*[Timestamps below]* Day 6 of police work and lots of fighting today with guns, cars, helicopters and lack of seatbelts 9:06:54!!! Even the doctors werent safe from having a body count, but not exactly due to fights 0:09:30 😅 Thank you, Aki!!☺ Have a nice rest, to face crime at full power!! Take care!!🍎❤ 4:17 cute start 13:02 in game 13:59 good morning! 17:21 almost bike crash! 17:50 casino └18:35 pain 19:48 , 24:47 bike dangers 26:05 rainbow bridge 26:44 , 28:18 , 29:14 Ebio the little rascal 31:22 Hi, Clutch!! 32:55 NPC wont stop 37:25 fishing boat fight 46:35 smokey bike 56:44 kitty time 59:54 police brutality 1:04:15 bed for kitty! 1:05:44 helicopter time! 1:06:50 , 1:09:12 perfect landings 1:11:26 party boat under watch 1:16:15 swimming helicopter and gunned down 1:20:15 splashing for help 1:25:44 Aki in the trunk 1:26:16 bless you, Ebio!!🙏 1:26:28 the void └1:28:33 , 1:28:46 heeeeelp! 1:38:53 entering the nightclub 1:42:17 roof position 1:47:10 , 1:47:31 not ideal way to go down ladders🥜 1:50:47 hi, friends! 1:51:16 Aki is lowered, and Akari follows suit 2:01:22 Limone and hostage Tooko! Police here!! 2:02:34 , 2:07:30 discussion in progress 2:12:20 CHASE START and a smol street 2:14:17 excuse me!!! 2:14:50 this is not a road 2:16:08 Gyaruran 2:29:12 sneaky Aki 2:34:10 Middlee and Noriaki 2:54:34 finding Astel 3:03:31 kitty? 3:07:00 kitty zap!⚡ 3:08:24 🌭 3:16:12 back in game 3:17:13 shooting range 3:26:35 Karubi down 3:33:00 NPCs not allowed! 3:43:34 gunfire! 3:46:10 Gou arrested 3:53:41 invisible Gou? 3:57:35 back in game 4:02:06 helicopter battle! 4:05:52 heli-cam 4:10:27 BEEEEEG drop!!! 4:15:14 Beni joins the force 4:24:58 rooftop action 4:28:04 shoot the heli! 4:31:13 10/10 dive 4:33:15 island fight! 4:35:53 at home with the prisoners 4:45:51 police driving service 4:47:33 chase cam 4:50:08 more helicopter fighting 4:52:16 enemy on fire! 4:55:16 found them repairing 4:58:35 helicopter melee fight └5:00:58 💥💥💥 and Aki's Homer Simpson fall 5:02:53 Noriaki of the pool 5:05:50 close call! 5:07:23 Hanabi driving 5:08:14 Anya!!! 5:14:38 truck in the station! 5:15:18 Aki's NPC mode strikes again 5:16:30 WOW!! 5:23:05 OUCH!! 5:25:12 vault robbery chase 5:25:33 Aki down └5:26:05 Aki + Anya + vehicle = 💥 5:33:35 Tororo needs help 5:43:18 Onatsu-san call 5:49:50 good luck, Anya! 6:00:18 Union begins! 6:02:38 tunnel entrance 6:06:51 physics at work 6:10:28 2 points for the NPC 6:13:05 jail 6:28:25 MEETING AOGIRI EITO 6:33:23 inside the server room 6:33:49 Aki down! 6:44:28 medics! 