NA Speaker - Mark L. "The Shake n, Bake, Look n' Cook, Tweak n' Peek, Thump n' Bump, Street Guy"

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 276

  • @jenniferramos706
    @jenniferramos706 3 года назад +71

    I cry listening to these because they’re so spot on one sentence gets me teared up because I truly understand. 2 months clean today God bless everyone

    • @kirstenjones1825
      @kirstenjones1825 2 года назад

      Yea 7 days in May 11 probably getting Antabuse too not wanting flimflam meds like geodone and some mood Stabilizer of to me in a pretend way any non narcotic 22022

    • @BowelMovementintheMorning
      @BowelMovementintheMorning 2 года назад +5

      From Dope to HOPE

    • @halfreeman2989
      @halfreeman2989 2 года назад +5

      Hope you're still doing well!

    • @carlosbent5046
      @carlosbent5046 2 года назад +2

      I hear you👍🙏⭐⭐🌟😇💯🔥

    • @pureblood1
      @pureblood1 Год назад +1

      I pray that you are clean

  • @faribatabassum4657
    @faribatabassum4657 7 лет назад +109

    4 months clean!
    I'm an recovering meth addict.
    Pray for me please! :)

  • @INFJ2
    @INFJ2 2 года назад +11

    4 months clean. Hanging on. Past few days been thinking about using. Really struggling w basic responsibilities and motivation. I have mental health challenges. Please pray. I wanna stay clean.

  • @jamesgervais281
    @jamesgervais281 Год назад +8

    29 days clean today ty for these meetings in my higher power in 12 working/walking steps

  • @danielpierik1855
    @danielpierik1855 7 месяцев назад +5

    Coming up on 5 Years…Needed to Hear This!

  • @SpazzMED
    @SpazzMED 8 лет назад +77

    Always remember the power of one day...
    We were born in one day,
    We can die in one day,
    We can CHANGE in one day!
    Lets make that day today....

  • @chrysanthemum3065
    @chrysanthemum3065 6 месяцев назад +3

    45 days off weed after 6 years of extremely heavy use. I just blotted everything out. Very glad to hear this message. ❤❤❤

  • @jkls36912
    @jkls36912 Год назад +3

    This is really good. I'm glad I randomly clicked. Chaired a meeting yesterday. God told me in the morning to dumb myself down and just shut up and stick with the program this time. I drifted away for many years on Marijuana mantainence. It's glorious to be back and have a clean mind and body again.

  • @timtom904
    @timtom904 2 года назад +14

    Thank you for this message. The Zoom meeting tonight was only attended by myself, so this message was exactly what I needed. Prayers up, Mark. You're an inspiration.

  • @jessicanetti3157
    @jessicanetti3157 8 лет назад +72

    I am one year clean August 27, 2016.

    • @TheGodshatter
      @TheGodshatter 7 лет назад +7

      Jessica Netti I'm glad you're clean. I know you posted this 8 months ago but, I hope you've stayed clean during that time. congratulations and keep it up.

    • @faribatabassum4657
      @faribatabassum4657 7 лет назад +1

      Jessica Netti Wow... Congratulations! May God bless you.

    • @hellosweetheart3350
      @hellosweetheart3350 7 лет назад +1

      You deserve all the best things in life your striving for, I know you'll make it! Congratulations

    • @GopolangMasedi
      @GopolangMasedi Месяц назад

      Hi Jessica are you still in recovery?

  • @shellyedmb117
    @shellyedmb117 4 года назад +23

    This is one of the best speakers I've ever heard. What an AMAZING message!

  • @MO-bx6tw
    @MO-bx6tw 3 года назад +8

    Over 90 DAYS CLEAN SUPER PROUD! Thx to my Higher power SOBERITY Sister's Sponsor & working the steps .💚😇💪🙏

  • @christophersferdian1796
    @christophersferdian1796 3 года назад +8

    5 days clean from OxyContin addiction. This is really helping me. I was put in the ER last night. They really helped with flushing everything out. I’m still in a lot of pain. But I can at least feel it. Also 20 years old

    • @jaimelee4380
      @jaimelee4380 3 года назад +2

      How you doing? I’m about 6 months clean from the same thing. Hope you’re hanging in there. God bless. One day at a time!

