Why is the P-38 shooting like it has unlimited ammo? Is that a game setting? A competent WWII pilot would not be spraying the area 10 plane-lengths ahead of the target, even if he was "leading fire" to the target. There should be shorter bursts, firing only when a hit might be possible. When this P-38 goes off target, he just keeps shooting until he is gets back on target. A real plane would have run out of ammo before scoring that first kill.
Why is the P-38 shooting like it has unlimited ammo? Is that a game setting? A competent WWII pilot would not be spraying the area 10 plane-lengths ahead of the target, even if he was "leading fire" to the target. There should be shorter bursts, firing only when a hit might be possible. When this P-38 goes off target, he just keeps shooting until he is gets back on target. A real plane would have run out of ammo before scoring that first kill.