An American tennis string manufacturuer?! | Komodo Envy Tennis String Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 39

  • @experientialtennispickleball
    @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад +1

    There's a tennis racket on their website. Seems like they are getting ready to release their racket lineup very soon.

  • @robertgarcia5519
    @robertgarcia5519 2 года назад +5

    You should test diadem strings next. I’ve seen good thing s about solstice power and Your reviews are always the best

  • @markwhelan1414
    @markwhelan1414 2 года назад +3

    iso speed baseline… a must have poly…It punches way above its weight.

    • @experientialtennispickleball
      @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад

      It does come only in reels. The Black Fire that comes in sets, seems to be the same, but I'm not sure. I'll send them an email to ask.
      Also, I've bought a set of the Polystar Classic 1.20/17. It was just 3.5€ on Tennis Point!!! Now it's only 1.5€!!!
      I've read it's old school, but Nikola Aracic from Intuitive Tennis says it's good.
      I'll try it this Spring after I've played with several other strings, to see what's what.

  • @Techno98Rocker
    @Techno98Rocker 2 года назад +1

    Hey Mark,
    I've a quastion about 2 Strings you already reviewed.
    How would you describe the difference between the Isospeed Baseline Control and the Tourna Big Hitter Silver and which one would you choose?

  • @nevinliauw
    @nevinliauw 2 года назад +1


  • @alexsweeta
    @alexsweeta 2 года назад +1

    look whos back! almost at 10K my man.....
    we do need to update that youtube music sansait playlist!

    • @MarkSansait
      @MarkSansait  2 года назад

      haha ive fallen off a bit. yes yes 10k is a milestone!

  • @Rafale11
    @Rafale11 2 года назад +1

    Hey Mark,Have you heard about the new Isospeed Rexxxer. Can you test it please. It's an oval shape string.

    • @experientialtennispickleball
      @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад

      You can see a short review of the Rexxxer on Tennis Spin channel.
      I'm also getting it soon.

    • @experientialtennispickleball
      @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад

      Check Stringlab Italia and their Orbitour Gold 1.24/1.28 string. It's oval shaped. Made in Austria. Felt like Isospeed to be honest. Great string at a very low price.

  • @TennisTrollChannel
    @TennisTrollChannel 2 года назад

    Have you tried Laserfibre JB Tour 100? Curious to know your thoughts if so. I haven't, but have friends that switched to it recently.

  • @tonynguyen7818
    @tonynguyen7818 2 года назад +1

    You should check out Toroline strings, they're based in California and have a nice deal for their sample packs.

  • @experientialtennispickleball
    @experientialtennispickleball 9 месяцев назад

    Mark, it looks like Komodo have abandoned tennis and have been quite busy with Pickleball. I emailed them to see what's the status with their tennis dept..

  • @tonychou016
    @tonychou016 2 года назад

    Hey Mark, what string will you recomend for the Yonex Vcore 95?
    My playability is kind of half spin and half flat forehand with one- handed back hand.
    Im searching for control that can maintain the ball inside que court but some power when i need.
    Thankss Mark

    • @experientialtennispickleball
      @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад

      Allow me to suggest two I've played recently:
      - Diadem Solstice Power 16L
      - Isospeed Cream 1.23
      both strung at 22kg

    • @tonychou016
      @tonychou016 2 года назад +1

      @@experientialtennispickleball thanks ill look on the reviews of thats strings👍🏻

    • @experientialtennispickleball
      @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад

      @@tonychou016 if you want all balls to fall inside your opponent's baseline, try the Stringkong Banana Bite 1.19. Yes, funny name, I know, but after the short break-in period, I couldn't miss with it. Most surprising string I've ever played with. Only downside for you is that it is quite low powered.
      If you are from Europe, check Isospeed and Stringlab Italia. Large variety of strings, great price tags and excellent quality.

  • @devotedtennis
    @devotedtennis 2 года назад

    What tension do you string at?

  • @TheEriclikeseatin
    @TheEriclikeseatin 2 года назад

    Never heard of Komodo (or your calves lol) prior to this video. Sorry to hear that you didn't like it though; more American companies in the tennis industries is good for American tennis. Hopefully they can improve on the Envy. Thanks for the review!

  • @experientialtennispickleball
    @experientialtennispickleball Год назад

    Komodo website has been removed for months now. Maybe they called this whole thing off.

  • @28mcavanaugh
    @28mcavanaugh 2 года назад

    Never heard of them and I like to think I stay on top of new string companies

    • @experientialtennispickleball
      @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад

      They're about to release tennis rackets this Spring. Don't know any specs yet, but I'm in close touch with them.

  • @serveplusone
    @serveplusone 2 года назад

    the end of the song going over your intro was kinda wack daddy

  • @experientialtennispickleball
    @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад

    Hi there Mark,
    I've just finished playtesting the Komodo Envy at 22kg on my Diadem Elevate FS 98.
    I disagree on the ball bite. Yes, it wasn't great (not better than the Solstice Power 16L), but the ball would dip down quickly if you use a lively wrist movement.
    It performed better on flat forehands, though.
    It definetly felt stiff, so it should be strung at 21kg tops.
    I really enjoyed hitting one-handed backhands with the Envy.

  • @a2casius
    @a2casius 2 года назад +1

    Do they "actually" manufacture in Colorado or are they just "branding" some cheap outsourced Chinese manufactured strings?

    • @experientialtennispickleball
      @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад +1

      Unfortunately, many brands tend to say that their products are DESIGNED in USA, FRANCE or Germany, but neglect to say that they are made in China to keep the production costs low and maximize their profits.

    • @a2casius
      @a2casius 2 года назад +2

      @@experientialtennispickleball There's no indication from their website that even the R&D is done in the US. It smells like off-the-shelf Chinese designed and manufactured strings branded and marketed by a US company.

    • @experientialtennispickleball
      @experientialtennispickleball 2 года назад +1

      @@a2casius Recenlty, I came up with tennis strings made in China (Optum, Alpha etc) that resemble 99% with tennis strings in the European Market. I suspect orders from China/Taiwan, re-packaging, re-branding, overpricing, selling...
      That doesn't mean in any case that those strings that are made there and are brought to us re-packaged are rubbish. You have to playtest them first.

    • @a2casius
      @a2casius 2 года назад +2

      @@experientialtennispickleball I totally agree with you. I'm not implying they're rubbish but I'm certainly implying that they are far too expensive what they actually are.

  • @GeeItsJohn
    @GeeItsJohn 2 года назад +1

    Toroline wasabi!

  • @DillPlays
    @DillPlays 2 года назад

    Very strange… never heard of this company

  • @peltotalo
    @peltotalo 2 года назад


  • @Javi_C
    @Javi_C 2 года назад +1


  • @masyrafnukman3932
    @masyrafnukman3932 2 года назад
