Twiztid - Afraid Of Me

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3,1 тыс.

  • @codyw2300
    @codyw2300 9 месяцев назад +15

    One foot in front of the other, the sun will shine again. Stay strong

  • @chrisjelley8896
    @chrisjelley8896 6 лет назад +521

    This song still holds a special spot in my soul

  • @kylehutchins3205
    @kylehutchins3205 10 лет назад +527

    I could listen to this song 24/7 & never get tired of it, My life has never been easy. I got physical disabilities which prevent me from doin' many things. People judge me & assume I'm mentally challeneged (which I'm NOT) & girls don't want shit to do with me b/c of my physical disabilities. This song helps me keep on fightin'.

    • @jimmysingh9377
      @jimmysingh9377 10 лет назад +25

      whoop whoop homie fuck what they think live your life to tha fullest and keep your head up.

    • @kylehutchins3205
      @kylehutchins3205 10 лет назад +14

      MCL, Ninja!!

    • @benjaminrose3558
      @benjaminrose3558 10 лет назад +19

      Kyle you have homies around the world MMFWCL

    • @kylehutchins3205
      @kylehutchins3205 10 лет назад +13


    • @Soulryda98
      @Soulryda98 10 лет назад +12

      I feel ya bro and im standin with ya.

  • @taylormac56
    @taylormac56 11 лет назад +162

    "I took a look at myself and came to grips with what I found,it was a vision of a child disturbed and broke down. No soul, no heart cuz I gave it away. No time for feeling sorry I'll grieve another day and all those tears are stored in storm clouds that hover above me, and cover the ugly. Continued to haunt me when I was feelin low,thats the same reason I hold on and never let go" - Honestly some of the realest shit I have EVER heard

  • @amandavanlue-caudill6513
    @amandavanlue-caudill6513 9 лет назад +225

    Who cares what ppl look like now or then, time changes us all. Twiztid is the shit always and forever ;)

    • @repherdxh5616
      @repherdxh5616 9 лет назад +3

      +Mandy Caudill Twiztid 4 life

    • @mandyrotterdam5151
      @mandyrotterdam5151 7 лет назад

      Repher DXH hè mime name is mandy as Well and i love this music Greetz from rotterdan

    • @jeffreyswiderski
      @jeffreyswiderski 5 лет назад

      Amanda Caudill true that

    • @ZomBree101
      @ZomBree101 5 лет назад +3

      4 years later and I can still confirm

    • @TheIcpfan23
      @TheIcpfan23 5 лет назад

      Fuck side choosing Twiztid is still repping Juggalos by heart it's just matter of time for Twiztid and icp work things out

  • @AmandaMay-k7b
    @AmandaMay-k7b Год назад +76

    I'm still listening to it in 2023 and will be playing it in 2024 too 😂😂

  • @MHfrankiestein
    @MHfrankiestein 9 лет назад +270

    This song has helped me through all the bullshit in my life. I owe twiztid for helping me through it.

    • @thybaker-ed9016
      @thybaker-ed9016 9 лет назад +10

      Hell yeah you aint alone

    • @BigBewtieHoles
      @BigBewtieHoles 9 лет назад

      Jessie Dickerson actally da sad truth is twisted have batrayed da jugalos and da psycopatic famly

    • @MHfrankiestein
      @MHfrankiestein 9 лет назад +7

      Hey bigbewtieholes go fuck yourself I don't care Twiztid is what I bumped when I needed it most. You don't know what being a juggalo is just because their not with a label anymore don't mean shit

    • @BigBewtieHoles
      @BigBewtieHoles 9 лет назад

      shit on u i am jugalo u are da won whose not jugalo becus the first rule of jugalo is dat u do not hate on famly

    • @havokntk07
      @havokntk07 9 лет назад +1

      Same here, whoop whoop

  • @SlimevilleKultureClub
    @SlimevilleKultureClub 10 месяцев назад +42

    It's crazy how nostalgic this era of twiztid and psychopathic is. We are old boys.

    • @nevjordan3545
      @nevjordan3545 4 месяца назад +2

      Way back during the days of Limewire. Forever got Clown Luv!

    • @SlimevilleKultureClub
      @SlimevilleKultureClub 4 месяца назад +4

      @nevjordan3545 ICP's website and hatchetgear used to be so sick back then too.

