dress up as King Lear and by doing so forget that you are you.
With this thought, consciousness seems to forget its own unlimited nature and seems instead to become a separate entity, a person. Once this identification has taken place, most of our thoughts, feelings and activities come from and express this belief and feeling of being separate, localised and limited.
Because the happiness which is inherent in the knowing of our own being is lost when we forget our own being, the apparent person that results from this identification is in a perpetual state of unhappiness or seeking. In other words, it is the apparent person that is unhappy, that is seeking, that wishes to awaken to his or her true nature.
However, this ‘person’ is itself the apparent veiling of its own true identity (consciousness). The person cannot awaken, because it only exists as the thought that thinks it. How could a thought, an illusion, awaken? King Lear cannot awaken, because King Lear is simply a costume that the actor wears. Can a costume awaken?
You are already awake. That is, you, consciousness, that is seeing these words, is already and always awake, only it has lost itself in objects and thereby seemingly forgotten its own self. All that is required is to ‘remember itself’ again.
What you call awakening (or remembering) is the clear seeing of your true nature and, as a result, the clear seeing of the non-existence of the separate person. That which is always awake is always awake. That which is not awake can never awaken.”
Rupert Spira,
English Spiritual Teacher.
“Both observer and observed are merging and interpenetrating aspects of one who reality, which is indivisible and unanalysable.”
“In this flow, mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of one whole and unbroken movement.”
“Relativity and quantum theory agree, in that they both imply the need to look on the world as an undivided whole, in which all parts of the universe, including the observer and his instruments, merge and unite in one totality. In this totality, the atomistic form of insight is a simplification and an abstraction, valid only in some limited context.”
“Science itself is demanding a new, non-fragmentary world view.”
David Bohm,
American Theoretical Physicist,
From “Wholeness and the Implicate Order”.
There is no science involved.
It’s frustrating that as a species we don’t seem to update our worldview when provided with new information like this
Can never have too much Rupert Sheldrake ❤️
He is so charming and adorable and knowledgeable and smart and authentic and insightful and unconventional and…
He's great = agreed.
Absolutely .
And he can't get enough gullible people.
Honest, open science along with the latest information regarding the finding of neurites in the heart, expanding consciousness and experiments by Rupert Sheldrake are bringing us out of the Dark Ages finally. Thank you Dr. Sheldrake!!❤
Thanks for this interview. A chill went up my spine as I got the feeling that Rupert's clarity and conciseness flow directly from our most primitive awareness. Somewhere we went astray--or perhaps we had to get to where we are in order to look back, as in a mirror. Perception as our only actual emotion. Something like that, at any rate.
Perfect prose in an extemporaneous monologue: a sure sign of a very remarkable intellect.
My cat is always waiting by the door for me to come home. I can telepathically call her to me in images and she will come! Great to hear this interview. Thank yiu! 👍🇬🇧
Have you read his (well researched and documented) book: Dogs Who know when their owners are coming home ? You might find it interesting!
No you can't, it's just very simple confirmation bias
I do so enjoy listening to Rupert Sheldrake’s theories.
i used to be able to complete my teachers sentences all the time... now i just stink
He's absolutely right that the brain is a receiver, and it's also a filter!
this is why Big Tech has opened the door to the mind using advanced radio wave connectivity.
Just like the unscientific and dangerous high age of consent laws. When most nations are under 18 for a reason, since puberty is puberty and life expectancy has gone up.
The brain fully develops at 25, not at 18. And age of consent is just very new and very flawed.
And actual p*do, which is attraction to prepubescent beings, is a medical condition, not an excuse to hurt people with barbaric systems. #GoVegan 💚
does it need changed every 3000 miles?
Thank God it is...
...and a sender (transmitter).
This is so interesting. As an artist I have always been guided more by intuition than by the brain. We have so much to learn when we stop the self chattering and just tune Ito our environment whether we are in company or alone. I recently read the book “The hidden life of trees” and this is one great example of what Rupert Sheldrake talks about.
The brain does not think, it is your soul, the same part of you that is reading this comment right now.
@@jeffforsythe9514 no such thing.
@@MyAnnusMirabilis thanks for clearing that up.
Many years ago when I was but a young pup myself I had the Best Dog in the World. I'd let him out the back door to jump the fence and roam wherever he wished in the apartment complex greenspace behind our home. I didn't think anything of it - that's just what you did with dogs in the Appalachian community I grew up in. He had his regular route and I shared his love with many of the apartment dwellers who couldn't have pets but saved treats for my Good Boy. When it came time to call him home I'd yell for him from the yard and he'd show up soon thereafter.
But he fell in love with some kids who unendingly threw his tennis ball for him to fetch and my calls went on deaf dog ears.
