very interesting our political leaders forget some important things sbout pple. rented crowds are dependent on your envelopes and never build build reliable support base
@point 5 Ndomudira kti haaswerere on his personal opinion & speculation but anongopa nyaya sezvairi ,,,isu tozotaura zvatinofunga,,But last time when they amended the constitution to maximum of two terms during Mugabe era,,,the amendment did not affect the incurbent ( VaMugabe) was nit affected ,,So this is very clear and thus the Truth about 2030 not benefiting ED unless zvave zvimwewo zvisinei ne constitution...kkkkkk
ma reporters akadai ndiwo anoita kuti ED atonge kusvika paanoda. That section baring the incumbent from benefiting from term extension can still be ammended saka hapana nyaya apa
very interesting our political leaders forget some important things sbout pple. rented crowds are dependent on your envelopes and never build build reliable support base
nyaya dzamunenge muchitaura idzi ndedzechokwadi here
@point 5 Ndomudira kti haaswerere on his personal opinion & speculation but anongopa nyaya sezvairi ,,,isu tozotaura zvatinofunga,,But last time when they amended the constitution to maximum of two terms during Mugabe era,,,the amendment did not affect the incurbent ( VaMugabe) was nit affected ,,So this is very clear and thus the Truth about 2030 not benefiting ED unless zvave zvimwewo zvisinei ne constitution...kkkkkk
That’s why he extended Malaba’s term he knew that Malaba will rule in Ed’s favour in all cases
ma reporters akadai ndiwo anoita kuti ED atonge kusvika paanoda. That section baring the incumbent from benefiting from term extension can still be ammended saka hapana nyaya apa
ummm pamakabvira muchingoti zvadhakwa kuna mnangagwa zvichazodhakwa riini nhai hama yangu
Saka wati zvinozotangira pana vaChamisa here or vaChiwenga nhai DJ Holly
Morning DJ Holly
Good Morning Tsitsi how are you ?
Saka constitution yacho inobvumira kubirira ma-elections here? Saka kana iye ED akambokukundai pakuzvigadza hu-president mushure mekunge adyiwa pama elections, zvekuchinja constitution zvamurikutaura izvo ndizvo zvamungazomugone here?
Anyway, underestimate ZANU PF and its Mnangagwa at your own peril.
Unofunga magandanga ayo anomboita zvekuteedzera constitution here? Vese varikutaura avo zvimbwasungata zveZANU PF kusanganisira iyewe wacho. Donzvo renyu nderekuda kurivadza vana veZimbabwe nezvisina musoro kuitira kuti ZANU PF iwane mukana wekuvarongera🙄
Ngochani dzinonetsa need to benefit only tshabangu waisting your time