    • @FranciscoQuinonez-tb7wv
      @FranciscoQuinonez-tb7wv Месяц назад +1

      “Juggalo Homies” still hits hard. Fuck the beef. The music is what keeps us going. 🤙🏽

    • @SlimevilleKultureClub
      @SlimevilleKultureClub Месяц назад +1

      @@FranciscoQuinonez-tb7wv never paid attention to the beef. It's like two of your favorite uncles beefin' best off to not choose sides lol

    • @FranciscoQuinonez-tb7wv
      @FranciscoQuinonez-tb7wv Месяц назад

      Bro, when you right, you right 😂

  • @Not43Bats
    @Not43Bats 10 лет назад +52

    When I met these two, they were so humble and chill. Whatever they do, I'm gonna be down with it.

    • @havokntk07
      @havokntk07 9 лет назад +4

      I met them after a show in dallas outside in the alley signing autographs. Who does that? Twiztid does that becausr they care about their fans. They passed me a blunt too but I told them I can't, they already knew what was up. They knew I was on probation but they were really cool about it.

    • @Not43Bats
      @Not43Bats 9 лет назад +3

      They really are some of the chillest people I have ever met. Exactly how I thought they would be. Thank god for small miracles right

    • @BigBewtieHoles
      @BigBewtieHoles 4 года назад

      even if they batray da wiked clownz and deside to bacome qeer? THEY ARE GAY

    • @kittenking2611
      @kittenking2611 3 года назад

      @@BigBewtieHoles not as gay as you

  • @thatbobusguy
    @thatbobusguy 8 лет назад +76

    My first tatt was 15 years ago on my leg. 'Twiztid' in mostastless writing. Stopped following long ago, but I reminisce every now and again and I find myself here on RUclips, listening to music from my past. And I immediately am reminded why I decided to carry that mark for life.

    • @Sarahhuff0704
      @Sarahhuff0704 6 лет назад +8

      the jugglos and juggalettes aren't the same as they were in our time. but I agree. I have to come back now and then

    • @jonnaybennatabi8771
      @jonnaybennatabi8771 6 лет назад +4

      I agree fully with you both

    • @bloodlove93
      @bloodlove93 5 лет назад +2

      @@Sarahhuff0704 at least we all got our memories. The best and crazy times. Maybe nothing will ever be the same but we can cherish what was.

    • @ECWdxGyrl
      @ECWdxGyrl 5 лет назад +3

      Same. I'm 38 and haven't listened to them regularly in probably like ten years but I'll always be a juggalette ❤

    • @E.R.I.316
      @E.R.I.316 5 лет назад +3

      I always give the new stuff one listen but 99% of it doesnt click with me like all the original stuff did.I have my playlist on amazon music and it usually stops with abominationz. but as many have said still nice to remember the good times.

  • @SteezHooligan
    @SteezHooligan 3 года назад +16

    This song unlocked a whole lifetime of memories a decade later

  • @twiztidstoner66666
    @twiztidstoner66666 5 лет назад +124

    2019 about over and I'm still bumping this from back in the day

  • @v-vettavetta
    @v-vettavetta 8 лет назад +62

    I still get chills-- this song takes me back

    • @LurKiiNGaming
      @LurKiiNGaming 8 лет назад +1

    • @7Lace77
      @7Lace77 6 лет назад

      Ikr, i come back to this music every now n then n it always takes me back. Same with Pissin Razorbladez (Angerfist) album, and teh first Art of Fighters album (S/T, with MeccanoTwins).

    • @leroyjinkins
      @leroyjinkins Год назад

      Always! MCL

  • @fenrirstormcaller6947
    @fenrirstormcaller6947 2 года назад +18

    In 2022 this still hits home....I guess some things haven't changed

  • @arkensyst1911
    @arkensyst1911 Год назад +7

    15 years later and this still expresses how i feel better than i can.

  • @tom_stephen
    @tom_stephen 8 лет назад +118

    Whoop whoop! Young juggalo here, but I loved it from first sight. So nice to get into your family, brothers and sisters.

    • @Wiley_Mouth
      @Wiley_Mouth 8 лет назад +9

      just don't fall into the fake. fuck the ones that measure how down you are by how much hatchetgear you have or pressure you into learning the prayer/pledge. it's not a competition.