So I tried to telepathically communicate with my dog. Whenever I needed him to come home I'd call him as usual but I'd also hold a picture in my mind of a food he loved. I didn't give him the food when he arrived - just thought it. I kept track of my attempts to get him to come home. I varied the time of day.
I found that he tended to come home faster when I tried telepathically to send a picture of food treats to him. I can't remember the data but it was something like he was 30% more likely to come home within 10 minutes if I intentionally thought about the food than if I just called him. Not really scientific, but lots of fun.
He was my first child in many ways and even though he's been gone 29 years I still love him and think of him often. And when I too cross that boundary of life and death, if my eyes awaken in another place I hope it's his face I see first, wet dog kisses to follow.
You've felt all sorts of similar 'energies' before, but nothing happened, so you don't remember them. One time something happened, and you only remember this one time.. it's all very very simple confirmation bias.
I’m so grateful that you are engaged in this research. We’ve missed much by believing everything we learn in science.
These experiments are also Science
the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
@@sweatshopjesus I agree - wishing there was not such a great divide between materialism and those who agree in non-local consciousness. (Realize that's a simplistic definition, tho.)
A aprendizagem da Ciência é a aprendizagem da dúvida. E, sobretudo, da dúvida sobre o seu próprio julgamento.
So nice to listen to a scientist countering the materialist dogma.
The brain can be switched on and off to things like smoking drinking and all types of behaviours. The mind intention can provide the stimulus to press the button. There are no doubt many buttons like telepathy meditation all buttons that get switched on by mind. But when we say mind what is mind? Is it zeros and 1´s ie code. Say the world is environmental code that creates code identification we could say we create norms. If other code enters into use to switch on other functions we don’t know we have then we might have different groups of people living in the basic codified world amongst norms but with other abilities which are not embraced as norm because they are not in the environmental norm program but are actually shared abilities but they are not switched on all at the same time. We get some people with not just telepathy but dreaming of things in real time that happened in the world So this is not intentionality this is observing incidents as they happen local or world wide will being asleep.
I think it’s a question of turning abilities on. The code for abilities existing as a program
@@ionagibbons9906 I think I see what you're saying. Would our DNA possibly be the code and manipulated in certain ways, like in the supposed "junk" DNA? We have no idea what it does, any small change can have HUGE consequences
@dražen g Wrong. NDEs have proven that even when the brain is dead, consciousness remains. A patient's heart stops and their brain flatlines, but then they wake up and describe the room and the conversations that went on while the body was "dead".
So true. TVs picking up signals? Of course, says the scientist. Radios? Mobile phones? Absolutely. Why not? Human brain waves going beyond the skull? No, that's woo, apparently.
I really enjoy Rupert Sheldrake’s lectures...Brilliant and fascinating…though I might diverge with him to the extent that, as I understand him, is saying he still believes the brain to be the source and terminus of consciousness. There is much data that suggests that the brain may be more a transceiver and processor of a higher source consciousness rather than the absolute and finite source of consciousness...
This is right. Consciousness incl. mind are not inside our brains , but closely interact with it. Consciousness is an external muscle we can improve and strengthen , a fundamental entity of our being. Wether it will be a time after our physical death I don’t know. I do know that the soul which is connected to the consciousness is inside the body for about three days. Consciousness needs to be connected to a physical body to be active. Many questions remain such as if it is part of a n entity covering and servicing the cosmos or individually private , the latter probably since it determines each’s our character and destiny.
@@denniswhite3487 hahaaha right! Boy did he miss the mark! LOL
We miss your great lectures. Thanks for this post .
We need a new consciousness in America, in the world.
This is refreshingly fantastic.
I have recently been following Rupert Sheldrake, including videos on RUclips. Great spiritual understanding, humility, eccentricity, and creative thinking, typical of people with high IQ. Authorship that spans a wide range of groundbreaking thoughts. I look forward to every new video, and book, by Rupert Sheldrake.
@godof79 you realise your comment sounds like an extremely young person, with very little experience of the wider world. And probably not someone with much respect for people who use their life path to deeply investigate the world around them, and to share their insights with others. A closed mind is the prerogative of arrogant youth... or it ought to be only that!
Interesting, that by contrast, arrogant, sheep like, destructive people, often have low intelligence.
How nice to see Dr Sheldrake.....had seen him with K, in 1982
This is absolutely the most cogent explanation and evidence I have heard regarding the integration and placement of the mind and brain. I’ve known these evidences inherently since childhood, when I stood very close behind another child in the drinking fountain line, and sensed the presence and thoughts emanating from that child’s head. Who hasn’t experienced the staring phenomenon, and been aware of when and who was about to call or text? These are absolutely unexplainable when they exceed chance statistically, without a model of mind or consciousness that extends into a shared energetic medium beyond the boundaries of brain. This man is perhaps one of the most intelligent among us! Thank you for this interview and your insights and research!