6:48:33 all the screens! 6:50:43 Aki Lostenthal 6:54:52 ah... 7:01:44 back in game, and dead 7:05:27 Hey! 7:05:35 child Kuromu 7:10:42 Neoporte party car 7:13:34 back in game 7:23:55 aircraft browsing 7:47:55 ⚡street fighter talk during zapping skirmish⚡ 7:53:40 car gunfight 7:53:55 all the police down! 8:03:20 heeelp! 8:13:38 modifying outfit 8:31:03 chase in progress 8:32:20 they got them! 8:33:28 impound instructions 8:35:55 necessary maneuver 8:38:58 found them! and got gunned down 8:39:55 observing heli-battle 8:52:36 , 9:01:05 mogu mogu 8:56:22 angel fall! 9:06:53 seatbelt doko 9:07:50 🎶seatbelt song🎶 9:09:30 Medic body count +1 └9:10:52 but this one survived 9:13:08 the angel is indestructible! 9:14:41 still no seatbelt 9:22:26 arriving for cleanup 9:27:00 ladder boss 9:42:40 somersault!!! 9:43:38 sliding around!! 9:57:25 confirming enemy helicopter 9:59:50 entering the server room 10:00:13 Beni and Aki attack! 10:12:30 to jail with them 10:19:50 Ao-kun and Zuzu with giant hats! 10:27:05 Hal call 10:30:00 DON!! 10:34:32 garbage truck? 10:35:14 Yagami Light and Misa-Misa 10:40:50 inconspicuously eavesdropping └10:41:34 📸 1:46:44 police meeting 1:52:25 carrying the hot dog 10:55:55 (SERVER SHUTDOWN) and closing thougths 11:11:08 supporter credits
00:26:32 雪だるまに理不尽に蹴られる「ここは治外法権なので」
02:39:11 深淵~かつての仲間が農場に
02:46:57 なっち「この時間にも給料が発生してるんですよね」
03:16:50 ???「ねえコヤロウ、あたし以外から電話だよ」
04:39:01 取り調べの相手の体になぜかトンボを入れるアキロゼ
09:44:39 にもパン~ととみ「ヨーロピアンヒラメはなに?」
10:00:10 クロスファイア成功
10:27:04 渋ハルからカーチェイスの誘い
(Timestamp / ネタバレ注意)
00:03:44 スタート
00:09:14 cheers!
00:13:03 ゲームスタート
00:17:20 カジノ到着
00:18:53 パレト銀行へ
00:22:15 ヘリ追跡開始
00:34:10 貨物船強盗対応へ
00:37:17 現場到着
00:50:38 インパウンド到着
00:51:59 刑務所到着
01:05:15 ヘリ練習へ
01:08:35 刑務所到着
01:10:00 クルーザー襲撃対応へ
01:11:22 現場到着
01:25:42 刑務所へ
01:26:35 警察署到着
01:29:10 再起動へ
01:31:54 ゲーム再開
01:32:44 ナイトクラブ対応へ
01:34:32 現場到着
01:58:14 警察署到着
01:59:54 銀行強盗対応へ
02:01:02 現場到着
02:08:27 逃走車両が消えていることに気づく犯人
02:15:52 ぎゃうかふぇ到着
02:20:44 警察署到着
02:21:38 発砲事件対応へ
02:24:30 パトロール開始
02:28:45 張り込みをするアキロゼ
02:33:25 2032到着
02:34:30 農業体験をするアキロゼ
02:48:55 警察署到着
02:50:06 アステルさんへ電話
02:54:33 アステルさんへ合流
02:59:29 インパウンド到着
03:01:52 警察署到着
03:10:40 強制終了
03:16:11 ゲーム再開
03:36:04 貨物船強盗対応へ
03:48:47 警察署へ
03:52:01 警察署到着
03:55:40 再起動へ
03:57:35 ゲーム再開
03:59:47 クルーザー襲撃対応へ
04:00:36 現場到着
04:06:09 ヘリ追跡へ
04:18:30 警察署到着
04:22:35 サーバールーム襲撃対応へ
04:23:20 現場到着
04:33:00 犯人確保
04:35:37 警察署到着
04:38:06 取り調べ開始
04:43:26 貨物船強盗対応へ
04:46:11 現場到着
04:55:04 ヘリ発見
04:56:17 ヘリチェイス開始
04:57:47 ヘリバトル開始
05:00:53 バトル終了
05:07:20 警察署到着