    • @tom_stephen
      @tom_stephen 8 лет назад +7

      Wiley Mouth Dude, I'm not that type of man. I just love music and juggalo scene seems to be most close to my heart from hip-hop scene. So I wanted to say "hello" to all fellow men who like this as I do. :)

    • @emylymcfarland196
      @emylymcfarland196 8 лет назад +6

      whoop whoop stay down with the clown brother.

    • @paulsecrest9427
      @paulsecrest9427 8 лет назад +3

      Tom Stephen welcome brother ninja.

    • @smokethis2285
      @smokethis2285 8 лет назад +4

      keep it wicked ninja whoop whoop mmfcl

  • @melissamooney4861
    @melissamooney4861 10 лет назад +11

    A friend played this song for me at just the right time in life. I was in a dark place when this song was !st played for me. Thanks twiztid!

  • @cameronanderson3304
    @cameronanderson3304 2 месяца назад +2

    I still listen to this, its 2024, and I say, its Just Sadness that ICP and Twiztid Never Fix it. One with The Lord, and the other went to The Price of Darkness.

  • @danielparsons3995
    @danielparsons3995 Год назад +6

    After years of not hearing this song I only relate to it more and more, definitely remember some old times with this..

  • @tytheprofessional1567
    @tytheprofessional1567 6 лет назад +16

    Monoxide child is very underrated for his lyricism . He is very abstract. If it was a list of best white MCs he's top 3 and top 100 MCs he is definitely top 10. It's a shame he's not recognize outside of his juggalo culture for twiztid music. There one of the dopest rap groups ever!!

    • @renajoanieadkins7892
      @renajoanieadkins7892 4 года назад

      My best friend name is monoxide child mine was Maddox \ bubbles

  • @6.4l13
    @6.4l13 4 года назад +8

    its been almost 12 years since ive heard this and i still remember nearly every word, one of the best songs made by twiztid

  • @zuggalotusthywykyd3251
    @zuggalotusthywykyd3251 2 года назад +5

    First time I heard this song upon release it was an instant love. This 1 song got me through one of the worst periods of my life. Listened on repeat.

  • @georgepileggi7647
    @georgepileggi7647 Год назад +1

    Paul and Jamie, met ya guys plenty of times over the years. Been down since Season of the Pumpkin with HOK. Im glad to see that the 2 of ya are still puttin it down, for us...thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

  • @network323
    @network323 Год назад +6

    Damn old school! I miss the old days when there was still Juggalos. Cali Juggalo here. Where are my Juggalos from around the world at?

    • @nophoto6875
      @nophoto6875 8 месяцев назад +1

      I'ma year late but MCL! Whoop Whoop from the eastside in MD!

    • @Train_spotter_2023
      @Train_spotter_2023 3 месяца назад


  • @ellieravensong4627
    @ellieravensong4627 8 лет назад +100

    2016 and still down with the clown....

    • @Bloodflow13
      @Bloodflow13 8 лет назад +4

      whoop whoop!

    • @TwoRoaches
      @TwoRoaches 8 лет назад +3

      ........ You sure your old enough to still be down with the clown? You look like the 6th card was dropped before you did. lol Na JK Fam. it's all in love. always glad to see the new juggalos on the threads.

    • @krokrow8670
      @krokrow8670 8 лет назад

      hell yee dawg

    • @nemnock1583
      @nemnock1583 8 лет назад +8

      ti'll the grave brother.WHOOP WHOOP ninja.

    • @damiontrumphour9900
      @damiontrumphour9900 8 лет назад +6

      james Lemay yeah dog I'm still down wit the clown to

  • @JuggaloStarman
    @JuggaloStarman 4 месяца назад +1

    I used to replay this song a thousand times,and still love it ❤ back in the day and still listening 🎶 to it whoop whoop❤

  • @havokntk07
    @havokntk07 9 лет назад +44

    "If you don't know me by now you'll never know me, you can put that on my real homies"
    Dayum that gives me goosebumps all the time. Twiztid are lyrical geniuses. In some way I'm glad they left psychopatic becausr they were always under ICP. I love both groups equally. They shouldn't be one on top of the other. Whoop whoop

    • @havokntk07
      @havokntk07 8 лет назад

      ***** thank you :)

    • @havokntk07
      @havokntk07 8 лет назад

      +Derpy Hooves you're awesome :D

    • @skforever0
      @skforever0 8 лет назад

      That wasn't really a very good line, what are you going on about?