Your imagination is what you experienced. Magic isn't real.
@@suegirouard917 It isn't majic, and is a very well documented phenomenon.
Such an interesting man with an interesting subject. I would listen to for hours. I love that perfect English posh accent
Yea I would like to play chess w him before the 🔥 fire,while discussing psychic phenomena and near death experiences,the power of thought..while dining on fish n chips w tea and crumpets,luvs!!
I'm French and to me it's the perfect accent that I like to hear. I could listen to him for hours
Who wants to talk about hypnosis and the psychic phenomena? My experiences started when I was just 3 years old, by a man (I don't see a man I see a lizard dragon thing) and it would crawl up and down my body. Molested me as a preteen. After breaking in my bedroom window. He invited other ppl to my house while my parents were at work n I was home from school I'll. (I saw not ppl, they came in as birds) anyhow. The lizard man. He would refer to himself as the devil. Never has left me alone in my life, no matter where I go. And now he tells me I'm going to die real soon. If anyone knows about this, plz HELP! The lizard man use to be a hypno Dr. Like 30 yrs ago and was taken down for malpractice. I will tell anyone my story at this point.
@@ca3822 I prayed to Jesus for you, that you would be freed from your oppressor.
Thank you all, who made this video-document possible. This is what we need now - a breakthrough to immaterial comprehention of reality. We are stuck in materialism and this is killing us, simply said. Sheldrake expends our minds. Thank you, Rupert.
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
I love Rupert Sheldrake. I love his logic. I love to listen to him.
I have experienced this many times over the years with friends and pets. Truly humbling experience.
This is my first time seeing and listening to Rupert Sheldrake. Brilliant discussion
Our family dogs sense when my daughter, their favorite person, is on her way home several minutes or more before her arrival. They get restless and become more and more excited the nearer she gets. I call it dog radar!
I used to have a dog when I was a kid that would move to the front door 5 minutes before my parents got home from a social club they went to on a Sunday night. The strange thing was they got home at different times every week. We never could work that out.
Humans have this gift, too, but most shrug it away. Intuition doesn't care for the material world and hence the reason most will shrug it away when it doesn't align to material gains.
My mother used to laugh and tell that she knew when was coming home at random times because my very devoted dog would go and sit by the door staring up at the handle as much as 15 mines before I would arrive.
She said he was never wrong.
In other words, he never stared at the door and I didn't arrive.
they can sense earthquakes too before they happen. also the bears are starting to be so friendly w humans...
@@jamesnguyen7069 Lots of animals have been shown to sense EQs and tsunamis. It *might* be that they have picked up the vibrations, but even so, it was something that 'science' didn't think possible.
I have heard that they can hear the sound of your car from a long distance. In this case are they sensing the car noise or something else? thanks
some dogs have a verry good nose for smelly students...🤭
My dogs do this, when my wife is on her way home they go to the window and wait and become excitable at every noise on the street. I often wonder if they have a sense that she is on her way back from somewhere or if they can feel my anticipation because I already know through prior communication what time she will be home.
Beautiful! Thank you! I find Bruce Lipton (the biology of belief) very interesting too, as it points in the same direction.
Quantum String Theory makes all this stuff plausible. I just wish I was more intelligent to understand it all properly!
i'm doing an intelligence course by telepathy, all you have to do to enroll is be so stupid as to send me all your money ---- here's my address ... are you receiving..?
@@DrBe-zn5fv 🤔
String Theorie hat damit dar nichts zu tun.
time travel theory too. greta... and the 100 dollar bill
there's nothing wrong with your intelligence. nonsense is not to be comprehended. That the real issue.
This guy is a high-quality biologist, nice to see that he has been conducting experiments to prove there are (as yet) undiscovered systems at work.
What a gorgeous couch Dr Sheldrake is reposing upon.
🤣 👍
I think of the brain as the engine room, and the mind is located several floors above. It's a simple theory, but the more you complicate an Idea the more you contort truth. I see the mind as being connected, or possibly even being, our life energy. Energy that cannot be destroyed at what we consider to be 'death'.
This information is not new at all. I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years, and those books were older than me at that time. Now there is the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, to mention only one. This book was published in 1987. Brennan wrote that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings. We are not lowly, physical humans at all. We are miraculous computers being constantly created by our own souls which are creating those 7 billion billion billion atoms that we all consist of. Since we are being created constantly, then we can't die.
We are spiritual beings making a material experience. We are eternal and the mind therefore can't never die. We are the electricity in a fridge. The fridge will end to the dump but the electricity is continous
Now put that in gaming terms...