    • @jeremycasper5181
      @jeremycasper5181 Год назад +2

      It will get better hang in there

    • @Researchthejoos
      @Researchthejoos Месяц назад

      How you travelling now ?? Hope all is well

  • @annosullivan1836
    @annosullivan1836 5 лет назад +12

    19 yrs clean. relapsed 5 years ago. trying to get back. if u got it hold on tight. No one knows whats to come. now i understand one day at a time. love u all

  • @avytaylor7923
    @avytaylor7923 8 лет назад +30

    Wow! Mark, that was amazing! Thank you! I'm 35 yrs old, and after ten yrs on n off dope, and several relapses, I finally got clean on August 15th, 2015! Almost coming to 1 year!! Can't believe it! And I owe much of it to the program n its members! I loved the way u described the disease! Its so right on! At least for me!
    "My disease has nothing to do w/ dope, but everything to do w/ addiction to the process of failure, sabatoge of success, emotional invisibility, some kind of contemptible attitude towards information I need- but don't want to accept!"
    Omg! Spot on! The disease is so much deeper than the surface of drugs/alcohol! Thanks again! Am excited for when I have the opportunity to give back! To share my story n insight into recovery! We Can & Do Recover!!!; God Bless!

    • @marvinhaynes1989
      @marvinhaynes1989 7 лет назад

      Can we get more n/a sperker please

    • @JB-gd3mn
      @JB-gd3mn 5 лет назад +1

      I hope you're still clean Avy Taylor

    • @LungaNN
      @LungaNN 4 года назад

      Thank you for typing that part out. It's more impactful when u listen and read

    • @LungaNN
      @LungaNN 4 года назад +1

      @@JB-gd3mn yeah was thinking about him too. I hope he is till clean

    • @mattmiles9779
      @mattmiles9779 4 года назад

      @@LungaNN Your revolution is over. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me? The bums will always lose!

  • @skyfish1
    @skyfish1 3 года назад +5

    Picked up 14 yrs clean in july and lastnite I almost used. I havent felt that insanity and that way since before I got clean. I almost didnt call my sponsor but I prayed against my will to use and went to his house late where he and one my sponsee bros sat up with me till i could go to sleep. I prayed this morning when i woke up put this speaker on and call both thenm to thank them and let them know i got thru the night without picking up. Thanks God Thanks NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS. Thanks to all the addicts who help me stay clean 🙏

  • @kylemedeiros6907
    @kylemedeiros6907 9 лет назад +60

    my recovery begins today...thank you Mark.

    • @terrydiase4493
      @terrydiase4493 5 лет назад +1

      The joy is In the journey brother

    • @kylemedeiros6907
      @kylemedeiros6907 5 лет назад +14

      I don’t remember writing this But I’m still clean! Woooow!!!! NA is the best thing that ever happen to me

    • @Avamax-xl8ez
      @Avamax-xl8ez 5 лет назад +3

      This video kept me clean too , you still with us brother?

    • @kylemedeiros6907
      @kylemedeiros6907 5 лет назад +9

      @@Avamax-xl8ez 3 years and change. My clean date is 11/22/15. After years of keep coming I surrendured. I got a HG. Sponsor. I do steps. Im secretary and gsr. My life is incredible. Day at a time!

    • @Avamax-xl8ez
      @Avamax-xl8ez 5 лет назад +4

      @@kylemedeiros6907 02/04/2016 me too brother, loved hearing this today

  • @synr789
    @synr789 2 года назад +9

    Thanks Mark- First day clean … this is my first meeting 4/1/22

  • @cassuislouw931
    @cassuislouw931 7 лет назад +23

    I am an addict and I want get to NA meetings but work kept me away but today I felt like I am at a meeting I Really needed this

  • @megandillard8943
    @megandillard8943 6 лет назад +15

    49 days clean. Love you Mark.

  • @chuckcreasy7411
    @chuckcreasy7411 6 лет назад +18

    I am so glad this is on RUclips. Very grateful that you all made this available.

  • @antaunwilliams9052
    @antaunwilliams9052 5 лет назад +11

    beginning the journey one last time... I'm DETERMINED to do the work... thank you, sincerely sir... we speak the same language...

  • @roymolina5321
    @roymolina5321 9 лет назад +6

    I went to a meeting tonight and a special person mentioned Mr. Mark Lundholm and i couldnt wait to get home to check this guy out and man I'm so glad I did. I really enjoyed this comedians show. Thank you so much Mr. Mark Lundholm. I really enjoyed your show.