    • @havokntk07
      @havokntk07 8 лет назад +1

      It's pretty much them using that old saying " if you don't get it by now, you will never get it". They just put their own spin to it. So pretty much if you don't get it by now, you will never get it .

    • @deborahdocrim1451
      @deborahdocrim1451 7 лет назад

      Havok Sosa that's what got me saying I put that on my real ! They're so down ! 😉😉

  • @beyondthegrave4663
    @beyondthegrave4663 11 месяцев назад +8

    Still playing 2024 🎉

    • @E.v.eryone
      @E.v.eryone 6 месяцев назад

      Dead n still kickn it

  • @Official-Deformograhy-MM
    @Official-Deformograhy-MM 5 лет назад +1

    To become the maniac that has your attention today. This song hits so hard with my life. Thank u Twiztid for the gifts your music gives me everyday! Keepin it wicked from AR

  • @kota8447
    @kota8447 7 месяцев назад +173

    Who’s here in 2024!?

  • @kunu98
    @kunu98 4 года назад +3

    It’s been a decade since I first heard it. Kept me goin thru high school. Somehow time flew and it’s 2020. Song still has a place in my heart and an instant nostalgic trip

  • @DtotheAtotheVID
    @DtotheAtotheVID 9 лет назад +1

    Overtime, This has become one of my absolute favorite Twiztid songs.

  • @whyhellotherestranger
    @whyhellotherestranger 4 года назад +4

    Awesome. Reminds me of when Twiztid did hip hop and wasnt a dated rap/rock throwback

  • @Jack-bm2rf
    @Jack-bm2rf Год назад +4

    This song has gotten me through some hard times woop woop

  • @hektikt9x22
    @hektikt9x22 7 лет назад +1

    This is not only one of Twiztid's best songs but it's one of the best songs ever created. Thank you guys for bringing it to life.

  • @mookiedt
    @mookiedt 3 года назад +3

    It's been a few years since I last listen to Twiztid. But this song has always my favorite of all time. After listening to this song again, the tears came. I've always been an Outsider and it hurts, but I've slowly come to terms with it. I don't want to ever be a part of anything anymore. Now I just want peace and solitude.

    • @tylerefrazier1073
      @tylerefrazier1073 2 года назад

      I was an outsider too til I found a home with my Lette and we r happy together and going strong don't fear anything as we stand together

  • @reckless204
    @reckless204 9 лет назад +37

    the music video reminds me of a music video from the 90s but the song really hits home, thanks for twiztid making music like this

    • @joshmorris9825
      @joshmorris9825 5 лет назад


    • @BigBewtieHoles
      @BigBewtieHoles 4 года назад

      you are a gay man! shit on u for reping twisted! they batrayed da wiked clownz! if u a true jugalo u wil not rep twisted.

  • @aerayna
    @aerayna 3 года назад +2

    This song saved my life

  • @RielleGPT
    @RielleGPT 8 лет назад +138

    This song is proof that Monoxide is one of the best rappers that's highly underrated and was held back for most of his career. Shame

    • @Bloodflow13
      @Bloodflow13 8 лет назад +11

      to many fucking haters kept them back. fuck em all. whoop whoop!

    • @nikkikeeton3493
      @nikkikeeton3493 8 лет назад +1


    • @skylerrauch9920
      @skylerrauch9920 7 лет назад +1

      Are you saying maddrox is a drag?

    • @RielleGPT
      @RielleGPT 7 лет назад +1

      Skyler Rauch No, I just prefer Monoxide.

    • @bayerhead
      @bayerhead 7 лет назад +25

      this is the way I have always viewed Twiztid. they are a group that cannot prosper without the other. Monoxide is is more gifted with multi-syllable rhymes and punch lines so he carries most of the rapping, while Madrox is hit or miss with rhymes, however he has a wider vocabulary with his raps and can also sing which gives the group more of an edge. they are perfect for each other and cannot exist as 1.

  • @desacrificial_lamb934
    @desacrificial_lamb934 3 года назад +2

    Growing up with Psychopathic Records artists since I was in Kindergarten back in 2003, I'm certain that the happenings in which occurred within the record labels and Violent Jay's current condition, I lived the best life listening to these ninjas through my adolescence and growth with harsh realities that I've survived.