Kinda like the SIMS game lol
I am very interested in this new App Mr Sheldrake is developing. Very interesting interview. Many thanks.
in fact it turns ur phone into a microwave to fry ur brain from inside .. wait ... oh sorry .. you did already ..??
I'm glad somebody has explored and studied this because I never had the time. One night a long time ago when I left the house to visit two different places. The instant that I left the house, I felt some kind of presence hovering around me, it was menacing negative energy. Later that night as I was outside my friend's apartment talking near the entrance to their apartment, I noticed a man with a large assault weapon sneaking up on us, I pretended not to see him and carefully convinced my friend to drag his daughter and wife into the apartment immediately without yelling or letting the gunman know. As he neared closer I ran in quickly behind them and as the door was closing the man was pointing the barrel straight at us, the door shut on him on time and we all moved away and onto the floor immediately hoping he wasn't going to shoot through the door. Luckily the guy kept on walking past and never came back. I have always wondered what that energy was warning me all night. Some kind of paranormal essence. I was on alert the whole night and then I knew why. That was crazy.
You've felt all sorts of similar 'energies' before, but nothing happened, so you don't remember them. One time something happened, and you only remember this one time.. it's all very very simple confirmation bias.
@@emobloom Yes! I started to pay attention to myself more and realized that indeed we have all sort of "signals". I don't try to express it anymore because people usually thing it's woo woo. And the thing is that i also see it in the same people that usually say it is 'bs'. Like, feeling when a significant other is in danger (son/daughter/spouse/parent), feeling bad when taking a different direction on a given street, feeling bad about a person.
In the end, both me and these people are on the line of confirmation bias, just for the fact that we never talk about it or never discuss it, we treat it like bs just because it makes us feel stupid or magic believers. We deny things based on aesthetic. This is ridiculous, coming from you and from me. Dismissal is also a bias.
here's an interesting aspect of the mind which is mind blowing. I had the pleasure of being sprayed with an Oleo Capsicum spray to the face during a training seminar. I had already prepared myself mentally for the ordeal but after it happened I found that my Body was separate from my mind completely, in that we were both inhabiting the same space in time. My Body was 100% sure that we were burning to death yet I knew that it was not in fact true. For roughly 25 minutes I inhabited a space within myself trying to reassure the Body that we were going to be fine. That reassurance came from a connected source outside the field of consciousness....very similar to an Avatar scenario. Great Video.
I have healed myself in much the same way many times. I pretended that I was whole again, which I am, then the pain went away. Healing is reverting back to the wholeness we always are. Otherwise, how could we heal?
So interesting. I think I know this. Everything I'm sick in body my mind tries to talk the body through it to a time of health either before or some point soon when the body felt better. Thanks for sharing
The mind is a great manipulator of our consciousness but saying we experience something beyond the mind is imagination at work again.
@@spencada well have you ever had one of these experiences? Have you ever done psychedelics or had an NDE or OBE? If you haven’t had these experiences then how could you say it’s an imagination? Like I’ve never done psychedelics or had an NDE so I can’t attest to the realer than real aspect or anything like existing out of the body except for an OBE I had when I was a kid.
I am a man of science and an atheist but unexplainably I have "heard" my friends and relatives talking in my head and asked them if what I've "heard" were true, it was. They could not understand how... I have seen my death twice in my dreams and was able to supposedly avoid it when awake. Now I can't prove any of this objectively cause I can't repeat whenever I want but I know at least for myself that telepathy and the future do exist. I don't in fact believe in Free Will either but rather that we live in a deterministic universe. In my opinion having experienced these odd events, what we miss is the global curiosity of wanting to understand it empirically, not just scientifically but individually. Many might be having similar experiences but don't take them seriously or don't dig deep enough in order to find answers. Ideally we would need to provide training for people at an early age, about dreams, rem sleep, lucid dreaming as they may be directly connected to Telepathy and Precognition, this may built up a strong sensitivity in regards to these phenomenons which can then greatly improve as the individual matures.
i think we have free will in that we can imagine several reactions to a situation and have the ability to chose to act on any one of them
but our conditioning is what chooses in most people. most people are not very _Present_ but act on sort of autopilot based largely on imprinted concepts during our formative years.
Great interview. Thanks for this wonderful, mind expanding content. ☺️
Your emoji has a nice smile
Rupert needs to have a conversation with the Dalai Lama - Tibetan Buddhism is THE definitive source on the mind. Buddhist psychology is absolutely mind blowing and it originated with the great yogis in India but the person who became the Buddha took the practice to it's logical conclusion and then realized there was more and diverged in his own direction to discover there is no innate "self". Incredible knowledge. Source: Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition.