  • @quinnpicquelle7315
    @quinnpicquelle7315 4 года назад +22

    Just went from 7 months to actively using in the blink of an eye. Trying to pick up the pieces and get back on track. Grateful to be able to have solution at my fingertips.

    • @Nonnew705
      @Nonnew705 4 года назад +5

      You can do it buddy. Hang in there. I can relate how real it can become instantly. Just for today:)

    • @quinnpicquelle7315
      @quinnpicquelle7315 4 года назад +4

      @@Nonnew705 Thanks man, haven't used since I posted that. Whew, what a run. No bueno. I appreciate your comment though dude, means a lot.

    • @grammakaren62663
      @grammakaren62663 3 года назад +1

      You have 7 months time served. Keep coming back.

    • @BowelMovementintheMorning
      @BowelMovementintheMorning 2 года назад +1

      Stop trying and just do it, words are a magic words

  • @FreedomWalker-s8i
    @FreedomWalker-s8i Месяц назад

    I first saw Mark Oregon on his Weee tour i am now getting clean fr me. Years later I had to hit my Owen bottom and I have.However I want to thank Mark for his true support. So Thank you from the girl you gave your tape to for free at my first meeting all those years ago I have four children that now depend on my subsidy as their are now young adults and set healthy boundaries. But my success is due to your enlightenment .Thankyou.

  • @jenniferrichardson2910
    @jenniferrichardson2910 10 лет назад +5

    Mark your amazing, thanks for being a part of my recovery.

  • @douglague6493
    @douglague6493 8 лет назад +27

    Love recovery and the TRUTHS that come out of us people who were once broken.

    • @kirstenjones1825
      @kirstenjones1825 2 года назад

      I've been through some scary stuff and I look it wa 7 days in May q1 2022

  • @wilfredortiz2891
    @wilfredortiz2891 2 года назад +11

    This speaker is exactly what I needed. I am 24 hours clean and that is a miracle for me

    • @jamie.777
      @jamie.777 11 месяцев назад

      24 hours is not a miracle

  • @abdus-salaamronda1055
    @abdus-salaamronda1055 5 лет назад +9

    24hours love your message Thank you!

  • @tanjabanta7424
    @tanjabanta7424 4 года назад +6

    I heard this the first time in rehab a couple weeks ago and now I listen to it again I picked up so much more very good speaker I needed to hear this today

  • @lou4781
    @lou4781 7 лет назад +8

    I'm addicted to watching addiction videos (eg NA vids). This is definitely one of the best speakers I've heard.

    • @lou4781
      @lou4781 7 лет назад +2

      Oh yea...only 10 hours clean, but I'm trying everyday.

    • @LoomisMX
      @LoomisMX 6 лет назад +1

      Mark Lundholm, he does Recovery Comedy around the world at Impatient facilities, jails, NA meetings and any place in between that he feels he can make a difference. Check out his DVD sets and RUclips videos. He is amazing!

  • @kimberleestephenson6303
    @kimberleestephenson6303 2 года назад +2

    This guy is AWESOME! #energywithoutgrace! #1stthoughtwrong! Spot on!! Glad I’m not alone! Thanks Mark!!

  • @md.minhajuddinshiblu8070
    @md.minhajuddinshiblu8070 7 лет назад +11

    I am 14 years clean started 24-6-2003.

  • @tt-ki2dw
    @tt-ki2dw 10 месяцев назад +1

    Going on 3 days no alcohol after 3 rehabs in a row. i was in aa for 2 years 15 years ago and it is mindblowingly lifechanging. Ill be going to a new agnostic aa meeting soon. Im happy because where i live live the very hard to find.

  • @soaringhawkpeterson2352
    @soaringhawkpeterson2352 10 лет назад +3

    Truly a miracle, thank you for your strength, experience, hope and especially your honesty.

  • @tjsnizek1017
    @tjsnizek1017 9 лет назад +9

    I first saw Mark years ago in Utah, and he's still as fantastic as ever.

  • @carlacolson8759
    @carlacolson8759 8 лет назад +2

    Really a great sneaker! I needed this message right now! What a blessing to be able to listen @ home. Thank-you Higher Power-who I chose to call God! And Thank you NA. God bless and keep you ALL- One Day @ a Time... B safe n B Blessed

  • @tammygilkey5550
    @tammygilkey5550 8 лет назад +7

    Thank you Mark L. you helped me to feel ok today. I loved this tape!!! Honost & Real!!!