  • @bayerhead
    @bayerhead 4 года назад +1

    This video deserves a make over when the album turns 20 years old. If this song would have hit radios and mtv it would have blown up everywhere.

  • @CoinsAndCapsaicin
    @CoinsAndCapsaicin 4 года назад +4

    God damn this always just feels like the lyrics are pouring out of me. It hits deep. Always goosebumps

  • @odinwest4224
    @odinwest4224 Год назад +3

    2023 still bumping this!!!!!!

  • @ameliapetermann3917
    @ameliapetermann3917 5 лет назад +2

    This song is perfect. Twisted, make your own way. I believe in you.

  • @ericcampbell5049
    @ericcampbell5049 6 лет назад +4

    I am grateful for this song I love this song for the lyrics and what it means to me spiritually

  • @Arkadies85
    @Arkadies85 2 года назад +3

    Still such a dope banger, all these years later.

  • @liljay9401
    @liljay9401 3 года назад +1

    Still listening in 2021? Twiztid is so underrated better than 95% of mainstream bands out today

  • @user-of7pj7sx4r
    @user-of7pj7sx4r 10 лет назад +3

    much love to these dudes... they are hard real and damn real... keep moving forward... these songs i feel the same way as them.. even though im much older i relate to them breakdown, deep down especially this one as well ... its hard and real

  • @ryancarr1721
    @ryancarr1721 4 года назад +8

    11:01 pm. June 6th. 2020. Song is still a banger!

  • @austinclark6700
    @austinclark6700 Год назад +1

    Man I remember listening to this on my Mp3 player in 6th grade.... I'm 25 now. This song will always be one of my favorites 💕

  • @dustyburch1516
    @dustyburch1516 2 года назад +5

    This helps me get through some tough spots that I've been facing lately almost 13 years after this song was released i know the world around me is afraid of me afraid to be me thank you twiztid

  • @SrirachaGT
    @SrirachaGT 11 месяцев назад +8

    2024 mfs 🎉 still going on with every day fam

      @LSSJTHOR 2 месяца назад

      #MNE #LLE #LSP 4 life!
      Get #Twiztid , with this #Cultshit , mmmfd, and #LongLiveEvil !

  • @markkaupanger5432
    @markkaupanger5432 Год назад +1

    Yes hallelujah thank goodness for twitzid Michael ❤Halloween jehovah god

  • @lamarcarlisle9007
    @lamarcarlisle9007 6 лет назад +4

    I remember when i bought this album the green book I'll never forget it and I'm black these guys went hard💯✔💪

  • @jamesonjeffery4069
    @jamesonjeffery4069 12 лет назад +10

    I'm not even a Juggalo, but I got mad respect for Psychopathic Records, I own 18 ICP albums, two ICP shirts, and and ICP hat. And I own an album by Twiztid. I don't understand the hate Psychopathic gets. Props to The Family

    • @aerayna
      @aerayna 3 года назад

      Psychotic. Not psychopathic. There's a HUGE difference. Anyone can have psychosis. Psychopaths are grossly misunderstood. You aren't just looking at someone dealing with psychosis. You are looking at someone with extremely little to no empathy. Dexter was cute but not anywhere near the truth of a psychopath. They don't feel like we do. They are in the group of narcissicts. It goes narcissict, sociopath and psychopath. All are narcissicts but not all narcissicts are sociopathic or psychopathic. Narcissicts are typically very cruel, especially the more advanced ones. It's not a psychotic break. Actually, that's what usually happens to their victims, their spouses (main supply) or secret partners (secondary supply) and children.

    • @jamesonjeffery4069
      @jamesonjeffery4069 3 года назад +2

      @@aerayna damn that crazy. who asked tho?

    • @secularargument9012
      @secularargument9012 3 года назад +1

      @@jamesonjeffery4069 yea. Kinda left field. Like faaaarrrr left.

    • @bruceproductions17
      @bruceproductions17 2 года назад

      @Jameson Jeffrey
      I completely agree!

    • @KentoNanamisbbg
      @KentoNanamisbbg Год назад

      @@aerayna I think they're talking about Psychopathic Records 😭😭😭

  • @johnnysix7137
    @johnnysix7137 6 лет назад +2

    This song has been the most relatable song I've ever had in my entire life. I've always loved twiztid. Unfortunately I've only actually gotten to see them once. Some people would say I'm not a real fan because of that but I can count the amount of concerts I've been able to afford to go to in my whole life on one hand. Thank you monoxide child and Jamie Maddox. Sincerely Johnny Six aka John Doe

    • @mathewostovich3017
      @mathewostovich3017 6 лет назад

      A "fan" and a Juggalo are two entirely different types of people.

