Warpath - TQ5 Interview | (Path to War: Episode 3)

  • Опубликовано: 3 фев 2025

Комментарии • 37

  • @dx7gaming
    @dx7gaming 9 месяцев назад +20

    I think one area TQ5 is out of touch with the player base is when he talked about a single player setting up 5 light tanks and 3 airplanes. I don't think he realizes how just out of touch that is for 99.9% of the player base. The whole player base grows, and as that happens, even 300-400M players are still only able to make 1-2 truly strong units that can compete and maybe 1 air. Not 2. Whales don't understand just how long it takes a player to acquire 10,000 coupons to build a 7.2 of each camp compared to a whale who gets oodles of coupons from the pay events. Doesn't even include wrenches -

    • @DeathwisH-TV
      @DeathwisH-TV  9 месяцев назад

      Completely agree

    • @karfkars
      @karfkars 9 месяцев назад +1

      I also have an impression that his expectation from the game do not match with the expectation of most players, at least with mine. But, He was right on one thing! Devaluing things can eaisiliy destroy a game. Permanent skins etc. brings in-balance to the game and Lilith might need to devalue things in order to attrack new players. Instead Lilith might focus selling consumable goods such as troop buffs and sos pacakges.

  • @karfkars
    @karfkars 9 месяцев назад +6

    What about having week-long or even weekend long conquest instead of month-longs ones? I would definitely ask Lilith if I have opportunity!
    I am not sure whether decreasing alliance size works or not. There are a lot of time-zone and online players number might shrink considerably!

  • @RevolvingBlades69
    @RevolvingBlades69 8 месяцев назад

    Great interview. TQ5 got most of his kills in PC2 blowing me up in FWZ. Good times though, very skilled. Been using Pluto Mall solely for a while now and love it. Happy to be back with my old 24 friends in SV42. We said in voice chat almost immediately there was cheating in PC1 and good to hear it is fixed. No one has that kind of activity non-stop. Can’t wait for what the future holds! Well done guys! 😀

  • @Twon22
    @Twon22 9 месяцев назад +10

    Surprise surprise, AVE was cheating during PC and they are probably still cheating right now.

    • @xoxo4888
      @xoxo4888 9 месяцев назад

      kakean cangkem koen kene gelod

  • @hanswurst9047
    @hanswurst9047 9 месяцев назад +2

    IQ5 has clearly no idea about the game. He bought himself in and that really expensive. He doesent understand "normal" players and he clearly doesent understand how whales and playernumbers work with/against each others.

  • @dx7gaming
    @dx7gaming 9 месяцев назад +2

    We discovered the cheating during the same conquest before it became public in Paramount during our Gold 1 conquest against a Vietnamese alliance. People don't know it, but the verification feature was removed from the game for a period of time, and I asked Lilith to bring it back that conquest and they did, and the cheating immediately stopped. Unfortunately for us, the conquest was already at the end and we could not recover. But I truly believe had I not asked for them to bring the verification feature back and they did (I was shocked they actually responded), I think it would have continued for awhile. But it also did not have much to do with the PC release of the game - as phone games can be emulated with emulators for a long time and that's actually how people were doing it. The official Warpath PC client is not the causation of it.

    • @xoxo4888
      @xoxo4888 9 месяцев назад

      kakean cangkem koen kene gelod

    • @DeathwisH-TV
      @DeathwisH-TV  9 месяцев назад

      Really good info. I’m glad you caught on to the verification being removed and requested it be added back.

  • @XtrmSniPin
    @XtrmSniPin 9 месяцев назад +2

    For any alliance that's looking to upgrade from gold 3 to gold to gold 2 in conquest, don't bother. There is this really toxic group of people that have this 6vs2 coalition mentality, and trash talk thinking they're big beating two alliances & then cry when we burn their trucks.. lol game is ruined with alliances like this... These are the 6 alliances and their servers btw, G-S server 29/ Az server 11/ K-TF server 27/ G-FA server 20 / ~HB~ server 25 & VALH server 41 ,just incase any big alliance want to put them in their place for what they are doing.

  • @Malo559
    @Malo559 9 месяцев назад

    He makes it sounds so easy because he has everything when most of us are struggling to get there. He dont know the struggle.