  • @annamarie9990
    @annamarie9990 4 года назад +4

    8 months clean and I’ve been asked to speak at a treatment center and I have no idea wtf to say or not to say or where I can share strength and hope when everything has been an uphill struggle.

    • @justinblackford9710
      @justinblackford9710 3 года назад

      I almost got 7 months just carry on your sobriety and having what others want. They'll be naturally attracted by your glow and strength. This guy I've heard 5 times give or take and he knows what he wants and speaks at a conference level easily. So refreshing. Only few I can hear and he's one of em!

    • @valiapatterson267
      @valiapatterson267 2 года назад

      Try to stay strong

  • @angelbelt7589
    @angelbelt7589 11 лет назад +4

    this man is a inspiration i remember being in "Covenant recovery" and hearing him. He is funny and through all the trials and tribulations he never lost his ability to be happy the ability to smile. He kept strong within himself..

  • @johngrennan9887
    @johngrennan9887 7 лет назад +7

    This is the first speaker tape I have actually listened too and I'm really glad I did

  • @curtisfitzsimmons377
    @curtisfitzsimmons377 Год назад

    Beast of a speaker, his message Carries so much depth and weight. The fact that he can do it wile making us laugh is a priceless gift that he uses to give back what was so freely given to him

  • @Floridagirls2023
    @Floridagirls2023 9 лет назад +4

    You are absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing your story!!

  • @carlacolson8759
    @carlacolson8759 8 лет назад +2

    Truly a phenomenal speaker- with an amazing story! Good Mark! Appreciate your participation in MY Recovery!!!! =)

  • @frankielomeli4819
    @frankielomeli4819 9 лет назад +1

    In the 3 part skit or whatever, Getting here, being here, and leaving here thought me a lot about who I am and why I am the way I am. I love this guy... Great way to get the message out there to people who know nothing about it.

  • @beakf1
    @beakf1 8 лет назад +17

    8 minutes 34 seconds that was me for a year. Im giving in now and getting a sponsor.

  • @ivisburris705
    @ivisburris705 4 года назад

    Mark L.
    Thank U Mark 4 the laughter, thank u 4 ur ES&H.
    U hv alot of vital info SHARE. Love it!
    In two MONTHS I will be 51 yrs old.
    There are no Coincidences

  • @dawnwiecks6990
    @dawnwiecks6990 6 лет назад +2

    ascared all the time, but I believe, and try harder to make each time. 102 days 2015. 8 days today. left detox to pack my stuff, against counselors advice, stubborn? ..6 hrs home my sister found out she has brain and drove her to the hospital. outside freaking out breaking down I turned around and there lies a bottle of booze, are you kidding me! I ran inside. brought my sister home awaiting her options. recovery bible in hand! and replaying these videos for my recovery from home until she's ok and I go to treatment. so thank you

  • @roxannenorma8873
    @roxannenorma8873 3 года назад +2

    Thank you for your talk... Greatly appreciated.

  • @summercadorette6465
    @summercadorette6465 2 года назад

    I've been an addict since I was 21 I am now 32. I lost my kids my relationship my family. A new relationship I am in I almost lost for smoke crack. I got clean off dope five years ago and lost my brother to dope a year ago. I finally been crack clean for 13 days and I'm with my mom and kids and it feels amazing I love these videos they help stay clean

  • @eliaviarachal5931
    @eliaviarachal5931 8 лет назад +8

    grateful for the rooms and technology.

  • @smot690
    @smot690 6 лет назад +2

    this is my first time listening to an NA speaker and i'm glad i did. this speaker is great. thank you.