  • @michaelmoore470
    @michaelmoore470 10 лет назад +71

    I love this song. About a year ago I was trying to commit suicide cause of how people treated me for my multiple personality disorder. I went to a mental institute for it and got it under control but people are still afraid of me. Then a guy pointed me to this song and it hit home so hard. Thank to the fam I'm strong again. Whoop whoop.

  • @warrenelder5744
    @warrenelder5744 6 лет назад +3

    Does anyone still believe that this is one of the best songs ever. I do.

  • @zacharybeeber2464
    @zacharybeeber2464 3 месяца назад +2

    I remember when this song came out ❤

  • @ThisIsTheDon
    @ThisIsTheDon 11 лет назад +5

    Whoop whoop juggalos baby I always stand for the family

  • @andrewl8613
    @andrewl8613 Год назад +3

    2023 and still here

  • @mattb9054
    @mattb9054 2 года назад +2

    Shout out 2022 to all my homies who are still alive and twiZted

  • @twiztidsplifff6964
    @twiztidsplifff6964 10 лет назад +5

    man legit this is the song that made me down with twiztid and dwtc in general it speaks to me in every possible way,best twiztid song hands down.

  • @tkwhitaker333
    @tkwhitaker333 8 лет назад +1

    met twiztid on several different occasions and saw em live they put on the best live show you will ever see the energy is insane much family love ninjas

  • @nathanpreziosi2132
    @nathanpreziosi2132 8 лет назад +19

    Over 2 million views, AMEN!

  • @crashleyspangler3932
    @crashleyspangler3932 Год назад +3

    Still playing this song in 2023

  • @Valtiel1605
    @Valtiel1605 10 лет назад +1

    I got The Green Book the day it came out, I was 13 then and this song hit me right in the heart.
    I'm 24 now and every time I listen to this song it still hits me right in the feels just as hard as ever.

  • @blackops3zombiemanbozz
    @blackops3zombiemanbozz 2 года назад +3

    who else with me in 2022 bumpin this like it just got released

  • @same_shit_different_daybru6775
    @same_shit_different_daybru6775 2 года назад +6

    Girl I liked back in highschool listened to this song for the first time and loved it. She died from a drunk driver a long time ago but every time I hear this song or see it on the recommendations on RUclips I think about her.
    Life's wild. Dont drink and drive, kids

    • @michaelmcgraw1719
      @michaelmcgraw1719 9 месяцев назад

      As long as you remember her, she's never really gone. Stay strong.

  • @airbearbabiii
    @airbearbabiii 2 года назад +5

    This song hits hard

  • @imthepowerer5000
    @imthepowerer5000 Год назад +1

    Honorable mention on the green book special we're still here💪🃏🌪️

  • @weinc.708
    @weinc.708 4 года назад +181

    You still playing this song in 2020

    • @demonkxngstevie972
      @demonkxngstevie972 4 года назад +6

      And beyond💯💯

    • @ddray1992
      @ddray1992 4 года назад +7

      Keep the eternal pilot light lit my g

    • @BigBewtieHoles
      @BigBewtieHoles 4 года назад

      if u stil playing dis song in 2020 u are an idiot who has batrayed psychopatic famly! GAY LORD!

    • @weinc.708
      @weinc.708 4 года назад +3

      I never betrayed any one. Fake ninja

    • @weinc.708
      @weinc.708 4 года назад +1

      @@BigBewtieHoles just a jufalow

  • @Ifitallfails
    @Ifitallfails 10 лет назад +51

    I am my own worst enemy
    I'm not the smartest motherfucker and shit, I don't pretend to be
    And why I am the way I am is not a mystery
    My mind's not in proper working order or in therapy
    Deranged, confused and mentally abused
    Life's been hanging on a string so what the fuck I got to lose?
    And what the fuck I got to prove to you?
    If you don't know me by now, you'll never know me
    You can put that on my real homies
    I got problems and they stack like bills
    And I relate to the broken, bleeding heart love killed
    And I waited in the shadows, awake in the dark
    Hoping to talk to the passed on, I'm falling apart
    I'm such a mess and decisive, I'm fading away
    I'm out of touch with society and living today
    Never relying on my sanity, I threw it away
    To become the maniac that's got your attention today

    • @deborahdocrim1451
      @deborahdocrim1451 7 лет назад

      Ifitallfails Right on , I wasn't sure of some of the words , so thanks homie

  • @aydonmads
    @aydonmads 2 года назад

    This was a song a dearly departed home boy use to love.
    Always had dreams of becoming recognized like all the Juggalo greats.
    I can't help but to think of him when this plays.
    It's been a hard four months without my childhood friend.
    Rest In Peace Jon Byers. I love you, man.

