Brother Moges I have bad news for you " You will never hear about peace anymore until the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of his Kingdom " therefore I advise you to apply to be member of this government before the chance expires. The only thing you are going to be asked in the application is " Are you willing to Accept Jesus Christ as your savior and lord? " if your answer is yes Voila Mr Moges with New birth .
መጨረሻቸውን ያሳየን።ሀገሪቱን መቀመቅ ከተቷት ፈጣሪ ይታደገን ህዝቡማ ደንዝዟል።
በጣም የሚገርም ነው
ሞገሥ በጣም አከብርሀለሁ
በጣም ጥሩ ነው ሞገሴ
አቶ ሞገስ ይሄ አዋጅ ከመውጣቱ በፊትም በውስጥ የሚሰራውን ነው አሁን ህጋዊ አርገው ያመጡት። እኔ ምሰራበት መስርያ ቤት ላይ በአዳነቼ አቤቤ የተሾመው "ሃላፊያችን" መጀመርያ ያረገው ነገር የሁሉንም ሰራተኛ ፍይል በመውሰድ በዘር መድቦ ማስቀመጥ ነበር።
In any society the defence of a status quo is not without reason. Wether it is reasonable or not is another question.
From worse to worst! By no means it is not about improving the civil cervice rather a form of political agenda in away to benefit certain groups.
ሞገስ ሊጋበው በየነን ቀ / ኃ / ሥ ግዞት ብቻ አይደለም የላኩት
አስጥለው ነው ያስገረፉት ለምን ቀለል አደረከው ለምንስ የማይወዳደሩ ጉዳዮች ታወራርዳለህ ?
Brother Moges I have bad news for you " You will never hear about peace anymore until the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of his Kingdom " therefore I advise you to apply to be member of this government before the chance expires. The only thing you are going to be asked in the application is " Are you willing to Accept Jesus Christ as your savior and lord? " if your answer is yes Voila Mr Moges with New birth .
You are strictly advocating for status quo in the Ethiopian civil service which is totally unjustifiable and outdated !