05:15:05 NPCになりきるアキロゼ
05:24:10 応援対応へ
05:25:06 チェイス開始
05:36:10 警察署到着
05:38:50 装甲車発見
05:41:37 砂漠インパウンド到着
05:47:21 警察署到着
05:59:57 スーパーマーケット到着
06:00:50 ユニオン銀行強盗対応へ
06:02:02 現場到着
06:12:31 警察署到着
06:14:07 取り調べ開始
06:28:13 サーバールーム襲撃対応へ
06:31:47 現場到着
06:54:45 強制終了
07:01:42 ゲーム再開
07:10:52 警察署到着
07:11:25 再起動へ
07:13:34 ゲーム再開
07:13:36 映画に出演するまざちゃん
07:23:20 10012到着
07:32:14 貨物船強盗対応へ
07:35:32 現場到着
07:43:50 警察署到着
07:45:10 ととさんと遊ぶアキロゼ
07:52:17 ナイトクラブ対応へ
07:53:17 現場到着
08:05:24 警察署到着
08:09:48 銀行強盗対応へ
08:11:33 現場到着
08:12:55 服屋到着
08:30:55 チェイス開始
08:34:35 チェイス開始
08:58:21 警察署到着
09:05:45 サーバールーム襲撃対応へ
09:15:42 警察署到着
09:17:19 サーバールーム襲撃対応へ
09:22:10 現場到着
09:28:48 警察署へ
09:31:03 警察署到着
09:42:30 ととさんと遊ぶアキロゼ
09:52:12 サーバールーム襲撃対応へ
09:54:27 現場到着
10:07:55 警察署へ
10:09:58 警察署到着
10:11:18 取り調べ開始
10:27:01 渋ハルさんから電話
10:29:35 チェイス開始
10:31:28 渋ハルさんへ電話
10:34:27 アキロゼ「いらない人の事じゃないよね?」
10:55:48 6日目終了
10:56:04 雑談(小難しくなってきた話、事件にいっぱい参加できた話、ヘリコプターの話、成長を感じた話、農業体験の話など)
11:10:53 エンドロール
11:11:53 おつたーる🍎&ED
0:19:43 よそ見したら
1:16:01 ヘリでベイトしようとしたら
1:26:56 トランク詰め詰め事件
2:12:10 シーベ禁止
4:33:12 まるーんさん確保
9:57:14 べにちゃんとの戦線
10:35:13 夜神とミサ
10:39:33 盗み聞き
26:46 28:19 29:14 ABO KICK😆😆😆😆😆
9:09:32 akirosesannn 💀 9:14:41
*[Timestamps below]*
Day 6 of police work and lots of fighting today with guns, cars, helicopters and lack of seatbelts 9:06:54!!! Even the doctors werent safe from having a body count, but not exactly due to fights 0:09:30 😅
Thank you, Aki!!☺ Have a nice rest, to face crime at full power!! Take care!!🍎❤
4:17 cute start
13:02 in game
13:59 good morning!
17:21 almost bike crash!
17:50 casino
└18:35 pain
19:48 , 24:47 bike dangers
26:05 rainbow bridge
26:44 , 28:18 , 29:14 Ebio the little rascal
31:22 Hi, Clutch!!
32:55 NPC wont stop
37:25 fishing boat fight
46:35 smokey bike
56:44 kitty time
59:54 police brutality
1:04:15 bed for kitty!
1:05:44 helicopter time!
1:06:50 , 1:09:12 perfect landings
1:11:26 party boat under watch
1:16:15 swimming helicopter and gunned down
1:20:15 splashing for help
1:25:44 Aki in the trunk
1:26:16 bless you, Ebio!!🙏
1:26:28 the void
└1:28:33 , 1:28:46 heeeeelp!
1:38:53 entering the nightclub
1:42:17 roof position
1:47:10 , 1:47:31 not ideal way to go down ladders🥜
1:50:47 hi, friends!
1:51:16 Aki is lowered, and Akari follows suit
2:01:22 Limone and hostage Tooko! Police here!!
2:02:34 , 2:07:30 discussion in progress
2:12:20 CHASE START and a smol street
2:14:17 excuse me!!!
2:14:50 this is not a road
2:16:08 Gyaruran
2:29:12 sneaky Aki
2:34:10 Middlee and Noriaki
2:54:34 finding Astel
3:03:31 kitty?
