25:58 really reminded me of that one mission in the original mw2 where you call in the air strike on the Russian position after escorting honey badger through the occupied suburbs during the Russian invasion
You actually played in the Soviet method of warfare , it consisted of continued echelon attacks where mechanized divisions attacked to find a weakness in the line and when a breakthrough is achieved an armored division or corp is sent to exploit the breach and wreck the rear lines while the follow on forces mop up the remaining enemy strongholds remaining. The regiments and divisions which took losses would be continuously replaced with the follow on forces while the damaged units with functional vehicles and men are just added to the new units or all the combat capable vehicles/men are amalgamated into a cohesive unit with whatever units the reserve can add on.
A lot of people never got the chance to grow up, playing N64 and playing outside too. Many don't know what playing the original Starcraft was like. So far ahead of its time, most people take all that for granted now.
Fatih Guler - That would be because YOU have to do most, or even ALL of the thinking involved in a game like this!! Imagine that, YOU being the one that has to THINK, when ther's a COMPUTER right in front of you!! Geez Loueez!! What's the World come to!!
I'm no military strategist, but as I understand it, artillery is mainly for bombarding things that are standing still (buildings, parked vehicles etc) or shelling an area to keep an enemy from moving there. If the artillery in this game doesn't have the mechanics for that, and instead mostly works like extra slow tanks, it's no wonder that it seems useless.
I think the issue is that hes not really using them. Arty in the MOW games does not auto fire. You have to key bind them and select the targets for them. They also have a range that radiates out from the piece itself that they cannot actually shoot in since artillery shells "arc" their rounds. This means even if the are in range but to close your round may over shoot or under shoot.
If you really want to functionally use them just get 2 of them and keybind them by a shift and number. Then make em do mobile artillery stuff. They have a range of 200 something meters but if your lucky you can maybe reach about 210
Glory to raptoria We fight we win Glory to raptoria Fight in the name of raptoria Hurrah This evil forces are no match of our powerfull and the mighy of raptorial For our raptoria empire Hurrah. Ahoo ahoo
dam this looks pretty decent, previous videos i had seen players used a lot of the 3rd person view point and i thought it looked terrible gameplay. always loved the men of war series, ever since it was SHOWW2.
Uvy Ghu - How I miss the days when Raptor would bring out at LEAST 3, or MORE even, MOWAS-2 games in a night, sometimes. I think all we hard core MOWAS - 2 fans, should make a " comment section campaign ", to bring back his MOWAS - 2 back to his channel, but the only way thats gonna happen, is if he a good, HIGH number of request's for. So, what do YOU say, Uvy Ghu, my man? You up for it? Coz I KNOW I am!!! Now ... WHO ELSE IS WITH US??
Love the RTS videos. Wish they would remake MoW:AS2 on the Call to Arms platform 20:28 - AI needs a little work... you tank was tracked by friendly fire LOL
Artillery in real life thre can't damage alot of vehicles there for infantry because only have HE Ammo it Have AP ammo but not usually use and (etc ammo) I'm serve in Thailand conscripts Field Artillery Battalion use M198(155mm)
Modern artillery can, laser guided rounds, top attack rounds , DPICM etc can wreck armored columns and troop concentrations. Example the annihilation of Ukrainian battlegroups by Russian artillery in donbass
@@Archer89201 it expensive and you cannot use it very offten artillery make for cheap to use and I'm using M198 in Thailand we produce 155mm HE AP and etc but not ammo type you talking about we use soldiers in forward operating Go with infantry to coordinate 🤨🤔😑
@@paintwongamez3973 Yeah SPG is mainly for dealing with infantry , counter battery and suppression, it is the MLRS with cluster rockets which are the main killer of vehicles
@@Archer89201 also, large caliber rounds (if they hit close enough or direct impact a tank) will probably knock out the crew for a minute, or even kill them. High caliber HE VS light top armor or lightly armored IFV/APC will usually end in utter annihilation.
Of course their "paying their 'Respects to the Tank'", no self respecting German Panzer Commander would expect ANYTHING less of his Men, than the UTMOST care, resect and consideration be given to ANY Panzer, be it wounded OR killed on the Battlefield. To do anything less, would leave one liable to the full WRATH & FURY of a "Commander, with his Honour Slighted", and you just do NOT want that coming at you, full bore down the pike!!
C'mon Raptor Man !! Why don't you bring back some MOWAS - 2 into the mix on your Channel Again, huh? Please?? Pretty Please??? C'mon, don't have me sounding all "cringeworthy" over here !! What do say, Raptor man????
25:58 really reminded me of that one mission in the original mw2 where you call in the air strike on the Russian position after escorting honey badger through the occupied suburbs during the Russian invasion
I may have hyperextended my finger clicking on this video as fast as possible. Well worth it tho. Glory to raptoria!!
You actually played in the Soviet method of warfare , it consisted of continued echelon attacks where mechanized divisions attacked to find a weakness in the line and when a breakthrough is achieved an armored division or corp is sent to exploit the breach and wreck the rear lines while the follow on forces mop up the remaining enemy strongholds remaining. The regiments and divisions which took losses would be continuously replaced with the follow on forces while the damaged units with functional vehicles and men are just added to the new units or all the combat capable vehicles/men are amalgamated into a cohesive unit with whatever units the reserve can add on.
I like RTS games. I always liked them Raptor. But unfortunately new generation doesn't like the genre.
Why do you think that is? I've always liked them since I first started playing games, but I've never really met anyone who liked them
A lot of people never got the chance to grow up, playing N64 and playing outside too. Many don't know what playing the original Starcraft was like. So far ahead of its time, most people take all that for granted now.