    • @DeathwisH-TV
      @DeathwisH-TV  9 месяцев назад

      The struggle real for most of us for real 😂

  • @karfkars
    @karfkars 9 месяцев назад +1

    Is there anyone likes new tactics? It is a significant change but nobody talks about it. imo most tactics are usable except attack tactics. Who likes when your artilery just turn to dust and you even don't understand where did the attack come from. why we are improving the units with endless wrenchess and components if a tactical skill out of nowhere could easily destroy it. When another units destroy it you know that either opponent has a better unit or played better than you and in eacgh scenario you can learn and improve. Anyway, tactics is a huge difference in game play but i think the community did not understand it yet. When you are playing just one full units and if it is destroyed by a skill before enemy attack your base. It really matters. It remove fun and challange from the equation. I hope they fixed it. In paramount cup, there is no tactics and it is fun to watch.

  • @datzonclanclan2945
    @datzonclanclan2945 8 месяцев назад

    Can i ask a video suggestion, i haven't seen on youtube. How to become a good R4 or R5 and how to navigate all the menus and TOC bureaucracies. Thanks much appreciated!

  • @dx7gaming
    @dx7gaming 9 месяцев назад +1

    Great interview. 👍

    • @DeathwisH-TV
      @DeathwisH-TV  9 месяцев назад

      Thanks man! Appreciate you taking the time to watch it

  • @KevMK92
    @KevMK92 9 месяцев назад

    The only reason there is no base activating is because all the teams made an agreement to not allow it during this event.

  • @lankyboi7668
    @lankyboi7668 9 месяцев назад

    Hi deathwish. Could you link the video yiu was talking about todo with the pluto mall thing. About buying stuff. Thanks

  • @DonQuijoteGR
    @DonQuijoteGR 9 месяцев назад

    Awesome interview. I'm migrating to S24 after Cairo .

  • @Aomine406
    @Aomine406 9 месяцев назад +1

    Very interesting interview covering a lot of info. Kirito_SAO here ✌️

  • @MonkeySasquatch
    @MonkeySasquatch 9 месяцев назад

    Best video yet

  • @xxruthless305xx2
    @xxruthless305xx2 9 месяцев назад

    After watching all your videos I just realized we in the same city 4 …..T_5 PuNiSHeR ….AWD 😅

  • @tombez6432
    @tombez6432 9 месяцев назад

    What will change if 100 vs 700 or 255 vs 1785? Its the same ratio, it just will focus on megawhales a lot more and on the other side, newer servers wont get very high up, as they cant compensate with numbers vs older servers with 60-100 players/alliance. So every growth will slow down drastically for newer servers and newer players. Not sure if that makes the game attractive for new players.

  • @MarkellRich
    @MarkellRich 9 месяцев назад

    Can you try to interview Bad Dog who's now in FWZ👌🏾

  • @11Powerstroke
    @11Powerstroke 9 месяцев назад

    I dont think reducing the alliances will help. All the mega whales will group up ( and this definitely favors IHaveNoMoney)... 1 alliance will still likely dominate and players will still try to drop down to avoid this alliance. Lets be honest, there were 8 strong teams in the 1st PC. It is how it is now because players disbanded.
    Ive said all along they need individual player power cap on gold and silver conquest to force bigger players back into epic.

  • @jimmydo5364
    @jimmydo5364 9 месяцев назад

    started alliance 86- don't trust alliance Ra@5 keep alliance Ra be for in server9

  • @gregs9218
    @gregs9218 9 месяцев назад

    0hhhhh not another one.…No…. 😂…. All of this should be short and factual.

  • @Mettatr0n
    @Mettatr0n 9 месяцев назад

    so its 5 people from AVE who did certain things, and nobody else? Srsly.. because that makes sense, pick 5 from one team..well done :)

  • @ericpatton9303
    @ericpatton9303 8 месяцев назад

    Red Heat really🤔

  • @hanswurst9047
    @hanswurst9047 9 месяцев назад

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can spend a half hour buying things...

  • @yulske
    @yulske 9 месяцев назад


  • @carl3500
    @carl3500 6 месяцев назад

    So disapointed in tq

  • @MarkellRich
    @MarkellRich 9 месяцев назад

    Nice to meet you TQ

  • @11Powerstroke
    @11Powerstroke 9 месяцев назад

    Also, has anyone seen s21 activity lately??? They must be cheating also because im seeing some pretty crazy activity 😂😂