Finally found a person with a similar understanding of the environment which we are living. Rupert is on the right track here.
Dude... Just because he agrees with your worldview, doesn't mean he's right 🤦♀️🤦♀️
This information is not new at all. I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years, and those books were older than me at that time. Now there is the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, to mention only one. This book was published in 1987. Brennan wrote that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings. We are not lowly, physical humans at all. We are miraculous computers being constantly created by our own souls which are creating those 7 billion billion billion atoms that we all consist of. Since we are being created constantly, then we can't die.
David Carse says the same (“Perfect Brilliant Stillness”)
Ooh you're so amazing. Please teach me master guru
Great interviewer and discourse. I believe I have had two telepathic experiences that I know of.
There was this Krishnamurty interview where he was one of the guests. He was very young. He had this angelic smile.
He is such an enlightened being
You are doing God's work, whatever God means to you dear Dr. Sheldrake. God bless you.
Absolutely brilliant exposition. Sincerely hope many more mysteries are decoded
How terrifically interesting. I wonder if intuition is in fact this field he describes. Often I have felt like I knew what was coming next regarding peoples reactions, especially when people have been threatening or unpleasant , even via phone calls. That same field of intuition would explain why animals , especially dogs know when people fear them. Looks like the interview was in 2014 when My Sheldrake was 72 years old!
He's the first person who goes into depth on this topic. Thank you, Sheldrake. Mind is easily noncanonical with the use of brain activity.
This information is not new at all. I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years, and those books were older than me at that time. Now there is the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, to mention only one. This book was published in 1987. Brennan wrote that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings. We are not lowly, physical humans at all. We are miraculous computers being constantly created by our own souls which are creating those 7 billion billion billion atoms that we all consist of.
The mind and the soul are one. It is your soul that is reading this comment right now.
I am so glad that I came across this video greatly enjoyed. Going to purchase this guy books, this truly resonate with me. Thanks for sharing
Interesting stuff. I do know that some experiments have concluded that dogs know their owners are coming home as they tend to come home at about the same time, and the smell the owner leaves in the house when they leave, starts to lessen through the day, and the dog gets used to the owner turning up when the smell has lessened to a similar level.
Strange he seems to not have heard of it, right?
@Mondon which experiments were those? Ruperts own experimental team set up small cameras inside the hallways of people who owned dogs/cats. Results over time: that *regardless of the time you leave work*, ie you can change the times and come home early or later than usual, the dog/cat will only ever present at the doorway waiting for the owner *within a few minutes* of the owner arriving. So that contradicts what you are asserting. Sorry.
@@pipfox7834 People like to criticise, but few are informed. The research on animals knowing, in Real time, when their people START for home, was done in the 1990's, and the popular book on this research was published in 1999.
@@wordsculpt easy to set up a web cam and watch the results live on your phone.
This interview is a eye opener
Emotional closeness between two people or animals, can reach each other for many miles.. interconnected minds
We are The Field. Thoughts, Beliefs, Actions, Results. As a Man Thinks so is He. LOA we draw the people, circumstances and life events consistent with our dominant thought.
That's a good interpretation. Trying to visualize the field seems to be the difficult aspect to wrap the mind around. It's almost as if it's without form, like a gaseous phenomenon
Without a doubt the mind extends beyond the body, as I have stood beside my physical body a number of times in a body of blue light. Fully awake, fully aware. I can tell you exactly what it feels like to walk through a solid wall with the light body.
What method of exit did you use to Astral Project?
Ruphert is brilliant. This subject is complex and difficult to verbalize. Easier to experience these concepts than to interlectualise and rationalise it. Wise man. 🌳
This is very interesting!
Most excellent talk ever!!
I agree 100% with what Dr. Rupert Sheldrake describes here.
The interconnectedness of everything not only makes intuitive sense, but is even abundantly evident in conventional science. The materialistic paradigm is so deadeningly oppressive because we all know on some level that there is so much more to life than a "weary, flat, stale, and purposeless" existence mirroring a selfsame universe. Certainly, little meaning can be found in such a counterintuitivly isolating belief system. But Sheldrake's work bridges the gap between the brain and a more profound - and natural - interconnectivity.
Can anybody tell me, have the experiments mentioned by Dr Sheldrake been replicated by other scientists and peer reviewed? If so, then this is incredible. I guess I just want to know whether there has been proper scientific scrutiny of the data.
This is a very important interview, thank you!
Thank you Rupert! I am intrigued by morphic resonance and admire your works. I think you are "ahead of your time" and hopefully we recognize that soon so that you can be seen more "innovative" instead of "heretical".
