Former trumpet player here (Brandenburgs and such) and now bass trombonist. This pedal exercise is similar to my present warmup on bass trombone. And despite gradually increasing from a 1.5G to a Markey 87 (about a Shilke 59 or Yamaha Yeo) my high b-flat is still usable and there, Haydn's Creation is still performable on the Markey and the low through double paddle pedal range is huge. what's also interesting: i had big problems on the trumpet messing with different mouthpieces. On the bass trombone, no such problems.
Former trumpet player here (Brandenburgs and such) and now bass trombonist. This pedal exercise is similar to my present warmup on bass trombone. And despite gradually increasing from a 1.5G to a Markey 87 (about a Shilke 59 or Yamaha Yeo) my high b-flat is still usable and there, Haydn's Creation is still performable on the Markey and the low through double paddle pedal range is huge.
what's also interesting: i had big problems on the trumpet messing with different mouthpieces. On the bass trombone, no such problems.
Hey thank you so much
Get a Schilke 24
haha - I think I'm good on that!
Schilke 24 is much bigger than Bach 1B