  • @akj2771
    @akj2771 Год назад +2

    it just gets better dont it

  • @gravedancer96
    @gravedancer96 9 лет назад +19

    This song hits on a personal level. Killer shit, right here.

  • @doingtheworksoyoudonthavet6397
    @doingtheworksoyoudonthavet6397 3 месяца назад +2

    When being a juggalo meant something.. still does whoop whoop. To all the real ninjas

  • @cmoore1369
    @cmoore1369 8 лет назад +29

    This song is what made me realize Twiztid is on ICP's level.

    • @machete18
      @machete18 8 лет назад +33

      Twiztid isn't in ICP's level. They're above / better.

    • @daniellesmith224
      @daniellesmith224 8 лет назад +11

      +xMacHetEx Twiztid is better lyrically FOR SURE. have always been.

    • @Stankyj2010
      @Stankyj2010 8 лет назад

      whoop whoop to that shit homie

    • @BenDover-jl1iv
      @BenDover-jl1iv 8 лет назад

      +Danielle Smith yep i agree lyrically

    • @craigstrachan
      @craigstrachan 8 лет назад +3

      actually I gotta say that lyrically Twiztid is disrespect to ICP.been a fan for 2 decades but lyric wise Twiztid 's on point.

  • @VirALPrody
    @VirALPrody Год назад +3

    2023 still jamming it

    • @network323
      @network323 8 месяцев назад

      Me too homie 2024. Family for life

  • @spookyscissorhands7890
    @spookyscissorhands7890 6 лет назад +1

    Always top 3 favorite songs and videos of all time. Nobody can replace Twiztid in my book.

  • @kpizzleforizzle5541
    @kpizzleforizzle5541 7 лет назад +8

    Chorus x2]
    I'm so
    Hidden and you're never gonna see
    I'm cold
    Forgiven all because of my beliefs
    I'm no
    Body that you ever wanna be
    Cause I know that the world is afraid of me
    [Monoxide Child]
    Now you can try to sedate me, assassinate or just hate me
    But there's nothing that you can do to me lately
    Now I'm greatly accepted in the mind so I'm confused and intertwined
    From being rejected so many times, I wanna leave it all behind
    So kind of you to pick up the album and give it a try for once
    And run and tell your homies that these motherfuckers will die for us
    So many questions, fingers pointing for answers
    Suggesting that I'm the cancer that lingers inside the pasture
    With green grass up to my neck, and situations that's too fast
    To think about and most people can't dream about
    A hundred million miles and every single second
    And every time you hear this record I want you to feel me on every sentence
    Reminisce from descendants of past treasures
    We'll embark on a journey that'll stay alive forever
    Plus I would stand over on my side of the fence
    Regardless of the circumstances or the consequences
    [Chorus x2]
    [Jamie Madrox]
    I am my own worst enemy
    I'm not the smartest motherfucker and shit, I don't pretend to be
    And why I am the way I am is not a mystery
    My mind's not in proper working order or in therapy
    Deranged, confused and mentally abused
    Life's been hanging on a string so what the fuck I got to lose?
    And what the fuck I got to prove to you?
    If you don't know me by now, you'll never know me
    You can put that on my real homies
    I got problems and they stack like bills
    And I relate to the broken, bleeding heart love killed
    And I waited in the shadows, awake in the dark
    Hoping to talk to the passed on, I'm falling apart
    I'm such a mess and decisive, I'm fading away
    I'm out of touch with society and living today
    Never relying on my sanity, I threw it away
    To become the maniac that's got your attention today
    [Chorus x2]
    [Monoxide Child]
    Can you keep a secret?
    Well I'm afraid of the world because they want me to die, can you believe it?
    But I'm still alive... and been floating since '95
    With my chin held high but I'm so dead inside
    Let the problems just roll and put them back into a pile
    Because it's just a bunch of shit that I can't deal with right now
    And I'm tired of always guessing and messing it up again
    And the next day it's even deeper and I'm steady sinking in
    [Jamie Madrox]
    I took a look at myself and came to grips with what I found
    It was a vision of a child, disturbed and broke down
    No soul, no heart because I gave it away
    No time for feeling sorry, I'll grieve another day
    And all those tears are stored in storm clouds
    That hover above me and cover the ugly
    Continued to haunt me when I was feeling low
    That's the same reason I hold on and never let go
    [Chorus x4]