3:07:00 kitty zap!⚡
3:08:24 🌭
3:16:12 back in game
3:17:13 shooting range
3:26:35 Karubi down
3:33:00 NPCs not allowed!
3:43:34 gunfire!
3:46:10 Gou arrested
3:53:41 invisible Gou?
3:57:35 back in game
4:02:06 helicopter battle!
4:05:52 heli-cam
4:10:27 BEEEEEG drop!!!
4:15:14 Beni joins the force
4:24:58 rooftop action
4:28:04 shoot the heli!
4:31:13 10/10 dive
4:33:15 island fight!
4:35:53 at home with the prisoners
4:45:51 police driving service
4:47:33 chase cam
4:50:08 more helicopter fighting
4:52:16 enemy on fire!
4:55:16 found them repairing
4:58:35 helicopter melee fight
└5:00:58 💥💥💥 and Aki's Homer Simpson fall
5:02:53 Noriaki of the pool
5:05:50 close call!
5:07:23 Hanabi driving
5:08:14 Anya!!!
5:14:38 truck in the station!
5:15:18 Aki's NPC mode strikes again
5:16:30 WOW!!
5:23:05 OUCH!!
5:25:12 vault robbery chase
5:25:33 Aki down
└5:26:05 Aki + Anya + vehicle = 💥
5:33:35 Tororo needs help
5:43:18 Onatsu-san call
5:49:50 good luck, Anya!
6:00:18 Union begins!
6:02:38 tunnel entrance
6:06:51 physics at work
6:10:28 2 points for the NPC
6:13:05 jail
6:33:23 inside the server room
6:33:49 Aki down!
6:44:28 medics!
6:48:33 all the screens!
6:50:43 Aki Lostenthal
6:54:52 ah...
7:01:44 back in game, and dead
7:05:27 Hey!
7:05:35 child Kuromu
7:10:42 Neoporte party car
7:13:34 back in game
7:23:55 aircraft browsing
7:47:55 ⚡street fighter talk during zapping skirmish⚡
7:53:40 car gunfight
7:53:55 all the police down!
8:03:20 heeelp!
8:13:38 modifying outfit
8:31:03 chase in progress
8:32:20 they got them!
8:33:28 impound instructions
8:35:55 necessary maneuver
8:38:58 found them! and got gunned down
8:39:55 observing heli-battle
8:52:36 , 9:01:05 mogu mogu
8:56:22 angel fall!
9:06:53 seatbelt doko
9:07:50 🎶seatbelt song🎶
9:09:30 Medic body count +1
└9:10:52 but this one survived
9:13:08 the angel is indestructible!
9:14:41 still no seatbelt
9:22:26 arriving for cleanup
9:27:00 ladder boss
9:42:40 somersault!!!
9:43:38 sliding around!!
9:57:25 confirming enemy helicopter
9:59:50 entering the server room
10:00:13 Beni and Aki attack!
10:12:30 to jail with them
10:19:50 Ao-kun and Zuzu with giant hats!
10:27:05 Hal call
10:30:00 DON!!
10:34:32 garbage truck?
10:35:14 Yagami Light and Misa-Misa
10:40:50 inconspicuously eavesdropping
└10:41:34 📸
1:46:44 police meeting
1:52:25 carrying the hot dog
10:55:55 (SERVER SHUTDOWN) and closing thougths
11:11:08 supporter credits
9:00:52 この辺りからよく聞くとヘンディーが返事してるのが分かるw
10:40:47 🤔👂
00:59:21 LEON代表とプロレス
2:01:19 ここからの一連のやり取りが意味不明過ぎて答え合わせしたら、ほぼリモーネ先生が葛葉さんを煽り倒してた上に、主にリモーネ先生が言ってることがかなりひどかった(笑)
9:09:35 アマルさん!!!
36:19 草
9:06:25 爆速フラグ回収死
でも相変わらずシートベルトを忘れるが多い w w
1:16:00 🚁
9:05:50 誰も気づいてない&タイムスタンプも間違ってるけど、ここでシートベルトしてるから、その後の事故による飛び出しは、速度によるシートベルトちぎれですね〜
美しい ありがとう 愛しています アキ・ローゼンタール