Thank you, Rupert, for pointing out the association of in-tention and at-tention. I would advise the similarity of the words intention and intension, the latter being more obviously rooted in tension, something held under pressure, suspense, focused upon. Isn't it odd that there is no word tention? I believe tension was split into in and at derivatives and the s changed to a t so that association with tension itself was obscured, for the necessity of not implying an association with stress when using either in everyday situations. Direction of mind is as important as the state of mind, throw any descriptive at it you wish - peace of mind, tranquility of mind, fear, etc, whatever you may be harboring. Direction is similar to timing as all math is the finding of distances and in some forms angles, shapes, volumes, all distances referencing some constant. Aligning the two is the trick. Again, thank you very much, Mr. Sheldrake for your insights.
....hanging on your lips ! Thank you for your important work Mr. Sheldrake! Love and Greetings from Berlin :)
I have never seen a more honest man, one that observes and reports as this. Mr Sheldrake is a humanist par excellance, the real uber mench for lack of a better word.
Chakras are the interface between mind and body. They are co-located with the body, and are transcieving photons on seven frequencies near the 307 degree Kelvin (~98.6 Fahrenheit) band. These photons have quantum interactions with our internal sensate tissues as well as external entities and objects. Thus we are connected to both the temporal and eternal. Imho.
Science doesn't care about your humble opinion.
@@paulm5443 Perhaps you would be kind enough to inform me as to which part of science I got wrong? Perhaps not. Perhaps you are without substance. Or facts. Or opinion. Or a brain. Inquiring minds want to know!
I have realized chakras have been the main source for how to build electricity generating dams and planes. I love how boeing uses numbers like 777 and 707 as winks.
19:10 to 19:30
Q: "Is matter unconscious?"
A: No, it is not. All matter everywhere is conscious. Some have been fortunate enough to have been given this understanding. Science should use this knowledge as a premise when exploring the nature of reality.
Only natural matter is consciousness. Man made matter such as tables/chairs etc are not conscious.
Sheldrake's comment, around 2.44, "show that in fact our minds are extended beyond our brains." M.D. and ICU director Dr Lauren Bellg, gives evidence of this, in her book, Near Death in the ICU, of a patient, intubated and unable
to move from his bed, "sees" his grandson playing with a train, well away from his location, in the waiting room and hears a conversation by his family members about a tree outside the building. Anita Moorjani, similarly, in her book,
Dying to be Me, relates her similar happenings, beyond our normal brain-centered consensus of what is possible.
yes, quite a few NDE interviews relate similar stories to the one you mention about the grandparent's experience.
Thoughts are made of energy and so is everything else, that in a nutshell is how we can feel a stare from afar, and why we can feel a persons intent and stare. Remember all is energy as what was found inside the ATOM... we disturb the matrix of energy that surrounds us, and give ourselves away. We both send and receive this energy all day long. Just like a cell phone sends an invisible wave, we do just the same.
Fascinating. I really love this.
This man is the OG of our time.we better pay attention because not many intelligent men are left.he is very precise to the point. We have to
Think into the abstract reality because that is where the truth lies
Thank you for giving
In Norway we call this phenomenon “ vardøger”. Because off the long distance between neighbors- they needed to get a notice before they arrived. Usually about 20 to 30 minutes before. In practice this meant that you heard someone coming about half an hour before they turn up.
Of course it does. Nothing makes sense if this isn’t true. Thank you for your insights, Dr. Sheldrake.
I’ve seen ghosts and spirits. I saw my great grandmother walking in the basement where she had lived. It was only for a second or 2. I thought of it as a house memory. I never knew her but it didn’t frighten me at all. She looked like a normal person but spirits are more blurry and surreal. Once I saw one I was never afraid of the dark ever again. So, the female spirit or angel did something because I was terrified before. That benefit was immediate. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. I also received a message the night before my mother died. I even called a sister to tell her so that can be verified. It was like a train running through me. I felt a wind run through me and I knew it was about my mother. That was hours before she died in another city.
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
I have also seen spirits, and like you, they have not frightened me. This ability to sense the presence of those who have passed on is real. I have only sensed others rarely, and not for many years. It's ok if others disparage this sense.
Jennifer Cuddy ... You're clairVOYANT (seeing). I'm clairCOGNIZANT (knowing). There's also clairGUSTANCE (smelling), clairAUDIENT (hearing) and clairSENTIENT (feeling). Often we have a couple of these but are strongest in one of them.
@T R Could you be mixing up the words 'delusion' and 'illusion' as she is relating an experience not a belief?
There are bases of truth in what this gentleman proclaims. It has happened quite frequently throughout my life. God is great...His creation is genious. There are many other functions in our body and defin itely in our brain and spirit we still know nothing about...for if man knew, he would use it for evil ways.