  • @raptorde
    @raptorde 11 лет назад +7

    This Song Literally Saved My Life #juggaloforlife #MMFWCL #whoopwhoop

  • @joeytakos5548
    @joeytakos5548 7 лет назад

    Twiztid has helped me through the years. Their music has spoken to me. My most favorite artist of all time's. Staying twiztid 4 life. Be true to who you are in life.

  • @chassidymartin6544
    @chassidymartin6544 8 лет назад +5

    wow so cool makes me remember of my brother that's in heaven

  • @TCGpulls
    @TCGpulls Год назад +2

    This song hits me hard

  • @undesirable2560
    @undesirable2560 Год назад +1

    Greatest Twiztid joint ever!!!

  • @eddieinscore282
    @eddieinscore282 9 лет назад +3

    This song hits me ever word is exactly how i fill

  • @hoodie.boioliver3483
    @hoodie.boioliver3483 11 лет назад +9

    Hell yeah !!!! Twiztid is the shit!!! Love u guys !!! Keep.rollin !!!!

  • @levibush2131
    @levibush2131 2 года назад +2

    This song still gets me through every hardtime I have. The hatchet used to be about something and it was ruined when everyone started leaving over drugs and money.. smh.. I'm 38 and still juggalo til I die but I'd luv to see shaggy find new talent for the label

  • @braxtonthornton6574
    @braxtonthornton6574 3 года назад +3

    2021 who's with me

  • @NickBrigman
    @NickBrigman Год назад +5

    Who’s all here 2023

  • @williamwilmoth6488
    @williamwilmoth6488 3 месяца назад +1

    This song saved my life once the power of this song

  • 9 лет назад +3

    we ride for our homies! and we definitely die for our homies! Whoop whoop!

  • @synistis6972
    @synistis6972 5 лет назад +18

    who here now?

      @BRAYRÆZER 5 месяцев назад +1

      Me, tryna stay sober. I’m off my adhd meds, barely take gabbles, and more times than not avoid alcohol.

    • @ellyfricks3850
      @ellyfricks3850 5 месяцев назад


    • @tonystones-cv5xi
      @tonystones-cv5xi 3 месяца назад


    • @kristenbanks4799
      @kristenbanks4799 2 месяца назад

      Every day

  • @VidaMorte3
    @VidaMorte3 3 года назад

    ive been listening to this song since i was 14-15 and now im 27...Its like the theme song of my life! Remains my fav song all these years and i just cant stop listenig this song each and every day....MUCH respect from GREECE
    Jamie Madrox was my Hero back in the days..

  • @tri-septem7773
    @tri-septem7773 4 года назад +3

    Seeing my life like this 2020....

    • @BigBewtieHoles
      @BigBewtieHoles 4 года назад

      lol you mean u just found out that u were qeer? SHIT ON TWISTED

  • @GuardianCena
    @GuardianCena 8 лет назад +3

    this is there best song they have made

  • @anitasmith7918
    @anitasmith7918 4 года назад

    Still One Of My Favorite Songs!! Whoop!! Whoop!! Much Love And Respect!!💚💜

  • @garrettsaulnier2651
    @garrettsaulnier2651 8 лет назад +7

    I wish like fuck I never forget this song.

    • @OfficialApexKB
      @OfficialApexKB 6 лет назад

      Garrett Saulnier Listen to it today then

  • @caelumunderwood1865
    @caelumunderwood1865 7 лет назад +4

    this shit slaps. whoop WHOOP from utah. wheres the love homies?

    • @BigBewtieHoles
      @BigBewtieHoles 4 года назад

      if you are down wit twisted you are probably looking for homosexual love

    • @kittenking2611
      @kittenking2611 3 года назад

      It's Twiztid