  • @ethanrobinson9055
    @ethanrobinson9055 Год назад +2

    I'm sitting here alone with zero days clean again. Thank you for sharing your awareness

  • @tinahudson1973
    @tinahudson1973 Год назад +1

    Na meeting so needed for me one day at a time

  • @hova776
    @hova776 10 лет назад +9

    Great I can definitely relate I'm a newcomer

  • @TopBeatz00
    @TopBeatz00 3 года назад

    I remember the 1st time I heard Mark share at a Mens meeting in East Palo Alto as a newcomer. My automatic thought was why is this guy telling jokes about addiction because my addiction (self centered), is SERIOUS. Had no clue he was a professional comedian.
    I was angry because I thought he was making light of the disease but everyone in the room showed love and was laughing... everyone but me. But instead of leaving I continued to stay, and I continued to listen and much like this share he recorded I realized and heard the message of hope and the promise of freedom. He is an amazing man, an even better talent and Im grateful he made it ok to get and remain clean. 🙏
    David Marquez

    • @TactSpec-l2r
      @TactSpec-l2r 11 месяцев назад


    • @TopBeatz00
      @TopBeatz00 11 месяцев назад

      @user-xw6zl1sn8l lol, I've known Mark for over 17 years bro. My comments were when I first came into recovery a very long time ago.

  • @andreohlin7476
    @andreohlin7476 7 лет назад +7

    Thank you Mark. love from sweden

  • @JosephFrederick-vk6iv
    @JosephFrederick-vk6iv Год назад

    Day one, after bad relapse. I'm grateful for finding this

  • @johnkrause8998
    @johnkrause8998 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Mark for the beautiful message of Narcotics Anonymous. Love you my brother

  • @francescoluigilocci4057
    @francescoluigilocci4057 5 лет назад +1

    Love this stuff... 56 days clean thanks you for helping me do something I can't do on my own, I'll keep coming back

  • @marcouellette7439
    @marcouellette7439 8 лет назад +8

    needed to hear this tonight. thanks for the post

  • @betsyclair652
    @betsyclair652 11 месяцев назад +1

    Two days clean today. I can do this!!!!

  • @NA4life87
    @NA4life87 11 месяцев назад +1

    Im grateful

  • @pamelasimonetti428
    @pamelasimonetti428 11 месяцев назад +2

    I’m in rehab 30 days clean and I’m trying with everything in me

  • @ivisburris705
    @ivisburris705 9 лет назад

    Thank u Mark Lundholm 4 sharing about early recovery. I met u September 2009 @ a Recovery Month Event in Baltimore City. I was chosen out of all the addicts @ the methadone clinic where I was a patient @. Listening 2 ur comedy segment made me believe maybe just maybe one day I could laugh out loud about my road 2 recovery. 3 months later my Higher Power who I choose 2 say is my God brought me from drinking Methadone after 12 yrs 2 picking up my 1st key tag. That night that I met u I was given an award since then I've been giving LIFE! NOW 5 yrs later I'm free from the grip of addiction & it's still a pleasure 2 say you are a part of my story. Keep making addicts like me LAUGH OUT LOUD!
    5 yrs later
    "1st Thought WRONG!" I THOUGHT u were Mark Lundholm but ur Mark L.
    It took me 5 yrs 2 realize that. Lol
    Thanks Mark

    • @franceshunter9616
      @franceshunter9616 9 лет назад

      Ivis call me at 4
      4353 11935

    • @ivisburris705
      @ivisburris705 9 лет назад


    • @ivisburris705
      @ivisburris705 8 лет назад +1

      Itz good 2 revisit this post. Now Itz been 6 yrs from picking up my 1st key tag. I still think of u & I'm reminded of the most greatest gift there is the gift of LAUGHTER & the gift to give that 2 others. Continue 2 Carry that Message the Message of Hope!

  • @Breakx22
    @Breakx22 11 лет назад +2

    Mark L is great he came to my rehab for a day and it was great

  • @melissadaly9821
    @melissadaly9821 Год назад

    Thank you for this message. I'm so grateful I got to hear your story.

  • @anthonywhitney2374
    @anthonywhitney2374 3 года назад +1

    Remember this is only his opinion,
    There are no NA guru’s,the programme works on many levels.

  • @Snipeswrg77
    @Snipeswrg77 3 года назад

    Not sure if this guy has shared at meetings in Lakewood Colorado or not but if he has, I’ve met him! I’ll never forget his voice and the way he shares his message 🙏

  • @jeannebanks9770
    @jeannebanks9770 3 года назад +1

    We share our experience strength and hope about NA as we understand it.

  • @LoomisMX
    @LoomisMX 6 лет назад +6

    Mark Lundholm, he does Recovery Comedy around the world at Impatient facilities, jails, NA meetings and any place in between that he feels he can make a difference. Check out his DVD sets and RUclips videos. He is amazing! He has helped me forgive myself easier putting some humor on the crazy thing called recovery. I absolutely love him. I put in a request for him at my Outpatient facility in the suggestion box. I hope it comes true!