Thank you for this was most interesting to listen to.
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
We are veryvery close to everyone we think about then. Loving thoughts extended🙏
But he has been doing studies on telepathy in order to prove that the mind extends the body when there is actually much more evidence stronger than this theory, such as out of body experiences or remote viewing, even dreaming can prove that the mind is in fact outside of the body. Even those that have passed out/ fainted can have these experiences. I love that he took the study to many other levels than a personal level, meaning all of the above things can be subjective and not as easily proven. Very cool, and I have also studied the mind for many years and I have found that the mind is actually a projection of the brain. This has led me to believe that everything is a projection to a degree, reality itself. I don't think the mind has ever been a physical thing, that is why I think that consciousness exists and it could answer the how of existence. I can see his theory and mine being as both, as in you can project it from your state of being directly or you can direct it outside of your being.
Well, he's talking about the work that he has done. Other scientists have done different experiments that also show that the mind extends beyond the brain.
@O k thats what i believe too, like the brain being a radio which makes use of different frequencies. In this case conciousness and mind might be received by the brain. Just because the radio isnt working doesnt mean the signal is gone. it is still signaling out
“Our thoughts are more important than our actions”
His dialogues with Krisnamurti are gold.
The mind isn't even in the body, it just seems that way while we're here. That's why consciousness continues after the death of the body because it was never in the body to begin with. In other words, it existed before birth, as well.
What is called the mind IS the body.
This information is not new at all. I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years, and those books were older than me at that time. Now there is the book HANDS OF LIGHT written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, to mention only one. This book was published in 1987. Brennan wrote that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic and multidimensional energy and light beings. We are not lowly, physical humans at all. We are miraculous computers being constantly created by our own souls which are creating those 7 billion billion billion atoms that we all consist of. Since we are being created constantly, then we can't die.
@@pureenergy4578 What’s your opinion about celibacy, especially for men. If we’re energy then releasing the most creative power as recommended by the modern society is one of the gravest self mutilation practices a man can do.
Yes I am sure the mind is separate and reacts with the brain
>The mind isn't even in the body
The problem is that you have exactly zero evidence of that. This means that your hypothesis is indistinguishable from pure fantasy.
@@pureenergy4578 >I have been reading books on this subject for 40 years
Congratulations, you've read books written by delusional people. You know that they were delusional because they believed in things for which they had no evidence. Thus they had no warrant or reason to believe these things anyway. There never has been and there still isn't any evidence to support anything you say. This in effect means that your beliefs are in every way indistinguishable from pure fantasy.
My mother was rather in tune with this sorta thing. My father used to work as a chief hydro test engineer throughout the middle east in the early to late 90s and he was only home at max 4 months of the year as we lived in Scotland. My mother one morning was dressed up to the nines, I asked where she was going? She said ur dads on his way. He was trying to surprise us he was comming home early. An hour later he walks in us waiting on him
Excellent content!
I've been experiencing telepathy since I was 18 years old. It can never happen to me by will. Always happens itself. So no experiment would work with me I guess. Nothing about concentration or forcing the mind. It comes naturally. Hundreds of times I knew thoughts of others... even when I hated and refused to have this sensitivity.
me too
I believe you can practice your ability, with intention, focus and consistency. Also, if you accept this ability, welcome it as a gift to be used for good, it will take you to wonderful places you never dreamed possible. The path will open up to you, you'll see. I wish you the very best.
It does suck most of the time. Folks say one thing, while thinking another. Double talking... Always. Dirty minds
@@marymitchell4617 been trying for many years. As he said, it just happens naturally... It can be blocked AFTER it happens, to prevent any more coming through.
Best I've been able to do.
Helps to learn Psionics
Thanatos thank you for covering topics which fall outside conventions. Sheldrake’s insights and clarity of presentation make one understand very complex ideas and should convince any hard nose materialist scientist that our scientific dogma is also questionable. I am inclined to support his views that the mind extends beyond the brain and our thoughts influence the external environments just as the external environment influences our thoughts and actions. The mystery is to unravel the mechanism. In my book The Zodiac in Our Genes: Is God Dead I discuss the cosmological worldview of our ancient forebears and how these are still persistent in contemporary society. The social contact transmission of such ideas fail to adequately explain the wide spread of such ideas. Jung’s collective consciousness and Sheldrake’s morphic resonance theory do suggest possible ways for such widespread transmission.
Hindus spoke about this in detail thousands of years ago. Hare Om!
Even in African cultures,when death is about to happen or has happened,some people have a way of knowing before the news is broken.
This goes back to those times of no technology.
Other times as one plans to make a certain decision,an animal like a squirrel crosses by and that decision is considered "cancelled" .
etc etc
So did Arnold Grimthorpe of Gasworks Road. Ecky Thump.