Fatih Guler - That would be because YOU have to do most, or even ALL of the thinking
involved in a game like this!! Imagine that, YOU being the one that has to THINK, when
ther's a COMPUTER right in front of you!! Geez Loueez!! What's the World come to!!
Düşünme gerektirdiği içindir
Command and Conquer was my first and I loved it!
I'm no military strategist, but as I understand it, artillery is mainly for bombarding things that are standing still (buildings, parked vehicles etc) or shelling an area to keep an enemy from moving there.
If the artillery in this game doesn't have the mechanics for that, and instead mostly works like extra slow tanks, it's no wonder that it seems useless.
I think the issue is that hes not really using them. Arty in the MOW games does not auto fire. You have to key bind them and select the targets for them. They also have a range that radiates out from the piece itself that they cannot actually shoot in since artillery shells "arc" their rounds. This means even if the are in range but to close your round may over shoot or under shoot.
If you really want to functionally use them just get 2 of them and keybind them by a shift and number. Then make em do mobile artillery stuff. They have a range of 200 something meters but if your lucky you can maybe reach about 210
Raptor at 1:25 Wow thats interesting the bridges have been destroyed!! Meanwhile whole town is a complete ruin
The Tornado is german built. 1:13
Keep the awesome work Raptor!!! 👍🏻👍🏻
Love RTS. I started watching your channel for the MOW:AS coverage. Your strategy videos are your most interesting.
Glory to raptoria
We fight we win
Glory to raptoria
Fight in the name of raptoria
This evil forces are no match of our powerfull and the mighy of raptorial
For our raptoria empire
Ahoo ahoo
So rely to the flag rely to the flag of raptoria shout her name with pride glory to raptoria glory to raptoria
hey raptor get them all
dam this looks pretty decent, previous videos i had seen players used a lot of the 3rd person view point and i thought it looked terrible gameplay.
always loved the men of war series, ever since it was SHOWW2.
I like that they decided to put green camouflage on the foxholes in the middle of the stone floor xD
The Tornado was build by Panavia, British, German and Italian.
👍 , a lor easier if play with coop😁
Uvy Ghu - How I miss the days when Raptor would bring out at LEAST 3, or MORE
even, MOWAS-2 games in a night, sometimes. I think all we hard core MOWAS - 2
fans, should make a " comment section campaign ", to bring back his MOWAS - 2
back to his channel, but the only way thats gonna happen, is if he a good, HIGH
number of request's for. So, what do YOU say, Uvy Ghu, my man? You up for it?
Coz I KNOW I am!!! Now ... WHO ELSE IS WITH US??
Well, I put in my 2 cents in for this video, what about YOU Uvy Ghu? Or do you want
a "Uvy Snack" or something? LoL!!
Great game.
When I like your vide it gone to 1k 😃
Raptor what up dude!!!
Love the RTS videos. Wish they would remake MoW:AS2 on the Call to Arms platform
20:28 - AI needs a little work... you tank was tracked by friendly fire LOL
You never use manual control/1st personal view with E key ? :)
The Artillery in this game is really sad, mortar's are more consistent than they are
He could take with 1000 bullets the destroyer a tank
What mod/version do you play on.
Can you slow down the game time like in Men of War?
Hello evrione ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👋👋👋🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤟
Men of war : ww2 rts . wargame red dragon : actual war , at this moment
Your noce
Nice voice Raptor, you getting wel l"D
Only side shots can kill tanks
Only T-62 and M60s may die from a front shot
It matters. At close quarters an Abrams or basically any tank can punch through a T-80BVs frontal plate. This is also the same for T-72B1s
How does the ai play compared to men of war as2?
i think is a bit dumber
would love to play the campaign if you didnt have to buy the season pass
Artillery in real life thre can't damage alot of vehicles there for infantry because only have HE Ammo it Have AP ammo but not usually use and (etc ammo) I'm serve in Thailand conscripts Field Artillery Battalion use M198(155mm)
Modern artillery can, laser guided rounds, top attack rounds , DPICM etc can wreck armored columns and troop concentrations. Example the annihilation of Ukrainian battlegroups by Russian artillery in donbass
@@Archer89201 it expensive and you cannot use it very offten artillery make for cheap to use and I'm using M198 in Thailand we produce 155mm HE AP and etc but not ammo type you talking about we use soldiers in forward operating Go with infantry to coordinate 🤨🤔😑
@@paintwongamez3973 Yeah SPG is mainly for dealing with infantry , counter battery and suppression, it is the MLRS with cluster rockets which are the main killer of vehicles
@@Archer89201 also, large caliber rounds (if they hit close enough or direct impact a tank) will probably knock out the crew for a minute, or even kill them. High caliber HE VS light top armor or lightly armored IFV/APC will usually end in utter annihilation.
This video will have you Russian to hit that like button.
Of course their "paying their 'Respects to the Tank'", no self respecting German Panzer Commander
would expect ANYTHING less of his Men, than the UTMOST care, resect and consideration be given
to ANY Panzer, be it wounded OR killed on the Battlefield. To do anything less, would leave one
liable to the full WRATH & FURY of a "Commander, with his Honour Slighted", and you just do NOT
want that coming at you, full bore down the pike!!
Who know this type of game?
Man I wish there were better more modern RTS war games.. this game honestly looks like something from 10 years ago, MOW:AS2 is even better than this
C'mon Raptor Man !! Why don't you bring back some MOWAS - 2 into the mix on your Channel
Again, huh? Please?? Pretty Please??? C'mon, don't have me sounding all "cringeworthy" over
here !! What do say, Raptor man????
Do u have to do this?
You can’t refund or return your supply trucks? Damn Broken arrow is going to bury this game, i wish they were more complimentary.