  • @toniakahollacicillinirepoz7533
    @toniakahollacicillinirepoz7533 7 лет назад

    Mark I am glad you spoke about your story, I am glad to know you recognise the addition of the the addict you are, I am an addict, but I do appreciate your story, I wish you the best, addict to addict.
    Toni Cicillini-Repoza
    Providence RI
    Just For Today

  • @FreedomWalker-s8i
    @FreedomWalker-s8i Месяц назад

    I'm Greatful to know you and thank-you for touching my life.

  • @grizzlyone5937
    @grizzlyone5937 10 лет назад +1

    Another good share Mark. Love ya Brother.

  • @MsChic73
    @MsChic73 Год назад

    Thank you for your message. This was just what I needed to hear!❤

  • @JustMe-wg7xg
    @JustMe-wg7xg 5 лет назад +2

    My struggle is so new and everyday I struggle I have a hard time breaking habits and I don’t know why every single day at a certain time of the day I struggle plz pray for me

  • @jamieclothier9895
    @jamieclothier9895 3 года назад

    One of the best speaker I have heard..

  • @jetclean
    @jetclean 9 лет назад +3

    I'm just too warn out to take you on anymore. Epic!

  • @GoGoBunnyBoi
    @GoGoBunnyBoi 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for this working on my step 2

  • @carlacolson8759
    @carlacolson8759 8 лет назад +14

    It's none of MY business what you think of me!!!!

  • @JB-gd3mn
    @JB-gd3mn 5 лет назад

    I'll have a year clean tomorrow December 28th 2019.... I love this speaker

  • @sherylvarien
    @sherylvarien 2 года назад

    Yes! I know him personally! Love him and his brothers!

  • @wasclit11
    @wasclit11 2 года назад +1

    We had Mark as our Saturday Night entertainment for our regional convention when he was still cheap and affordable.

  • @brieanbeezybadboib7409
    @brieanbeezybadboib7409 8 лет назад +3

    Awesome Speaker!

  • @gabrielmoreno9792
    @gabrielmoreno9792 2 года назад

    You're right and thanks for speaking

  • @sidbaird9705
    @sidbaird9705 4 года назад

    Thanks mark 14 years I love what you had to say.

  • @memourrea2382
    @memourrea2382 5 лет назад

    thank you for givng back just for today

  • @jacobbustos261
    @jacobbustos261 2 месяца назад

    Relapsed on glass a month ago and haven’t stopped , this is really helping tho. Pray for me y’all

  • @MO-bx6tw
    @MO-bx6tw 3 года назад

    I 💚 this speaker!!!

  • @reneemolinasoria9000
    @reneemolinasoria9000 3 года назад

    I’m a year clean and I needed this

  • @canadalandinmichaelolsen802
    @canadalandinmichaelolsen802 Год назад +1

    Doing my daily check in

  • @sayhi2mike
    @sayhi2mike 6 лет назад +3

    1 year 3 months and 15 days clean, mark is the man

  • @joshuabair905
    @joshuabair905 7 лет назад +1

    here I am today two years clean off Meth as of January 4th 2016. I have became a bit of an alcoholic lately trying to stay away from pills I ended up drinking more. man

  • @markthompson80
    @markthompson80 2 года назад +2

    My name is Mark I'm a newcomer

    • @olivelillies
      @olivelillies 5 месяцев назад

      hi mark
      are you feeling today

  • @jeremycasper5181
    @jeremycasper5181 Год назад

    Man I love this message like wow is all I can say

  • @allisonkraj7345
    @allisonkraj7345 2 года назад

    Defects are gifts used poorly. That was awesome hon!

  • @carpediem1981jfa
    @carpediem1981jfa 11 лет назад +1

    You give hope to those who are lost

  • @JayWhite-dv9tb
    @JayWhite-dv9tb 26 дней назад

    One day at a time bro it's a great journey!!, Don't give up till it happens!!

  • @marvinhaynes1989
    @marvinhaynes1989 7 лет назад +1

    Can we get more N/A speakers please

  • @michaelschwab4444
    @michaelschwab4444 Год назад

    This is helping me alot thank you