@@justinamusyoka4986 -- sure some people know when someone is going to die...sometimes weeks and months prior. Its called pre-meditated murder...
They did more than spoke. They experienced directly in order to speak about it. These deep rooted human abilities are called Siddhas (powers).
Spiritually, we are all ONE & working our way back to our source. Dr. Eben Alexander realized, after his NDE,
that our consciousness doesn't just reside in our brains, but that we are powerful spiritual beings.
In a dream, I saw that my light was too big to fit into my body. I have also had several times when I had telepathy. I am thankful for science, but always question authority. Integrated medicine would be nice.
I'm not sure how to call this spiritual. It isnt difficult to test that we are one and that would fall under science.
I entered a radio contest once and I knew I was going to win . I was making breakfast for my two young children and told my husband I needed to go upstairs to my office phone because I knew they would call me . I just sat there quietly and sure enough. My husband thinks it’s rather witchy 🤣
I love it 😻
I know the experience :) It's usually been raffles in my life.
It's a Woman's Intuition!!
The first time that I fell in love when I was young, I dreamt that the man had lost his job. The next day I found out that that had happened. Then I dreamt that he got his job back and indeed he did.
Some of us have souls that have retained certain powers, quite common actually. It is your soul that is reading this comment right now.
I came across a copy of 'super nature' years ago. The start of a journey I'm still on. He's an astonishing man.
I have had the feeling of being watching and you turn and someone is there watching me. Also many times I've had Deja Vu. I've had knowledge come to me from nowhere which turns out to be true, like predictions. And my wife has had several dreams where she dreams of someone she has never met, and then met that person weeks later. Unrelated, but also cool, I've seen a time traveller appear from flashing bright light on the ground. We are all conscious beings repeating the real world, and return home after we pass.
Oh, and if I could share a prediction, I think there will be a very important shocking speech made 25.12.2021 that will change the way we all live.
A good example of what Rup is talking about would be flocks of birds flying in unison.. Moving and swaying in unison.
How does each one to know what way to turn or shift or move when flying in unison.
What Rup is suggesting must be what the birds are communicating by telepathy at a very fast rate of thought.
I have his book, and I recommend it. Most of us know that modern science is going nowhere. They've been teaching the same old stuff in schools and Universities for decades, yet we don't seem to have progressed very far.
I think that’s their aim...I once read a paper a student handed in for his PhD & it was on Free E! They told him that he could use it for such, but that his paper could never be published! I read it online. I wish I remembered at which university it was being held! I’m surprised it was even allowed online at all! It seems it’s that way by design.
Really do you know what a black hole is?
@Star Man
The orthodox scientific theory of mind is constructed and controlled by the system of universities that have reduced their theoretical knowledge to fixed forms that enables the continuity of methodology to be taught over and over in its dogmatic manner seemingly indefinitely, thus being restricted deliberately to ensure that it’s boundaries are impenetrable.
Sheldrake is obviously questioning these dogmas so the establishment has to enforce its defences else the walls may come tumbling down and the consequences are unconscionable to their prestigious status. Now what to do with the likes of Sheldrake? Oppenheimer provided the perfect solution when the prevailing knowledge of Physics was being challenged by David Bohm - “if we can’t disprove Bohm’s proposal - then we should just ignore it” and so that’s what traditional mainstream scientific institutions do to diffuse troublesome new hypothetical proponents.
I think we have made the most marvelous progress but there is still room for further progress in these other directions. But we must not throw out the valuable stuff that science is already doing for us. It's an astonishingly clever system of thinking.
I attribute the phenomenon to Harmonic Resonance. Data transfer between systems (brains) like tuning forks.
Yes, love this confirmation...
We have the ability to control our system of communication with our own minds to be able remotely or actively engage with others in images of our tiny part in this world but even it is hugest of us.
Wow, I finally am hearing what I have theorized about for some time. I not only think of the brain as a receiver, but also a ‘limiter’ - its only as we allow ourselves to evolve in our lives do those limits subside somewhat - in some that we may consider enlightened, that limiter is reduced greatly and they have far more access to real knowledge than the rest of us. This is quite validating hearing this - I really thought I may be alone in this avenue of thought concerning the brain and how we function with it.
Expand a bit further... Consciousness itself is like a radio dial... YOU choose how much or less you want/need.
Reki work's at distances too. It can remove someone 's pain at quite long distances, from the healing thought sender.
I first became aware of Rupert through A Glorious Accident. I remember thinking his ideas were a bit kooky. I see almost 30 years later, not much has
“Attention and intention extends beyond the body” resonates with me
Brilliant man!
Thank you